05-25-81 v AGENDA
May 25, 1981
Call to Order
Invocation and Pledge to Flag
1. Approval of the Minutes of May 11, 1981
2. Recognition of Visitors
3. Correspondence
4. Advisory Planning Board - Commissioner Van Ness
A. George Bull - P. U. D. Application - Meeting of May 13, 1981
5. City Manager's Report - Oral
6. New Business
7. Unfinished Business
A. Mr. Parks and Mr. Edwards - Sewer and water extensions of mini-
warehouse complex on Atlantic Boulevard (Mike Ash)
8. Report of Committees
9. Action on Resolutions
A. Resolution 81-8 - Budget Transfer
10. Action on Ordinances
A. Ordinance No. 95-81-23 - An Ordinance Adopting and Approving the
Atlantic Beach Comprehensive Land Use Plan First Reading
11. Miscellaneous Business
AT 8 : 00 P .M . 0 0
PRESENT : William S . Howell , Mayor-Commissioner E E
Alan C. Jensen D D
L. W. Minton , Jr.
Catherine Gil Van Ness , Commissioners
AND: Carl Stucki , Acting City Manager T C
Oliver C . Ball , City Attorney I O y
Adelaide R. Tucker , City Clerk NAME OF ONEN
ABSENT: James E. Mhoon , Commissioner COM!dRS . N D S 0
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Howell . The invo-
cation , offered by Commissioner Minton , was followed by the
pledge to the flag.
Approval of the Minutes of May 11 , 1981
Motion : The minutes of the regular Commission meeting of Minton x x
May 11 , 1981 be approved as submitted . Van Ness x x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Howell x
Advisory Planning Board - Commissioner Van Ness
k_ George Bull - P . U . D. Application-Meeting of May 13 , 1981
Commissioner Van Ness reported that Mr . Bull attended the
meeting of May 13 , 1981 and presented his over-all plan for
the rest of his Selva Marina development which will be develop-
ed like units 10 through 12 . She said Mr . Bull presented a
topographic survey showing the layout of the streets and
utilities , and the Advisory Planning Board approved the
application under Planned Unit Development . The chair then
recognized Mr . Bull . Mr . Bull commented that the Advisory
Planning Board ' s approval carried with it the continuation
of the development concept as previously done in units 10
through 12 . They did not approve his application under the
strict interpretation of the subdivision ordinances , and he
added that their recommendation for approval did not specifi-
cally say the streets should or should not be dedicated, but
to continue the type of development he had already undertaken
and the difficulty he is encountering with Selva Marina
Garden he asked the Commission that their consideration be
on the premise that the streets not be dedicated as the other
units were approved. Mr. Bull explained he had withheld Selva
Marina Garden from going to record because the cost of the
development as ultimately approved by the City Commission
makes the cost prohibitive . Mr . Bull stated that he would
probably submit a new set of engineering recommendations on
elva Marina Garden to the Commission in about two to four
MINUTES Names of
MAY 25 , 1981 Commrs. MS Y N
Advisory Planning Board - continued
Motion : Planned Unit Development application submitted
by Mr . George Bull on his over-all plan for Jensen x x
the rest of his Selva Marina development be Minton x x
sent to a Public Hearing. Van Ness x
Howell x
Mayor Howell set the Public Hearing for July
13 , 1981
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
City Manager ' s Report
Chief Stucki reported to the Commission adjustments that
have been made in City Hall to correct the criticisms
the auditor and others have made . He stated that the
cashier , Carlene Sparks , had been transferred to the com-
puter department to be trained as the operator and is
doing very well and he recommended that she be given a
$1, 000 annual increase in salary. He also requested a
$500 annual increase in salary for Joan LaVake , the execu
tive secretary , who also serves as the City Manager ' s
>ecretary. She serves as secretary for all of the boards
(all meet at night ) and she has not been compensated for
in the past . In some of the other areas to be resolved ,
the Chief added that we have established everyone on eith •r
a time clock or some type of documentation for the number
of hours worked, and Ms . LaVake handles that along with
the sick leave and vacation time that is now on the
computer. Another added responsibility is the personnel
insurance. A short discussion followed concerning present
annual salaries and Commissioners Minton and Van Ness
requested that the matter be passed over until the next
meeting. The Chair asked for a motion .
Motion : The matter be passed over until the next Jensen x
meeting. Minton x x
Van Ness x x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Howell x
The Acting City Manager requested permission to pay two
invoices submitted by Mr. Walter J. Parks , Jr. , city
engineer . One in the amount of $88 . 00 on a water quality
report, and one in the amount of $543 . 75 for engineering
report on Selva Marina Garden.
Motion : Approve payment of both invoices submitted by
Mr . Walter J. Parks , Jr . , in the amounts of Jensen x x
$88 . 00 and $543 . 75 . Minton x x
Van Ness x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Howell x
Page Three V V
Minutes Names of
May 25 , 1981 Commrs. MS Y N
City Manager ' s Report- continued
Chief Stucki stated that he had been advised by the
Director of Public Works that he was having some problems
involving an employee presently working for the city who
has some problems concerning the investigation presently
going on . The Mayor asked what the Acting City Manager
recommended and the Chief asked for Commission action on
the matter. Commissioner Minton stated that the individual
was presently under indictment , and if this was a police
officer he would be suspended . Regretfully , Commissioner
Minton moved the following motion :
Motion : Suspend Claudie Hogans until after the adjudi-
cation of his charges . If found innocent , full Jensen X
pay will be provided . Minton x x
VanNess x x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Howell x
Unfinished Business
A. Mr. Parks and Mr . Edwards - Sewer and water extensions
of mini-warehous complex on Atlantic Boulevard (Ash)_
Mr. Parks stated that it was his understanding that it
appears that the City has committed itself to extend lines
250 ' from where they presently terminate on to Mr . Mike
Ash ' s property as water and sewer lines . He presented
an estimate of $3 , 390 to extend the water line using an
8" water main. The sewer extension including repavement
would be approximately $6 , 250 giving a total of $9 , 640 .
He added that if the city is in a financial position to
undertake the project those lines should be extended all
the way across Mr. Ash ' s property up to the present entra'Ice
at Atlantic Arms Apts before Mr. Ash develops the property .
This would cost an additional $8 , 200 to extend the lines
all the way across the property . He recommended that the
plans be drawn and call for a base bid to extend the lines
250 ' and have an additive bid to continue the lines 300 `
more. The Mayor agreed and suggested that Mr . Ash be
consulted on the cost to continue the lines 300 ' more .
Jensen x x
Motion : Proceed with the plans and call for bids on the Minton x
basis as outlined by Mr . Parks . Van Ness x x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Howell x
Action on Resolutions
. Resolution 81-8 - Budget Transfer
Resolution 81 -8 . Mayor Howell presented and read in full
Resolution 81-8 , a Resolution transferring $16 , 686 . 24
from Public Works Personnel to Administrative salaries .
MINUTES Names of
MAY 25 , 1981 Commrs. MS Y N
Action on Resolutions- continued
d Jensen x x
Motion : Passage of said Resolution. Copy of Resolutio-i Minton x
81-8 is attached hereto and made a part hereof .
Van Ness x x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Howell x
Action on Ordinances
A. Ordinance No. 95-81-23 - An Ordinance adopting and
Approving the Atlantic Beach Comprehensive Land Use
Plan arid providing an effective date- First Reading
Mayor Howell requested that the rules be waived due to
the fact the Commission had not received the Ordinance
in full , in writing on Friday , and present the Ordinance
for first reading. Commission agreed .
Said Ordinance was presented and read by title only , on
first reading by Mayor Howell .
Jensen x x
Motion : Rules be waived and said Ordinance be passed on Minton x
first reading, by title only . Van Ness x x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Howell x
A discussion followed on passage of the second reading
and the City Attorney determined the second reading be
passed on an emergency.
Motion :On emergency, said Ordinance be passed on second Jensen x x
reading , by title only. Minton x
Van Ness x x
Public Hearings were set for June 8 , 1981 and Howell x
June 22 , 1981
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Miscellaneous Business
Commissioner Minton requested that Mr. Parks talk with Mr
Ash on the cost of the water and sewer lines as mentioned
in unfinished business. The Commission instructed Mr.
Parks to confer with Mr . Ash and advise him of the cost
that Mr. Ash will have to bare.
Commissioner Van Ness asked how severe is the water shortage .
Mr. Edwards stated that the water has been dwindling at
least one foot to sixteen inches per year for the last
three or four years. They are asking for voluntary cut-
'hack or there will be mandatory regulations placed on
rater usage.
Commissioner Jensen stated that the recent grand jury
presentment has made certain allegations about certain
MINUTES Names of
MAY 25 , 1981 Commrs. MS Y N
Miscellaneous Business - continued - Jensen
activities in the city. The grand jury in conjuction with
the State Attorney ' s office has suggested the Commission
do something about this in regards to an investigation.
Commissioner Jensen said the city charter provides certair
powers to be given to the Commission or to a committee
appointed by the Commission or the Mayor . He suggested
a committee be appointed to look into the allegations as
to whether or not they are true and what could be done
and recommended the Code Enforcement Board members be
asked to serve as a committee. The Mayor asked the City
Attorney for an opinion and he expressed the opinion that
the City Commission itself or any committee has no authority
to investigate elected officials . The Mayor suggested
that the City Commission authorize the City Attorney
to go to Tallahassee the next day, May 26th and try to get
an opinion from the Attorney General of the State of Florida
as to the interpretation of Section 166 and whether Secticn
164 is applicable to an investigation as it would pertain
to any violation of section 166 . When the City Attorney
returns , the Mayor said a special meeting could be called .
:ommission agreed.
The Mayor said that the duties of the City Clerk/Treasurer
Comptroller were too much for that individual to do and
suggested that the Commission move immediately to appoint
someone to take over the job as Comptroller and Treasurer
and relieve those two responsibilities from the position
of the City Clerk. He added that there are funds in the
budget to accomplish having the two positions , and in
discussions with Chief Stucki, they have found at least
two individuals that may be competent for the job. He
suggested that the Commission meet on Monday night , June 1 ,
1981 to interview the two individuals or anyone else that
may be interested. The Commission unanimously agreed. The
meeting was scheduled for 8 : 00 P .M.
There being no further business , the Ma or de lared the
meeting adjourned.
// i
(SEAL) William S . How- 11
delaide R. Tucker
City Clerk
WHEREAS , The City Charter of the City of Atlantic Beach requires
that the City Commission approve all budgetary transfers from one
fund to another , and
WHEREAS , the nature of budgetary system and those day to day
decisions affecting such budgetary systems require transfers from
time to time ,
NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City
of Atlantic Beach , that the following transfers be approved in
the 1980-81 Budget :
Account Increase Decrease
O1-513-1200 (Administrative Salaries) $ 16 , 686 . 24
01-541-1200 (Public Works Personnel) $ 16 , 686 . 24
Totals $ 16 , 686 . 24 $16 , 686. 24
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Passed by the City Commission on May 25 , 1981 .
Adelaide R. Tucker