06-24-91 v i MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD, ATLANTIC BEACH, AT 7:00 PM ON MONDAY, JUNE 24, 1991 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Gulliford. Present in addition to the Mayor were Commissioners Cook, Edwards, Tucker, and Weldon. Also present were City Manager Leinbach and City Clerk King. Three architects had been interviewed at a previous meeting with a view to providing professional services in connection with a proposed community center to be built at Donner Park. This meeting was held for the purpose of selecting an architect from those interviewed. Commissioner Edwards moved to recommend that the city enter into negotiations with the firm of ACTECH for architectural services in connection with the construction of a community center in Donner Park. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Tucker. Mayor Gulliford said he felt a criteria for ranking the firms should be developed to help with the selection process in future projects. After brief discussion, the question was called and the motion carried on a four to one vote with the Mayor casting the dissenting vote. There being no further business to come before the committee at this time, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 7:05 PM. Maur en King, City t erk / • CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, JUNE 24, 1991 AGENDA Call to Order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of June 10, 1991 2. Recognition of Visitors: 3. Appearances: A. Atlantic Beach Athletic Association request for funds and submission of information as requested by the City Commission B. Request by Beaches Arts Foundation for $4,000 grant (Alice Gartland, President) 4. Old Business: A. Discussion and related action relative to proposals for 18th and 19th Streets - Crime Watch citizens B. Discussion and related action relative to architect selection for proposed community center at Donner Park C. Discussion and related action relative to proposed utilization of speed bumps on Beach Avenue (Police Chief Thompson) 5. Ordinances: A. Discussion and related action pertaining to draft of height limitation ordinance (City Planner George Worley) 6. Resolutions: A. Resolution #91-18 regarding Master Lease-Purchase Agreement (Finance Director Harry Royal) B. Resolution #91-19 requesting approval of a budget adjustment in the amount of $16,484.00 to provide additional budget and funds for improvements and equipment for the City Hall (Finance Director Harry Royal) 7. New Business: A. Discussion and related action regarding Drug Grant funding (Chief David Thompson) B. Discussion and related action pertaining to proposed American Paging Contract C. Request authorization to repair Fire Engine #2 (Lt. J. Smith) 8. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: A. Letter from Secretary of the Pension Board B. Proposal to meet in joint work session with the City Council of Neptune Beach 9. Mayor to call on City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: Adjournment • MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD, AT 7:15 PM ON MONDAY, JUNE V V 24, 1991 0 0 T T PRESENT: William I. Gulliford, Jr. , Mayor E E Robert B. Cook D D Glenn A. Edwards Adelaide R. Tucker, and John W. Weldon, Commissioners M S O E AND: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager T C Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney I 0 Y Maureen King, City Clerk NAME OF ONEN COMMRS. N D S 0 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Gulliford. The invocation, offered by Commissioner Cook, was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of June 10, 1991 Cook x Edwards x x Motion: Approve minutes of the regular meeting of June 10, Tucker x x 1991 Weldon x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 2. Recognition of visitors: Mayor Gulliford recognized the members of the Goodling family present and reported that the City Commission had adopted a resolution at a recent meeting honoring Donald L. Goodling who had recently passed away. He read the resolution in full and presented the original document to the Goodling family. Dave Siebert, 816 Cavalla Road, said he had recently asked that a fire lane behind his residence be appropriately marked. He said to this date nothing had been done. Fire Chief Rew said he had looked into the matter and planned to write the property owners proposing to change the traffic flow to one way and to keep the fire lane open. Property owners would have approximately ten days to respond to this letter and the work should be completed a week thereafter. After further discussion city staff was directed to check into the ownership of the alley behind the homes in question and also to determine whether the conversion from apartments to condominiums was properly approved and met the building code requirements, and advise the City Commissioners individually on the matter. Ruth Gregg, 905 Sailfish Drive, complained of white goods which had not been picked up. Mr. Kosoy said a tag is attached notifying the owner of the violation and it is then referred to Code Enforcement. Ms. Gregg also complained of a large hole in Sailfish drive which had been caused by a recent utility project in the area, and also asked that the city trim shrubbery which had become overgrown and which obstructed her view when backing out of her driveway. PAGE TWO V V MINUTES NAME OF JUNE 24, 1991 COMMAS. MSYN 3. Appearances: A. Atlantic Beach Athletic Association request for funds and submission of information as requested by the City Commission Gary Santora reported the Mayor had met with the Athletic Association. Mr. Santora had subsequently met with the City Manager and had also spoken with the City Attorney. He felt there was now a better understanding and spirit of cooperation between the city and Athletic Association. Mr. Santora reviewed the documents which had been requested by the city and reported that most of this material had been provided. Mr. Santora reported on the successes of the various teams and requested a donation of $2,500 to help defray the cost of sending the various teams to the regional championships. Discussion ensued as to whether a donation could be made from bed tax funds and the City Attorney provided copies of the Florida Statutes regarding bed tax funds and said in his opinion a donation such as had been requested could not be made from bed tax funds. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the city's policy on making donations, and it was the general consensus the City Commission had agreed during budget workshops that no donations would be made this fiscal year and no funds had been budgeted for donations. Mayor Gulliford sought the wishes for the City Commission and since no motion was forthcoming, it was agreed no donation would be made. Commissioner Weldon offered a personal donation of $100 and challenged others to do likewise. B. Request by Beaches Arts Foundation for $4,000 grant Alice Gartland, President of the Beaches Arts Foundation explained the function of the Arts Foundation and the scope of involvement in the community. She explained the Foundation's plans to build an arts center in Jacksonville Beach and requested a donation of $4,000.00. Other members of the Beaches Arts Foundation who were in attendance also expressed their support of the arts and urged the City Commission to approve the donation. Discussion ensued regarding whether bed tax funds could be used for this donation, particularly in light of the fact the new facility would not be located within the boundaries of the City of Atlantic Beach. After further discussion action on the matter was deferred and the City Attorney was asked to research the matter and provide a written opinion regarding whether bed tax funds could be used to make a donation to such a facility outside the municipal limits of the city. PAGE THREE V V MINUTES NAME OF JUNE 24, 1991 COMMRS. MSYN Motion: Defer action on request for donation by Beaches Arts Cook x x Foundation and request the City Attorney provide a Edwards x written opinion regarding whether bed tax funds Tucker x could legally be used to make a donation to an Weldon x x entity outside the confines of the City of Atlantic Gulliford x Beach No further discussion. The motion carried unanimously. 4. Old Business: A. Discussion and related action relative to proposals for 18th and 19th Streets Lt. Campbell reported the committee appointed by the Mayor to review the parking and traffic flow problems at 18th and 19th Street, had met and made the following recommendations: Nineteenth Street: (1) The basic parking configuration should remain as it currently exists. (2) The type of vehicles parking on 19th Street should be restricted to prevent long vehicles including recreational vehicles, longbed pickup trucks, or similar vehicles from creating a parking problem or traffic hazard. (3) The city should look into obtaining some type of barrier(s) to protect the fencing on the north side of the roadway from being damaged. Eighteenth Street: (1) The parking configuration should remain as it currently exists (2) The parking in the perpendicular parking spaces should be restricted to prevent long vehicles from parking in the spaces and creating a traffic problem or danger. In addition to their recommendations for 18th and 19th Streets, the committee observed that parking was being prevented in many public areas by shrubbery and other obstructions and recommended these areas be cleared. They also recommended beautification of public areas and felt lighting of parking areas would help to prevent improper activities. Raymond Salman, 1633 Park Terrace East, reiterated the actions of the committee. He said he had suggested to the committee that certain areas of 18th and 19th Street be designated for Atlantic Beach residents through decals or other method. This idea had not been approved by the committee. He said this system is used successfully in other areas and asked that the City Commission consider adopting such a system. Ben Stadelman, 1931 Beach Avenue, felt consideration should also be given to widening and providing parking along Seminole Road. PAGE FOUR V V MINUTES NAME OF JUNE 24, 1991 COMMRS. MSYN William Morgan, 1945 Beach Avenue, said he owned the property on the north side of 19th Street and planned, eventually, to develop this property. The fence along that property is constantly damaged by vehicles parking and he urged the city to erect a barrier to protect the fence. Motion: Adopt the committee recommendations regarding Cook x parking at 18th and 19th Streets and instruct the Edwards x x City Manager to follow up and comply with those Tucker x recommendations Weldon x x Gulliford x Further discussion ensued regarding beach access parking problems throughout the city and a workshop meeting to discuss parking and traffic flow problems was scheduled for July 1, 1991 at 7:30 PM. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. B. Discussion and related action relative to architect selection for proposed community center at Donner Park Cook x Motion: Enter into negotiations with ACTECH for Edwards x x architectural services in connection with a Tucker x x community center in Donner Park Weldon x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried on a 4 - 1 vote with Mayor Gulliford casting the dissenting vote. C. Discussion and related action relative to proposed utilization of speed bumps on Beach Avenue Action on this matter was deferred until after the workshop meeting regarding parking and traffic flow to be held on July 1, 1991. D. Report from the Community Center Committee Commissioner Weldon reported the request for office space from the Friends of the Beaches Library and the Town Center Agency had been discussed at the recent meeting of the committee. David Hansford, Chairman of Town Center Agency said the group had been raising funds to landscape, beautify and renovate the common down town area of Atlantic and Neptune Beach. They had been operating out of the various business offices of those volunteering with this project and needed additional office space where they could accept donations two days per week. Commissioner Weldon said the committee had recommended approval for the Town Center to use, at no charge, the office formerly used by the receptionist. The committee recommended no charge for the use of the building for meetings between 8:00 AM and 5 :00 PM, Monday through Friday. After 5:00 PM any day there would be a minimum charge of $25.00 for three hours or less with a $10.00 per hour charge thereafter, all events PAGE FIVE V V MINUTES NAME OF JUNE 24, 1991 COMMRS. MSYN to be scheduled through the Parks & Recreation Department. Food services would not be available, or allowed, in any part of the center. The committee approved the use of the cashiers area during regular business hours by the Friends of the Beaches Library, at no charge. Commissioner Weldon said approvals were recommended through the current fiscal year only, after which time the status of the proposed renovation of the building would be assessed. The committee further recommended the appropriate document be drafted to name the building "The Adele Grage Community Center." Cook x Motion: Accept the recommendation of the committee and draft Edwards x resolution to name the former city hall building Tucker x x "The Adele Grage Community Center" Weldon x x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Cook x Motion: Accept the recommendation of the committee relative Edwards x x to charges for the use of the Community Center Tucker x Weldon x x In discussion before the vote Commissioner Weldon said the Gulliford x committee had agreed since the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) had held meetings in that building for many years, that that organization be grandfathered in at no. charge. The motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Weldon further reported the committee had recommended that city employees not be allowed to use the building for training purposes since other facilities were available to them. Lt. Smith of the Fire Department said the Buccaneer building was not appropriate for their use since it was outside the city limits and would add to the response time on calls. Mayor Gulliford requested the committee to discuss this matter further at their next meeting. S. Ordinances: A. Discussion and related action pertaining to draft of height limitation ordinance Community Development Director Worley reported that the Community Development Board had been endeavoring to develop a reliable and accurate method of determining the average natural grade elevation on lots so that the measurement of building heights could be fairly applied to all properties in the city. The board had provided two draft ordinances for consideration by the City Commission. One ordinance required the existing grade elevations to be determined at 100 points on the property and an average of those points would be the grade level from which the height of the building would be measured. The second draft ordinance required that grade elevations be determined at only five points from which an average grade would be determined. A third option would be a combination of the two drafts. PAGE SIX V V MINUTES NAME OF JUNE 24, 1991 COMMRS. MSYN Bob Frohwein, 1820 Ocean Grove Drive, builder, and also a Community Development Board member, said he felt the 100 points method would create a lot of work and expense for some properties and he felt a combination of the two drafts would be the best method. After a complete discussion of the matter, Mayor Gulliford solicited the wishes of the City Commission. Motion: Accept the recommendation regarding height Cook x measurement and direct Community Development Edwards x x Director, George Worley to combine the two Tucker x ordinances and return to the City Commission for Weldon x x further consideration Gulliford x The City Attorney inquired whether the intent was to measure only within the setback lines or throughout the lot and it was the general consensus the measurements would be taken throughout the lot with the exclusion of streets and those areas seaward of the coastal setback line. The question was called and the motion carried on a 4 - 1 vote with Commissioner Cook voting nay. 6. Resolutions: A. Resolution No. 91-18 Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 91-18, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH SUPPLEMENTING CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF RESOLUTION NO. 91-3 PASSED BY THE CITY COMMISSION ON JANUARY 28, 1991, MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS WITH RESPECT TO QUALIFYING A MASTER LEASE-PURCHASE AGREEMENT AS A TAX EXEMPT OBLIGATION PURSUANT TO SECTION 265(B) (3) OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Cook x Edwards x x Motion: Approve passage of Resolution No. 91-18 Tucker x Weldon x x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Gulliford x B. Resolution No. 91-19 Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 91-19, A RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING CERTAIN MONIES BETWEEN FUNDS Cook x x Edwards x Motion: Approve passage of Resolution No. 91-19 Tucker x x Weldon x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Gulliford x 7. New Business: A. Discussion and related action regarding drug grant funding Lt. Campbell reported Atlantic Beach Police Department had applied for federal drug grant funding through a coordinated effort with the City of Jacksonville, total funds to Atlantic Beach being $11 ,029.00. Atlantic Beach would be required to contribute an PAGE SEVEN V V MINUTES NAME OF JUNE 24, 1991 COMMRS. MSYN amount of $2,757.00, representing 25%. He requested the Mayor be authorized to execute the contract and forward same to the City of Jacksonville for their approval. Cook x x Edwards x Motion: Approve execution of contract with the City of Tucker x Jacksonville for drug grant funding Weldon x x Gulliford x In discussion before the vote Commissioner Weldon pointed out a few typographical error and errors in form which should be corrected. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. B. Discussion and related action pertaining to proposed American Paging Contract The City Manager reported the city currently had pagers from three different companies at varying prices. One of these companies, American Paging, had proposed a monthly lease charge of $10.00 per pager based on a two-year contract. This would represent a savings to the city in the amount of $2,600.00 and it was his recom- mendation the city execute the two-year contract. Mayor Gulliford suggested the city consider purchasing the pagers and paying for only air time and it was agreed to ask the Purchasing Agent to check into this. C. Request authorization to repair Fire Engine No. 2 Lt. Smith reported after inspection of the No. 2 engine, Coastal Diesel had recommended replacing the engine. He said the current engine could be rebuilt for $6, 134.00 but Coastal Diesel had indicated the truck was under powered and recommended replacing the existing engine with an 8.2 turbo charged remanufactured diesel engine. The estimate to replace the engine and fabricate exhaust and air inlet connections was $9,180.00. Mayor Gulliford felt the city should get a letter from Emergency-One or Chevrolet stating that the turbo engine is acceptable to the power train in the truck. Motion: Accept the recommendation to replace existing engine Cook x x with 8.2 turbo charged remanufactured diesel engine Edwards x x at a price not to exceed $9,180.00, subject to Tucker x written confirmation that this engine would be Weldon x acceptable to the existing power train Gulliford x Discussion ensued regarding the degree of emergency which existed and whether the city should seek bids for this work. After a full discussion of the matter it was decided to get three written estimates, (including Indmar Diesel Service) , before proceeding with any work. The question was called and the motion carried on a 4 - 1 vote with Commissioner Tucker voting nay. V V PAGE EIGHT NAME OF MINUTES COMMRS. MSYN JUNE 24, 1991 8. City manager reports and/or correspondence: The City Manager reported the Pension Board had requested a work session with the City Commission to discuss current pension benefits for city employees, and that the city authorize an ordinance be drafted to change the percentage of total pension funds which could be invested in qualified stocks from 30% to 40%. The board had indicated this flexibility would enhance the investment portfolio of the pension program and thereby translate into enhanced returns. Cook x Motion: Direct City Attorney to draft an amendment to the Edwards x x pension ordinance for consideration by the City Tucker x Commission at the next meeting Weldon x x Gulliford x After further discussion, it was agreed to invite the Pension Board members to attend and provide input at the public hearing. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. B. Proposal to meet in joint work session with the City Council of Neptune Beach The City Manager reported the Neptune Beach city officials would like to meet with Atlantic Beach officials to discuss areas of mutual concern. The City Commission agreed to this suggestion and a meeting was tentatively scheduled for the first Wednesday in August, with the City Manager to finalize the details. 9. Mayor to call on City Commissioners, City Attorney, and City Clerk Mayor Gulliford reported he had received a letter from three property owners at the extreme north end of Seminole Road requesting the city not to include the area in front of their properties in the proposed sidewalk project on Seminole Road. Cook x Motion: Delete the portion at the extreme north end of Edwards x x Seminole Road from the sidewalk project and use the Tucker x x concrete for sidewalks elsewhere in the city Weldon x Gulliford x No further discussion. The motion carried unanimously. City Attorney Jensen confirmed that each of the commissioners had received a copy of a letter from Greenpeace requesting exemption from the fingerprinting requirement for their canvassers. Mayor Gulliford solicited the wishes of the City Commission and since no motion was forthcoming, it was agreed the Greenpeace canvassers would be subject to the current provisions of the city code. PAGE NINE V V MINUTES NAME OF JUNE 24, 1991 COMMRS. MSYN Commissioner Weldon inquired into the paving project currently being undertaken within the city and city staff were requested to provide the City Commission with details shortly prior to commencement of such projects. Mayor Gulliford reported he had this date attended the organiza- tional meeting of the Interlocal Committee in Jacksonville. He said the 6% franchise fee which had been paid by JEA for operating within Atlantic Beach and which had subsequently been replaced with a 6% utility tax, had been discussed and would be looked into further. The Mayor also reported he expected to receive the permit to plant the palm trees on Atlantic Boulevard the following day. The City Manager was directed to check into the cost of lowering the podium in the Commission Chambers. There being no further business to come before the City Commission, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 10:3 JiiO Wi iam I. Gull ord, y Mayor/Presiding OfIlice; ATTES T: Maureen King, City •lerk CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: REQUEST FOR FUNDING APPROVAL FOR EMERGENCY REPAIRS TO ENGINE TWO SUBMITTED BY: J.SMITH FIRE LIEUTENANT DATE: 21 JUNE 1991 BACKGROUND: Engine Two was diagnosised with a miss in the engine and also a noticeable noise in the lower portion of the engine. Billy Miles from Fleet Service advised that the vehicle should not be driven and should be 1 towed into Coastal diesel for further diagnostic tests, Coastal Diesel's report is attached. After receiving the report from Coastal Diesel I met with Billy Miles and showed him the main bearings that were removed from the crankshaft and also discussed the prices that were given. Funding is available in Contingency (4900) 10,331 Estimated price $9,180.00 I recommend the upgrade of the installation of the remanufactured engine • with the turbo due to the fact the truck has experienced a severe lack of power; especially when trying to procede up the Intercoastal waterway bridge. RECOMMENDATION: REMOVE AND REPLACE 8.2L natural WITH REMANUFACTURED 8.2L TURBO ENGINE ATTACHMENTS: PROPOSAL FROM COASTAL DETROIT REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: X12 42 ,t 7 : Gi t � / �O AGENDA ITEM NO. l3V IMAA0 4:41 /80 • A62, a40 e ,i/ ite.g 1i.411v - . ,e.0 e vik,424 r .42;7 ,tom ` o-r) , AwAcAt 447,4°11 . 06/20/91 09:58 COASTAL POWER PRODUCTS JAX. FL. P. 02 tool COASTAL To) DETROIT DIESEL / ALLISON, INC. MAILING ADDRESS: P.O, BOX 16595, JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32245-6595 DATE: 20, 1991 ATLANTIC BEACH FIRE DEPT. ATTN: LT. SMITH SUBJECT: DIESEL ENGINE FOR FIRE TRUCK #2 . GENTLEMEN, WE PROPOSE THE FOLLOWING: ONE 8 . 2 TURBO CHARGED REMANUFACTURED DIESEL ENGINE TO REPLACE EXISTING 8 . 2 NATURAL. AS THIS TRUCK IS UNDERPOWERED, THIS TURBO CHARGED ENGINE WILL REALLY IMPROVE DRIVE ABILITY. THE NATURAL ENGINE IS RATED AT 165 H/P . THE TURBO CHARGED ENGINE IS RATED AT 205 H/P. THE ESTIMATE TO REPLACE THE ENGINE AND FABRICATE EXHAUST, WATER AND AIR INLET CONNECTIONS IS : 8. 2 ENGINE PLUS CORE CHARGE FOR TURBO $6, 680 . 00 LABOR AND MATERIAL TO INSTALL 2, 500 . 00 TOTAL ESTIMATE $9, 180 . 00 TO REPAIR EXISTING 8 . 2 ENGINE OR REPLACE WITH REMANUFACTURED ENGINE . 8. 2 NATURAL $4 , 934 . 00 LABOR AND MATERIAL 1 , 200 . 00 TOTAL ESTIMATE $6, 134 . 00 EXISTING 8 . 2 ENGINE WILL NEED A NEW CRANK SHAFT PLUS WE KNOW THAT THERE IS A WATER LEAK INTO OIL SYSTEM CAUSING ACCELERATED WEAR TO THE REST OF ENGINE AND IF WE DISASSEMBLE FOR FURTHER INSPECTION, WE WOULD HAVE TO ASSEMBLE IN ORDER TO BE EXCEPTED AS A ENGINE CORE. MICHAEL J. CAPPELLA SERVICE MANAGER 1160 BANKHEAO HIGHWAY WEST zt Perkins 1600 DOI.ON PLACE BIRMINGHAM,ALABAMA 36204 SANFORD, FLORIDAI32771 PHONE;(206)252-9025 5040 UNIVERBnY BLVD_, WEST PHONE;(407)323.3510 FAX;(200)324.9108 JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32210 FAX:(407)330.1276 ' MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE "COMMUNITY CENTER" COMMITTEE, JUNE 20, 1991 The meeting was called to order by Commissioner Weldon at 10:45 am. Present were members, Dorothy Kerber, Barbara Bonner, City Manager Kim Leinbach, Parks & Recreation Director Rose Blanchard. Discussion began immediately regarding Fee Charges. The committee was provided with a copy of fee charges exacted from Jacksonville -Beach-Parks & Retreation-Dept. -and after lengthy discussion, the following recommendation will be presented to the City Commission on June 24, 1991: DAILY, Monday through Friday, during regular business hours (8 am - 5 pm) there will be NO CHARGE FOR MEETINGS HELD IN THE COMMUNITY CENTER. WEEKENDS & AFTER 5 pm ANY DAY, the fees are as follows: $25 minimum charge which covers 3 hours or less $10 per hour thereafter (over 3 hours) HOLIDAYS: ALL CHARGES WILL BE DOUBLED. Holidays refer to City Recognized Holidays. **NOTE: ALL EVENTS MUST BE PRE-SCHEDULED THROUGH THE PARKS & RECREATION DEPT. VIA MRS. BLANCHARD. FOOD SERVICES IN ANY PART OF THE CENTER WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE OR ALLOWED. With the request from the FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY AND THE TOWN CENTER COMMITTEE a very important consideration, the Committee discussed and Commissioner Weldon will go to the City Commission with the following, simple guidelines: These two Organizations ONLY will be given the requested permission to use the building, with the following conditions: FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: as long as they operate during regular hours (8 am-5 pm) will be allowed, like everyone else, to use the building AT NO CHARGE. If, however, they decide they must come in after 5 pm or on a weekend, the charges indicated above, will be assessed. They will be provided with adequate room to prepare their project. THE TOWN CENTER COMMITTEE is authorized to sell bricks and accept donations 2 (two) days a week, during regular hours (8 am - 5 pm) in a specified office space. This consideration will be authorized ONLY up to SEPTEMBER 30, 1991, at which time we expect restoration and modification to begin. Should Mrs. Blanchard have any difficulty with any of these or other "happenings", she has been encouraged to consult with this Committee. After another walk through the Center, the Committee will meet again, soon, to begin preparing a plan for more active use of the building. The Committee suggests that the Employees who need to meet for Training purposes, arrange to meet at the Buccaneer Building on Assisi Lane. It was recommended by the Committee that a Proclamation be prepared, which would designate the building as the ADELE GRAGE COMMUNITY CENTER, in honor of our former City Clerk, friend and faithful employee. .Adele Grage. There being no further business before this Committee, at this time, the meeting was adjourned after the motion by Kim Leinbach was seconded by Dorothy Kerber, at 11:55 am. Res' - Tully -u.mi ted: ,elk Iql b if / f/, 1� ,i Ros: H. Bl.nc arc Pars & Recreation Program Director June 17 , 1991 Mayor William Gulliford City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 SUBJECT: Proposed Sidewalks - Seminole Road - 19th Street to Hannah Park Dear Mayor Gulliford: We , as a group of property owners at the end of Seminole Road, would like to formally protest the proposed sidewalk construction through our respective properties at the end of Seminole Road. It is our understanding that Atlantic Beach proposes or has approved the construction of sidewalks from 19th Street to the end of Seminole Road. We have no objection to sidewalks being placed from 19th Street to the north end of Ocean Walk. We think this is more than appropriate considering the growth in the Ocean Walk Development. However, beyond the northern boundary of Ocean Walk, we do not feel the pedestrian traffic is sufficient enough to require sidewalks . In addition , due to the large parcels of property each of us own and occupy, we feel it would be detrimental to the property values and take away from the landscaping efforts we have made for the last ten to fifteen years to leave our properties as natural and beautiful as possible. We do urge you to bring this request before whatever City Body that is necessary and plead our case to have the sidewalk project stopped at the northern end of Ocean Walk. We definitely do not feel extending beyond that point would be of any benefit to anyone in the area. We thank you for your time and cooperation in this matter. If you have questions concerning the above, we will most certainly provide any additional information you may need. Very truly yours , f 0(7,. Mr. and /Mrs. R. K. Townsend 2428 Seminole Road PD . and Mrs . Yank D. Coble 2400 Seminole Road Mr. and Mrs. Gene Wells '2,446- Seminole Road ap