08-08-91 v JOINT MEETING WITH CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION AND CITY OF NEPTUNE BEACH CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1991 , 7 P.M. Call to Order 1 . Opening remarks : A. Mayor Gulliford B . Mayor Kowkobany 2 . New Business : A. Discussion and related action relative to : 1 . Beautification of Atlantic Boulevard 2 . Town Center Project 3 . Joint Dispatching 4 . Interlocal Agreement 5 . Solid Waste 6 . Joint Public Works Equipment 3 . General Discussion: Meeting adjourned MINUTES OF THE JOINT MEETING OF THE NEPTUNE BEACH CITY COUNCIL AND ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN ATLANTIC BEACH CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD, AT 7:00 PM ON THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1991. NEPTUNE BEACH OFFICIALS PRESENT: Mayor John Kowkabany Vice Mayor Buddy Crout Councillor John Cleary Councillor Leslie Lyne City Manager James Barrington City Attorney Claude L. Mullis ATLANTIC BEACH OFFICIALS PRESENT: Mayor William I. Gulliford, Jr. Commissioner Glenn A. Edwards Commissioner Adelaide R. Tucker Commissioner John W. Weldon City Manager Kim D. Leinbach City Clerk Maureen King Mayors Gulliford and Kowkabany called their Commission and Council, respectively, to order. 1. Opening remarks: In their opening remarks both Mayors agreed the cities shared common interests and problems and hoped the discussions would stimulate ideas which would be mutually beneficial. After brief discussion it was agreed to discuss each of the subjects listed on the agenda and invite comments from the elected officials, and then open the floor for general discussions. 2. Discussion and related action relative to: A. Beautification of Atlantic Boulevard Mayor Gulliford reported that Atlantic Beach had received bids to furnish and plant palm trees in the median on Atlantic Boulevard. The low bid, at $4,800.00, excluding watering, but an alternate bid of $5,800.00 was submitted, which did include watering. He said this matter would be before the City Commission for action at their regular meeting on August 12, 1991. It was pointed out money for this project had been raised through the Chamber of Commerce about two years ago and it was felt adequate budget was available. Various suggestions were made regarding the maintenance of the trees which included Atlantic Beach and Neptune Beach alternating responsibility on a monthly basis, and contracting out for the maintenance with Atlantic Beach and Neptune Beach each being responsible for 25% of the maintenance and soliciting support from businesses for 50% of the cost. Mayor Kowkabany suggested further beautification of the medians with low maintenance shrubbery which would not represent an ongoing expense to the cities. Mayor Page Two Minutes of Joint Neptune Beach/Atlantic Beach Meeting August 8, 1991 Gulliford said the Atlantic Beach Beautification Committee was working on such a plan and would shortly present their recommendations. B. Town Center Project All the officials expressed support for the concept of the Town Center Project but felt the parking problems had not been adequately addressed. Commissioner Weldon inquired whether a lot on the southeast corner of First Street and Atlantic Boulevard could be used for parking and it was felt the cost would be prohibitive. C. Joint dispatching Mayor Kowkabany said he understood Atlantic Beach and Neptune Beach had at one time shared joint public safety dispatching facilities and he felt the idea of joint dispatching might be worth reconsidering. The other officials agreed to the concept and felt since Police and Fire Departments in both cities worked closely together it would be worth looking into the cost of a joint operation. It was pointed out Atlantic Beach had space limitations but this could be taken into consideration when the matter was being studied. After further discussion of the matter, both City Managers were requested to review the matter further and report back to their respective cities with their recommendations. D. Interlocal Agreement Mayor Gulliford said he felt the beaches cities were not receiving services from the county equivalent to the taxes paid. He felt strongly that the agreement needed to be renegotiated and while the beaches cities had common concerns, he felt the renegotiated document should be signed individually by each community so that individual areas of interest could be specifically addressed. Commissioner Weldon felt common issues could be addressed in one agreement, with sections devoted to each city to address their individual concerns. Mayor Gulliford reported two meetings had been held by the Intergovern- mental Council established by the City of Jacksonville and it was hoped to determine a value of revenues collected versus services provided to the non-consolidated communities. He felt this information would be provided by the Council Auditor's office shortly after the various budget workshops. Councillor Cleary felt the primary consideration was what services the beaches communities were receiving in return for the taxes paid. He pointed out that the share of the taxes received by the county was almost twice that received by the cities. Councillor Lyne felt it was important to educate the citizens regarding the amount of their tax dollars which were being retained by the county. Attorney Claude Mullis pointed out the county provided county-wide services as needed; however beaches citizens should not be taxed by the county for services which were provided by the cities. Page Three Minutes of Joint Neptune Beach/Atlantic Beach Meeting August 8, 1991 Further discussion ensued and all those present expressed an interest in seeing the interlocal agreement renegotiated. Mayor Gulliford reported that Atlantic Beach had appointed a committee which was working aggressively to gather as much information as possible and he would be happy to share this information with the other cities as soon as available. Mayor Kowkabany said when the original agreement was negotiated the population of the beaches area was probably half what it is today. He felt the services provided under the present agreement could be expanded to meet the needs of the current population. E. Solid Waste Mayor Gulliford reported he had learned that the Beaches Regional Solid Waste Committee would be presenting a report to the various Councils and Commissions within the next month. In view of the recent report that the landfill would not accept yard trash after the first of the year it was agreed that any measure which would reduce the flow to the landfill would be beneficial. Composting was suggested as a possible solution and Councillor Cleary suggested that the City Managers check into the possibility of contracting out solid waste collection and present their recommendations when available. F. Joint Public Works Equipment It was generally agreed there was a number of large equipment items which were too expensive for either city to purchase individually, and which neither city could use enough to justify purchasing. Sharing of this equipment appeared to be something which would work well and be beneficial to both cities. It was suggested that each city inform the other of the equipment they currently possess. 3. General Discussion Councillor Crout inquired into the feasibility of consolidating public safety operations, especially fire. He suggested the City Managers consider this matter and check with the Police and Fire Chiefs and report back with their recommendations. Commissioner Weldon suggested a further meeting be scheduled between the two cities, possibly in mid November, after the budget meetings are completed. The City Managers were urged to take the suggestions which were made this evening and develop them as they deemed appropriate. City Managers Barrington and Leinbach agreed they had a good working relationship and since the cities shared a common boundary they would work to maximize the relationship to the benefit of both cities. Page Four Minutes of Joint Neptune Beach/Atlantic Beach Meeting August 8, 1991 There being no further business to be ssed, the meeting was declared adjourned at 8:50 PM by the Mayo of both mmunities. \1 iii1►1di �i i.m I. Gulliford, J, Ir MAYOR City of Atlantic Beach ATTES T: Maureen King, City Cl&rk