06-22-81 v AGENDA
June 22, 1981
Call to Order
Invocation and Pledge to Flag
1. Approval of the Minutes of June 8, 1981
2. Recognition of Visitors
3. Correspondence
4. Advisory Planning Board - Commissioner Van Ness
5. City Manager's Report - Oral
6. New Business
A. Forest Thomas re construction of welding and repair shop on
Donner Road
7. Unfinished Business
A. Mike Ash re water and sewer connection permits for 1089 - 1091
Atlantic Boulevard.
B. Bid Opening - Water and Sanitary Sewer Extensions - Northside of
Atlantic Boulevard and East of Mayport Road
C. City of Atlantic Beach Comprehensive Plan - Regulation of Land Use -
Marvin Hill, Planning Consultant - Public Hearing
8. Report of Committees
A. Report of Committee re applicants for position of City Manager
9. Action on Resolutions
10. Action on Ordinances
A. Ordinance No. 60-81-4 - Amending the City's ordinance regulating
signs - First Reading
B. Ordinance No. 95-81-23 - An Ordinance Adopting and Approving the
Atlantic Beach Comprehensive Land Use Plan - Third and Final
Reading - Public Hearing (Cont'd)
11. Miscellaneous Business
A. Greater Jacksonville Area USO Council, Inc. , requesting Fiscal
Year 1980-81 allocation of $500.00; further requesting Fiscal Year
1981-82 allocation in amount of $1,500.00.
B. Jacksonville Beaches Area Chamber of Commerce re Capital Fund Drive
PRESENT: L. W. Minton, Jr. , Mayor Pro Tem. T T
James E. Mhoon E E
Alan C. Jensen D D
Catherine G. Van Ness, Commissioners
AND: Carl Stucki, Acting City Manager M S
Oliver C. Ball, City Attorney 0 E
Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk T C
ABSENT: William S. Howell, Mayor-out of town on Fla.League business NAME OF ONEN
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Minton. The invocation,
offered by Commissioner Van Ness, was followed by the pledge to the flag.
Approval of the Minutes of June 8, 1981
Jensen x
Motion: The Minutes of the regular Commission Meeting of June 8,1981 Mhoon x x
be approved as submitted. Van Ness x x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Minton x
Recognition of Visitors
The Chair recognized Mr. Ralph Bell, 664 Beach Avenue, who asked for
cooperation in cleaning up the beach. Mayor Pro Tem Minton instructed
the Acting City Manager to look into the matter.
A citizen residing on Sargo Road questioned why the city was allowing
development to continue when we have a water shortage, Mr, Parks
answered that the Fla Water Management District has requested there be a
reduction of 15% water usage, but there is really not a crisis in this
area at the time.
Advisory Planning Board - Commissioner Van Ness
Commissioner Van Ness asked Mr. John Andresen, Chairman of the Advisory
Planning Board to present the report from the last meeting. Mr. Andresen
stated that when Mrs. Then presented her proposal for Planned Unit
Development on April 22, 1981 there were three board members present. A
motion was made for approval and died for lack of a second. At the
last meeting held on June 17, 1981 all members were present. After
discussion, a motion was made for approval. The motion was disapproved
with three members voting no and one voting yes.
Commissioner Van Ness reported that the board also met with Mr. Marvin
Hill on the 701,working on the zoning Ordinances to bring them up to the
Comprehensive Plan. She announced that the next Advisory Planning Board
meeting would be held on Wednesday, June 24, 1981 at 7:30 p.m. at City
Hall and invited all interested parties to attend.
MINUTES Names of
JUNE 22, 1981 Commrs. M S Y N
City Manager's Report
Chief Stucki advised receipt of a letter from the Mental Health
facilities requesting the city to pay the 3rd quarter allocation of
$750.00 which is an approved budgeted item.
Jensen x
Motion:Approve payment of $750.00 to the Mental Health facilities Mhoon x x
for the 3rd quarter allocation. This is an approved budget- Van Ness x x
ed item for the 1980-81 year. Minton x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Acting City Manager stated that he had received from the Communi:y
Affairs a proposed amendment granting an extension of 90 days on the
701 project that needs to be executed and returned.
Motion: Execute the proposed amendment granting an extension of Jensen x
90 days on the 701 project and return to the Department of Mhoon x x
Community Affairs. Van Ness x x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Minton x
Chief Stucki introduced Mr. Jim Lucas whose firm handled the formal
application for the Community Development Block Grant. Mr. Lucas
was pleased to announce that the Department of Housing and Urban
Development has approved the city's application for $465,000 of
grant assistance in the Donner area neighborhood. He detailed the
procedures that now need to be done regarding the paper work: the
Mayor be authorized to sign the agreement for the grant; upon accept -
ance of the grant a letter of credit needs to be established, and
the necessary signature cards need to be made, and a separate bank
account set up separate and apart from the city's normal operating
account where the money for the project will go into and be disburses
to cover expenses incurred. Mr. Lucas also recommended that the
Commission appoint a committee to review the various alternatives
for setting up the necessary administration. The sum of $25,000 has
been set up for administrative costs. The grant runs for one year-
from June 10, 1981 to June 10, 1982, and he suggested that the City
act on the above as quickly as possible. The Mayor Pro Tem appointed
a committee to report back at the next meeting. The Commissioners
to serve on the committee are Mr. Jensen, Dr. Mhoon, and Mr. Minton.
Jensen x
Motion: Authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement for the grant Mhoon x x
on behalf of the City. Van Ness x x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Minton x
The Acting City Manager advised the Commission that a serious
personnel problem has developed within the Public Safety Department
because of promises that were made to them by the previous City
Manager and were not implemented in this years budget. In the last
thirty days the city has lost three officers, and three officers
are presently being interviewed for other employment. Chief Stucki
explained that a pay plan was presented to the Commission approxi-
mately one year ago with the understanding that it would be imple-
mented in the budget. This was not done. On two occasions departme-ital
MINUTES Names of
JUNE 22, 1981 Commrs. M S Y N
— _ -
City Manager's Report - continued
meetings were held with the police personnel and the pay plan was
presented and proposed to his personnel under all the beliefs that
it had been accepted and enforced. During this period of time nine
officers were shown the pay plan and it was explained to them that
with each step they would receive additional compensation during
their tenure with the City. Chief Stucki stated that he had been un-
able to fulfill that commitment. He added that when the City loses
one police officer and is replaced the new officer proceeds for the
first six months through a training process which individually
would cost approximately $6,000 to train. The City continues, as
we have in the past, being the training center for North East Florida
for future police officers. The Chief expressed the opinion that
this is a tremendous waste of taxpapers money to constantly go
through this because of neglect of certain things that have not
been done although it was the Commission's assumption that they were
being carried out. He stated that he did not think this matter can
wait until a new City Manager can be hired, and requested action be
taken now in order to keep the personnel we presently have, especially
the three officers that are presently looking for employment. He
advised the Commission that funds needed to implement the plan
immediately would cost approximately $5,000 and he presented a
Resolution covering a budget transfer of $5,000 into personnel. By
adopting the Resolution, this plan can also be dealt with in the
following year's budget. Commissioner Mhoon stated that the entire
plan was approved by the full Commission and it appeared to be a
very good plan, and it was his opinion that the plan was currently
in operation and made the following motion to have the pay step plan
implemented immediately:
Jensen x
Motion: Transfer adequate funds to Public Safety Personnel to Mhoon x x
implement the pay step plan immediately. Van Ness x x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Minton x
The Acting City Manager then presented and read in full Resolution
81-8, a resolution transferring $5,000 from Public Safety-Auto-
Capital to Public Safety Personnel.
Jensen x x
Motion: Passage of said Resolution. Copy of Resolution 81-8 is Mhoon x x
attached hereto and made a part hereof. Van Ness x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Minton x
New Business
A. Forest Thomas re construction of welding and repair shop on
Donner Road.
The Acting City Manager advised that Mr. Thomas's plans had been
reviewed for a welding and repair shop on Donner Road. The zoning
is proper and the plans are in accord with the Southern Standard
Building Code and all other codes of the City of Atlantic Beach.
MINUTES Names of
JUNE 22, 1981 Commr s. M S Y N
New Business - continued
Jensen x x
Motion: Approve the plans for a welding and repair shop on Donner Mhoon x x
Road that were submitted by Mr. Forest Thomas Van Ness x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Minton x
Unfinished Business
A. Mike Ash re water and sewer connection permits for 1089-1091
Atlantic Boulevard
The Chair recognized Mr. Ash who stated that in February, 1981 he
requested the extension of water and sewer services at 1089 Atlantic-
Blvd. On March 26, 1981 he received a letter from the City of
Atlantic Beach indicating that his cost would be $1,400 for the
extension of water and sewer services to his project now under
construction. Mr. Ash added that since then,he has received another
letter from the City advising him the cost to extend the lines for
water and sewer services would be approximately $15,000. Mayor Pro
Tem Minton asked Mr. Edwards how Mr. Davis arrived at the $1,400
figure. Mr. Edwards answered that Mr. Davis had only asked him to
go out and measure the property Mr. Ash had requested, and he
assumed Mr. Davis had calculated the dollar amount. Mr. Ash expressed
the opinion that $1,400 was a fair price expecially since he had
borrowed the money from a mortgage company based on Mr. Davis's
letter of March 26, 1981. The Mayor Pro Tem asked Mr. Parks for a
comment. Mr. Parks stated that he was not consulted beforehand on
the matter and his first knowledge of the proposed extension was
on his return from a forced trip to North Carolina due to family
illness and was advised the matter had been brought before the City
Commission. As the cost would be over $1,000, he was instructed to
prepare the necessary plans and specifications to call for bids.
Those bids will be opened at this meeting. Mr. Parks added that he
had no knowledge of how Mr. Davis arrived at a figure of $1,400, and
added that in the past all builders or developers had paid for all
costs for laying the lines, whatever the cost may be. Dr. Mhoon
agreed and said this had always been the policy during his tenure
as a Commissioner. Commissioner Jensen suggested that action be
tabled until after the bid opening. Commission agreed.
B. Bid Opening- Water and Sanitary Sewer Extensions-Northside of
Atlantic Boulevard and East of Mayport Road.
Mayor Pro Tem Minton announced that four sealed bids had been
received. The following bids were received and opened:
Bids Received Base Bid Alternate
A. J. Johns, Inc. $ 8,851.00 $ 7,015.00
Jacksonville, Fla.
5% Bid Bond-Trans America
Commence work-10 days
Complete within 21 calendar
MINUTES Names of
JUNE 22, 1981 Commr s. MS Y N
Bid Opening - continued
Bids Received Base Bid Alternate
Jax Utilities Construction Co $ 11,627.00 $ 6.854.00
Jacksonville, Fla.,
Bid Bond-Cashiers ck. $925.00
Commence work - 10 days
Complete within 21 days
Five Row Contracting, Inc.
Jacksonville, Fla. 13,710.00 10,540.00
Bid Bond-Cashiers ck.$1,212.50
Commence work - 10 days
Complete within 21 days
Inman and Associate Contractors
Jacksonville, Fla. 14,767.00 9,181.00
Bid Bond-Trans America-5%
Commence work - 10 days
Complete within 21 days
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Mayor Pro Tem asked Mr. Parks, the City Engineer, to review the
bids and report back before the close of the meeting.
C. George Bull -Comprehensive Plan and Selva Marina Garden
Mr. Bull requested that his engineer, Mr. Alan Potter present a
proposal to modify the already approved sewer and water plans for
Selva Marina Garden to permit them the use of Siamese connections
which Mr. Parks, the city engineer, had denied Mr. Bull the right to
use when the plans were submitted originally. Commissioner Jensen
asked if this was a modification of the PUD plan and Mr. Bull answered
no, this was only a modification of the sanitary sewer plans. Mr.
Parks was called back into the meeting and Mr. Potter presented his
proposal. He stated that they had received bids for the development
of Selva Marina Garden and the average lot cost was substantially
higher than they felt was realistic for the development of the proje=t.
A unit price breakdown was received on different parts of the work
and the only high part of the bidding, compared with other projects,
was on the sewer. The low bidder, Mr. A. J. Johns, advised them
that the biggest single item which was out of line was in using
single service laterals for every residential unit as opposed to
using siamese connections which lateral goes to the common lot line
and two houses come into the lateral. Mr. Potter noted that this is
not a unique type of construction as it has been used substantially
in Atlantic Beach over the years. The plans were revised and Mr.
Johns advised them by letter that based on plans revised as of June
19, 1981 Mr. Bull could deduct $6,499 for changes on sewer piping,
which is a saving of approximately 16%. He submitted the revised plans
for the Commission and Mr. Parks's approval. A discussion followed.
MINUTES Names of
JUNE 22, 1981 Commrs. M S Y N
George Bull - continued
Commissioner Van Ness asked if the revised plans were the same as
originally presented and that Mr. Parks objected to. Mr. Potter
answered generally that was correct. Commissioner Jensen asked for
Mr. Parks opinion. Mr. Parks stated that in years past siamese
laterals had been used. He cited one problem that arises is when
water starts backing up in a siamese lateral which house bears the
responsibility. He cited other examples and expressed the opinion
this will be precedential in future development if the Commission
approves the use of Siamese laterals. Mr. Bull and Mr. Potter
rebutted Mt. Parks's examples. After discussion, the following motion
was made by Commissioner Jensen:
Motion: Approve Mr. Bull's proposal to modify the sanitary sewer
plans of Selva Marina Garden. Jensen x x
Before the vote was called, Commissioner Mhoon expressed the opinion Mhoon X
that due to the congestion and other reasons Mr. Parks has outlined Van Ness x x
he could not approve Mr. Bull's proposal. Minton x
The motion was carried with a three to one vote.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
D. City of Atlantic Beach Comprehensive Plan-Regulation of Land Use-
Marvin Hill, Planning Consultant - Public Hearing
Mayor Pro Tem Minton opened the floor for a Public Hearing and
introduced Mr. Marvin Hill to present the plan. Mr. Hill stated that
he had met with Mr. Bull this afternoon on the proposed comprehensive
plan's showing low density (four units per acre) in the areas Mr.
Bull plans development, notably the Bull airport and Selva Marina
Garden area in the north end of Atlantic Beach and west of Seminole
Road. These areas are presently zoned Planned Unit Development. Mr.
Bull strongly objected to his property being changed to a low density
area and requested that the Commission allow this to remain under
Planned Unit Development. Mr. Hill explained that the plan can be
revised and updated and that Mr. Bull's property can be changed to
medium or high density (11-20 units per acre) or can remain a
planned development now, if the Commission so chooses. A lengthy
discussion followed. Mr. Bull's attorney, Bill Noe, Jr. pointed out
that the property now zoned Planned Unit Development requires
Commission consideration, but if the Comprehensive Plan is adopted
showing his land as low density, the Commission can deny hearing any
proposal for over four units per acre if they so choose. Messrs.
George Bull, Jr. , Alan Potter, and Mr. L. B. MacDonnell all supporteJ
Mr. Bull's request. Mayor Pro Tem Minton reminded the audience that
the plan could be amended before passage and also pointed out the
Advisory Planning Board and the citizens committee had been working
on the plan for over four years. Mr. Ball stated that the state
had mandated a July 1, 1981 deadline for passage. As no one else
spoke for or against, the Mayor Pro Tem declared the Public Hearing
MINUTES Names of
JUNE 22, 1981 Commrs. M S Y N
Report of Committees
A. Report of Committee re applicants for position of City Manager
Mr. Robert Persons, Jr. , Chairman of the Committee screening
applicants for the position of City Manager reported that the
committee had met three times and had the assistance of Commissioner;
Van Ness and Minton. He stated that by June 16th, the committee had
narrowed the field of candidates from 56 to 4. Mr. Persons requested
that the committee now be allowed to personally interview the four
finalists in order to complete its assignment of recommending the
several best candidates to the Commission. He listed the finalists
as Mr. Jack Crook, Mr. William Moss, Mr. Earl P. Wagner, and Mr.
Victor Bortnick. Mr. Persons asked the Commission to allocate
$2,000 to defray the expense of bringing the four applicants to be
interviewed by the Committee on Thursday night, June 25, 1981 and
to further be interviewed by the Commission on Friday morning, June
26, 1981. The Mayor Pro Tem asked for a motion. Commissioner Van
Ness commented that when the committee last met the Commissioners
present were asked if monies could be appropriated and the Commis-
sioners present informed the committee that they would ask the
Commission to bring in the Commission's choice of candidates for an
interview. Commissioner Van Ness moved to allocate the necessary
funds to defray the expenses of the candidates that the Commission
brings in for interviews. The Mayor Pro Tem requested that she amend
the motion to include an amount of $2,000.
Jensen x
Amended Motion: Appropriate funds, in the amount of $2,000 to Mhoon x
defray the expenses of the applicants. Van Ness x x
Mayor Pro Tem Minton instructed the Acting City Manager to charge Minton x x
the above amount to the appropriate account by transferring funds.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Commissioner Van Ness then made the motion that the Commission meet
and interview the applicants to decide if any are qualified and
stated that she saw nothing to be availed by the Committee interview-
ing the applicants. A discussion followed on the matter and also
time tables. Dr. Mhoon made the following motion:
Motion: The Committee will interview the applicants on Thursday Jensen x x
night, June 25, 1981 from 7:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. Mhoon x x
and submit their recommendations to the Commission. The Minton x
Commission will interview the applicants on Friday morning Van Ness X
from 8:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m.
Commissioners Mhoon and Jensen voted in favor of the motion,CommissiDner
Minton voted aye, but stated that he did so only to avoid a dead lock
since the City needed to appoint a City Manager as soon as possible.
Commissioner Van Ness voted against the motion.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
MINUTES Names of
JUNE 22, 1981 Commr s. M S Y N
J - - - I '- r
Report of Committee- continued
The Acting City Manager requested guide lines as to what reimburse-
ments would be made to the applicants. The decision was made to
pay for one night lodging, meals and transportation.
Action on Ordinances
A. Ordinance No. 60-81-4-Amending the City's Ordinance regulating
Signs - First Reading
Said Ordinance was presented in full, and read by title only, on
first reading by Acting City Manager Stucki. Jensen x
Motion: Said Ordinance be passed on first reading, by title only. Mhoon x
Van Ness x x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Minton x x
Commissioner Van Ness requested that the rules be waived and pass
the Ordinance on second reading on emergency. She added that the
JC's were most anxious to start their project of the public service
benches. Commission agreed.
Motion: Rules be waived on emergency and said Ordinance be read Jensen x
on second reading. Mhoon x x
Minton x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Van Ness x x
Said Ordinance was presented in full, in writing, and read by title
only, on second reading, by Acting City Manager Stucki.
Jensen x
Motion: Rules be waived and said Ordinance be passed on second Mhoon x x
reading, by title only, on emergency. Minton x
Van Ness x x
Public Hearing was set for July 13, 1981.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
B. Ordinance No. 95-81-23 - An Ordinance Adopting and Approving the
Atlantic Beach Comprehensive Land Use Plan - Third and Final
Reading -• Public Hearing - Continued
MINUTES Names of
JUNE 22, 1981 Commrs. M S Y N
Action on Ordinances - continued - Public Hearing
Said Ordinance was presented in full, in writing, and read on third
and final reading by Acting City Manager Stucki. After the reading,
Mayor Pro Tem Minton opened the meeting for a continued Public
Hearing, After discussion, Commissioner Van Ness made the following
Motion: Table the passage of said Ordinance on third and final read-
ing and continue the Public Hearing on Friday, June 26, 1981 Jensen x
at the conclusion of the City Manager's interviews. Mhoon x x
Van Ness x x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Minton x
Miscellaneous Business
A. Greater Jacksonville Area USO Council, Inc. , requesting Fiscal
Year 1980-81 allocation of $500.00; further requesting Fiscal Year
1981-82 allocation in amount of $1,500.00
Acting City Manager Stucki advised the Commission that $500.00 had
been allocated in the current budget, and recommended that the
request for $1,500 be held over until budget workshop meetings on
the 1981-82 budget were held.
Jensen x
Motion: Approve payment of $500,00. Deny the $1,500.00 request Mhoon x x
until the next budget is approved. Van Ness x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Minton x x
B. Jacksonville Beaches Area Chamber of Commerce re Capital Fund
Acting City Manager Stucki stated the Jacksonville Beaches Area
Chamber of Commerce are having a capital fund drive and are request-
ing more money. He added no money is allocated in this years's
Jensen x x
Motion: Consider the request at budget time. Mhoon x
Van Ness x x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Minton x
Mayor Pro Tem Minton asked Mr. Parks for a report on Item 7-B-Bid
Opening for water and sanitary sewer extensions - Mike Ash. Mr.
Parks reported that he had reviewed the bids and the bid of A. J.
Johns is the low bid and is in order. Mr. Johns does qualify their
bid of additive alternate because limerock has been spread since
the plans and specifications were prepared and they have attachment
A prepared which says:"removal and replacement of limerock base from
east end of project, which is in additive alternate is by others".
Mr. Johns price of $8,851. 00 on the base bid to run the lines 250 ft
and the additive alternate of $7,015.00 appear to be correct.
MINUTES Names of
JUNE 22, 1981 Conur s. M S Y N
Mr, Parks - Bid Opening- continued
Mr. Parks then asked if the Commission desired to make any award at
this time; award the base bid only, or award a bid to go all the
way across the property. Commissioner Jensen asked Mr. Ash what he
needed at this time. Mr. Ash stated the base bid was sufficient
for his needs. He reminded the Commission of his letter from Mr.
Davis quoting a figure of $1,400 total. Mr. Ball, the City Attorney.
expressed the opinion that the letter is a mistake and should not
have been written, and under the circumstances the City could not
honor the letter. The Mayor Pro Tem asked Mr. Ash if he would be
prepared to pay for the bid price, and Mr. Ash replied no, but if
later on it was determined the cost was his responsibility, then
he would pay the additional amount over the $1,400, A discussion
followed on how far to run the lines.
Motion: Accept A, J. Johns, Inc, of Jacksonville as the low bid Mhoon x
Van Ness x
for the base and the additive alternate,
A discussion was held before the vote. Commissioner Jensen noted
that consideration should be taken of the potential exposure the
city has for legal liability. The letter from Mr. Davis contemplate;
the first 250 ft. so if the city awards the base and the additive
the Commission would be doubling the city's exposure. The City
Attorney agreed. Commissioner Van Ness expressed the opinion that
Mr. Ash should be liable for the first 250 ft, and the city would
pay for the additive and assess anyone desiring to tap in at a futur -
Jensen 4 X
Vote on the Motion: The motion failed by a three to one vote, Mhoon X
Van Ness X
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Minton X
Motion: Award A. J. Johns, Inc, of Jacksonville the base bid Jensen x x
only. Mr. Mike Ash will pay the total amount of $8,851.00
before the contract will be signed. Mhoon x x
Van Ness X
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Minton x
There being no further business, the Mayer Pro Clem decl red the
meeting adjourned.
(SEAL) -1/
.W. Minton, r.
Mayor Pro Tem
Adelaide R. Tucker
City Clerk