Call to Order
Invocation and pledge to the flag
1. Approval of the minutes of the meetings of the Retiring Commission
and the New Commission on November 5, 1991
2. Recognition of Visitors:
3. Old Business:
A. Discussion and related action regarding services and commodities
currently bid out and proposed to be bid out (Robert Kosoy,
Public Works Director)
4. Consent Agenda:
A. Accept resignation of Community Development Board member Johnny
5. Ordinances:
First reading and public hearing regarding Ordinance #55-91-24
6. New Business:
A. Discussion and related action regarding equity investments as it
11110 relates to the City retirement system (Richard White, Pension
Board Chairman)
B. Discussion and related action regarding appointments to the Code
Enforcement Board
C. Request approval to pay Brooks & Limbaugh Electric Company
$8,332.78 for repairs (Tim Townsend, Division Director)
D. Request approval to pay Atlas Electric Motors $8,810.97 for
repairs (Tim Townsend, Division Director)
E. Request authorization permitting current contractors to provide
additional engineering design service relative to the surge tank
and Sea Gardens Lift Station (Harry McNally, Division Director)
F. Discussion and related action regarding fence on right-of-way on
Beach Avenue and Sixth Street (George Worley, City Planner)
G. Appointment of Code Enforcement legal counsel
7. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence:
8. Mayor to call on City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk:
REMINDER: Executive session, 6 p.m. November 11, 1991 with John Dickinson,
labor attorney
PRESENT: William I. Gulliford, Jr. , Mayor E E
Glenn A. Edwards D D
Lyman T. Fletcher
Adelaide R. Tucker, and
J. Dezmond Waters, III, Commissioners M S
AND: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager T C
Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney I 0 Y
Maureen King, City Clerk NAME OF ONEN
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Gulliford. The
invocation, offered by Commissioner Fletcher, was followed by the
pledge to the flag.
1. Approval of the minutes of the meetings of the Retiring
Commission and the New Commission, on November 5, 1991 Edwards x x
Fletcher x
Tucker x x
Motion: Approve minutes of the meeting of the Retiring Waters x
Commission of November 5, 1991 Gulliford x
No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously.
Edwards x x
Fletcher x
Motion: Approve minutes of the meeting of the New Commission Tucker x x
of November 5, 1991 Waters x
Gulliford x
No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously.
2. Recognition of Visitors:
Ruth Gregg, 905 Sailfish Drive, inquired into the status of the
house at 851 Plaza, which had recently been before the Code
Enforcement Board. Code Enforcement Officer Don Ford explained the
owner had not appeared at the Code Enforcement meeting. The gate
to the property was locked and the matter had been withdrawn from
the Code Enforcement Board agenda until the city's rights to enter
locked property could be determined. A special called meeting had
been scheduled for December when the matter would be discussed
Ms. Gregg also asked that the city trim shrubs blocking views at
intersections, and also trim grasses which were blocking storm
drains. She suggested commissioners walk through Royal Palms to
acquaint themselves with the violations which exist.
Mayor Gulliford said enforcement of the city codes was the
responsibility of the Code Enforcement Board. He invited Ms. Gregg
to attend the meetings of that board and bring these matters to
their attention.
Lyman Fletcher reported that the Beautification Committee met on
the second Wednesday of each month and invited those interested to
attend those meetings, and volunteer their time to help with clean
up efforts.
3. Old Business:
A. Discussion and related action regarding services and
commodities currently bid out and proposed to be bid out
A list of services and commodities currently bid out and proposed
to be bid out was provided for each commissioner. Public Works
Director Bob Kosoy provided a memo explaining that the city may
prefer not to bid out several items on the list since there would
probably be very little economic benefit in doing so.
A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the requirements for water
and wastewater testing and asphalt paving and patching and the time
which would be required to draw up specifications for this type of
service. It was the general consensus of the City Commission that
city staff should try to purchase commodities and services in
conjunction with Jacksonville Beach and Neptune Beach and take
advantage of the City of Jacksonville bidding where possible, and
enter into annual contracts with vendors.
The Mayor suggested that Finance Director Royal direct the
Purchasing Agent to contact the neighboring cities and obtain
copies of specifications they may have on file. These
specifications could then be modified as necessary to suit the
needs of Atlantic Beach.
The Mayor directed Mr. Kosoy to review the matter further and
report back at the next meeting.
4. Consent Agenda
A. Accept resignation of Community Development Board member
Johnny Bass Edwards x x
Fletcher x
Motion: Accept, with regret, the resignation of Johnny Bass Tucker x x
from the Community Development Board Waters x
Gulliford x
No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously.
5. Ordinances:
A. Ordinance No. 55-91-24 - First reading
Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No.
55-91-24 on first reading.
Edwards x x
Motion: Approve passage of Ordinance No. 55-91-24 on first Fletcher x
reading and set for public hearing on November 25, Tucker x x
1991 Waters x
Gulliford x
In discussion before the vote, Commissioner Waters noted that the
new rate for businesses not requiring dumpsters would be $36.00.
He preferred that businesses operating in residential districts
under Convenience Licenses be charged $48.00, which is currently
the rate being charged to businesses with five or more employees,
however, the Finance Director said the suggested charge of $36.00
would provide additional revenue, and he felt that charging a
different rate for specific businesses would be difficult to track.
The Mayor pointed out the Solid Waste Committee was continuing to
review solid waste billing and additional changes would likely be
The question was called and the motion carried unanimously.
6. New Business:
A. Discussion and related action regarding equity investments as
it relates to the city retirement system
Finance Director Royal said that he had expected Richard White,
Chairman of the Pension Board of Trustees, to be in attendance to
speak to this matter. Since Mr. White was not present, Mr. Royal
asked that action on the matter be deferred to the next meeting.
Mayor Gulliford requested that a copy of the employees' proposals
be provided for the new commissioners and a workshop scheduled to
review the matter and decide on action to be taken.
B. Discussion and related action regarding appointments to the
Code Enforcement Board
Mayor Gulliford submitted the name of Barbara Bonner to fill the
unexpired term of Willie Miley on the Code Enforcement Board. Edwards x
Fletcher x
Motion: Approve appointment of Barbara Bonner to Code Tucker x x
Enforcement Board, said term to expire October 1, Waters x x
1992 Gulliford x
No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously.
C. Request approval to pay Brooks & Limbaugh Electric Company
$8,332.78 for repairs
Tim Townsend reported the electrical wiring that was in underground
conduit supplying power to the No. 2 (Davco) sewer plant, was
burned to the point it was inoperable. This condition was due to
the conduit being placed directly over the underground aeration
piping for the plant. Temperatures in the aeration piping run over
250 F and in the five years of operation the heat had broken down
the conduit to the point that it needed to be replaced.
Edwards x x
Motion: Approve payment of Brooks & Limbaugh Electric Fletcher x x
Company invoice in the amount of $8,332.78, as an Tucker x
emergency repair Waters x
Gulliford x
In discussion before the vote, Commissioner Waters requested
itemized backup materials be provided with similar requests in the
future. The question was called and the motion carried
D. Request approval to pay Atlas Electric Motors $8,810.97 for
Tim Townsend reported the No. 2 sewer plant has experienced
mechanical failure with both its Hoffman blowers. The apparent
cause of the failure was the spacers between the multi-staged
impellers of the aeration blowers. When the damage to the No.2
blower was assessed, the No. 1 blower was taken out of service to
minimize further damage. Both units were repaired to factory
specifications and were back in service. An expeditious repair was
necessary to provide satisfactory aeration to the No. 2 plant.
Edwards x x
Motion: Authorize the expenditure of $8,810.97 for the Fletcher x
emergency repair to the blowers at the No. 2 sewer Tucker x
plant Waters x x
Gulliford x
In discussion before the vote, Commissioner Tucker noted that the
purchase order was issued in August and inquired why it had not
been brought before the City Commission until now. Mr.Townsend
explained that the repair took about 45 days, following which the
parts were installed and tested. Commissioner Tucker inquired
whether payment of this invoice would be from budget year 1990/91
and the Finance Director responded in the affirmative.
The question was called and the motion carried unanimously.
E. Request authorization permitting current contractors to
provide additional engineering design service relative to the
surge tank and Sea Gardens Lift Station
Public Works Director Kosoy explained engineering design services
were required for two separate projects, the Regulus Drive sewer
replacement, and sewer and water utility line improvement to
facilitate the change over of the Oceanwalk area to the Atlantic
Beach utility system. Gee and Jenson had submitted a proposal in
the amount of $7,550.00 for engineering services in connection with
these projects. Mr. Kosoy said if the design work for these
projects could be approved the city may be able to take advantage
of the contractors who were currently working on the surge tank and
Sea Gardens Lift Station, thus saving the cost of future
Commissioner Edwards inquired whether the city needed to request
proposals for engineering services under the Consultants
Competitive Negotiation Act for these projects. It was determined
that the Regulus Drive job was a major project and should be
handled separately and would need to be bid out; however, the
improvements to facilitate the change over to the Atlantic Beach
system could be approved as a change order to the Sea Gardens lift
station project.
Commissioner Fletcher inquired into the urgency of the projects and
the City Manager responded that while there was no mandate to
change the Oceanwalk area over to the Buccaneer system, the city
was trying to work as diligently as possible on the change over.
Mayor Gulliford, however, cautioned about hastily approving a .
project because of perceived urgency.
Motion: Authorize the expenditure of $7,750.00 for Edwards x
engineering design work in connection with Regulus Fletcher
Drive sewer replacement and sewer and water line Tucker
improvements to facilitate the change over of the Waters x
Oceanwalk area to the Atlantic Beach system Gulliford
/rillFurther discussion ensued regarding the advantages of proceeding
with these projects to take advantage of contractors which are
already working for the city on other projects. Alan Potter,
member of the Utilities Committee, said he was in favor of
proceeding with the Oceanwalk change over project, but he felt
there was no urgency for the Regulus Drive project. After further
discussion of the matter Commissioner Fletcher asked for
confirmation that the "Miscellaneous Utility Improvements" at
$1,800.00 in the Gee & Jenson proposal was for engineering services
in connection with the Oceanwalk change over, following which he
offered the following substitute motion:
Substitute Motion: Approve only Item #2 on the fee schedule Edwards x
in the Gee and Jenson proposal, for engineering Fletcher x x
services in connection with the change over of the Tucker x x
Oceanwalk area to the Atlantic Beach utility system Waters x
Gulliford x
No further discussion before the vote. The motion carried
F. Discussion and related action regarding fence on right—of—way
on Beach Avenue and Sixth Street
City Planner George Worley explained Mr. & Mrs. Papazian, owners of
the property on the southeast corner of Beach Avenue and Sixth
Street, were proposing to install a brick and chain link fence
illaround the north and east perimeter of the property. Along Beach
Avenue the fence would be on the property line; however, there was
a number of trees along the property line on Sixth Street and the
Papazians had requested permission to install the fence
approximately one to two feet onto the Sixth Street right-of-way.
Barbara Bonner, 463 Selva Lakes Circle, said she was opposed to any
loss of right-of-way property. She said there was already
inadequate parking space on the street ends at the beach and was
opposed to further reduction in the city' s right-of-way. Ms. Bonner
also inquired into progress being made in connection with a parking
study which had been requested earlier. The City Manager said he
would present a report to the City Commission in the near future.
After further discussion, Commissioner Fletcher requested action on
the matter be deferred until the following meeting to allow him
time to visit the site. The Commission concurred and Mayor
Gulliford requested that the City Manager also have a survey of
that portion of Sixth Street available at the next meeting.
G. Appointment of Code Enforcement legal counsel
The City Attorney explained that he served as advisor to the Code
Enforcement Board but he recommended that a different individual
serve as prosecuting attorney. The current prosecuting attorney
had served without a contract since the inception of the board and
Mayor Gulliford said he felt the city needed to advertise this
position and formalize a contract of specific duration with the
attorney selected. Edwards x x
Fletcher x x
Motion: Solicit applicants for the position of Prosecuting Tucker x
Attorney to the Code Enforcement Board Waters x
Gulliford x
No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously.
7. City Manager reports and/or correspondence:
The City Manager confirmed that each commissioner had received a
copy of his recommendations regarding the handicapped beach ramps.
He said he had met with the Beaches Council for Disabled Persons
and it was the general consensus beach ramps would be difficult to
maintain and would only have minimal use since wheel chairs are
difficult to operate in sand. However, he advised the Beaches
Council for Disabled Persons had a PVC wheel chair with balloon
tires which they requested the city store at the lifeguard station
and issue to disabled persons as needed. The City Manager said he
would consider installing a ramp and handicapped parking at the
lifeguard station. Fire Lt. James Hill said a ramp wide enough to
accommodate a vehicle would be beneficial to emergency crews
wishing to gain access to the beach.
After further discussion Mayor Gulliford requested that a
representative from the Beaches Council for Disabled Persons be in
attendance at the next meeting to give further direction to the
city commission on this matter.
The City Manager also reminded the City Commission that the
Community Development Board had requested a meeting with the city
commission, and that the employees' proposals regarding pension
increases needed to be followed up with the Pension Board. He
suggested these meetings be scheduled. The City Manager was
directed to schedule these meetings for early December.
Harry Royal requested a workshop meeting be scheduled to hear the
recommendations of the Financial Advisor regarding utility rate
increases. This was scheduled for 7:30 PM on Monday, November 18,
Bob Kosoy requested the appointment of a commissioner to replace
Commissioner Weldon who had chaired the Water and Sewer Committee.
After brief discussion, Commissioner Fletcher volunteered for this
Stan Jones requested the city consider constructing a dumping
station for recreational vehicles at the Public Works yard. The
City Manager was asked to consider this matter and present his
recommendations. Mr. Jones said he may be able to get volunteers
to help with the project.
^ity Attorney Jensen reported he had received a proposal in
onnection with the acquisition of easements for the Mayport Road
bore and jack project, which he felt would be advantageous to the
city. He requested authorization to proceed with negotiations in
this matter.
Motion: Authorize the City Attorney to execute the easement Edwards x
for the Mayport Road bore and jack project and in Fletcher x x
consideration for such easement, to release the Tucker x
property owner from another obligation of equal or Waters x x
lesser value to the city, as previously negotiated Gulliford x
by the City Attorney
No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Edwards, had just returned from the Legislative
Conference in Tallahassee, and provided each Commissioner with a
copy of the recently enacted "Gift Law." He also provided a copy
of a Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Florida League of
Cities regarding a proposed constitutional amendment regarding
voter control of city taxes.
Commissioner Fletcher announced a meeting of Town Center
organization to be held at 121 9th Avenue North, Jacksonville,
Beach, at 7:30 PM the following evening.
Commissioner Waters inquired into the result of the survey of the
property owners impacted by the proposed Beach Avenue water and
sewer project. Bob Kosoy said he had received a number of
responses but had not yet determined the consensus of the
Commissioner Waters also asked whether Mayor Gulliford had made an
appointment to the Interlocal Board and was advised that no
appointment had been made.
Commissioner Waters also inquired into the status of the Ocean
Grove covenants restricting development of four properties to
single family residences. The City Attorney advised that all had
been signed and were recorded in the Duval County public records.
Commissioner Waters asked that a copy be provided for city records.
Commissioner Waters also inquired into the status of efforts to
correct the flooding problems due to the removal of the weir in
Fleet Landing. Mayor Gulliford said the Haskell Company had
acknowledged the error in elevation and had taken corrective action
to lower the elevation of the culverts and he felt the matter would
be resolved.
Commissioner Waters also requested that the City Attorney draft a
letter to Mr. Hionides requesting formal transfer of ownership of
the portion of the fence located on the city right-of-way at 47
Eleventh Street.
Mayor Gulliford commented on a goal setting session which had been
held a couple of years ago and felt it might be advantageous to
schedule another similar session for the purpose of establishing a
two-year agenda.
Mayor Gulliford also pointed out a Mayor Pro Tem needed to be
appointed and nominated Commissioner Edwards for that position.
Edwards z
Motion: Approve appointment of Commissioner Glenn Edwards as Fletcher x
Mayor Pro Tem Tucker a x
Waters x x
No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Gulliford a
There being no further business to come b- . . - - - City Commission,
the Mayor declared the meeting aijourne. at 9:30 P .
William I. Gul ifollill
Mayor/Presiding 0
Maureen King, Cify