Call to Order
Invocation and pledge to the flag
1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of April 22, 1991
and special meeting of April 29, 1991.
2. Recognition of Visitors:
3. Old Business:
A. Proposal by Gee & Jenson to update plans and specifications for
Water Treatment Plants #1 and 2
B. Approval abandoning easement in Selva Linkside and accepting new
4. Consent Agenda:
A. Proclamation relative to the Beaches Arts Foundation wishing to
establish a performing and visual arts center in the Beaches area
B. Beaches Fine Arts Series requests approval to hold their annual
races in Atlantic Beach
C. American Legion Auxiliary Unit 316 requests permission to
distribute Poppies over Memorial Day week-end
5. Resolutions:
A. Resolution #91-16 in memory of Charles Tinsley
6. New Business:
A. Crime Watch citizens proposal for 18th and 19th Street access
areas (Cindy Roser)
B. Acceptance of water main, sewer main & lift station relative to
Section H (Wm. Howell, Project Manager)
C. Discussion and related action regarding Atlantic Village Mobile
Home Park's proposal to purchase land from Atlantic Beach (George
Worley, City Planner)
D. Approval of final plat for Tiffany by the Sea (George Worley,
City Planner)
E. Approval of covenants, conditions, easements and restrictions for
Tiffany by the Sea (George Worley, City Planner)
F. Water and Sewer Committee Report (Robert Kosoy, Director of
Public Works)
G. List of architects for possible design of Community Center for
Donner Park
H. Proposal for resident observation for various wastewater projects
(Robert Kosoy, Public Works Director)
I. Approval of contract with Property Appraiser's Office and Tax
Collector's Office relative to Section H (Alan Jensen, City
J. Approval of letter of recommendation to amend the animal control
ordinance (Police Chief David Thompson)
7. City Manager reports and/or correspondence:
8. Mayor to call on City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk:
PRESENT: William I. Gulliford, Jr. , Mayor T T
Robert B. Cook E E
Glenn A. Edwards D D
Adelaide R. Tucker, and
John W. Weldon, Commissioners M S
AND: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager T C
Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney I 0 Y
Maureen King, City Clerk NAME OF ONEN
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Gulliford. The
invocation, offered by Commissioner cook, was followed by the
pledge to the flag.
1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of April 22,
1991, and special meeting of April 29, 1991.
Tucker x
Motion: Approve minutes of regular meeting of April 22, 1991 Weldon x
Commissioner Cook felt the minutes of Agenda Item 2 were too vague
and that reference should be made to the particular organization
being discussed. Commissioner Weldon offered a substitute motion
as follows:
Substitute Motion: Amend last paragraph of minutes of Agenda Cook x
Item #2 to read "The Mayor said he had met the Edwards x
incoming president of the Atlantic Beach Little Tucker x x
League and felt the problems of the past years could Weldon x x
be resolved," and approve the minutes as amended Gulliford x
No further discussion. The motion carried unanimously.
Cook x
Edwards x x
Motion: Approve minutes of special meeting of April 29, 1991 Tucker x x
Weldon x
No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Gulliford x
2. Recognition of visitors:
'save Siebert, 816 Cavalla Road, thanked the city staff for their
elp in a problem which he had brought to their attention. He
asked that a fire lane behind his residence be appropriately
marked. Chief Thompson said he had already referred this to the
Fire Department. Commissioner Weldon also complimented the city
staff on their prompt attention to a ditch cleaning problem.
H. Tyson, 1128 Cape Charles Avenue, reported he had been denied an
extension for payment of a water bill. He felt the city staff
-hould have been more understanding and should be able to grant
xtensions for short periods of time.
MAY 13, 1991 NAME OF
The City Manager pointed out extensions were sometimes granted
where there were extenuating circumstances but that each case was
handled individually and the person's payment record was taken into
account. Mr. Tyson agreed to contact the City Manager the
following day.
Robert McCarthy, 765 Amberjack Lane, complained that during the
recent sewer rehabilitation project in Royal Palms the contractor
had left equipment in his yard. He said he also discovered that
his water hose had been left running. His next water bill was for
$208.00 while his average water bill had been about $92.00 and he
felt it was unfair that he should have to pay this additional
amount. The City Manager was directed to look into this.
Mr. McCarthy also complained that when he had placed items which
were not recyclable in his recycling bin, the contractor had been
discarding these items in his yard or in the street. He wished to
make the city aware of this problem.
3. Old Business:
A. Proposal by Gee & Jenson to update plans and specifications
for Water Treatment Plant #1 and 2
Since a revised proposal from Gee & Jenson to update plans and
specifications for water treatment plants #1 and #2 had just been
presented that evening, Mr. Kosoy requested action on this item be
deferred until later in the evening.
B. Approval to abandon drainage easement in Selva Linkside and
accept new easement
Bob Kosoy explained the contractor had built the drainage inlets in
the wrong location. He had personally checked the drainage in that
area and found no problem. He did, however, notice an unrelated
drainage problem on the opposite side of the street. Louis
MacDonell, developer of Selva Linkside, said the Code Enforcement
Officer had cited Selva Linkside for allowing an area of standing
water to exist, constituting a nuisance. Mr. MacDonell said that
action to correct the problem would be very expensive and would
probably just divert the problem to city property. City staff and
Mr. MacDonell were directed to get together and work out a method
of resolving the problem which would be acceptable to all
After further discussion regarding the drainage easement the City
Attorney pointed out it would be necessary to amend the PUD
ordinance. He was directed to draft the necessary ordinance for
action at the next meeting.
4. Consent Agenda:
A. Proclamation relative to the Beaches Art Foundation wishing to
establish a performing and visual arts center in the Beaches
MAY 13, 1991
B. Approval for Beaches Fine Arts Series to hold fifth annual
Sprint Triathalon Series in Atlantic Beach
C. Approval for American Legion Auxiliary Unit 316 to distribute
poppies in Atlantic Beach over the Memorial Day weekend Cook x
Edwards x x
Motion: Approve passage of Consent Agenda Tucker x
Weldon x x
No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Gulliford x
Mayor Gulliford read in full the Proclamation for the Beaches Arts
Foundation and presented it to Alice Gartland who was in the
audience representing that organization.
S. Resolutions:
Edwards x
Motion: Approve passage of Resolution No. 91-16 Tucker x
Weldon x x
No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Gulliford x
[ayor Gulliford read in full Resolution No. 91-16 and presented
.ame to members of the Tinsley family who were present.
6. New Business:
A. Crime Watch citizens' proposal for beach accesses on
Eighteenth and Nineteenth Streets
Vince Roser presented a proposal from the residents of the 18th and
19th Street area for changes which they felt would make the area
safer. The requested changes included limiting parking hours and
eliminating angle parking at 19th Street and installing "No
Parking" signs and speed bumps on Beach Avenue.
Chief Thompson agreed that the angle parking on 19th Street should
be changed but that he would like to review the other recommended
Several area residents expressed support of the proposals
presented; however, David Boyer, 2061 Beach Avenue, expressed
objections to the proposals and said he felt any attempt to ban
parking or access to the beach would only increase resentment
toward the residents and possibly increase crime. He also felt the
parking on 19th Street was needed for guests of the residents.
'fter further discussion, Mayor Gulliford requested that city staff
eview the matter and include it on the agenda for the next
MAY 13, 1991
B. Acceptance of water mains, sewer mains and lift stations in
Section H
Billy Howell explained construction had been completed on two lift
stations and the water and sewer mains in the Section H project.
Televising of sewer mains, test reports on pumps, pressure tests on
water mains and bacteriological tests had been completed. He said
as-built plans should be ready this week and requested the city
accept the system subject to receipt of as-builts.
Cook x x
Motion: Accept the two lift stations and water and sewer Edwards x
mains in the Section H infrastructure project, Tucker x
subject to final review and approval by the City Weldon x x
Manager Gulliford x
No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously.
C. Discussion and related action regarding proposal from Atlantic •
Village Mobile Home Park to purchase land from Atlantic Beach
George Worley, City Planner, reported the owners of Atlantic
Village Mobile Home Park wished to purchase a tract of land which
is outside the city limits and which abuts their property. The
property is approximately 6/10 acre and Atlantic Village currently
..ents this property from the city for use as a playground. Mr.
Worley pointed out the city had no utilities under or on the
property. However, a 4-inch private force main was located on the
property. Atlantic Village wanted to install playground equipment
and had offered $2,000 to purchase the land; however the Property
Appraiser's evaluation was $3,800.
Discussion ensued regarding any future uses the city may have for
this property and the pros and cons of selling city property.
Cook x
Motion: Hire appraiser that is mutually acceptable to both Edwards x x
the owner and prospective purchaser, cost of Tucker x
appraisal to be assumed by the mobile home park Weldon x x
Gulliford x
No further discussion. The motion carried on a 3 - 2 vote with
ommissioners Cook and Tucker voting nay.
D. Approval of final plat for Tiffany by the Sea
City Planner, George Worley, said he had examined the final plat of
Tiffany by the Sea and found it to be in conformance with city
codes and recommended approval. Cook x
Edwards x x
Motion: Approve final plat for Tiffany by the Sea Tucker x x
Weldon x
o discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Gulliford x
MAY 13, 1991 NAME OF
E. Approval of covenants, conditions, easements and restrictions
for Tiffany by the Sea Cook x
Edwards x x
Motion: Approve covenants, conditions, easements and Tucker x
restrictions for Tiffany by the Sea Weldon a x
Gulliford x
No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously.
F. Water and Sewer Committee Report
Bob Kosoy, Director of Public Services, reported:
- The Utilities Committee had received a bid package from Gee &
Jenson for improvements to the Atlantic Beach water plants 1
and 2. Changes to the plans and specifications had been
requested and the revised proposal had not yet been received.
- International Fabco was awaiting a Notice to Proceed with the
Buccaneer Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion. Additional
information requested by Bio-Environmental Services (BES) had
been submitted and the members of the Utilities Committee were
each working to avoid further delays by BES and DER in
granting a construction permit.
- Bids would be received on May 28, for the construction of the
Sea Gardens lift station. By that time the necessary easement
would have been acquired either by agreement from the Sea
Gardens Homeowners Association or by Order of Taking. The
City Attorney said he had ordered an appraisal which was
required to do a declaration of values and he would proceed as
soon as possible.
- Alan Jensen' s staff were attempting to secure the necessary
easements for the Mayport Road bore and jack project, after
which the project would be bid. He explained this project was
required to comply with the Department of Environmental
Regulation Consent Agreement. Andy May had submitted a
proposal for resident observation of Gee & Jenson projects.
Mr. Kosoy said he had received a proposal from Gee & Jenson just
this evening for some additional work on the Buccaneer wastewater
treatment plant modifications. He said the proposal appeared to be
in order for the work required. After brief discussion, it was
agreed to include this as an agenda item at the next meeting of the
City Commission. Mr. Kosoy also requested action on Agenda Item 3A
be deferred until the following meeting.
Discussion then ensued regarding the proposal for resident
observation services and whether any conflict of interest existed
if these services were performed by Gee & Jenson. It was explained
that Gee & Jenson was responsible for engineering design work and
preparation of plans and specifications for various projects. Bids
were then invited and general contractors hired to do the
construction. During the construction phase, observation
MAY 13, 1991 NAME OF
services were needed to inspect the work of the contractor, and Gee
and Jenson was proposing to provide that service.
Committee member, Alan Potter, reported he had addressed the
Environmental Protection Board at its meeting earlier that day in
an attempt to get the construction permit issued for the Buccaneer
wastewater treatment plant expansion, but he did not feel his
attempts would be successful.
G. List of architects for possible design of Community Center for
Donner Park
The Mayor said he felt it was customary to present the City
Commission with a short list of three or so firms. After brief
discussion it was decided to resurrect the Professional Services
Committee, comprising of Commissioner Edwards, the City Manager,
and City Attorney for the purpose of reviewing the proposals and
establishing a short list.
H. Proposal for resident observation for various wastewater
This item has been discussed in conjunction with agenda item #6F
and action on the matter had been deferred until the following
Commission meeting.
I. Approval of contract with Property Appraiser's office and Tax
Collector's Office relative to Section H
The City confirmed that each Commissioner had received a copy of
the proposed agreement regarding the collection of special
assessments for the water and sewer installations in the Section H
infrastructure improvement project.
Cook x x
Motion: Authorize the Mayor to execute the contracts Edwards x
relative to collection of Section H special Tucker x
assessments with the Duval County Property Appraiser Weldon x x
and Tax Collector Gulliford x
No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously.
J. Approval of letter of recommendation to amend the animal
control ordinance
Chief Thompson recommended a revision to the animal control
ordinance to be consistent with similar changes the City of
Jacksonville had recently made in their animal control ordinance.
He said many complaints related to dogs barking at night
when the animal control officer was not on duty. The proposed
amendments would allow citizen complaints to be taken into
MAY 13, 1991 NAME OF
7. City Manager reports and/or correspondence:
- Mr. Leinbach reported the American Legion intended to
recognize city employees at a function at 7:00 PM on Friday,
May 24, 1991 and invited City Commissioners and their families
to attend.
- The City Manager also reported, in accordance with earlier
authorization by the City Commission, he had retained Mahoney
Adams (in conjunction with Jacksonville Beach) for services in
connection with EPA stormwater permitting, in an amount not to
exceed $1,500.00. Jacksonville Beach would pay the complete
bill and the City Manager requested authorization to reimburse
them for Atlantic Beach' s share of the bill. It was the
general consensus that Commission approval was not necessary.
Mayor Gulliford requested that in the future when projects
were undertaken in conjunction with the other beach cities
that financial responsibility be based on population.
- The City Manager also reported the move to the new City Hall
was scheduled for the evening of May 23.
Commissioner Edwards reported shopping carts were still being
abandoned in the Royal Palms area and Chief Thompson asked that the
'once Department be notified and they would contact the stores.
Commissioner Weldon questioned whether the City Hall would be
completed and ready for occupation by May 23. He pointed out there
were doorways and openings which he felt should be framed.
Discussion ensued regarding the items which had not been acceptable
to the Building Inspector. Don Ford said he had requested a report
from the contractor on the number of items on the punch list which
had now been completed, after which he could better determine
whether the building would be acceptable by May 23. Commissioner
Weldon said he felt it would be a grave mistake to move into the
building before everything was complete. Alan Potter also
encouraged the city to exercise caution about moving in too soon.
Commissioner Weldon also reported the architect who had been a part
of the committee which had been selected to study the future use of
the old City Hall building, had advised him that day that because
of the pressures of his business he would not be able to serve on
this committee. Commissioner Weldon apologized to the City
Commission for the delay and said he would try to schedule a
further meeting as soon as possible to determine how the committee
should proceed. He said it had been unanimously agreed by the
committee that the Parks & Recreation Department move into the
building as soon as it was vacated by the administrative offices.
This would provide a place for those operations and also provide
security for the building.
Commissioner Cook said on the occasion of the last Commission
Meeting in the old City Hall, he wished to remember that the
MAY 13, 1991
building had served the city long and well and requested good care
be taken of it.
Mayor Gulliford reported he and the City Attorney had met again
with Mr. Blackard in an attempt to resolve the matter of the dune
overwalk at Sixteenth Street but that nothing had been settled at
this time. In the meantime the matter is scheduled to go to court
in September.
The Mayor also confirmed that each Commissioner had received a copy
of information relative to the Atlantic Beach Little League. He
asked that they review this material and that the matter be placed
on the agenda for the next Commission meeting.
There being no further business to come before the City Commission,
the Mayor declared the meeting adjo ne t 9:20 PM.
illiam I. Gullii. d,
Mayor/Presiding Of
Maur en King, City 'lerk