11-09-81 v . . • AGENDA CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA November 9, 1981 Call to Order Invocation and Pledge to Flag 1. Approval of the Minutes of Retiring Commission of November 3, 1981 Approval of the Minutes of New Commission of November 3, 1981 2. Recognition of Visitors 3. Correspondence 4. Advisory Planning Board 5. City Manager's Report A. Item #1 - Name, Address and Telephone Numbers of City Commissioners, Appointed Boards, and Staff • B. Item #2 - Authorization to Disburse $1,818.75 to DATUM, Inc. , for Computer Programming Services 6. New Business 7. Unfinished Business 8. Report of Committees 9. Action on Resolutions A. Resolution No. 81-22 - Adopting the Community Development Block Grant Housing Rehabilitation Assistance Program Guidelines 10. Action on Ordinances A. Ordinance No. 25-81-14 - Adopting the Standard Housing Code (Southern Building Code Congress International) 11. Miscellaneous Business 12. ADJOURN MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY V V COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON NOVEMBER 9, 1981 AT 8:00 PM O O T T PRESENT: Robert B. Persons, Mayor-Commissioner E E Alan C. Jensen D D Preben Johansen Catherine G. Van Ness, Commissioners AND: A. William Moss, City Manager M S Oliver C. Ball, City Attorney O E Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk T C I O Y ABSENT: William I. Gulliford, Jr. -attending Governor's conference NAME OF O N E N in Tampa, Florida COMMRS. N D S O The meeting was called to order by Mayor Persons. The invocation, offered by Commissioner Van Ness, was followed by the pledge to the flag. Approval of the Minutes of the Retiring Commission of November 3, 1981 Mayor Persons: We have a rather strange situation, in that, there is not a majority here who were on the retiring Commission to approve their minutes. I would suggest that we can do it on the grounds that each and every one of us were here in person and listened to the meeting and the minutes that have been submitted are a verbatim rendition of the tape recordings. Commissioner Jensen x x Johansen: I move we waive the rules and adopt. Johansen x x Van Ness x The motion carried unanimously. Persons x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Approval of the Minutes of the New Commission of November 3, 1981 Motion: The minutes of the new Commission of November 3, 1981 be Jensen x approved as corrected. Johansen x x Van Ness x x The motion carried unanimously. Persons x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Correspondence Mr. Moss: I have submitted this evening to the City Commission a copy of correspondence received from the Northeast Florida Regional Planning Council regarding a A-95 review process for a grant application submitted by the City of Jacksonville whereby funds will be used on a project to control wind blown sands along Duval County beaches. Normally I would take action and make sone recommendation or complete the information. I had considered the City Commission may want to at least be aware of the project and if they had any input at this time. Basically it is going to involve installing snow fences on all our beaches, including Atlantic Beach. They will eventually, or they are supposed to eventually be covered by sand dunes and then sea oats will be planted on top of the sand dunes. PAGE TWO V V MINUTES Names of NOVEMBER 9, 1981 Commr s. M S Y N Correspondence - continued Mayor Persons: And who is going to pay for this? Mr. Moss: It is going to be on a grant - there won't be any charge to Atlantic Beach. Commissioner Van Ness: Are you sure? Mr.Moss: Yes. Commissioner Johansen: Mr. Moss, first of all, it's not a snow fence - it's a sand fence. Mr. Moss: Thank you, Commissioner. Commissioner Johansen: I think it's certainly something you should look at - if you walk up and down the beach - we just spent some eight odd million dollars on something that apparently didn't work good. When you look up and down at the people that have planted sea oats and even christmas trees - it worked- they still have sand - where right next door they have none I think we should look at the project - very carefully. Commissioner Van Ness: We are not involving ourselves then into $81,992? Mr. Moss: No, we are not. In fact, I think Atlantic Beach's portion was higher than that - I think it was $122,000, no you are right - $81,992. Commissioner Van Ness: They are not going to do either or - they are not going to to do the sand fence and the sea oats? Mr. Moss: I understand it to be a combination of both. Commissioner Van Ness: That runs it up. Mr. Moss: Do I understand then that we endorse the project? Commissioner Jensen: Wholeheartedly. Mr. Moss: O.K. Page Three V V Minutes Names of November 9, 1981 Commr s. M S Y N — - -- - , ,.. Correspondence - continued Mr. Moss: Also, Mayor, I handed to you and the City Commission this evening the correspondence from myself regarding Commission appointments which should be made at some time (See attached copy of memorandum from Mr. Moss) . We are still doing research regarding appointments of members to the Board of Adjustments. Commissioner Van Ness: Were you in touch with Mr. Tinsley? Mr. Moss: He gave us the same date that they were appointed on Sept. 9th but it is not reflected in the minutes. Commissioner Van Ness: No, it is not in the minutes. Mr. Moss: I don't know if anything needs to be done tonight. If the Commission wants to bring recommendations to you, Mayor,for the next meeting then we can schedule for that meeting. Mayor Persons: Do you think the next meeting will be soon enough or do we need to act with any certain speed on it? Mr. Moss: I don't think we need to act with any speed. I don't vision any of these boards meeting - in fact I don't vision any of these organizations meeting befbre the next two weeks. Commissioner Van Ness: Now the Planning Board will. I would like to request - I know in last December they extended the Planning Board to exist as it was, through, and the Board of Adjustment too, I think, through July 1st of this year so that we could complete the comprehensive plan. Now we have completed the comprehensive plan and we are working right now on the 701 project which is bringing the zoning ordinances up in line with the Comprehensive plan and hopefully we will be through with all that by the 1st of January. We have to bring it all together, get it back from the State, present it and probably meet with the Commission several times,and then go through the Public Hearing process with it,and it would be to my way of thinking,as having been on it the last four years,very advisable to keep those same people who are knowledgeable in that plan and the workings so far intact at least through December 31st. Mayor Persons: That makes pretty good sense to me since they are the ones that have been working with this ever since the inception and they are almost bringing it to fruition.At this point, it seems kind of senseless to yank it away from them if they are going to be through in the next two months. A PAGE FOUR V V MINUTES Names of NOVEMBER 9, 19 nommr s. M S Y N Correspondence - continued Commissioner Van Ness: I hope so. Mayor Persons: How long did you say they have been working on the 701 project? Commissioner Van Ness: The 701 plan we have been working on since---- Commissioner Jensen: July? Commissioner Van Ness: We've been working on it longer than that. I think we actually started working on the 701 plan before the Comprehensive Plan actually went through the Commission. Commissioner Johansen: What you are suggesting is to leave the Planning Board as is intact at least through December 31st. Commissioner Van Ness: Yes. Commissioner Johansen: I so move. Motion: Leave the Advisory Planning Board as is intact at Jensen x least through December 31, 1981 Johansen x x Van Ness x x The motion, seconded by Commissioner Van Ness, carried Persons x unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Commissioner Johansen: Mayor, I think that we should consider, in case anything happened to you, a Pro Tem that could at least take over when you are gone and I personally move Alan Jensen. Jensen x Motion: Appoint Alan Jensen as Mayor Pro Tem. Johansen x x The motion, seconded by Commissioner Van Ness, carried Van Ness x x unanimously. Persons x Mayor Persons: Mr. Jensen, would you accept the appointment as Mayor ProTen? Commissioner Jensen: I will be glad to. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Commissioner Jensen: Do you want to go ahead and take all of this? PAGE FIVE V V MINUTES Names of NOVEMBER 9, 1981 Commr s. M S Y N Correspondence - continued Mayor Persons: My preference is to put off the members of the Jacksonville Beaches CATV Board and the Technical Advisory Committee - 201 Plan until the next meeting to give us time to think about that. Anybody have any problems putting that off? Mr. Moss: These are positions that were held by the former Mayor, We will bring these up at the next meeting and also possible appointments for the Board of Adjustment. Mayor Persons: I would also submit that we should begin thinking about who we are going to put on the Advisory Planning Board after December 31st. so we won't be caught short at the last minute. If anyone has any suggestions please bring this up at the next meeting also. Advisory Planning Board Mayor Persons: Do you have a report of the Advisory Planning Board, Mrs. Van Ness? Commissioner Van Ness: We hope to get together for a meeting within the next few weeks. As I said before we are waiting for the recommendat]ons back from the State since we sent the completed package of the 701 project to them. And then we want to get together and talk about any suggestions they had for changes and bring it all together and bring it to the Commission. City Manager's Report Item #1 - Name, Address and Telephone Numbers of City Commissioners, Appointed Boards, and Staff Mr. Moss: Provided for reference is a list of key employees and phone numbers should you need to get in touch with us, and also provided are addresses and phone numbers of Commissioners and board members. Copy of Item #1- City Manager's report is attached hereto and made a part hereof. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Item #2 - Authorization to disburse $1,818.75 to DATUM, Inc. , for computer programming services The City Manager requested authorization to disburse $1,818.75 to DATUM, Inc. for professional services covering the training of a new computer operator in May and June of 1981. Mr. Moss explained that he may need to do a budget adjustment later on in the year under profes- sional services as the above stated amount almost wipes out the program account. (Copy of City Manager's Report - item #2 is attached hereto and made a part hereof. J PAGE SIX V V MINUTES NOVEMBER 9, 1981 Names of Commrs. M S Y N City Manager's Report - continued Motion: Authorize the City Manager to disburse $1,818.75 to Jensen x DATUM,Inc. for professional services to train a new com- Johansen x x puter operator in May and June, 1981. Van Ness x x Persons x Under discussion before the vote, Mayor Persons calculated the amount at $15.00 per hr.which took 15. 16 days of instruction. He asked the City Clerk if this seemed like a reasonable amount of time for the computer training. The City Clerk answered yes. There being no further discussion, the vote was taken with all Commissioners voting aye. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Mr. Moss: Mayor, I would like to bring up one more item under City Manager's Report - a vocal discussion regarding the City's insurance program. Although I don't need action tonight, it might assist me in planning a work program. The City currently has liability insurance and it's workmen's compensation insurance through McNeill Agency. That policy will expire on December 31, 1981. The City Commission has previously given direction for the administration to pursue the possibility of purchasing Workmen's Compensation Insurance through the Florida League of Cities plan. As part of the League plan, they are required to furnish proposals for all other insurance that the city currently has, and I have also requested new proposals from McNeill Agency for cost coverages beyond December 31, 1981, At this time, does the Commission want us to solicit other proposals and open it up for complete competitive bidding or evaluate the two basic proposals of the exit ing agency and the League program: Mayor Persons: How much money are we talking about in ball park figures? Mr. Moss: For all insurance, possibly $60,000. Mayor Persons: Would we be able to get the bids in by December 31st? Mr. Moss: Yes, if we get down to writing the specifications right away. Commissioner Jensen: I think we have to put it out for bids, but I think we shou]d also investigate the Fla. League of Cities. Mr. Moss: That's in the works. Definitely. What I would like to do is bring back specifications for your review as to what type of policies I recommend we should have and you act on it before we go out to bid. Commissioner Van Ness: Would this go out under bid specification as such? Mr. Moss: I would recommend what I call competitive negotiation- in other words you accept proposals at the same time. I would not go sealed low bid because you might not be getting the PAGE SEVEN V V MINUTES Names of NOVEMBER 9, 1981 Commr s. MS Y N City Manager's Report - continued coverages and also when they come to evaluate cost, they may see some thing lacking that they would suggest we have. Commissioner Johansen: How long do you think it would take you? Mr. Moss: Four to five full days. Commissioner Van Ness: Could we go ahead tonight and have a motion that as soon as Mr. Moss gets his specifications made up that it is put out for bid? Mr. Moss: I can get the information prepared and you can review it at the next meeting. If there is something you don't like change and send out an amendment. Mayor Persons: Do we have that motion? Commissioner Jensen x x Van Ness: I so move. Motion: Authorize the City Manager to prepare Johansen x insurance specifications to go to bid. Van Ness x x Persons x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Action on Resolutions A. Resolution No. 81-22 - Adopting the Community Development Block Grant Housing Rehabilitation Assistance Program Guidelines Mayor Persons suggested they discuss the Resolution before the readin:.. He commented that there was no appellate process for those who think they have been wrongfully denied their grant applications. The Mayor expressed the opinion that a provision should be included that if the applicants think they have been wrongfully denied their grant that they be able to go to the City Manager and ask him to bring it to the Commission's attention at the next regular meeting so at least they will know that the buck does stop there. He asked for a motion on this Motion by Jensen Commissioner I so move. We will sit at the Appeal Board. Johansen x Johansen: Van Ness x Discussion followed before the vote. Commissioner Jensen asked if Persons a determination had been made as to how the houses will be chosen. Mayor Persons stated there are some loose guidelines in the package and that is why he suggested the appeal process. He added that there is a lot of discretion in there as to who will get it if there is a tie. Mr. Moss said "as proposed in this plan, it is an Administrative type of selection process based on criteria, which are outlined", I ' PAGE EIGHT V V MINUTES Names of NOVEMBER 9, 1981 Commrs. M S Y N ► r Action on Resolutions - continued Mr. Moss: Hopefully there is not going to be too much discretion there. I think unless we find that everybody is -very low income (all elderly and all handicapped) we might have a problem, but I don't suspect that will happen. But the priority will go to those most needy by definition, and even though we can't make that determination until we go out and look at the structure and determine whether or not it needs any work and whether or not we can do the work for less than $15,000. If it is not in a position where we can bring the house up to acceptable standards we will not do it regardless of the income. Commissioner Jensen: I have a couple of concerns about appointing ourselves as an appeal board. First of all, if the City Manager and someone else has the authority, according to the guidelines established to select these houses, you basically are doing an in-house appeal. It is like judging your own actions that you have already authorized to be taken, and of course if there are no local board of appeals such as the City Commission, they would have the right to go under the Administrative Procedures Act. Second, we have time limitat;ons under this thing also. People start bringing this up for review before the City Commission and it has to all be completed by next June. I really think we are adding an unnecessary step. Mayor Persons: The only concern I had was that we would have basically no say with what was done with the money. Once we turned it over, it would be out of our hands completely. Like you say, the Administrative Procedures Act is there,but we would hav the opportunity to avoid someone having to resort to that and taking us to court. Commissioner Jensen: We really do have a say, though, through our agent, the Cit Manager. Mayor Persons: You have heard the discussion. There is a motion and a sec nd that we become the review board for denial of the grant app ications. The vote was taken and the motion carried with three ayes and Commissioner Van Ness voting no. Mayor Persons presented and read in full Resolution No. 81-22. Jensen x x Motion: Adopt said Resolution with amended guidelines.Copy of Johansen x x Resolution 81-17 is attached hereto and made a part hereoi •Van Ness x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Persons x Mr. Moss stated that the proposed guidelines call for the appointment by the City Commission of a five man citizens committee, or advisory committee. He will report names of citizens that we know that have been involved in that project and who were selected by their peers. PAGE NINE V V MINUTES Names of NOVEMBER 9, 1981 Commr s. M S Y N -- ------------- - -- -- -- ---- -- _ - - - ---- -- --- - --- -- - -'--• - • - • Action on Resolutions - continued Mayor Persons inquired if the committee is required to live in the target area. Mr. Moss answered no, but it is encouraged. Action on Ordinances A. Ordinance No. 25-81-14 - Adopting The Standard Housing Code AN ORDINANCE TO ADOPT THE STANDARD HOUSING CODE RELATING TO INSPECTION ACTIVITIES OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AND ENFORCEMENT OF BUILDING PROVISIONS AS PROVIDED IN SAID CODE Said Ordinance was presented in full, in writing, and read on first reading, by title only, by Mayor Persons. Mr. Moss advised the Commission that the proposed Ordinance is the result of a recommendation that the staff has been considering as a possible answer to some of our problems. Atlantic Beach does not have any minimum standard for housing and does not have a standard code. The Southern Building Code Congress International publishes a recommended standard housing code which gives the city a little more flexibility in addressing some of the problems, particularly as it relates to what type of standards the city is going to apply in the housing rehabilitation program. Mayor Persons objected to the provision that allows a city inspector to come into a private dwell- ing house against the consent of the owner of the house. Commissioner Johansen objected to the provision that you must have screens over the front door. After discussion, the Commission determined that the Ordinance will be amended before presentation at the Public Hearing. Motion: Said Ordinance be passed on first reading, by title Jensen x x only. Johansen x Van Ness x x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Persons x Miscellaneous Business The Chair recognized Mr. Paul Steckla, 1570 Park Terrace West. Mr. Steckla stated that he was appointed by the prior Administration to represent the City on the Beaches Disaster Committee and the Beaches CATV Advisory Committee and asked if these appointments were viable at this time or should he resign. The Mayor thanked him for his action and activities on both committees and the Commission agreed unanimous- ly that Mr. Paul Steckla continue to represent the City on both committees. There being no further business, the Mayor d ared t eeting adjourned. (SEAL) ‘/ Robert B. Persons, Jr. Mayor-Commissioner Adelaide R. Tucker City Clerk CITY OF !frd4ei„.. i R.S rt riea� o C ' '- 53 t 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD-DRAWER 25 ATLANTIC BEACH. FLORIDA 32233 vr (904) 249-2395 November 9, 1981 MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: A. William Moss, City Manager SUBJECT: Resolution No. 81-22 Adopting the Community Development Block Grant Housing Rehabilitation Assistance Program Guidelines The City of Atlantic Beach has received a one-year Community Development Block Grant from the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in the amount of $465,000. The grant was offered on the condition that the funds be utilized to address: 1. Neighborhood revitilization needs 2. Community-wide housing needs 3. Community-wide needs for public facilities and improvements 4. Economic development needs The grant approval was based upon the general strategy of concentrating the revitalization and rehabilitation in the neighborhood target area. The target area is referred to as the Donner Park area, but the boundaries are specific. A part of the CDBG Project includes a housing rehabilitation program. The amount of $196,000.00 has been allocated to implement a housing rehabilitation program in the targeted area. Consistent with the adoption of the Housing Assistance Plan, the City agreed to rehabilitate at least twelve owner-occupied housing units owned by low - moderate income minority households. The attached resolution adopts the guidelines for the Housing Rehabilitation Program. The proposed guidelines, submitted for review and approval by the City Commission, establish rules and procedures for the implementation of the program for the grant eligibility criteria, application phase, contract procedure, bidding and award of contracts for construction, and construction contracts. The step by step process is summarized on pages 10 and 11 of the proposed guide- lines. The guidelines have been prepared after a significant amount of research. By examining programs developed by other communities, and from information and suggestions from HUD and from area residents, we have developed a program which provides for adequate management controls and accountability. j K Page 2 Honorable Mayor and City Commission November 9, 1981 P The housing rehabilitation programs have been extremely controversial in many communities. The programs have been the target of criticism for mismanagement, preferential treatment and corruption. It is now a program which HUD has identified, on a national basis, as a specific area which is subject to audit scrutiny. The City Manager and the Community Development Administrator have developed a program which we believe will provide for the rapid implementation of the program which will enable the completion of the project within the grant year. ?'e believe that without a successful housing rehabilitation program, the City will have no chance of obtaining another grant even if the CDBG program is available next year. The potential for controversy does exist. In the targeted area, we have a goal of rehabilitating twelve houses. There are, however, forty-one structures in the area, and many of these require some rehabilitation. And, there are many other structures within the community which also need rehabilitation and whose owners would be eligible for the program except that they are not within the targeted area. The public must realize that the grant was awarded based upon the program for the specific targeted area. The maximum grant per owner-occupant is proposed to be $15,000.00. The grants will be awarded with preference to the elderly, the handicapped/disabled, the very large families, and the very low income families. No grant will be made if the rehabilitation cannot bring a structure up to minimum acceptable codes. The intent is to preserve existing housing stock which can be remodeled to provide minimum acceptable living conditions. The entire program, as proposed, will be handled by the Administration. As proposed, City Commission involvement will be required for: 1. Adoption of the guidelines 2. Approval of a grant for rehabilitation which exceeds $15,000.00 3. Amendments to the guidelines. 4. Appointment of the Citizens Advisory Committee Should the City Commission wish to be involved in the selection of grant applicants, the rehabilitation improvements to be made, the bidding and contractural phase, or any other phase of the program, the guidelines should be amended accordingly. The City Manager and the Community Development Administrator will be available to respond to specific questions. Any amendments to the proposed guidelines will be made in accordance with direction of the City Commission. Respectfully submitted, A. t;illiam Moss ' City Yanager A WN:j l CITY OF , 'Wade Beads - Road 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD-DRAWER 25 ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 (904) 249-2395 November 9, 1981 MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: A. William Moss, City Manager SUBJECT: Commission Appointments Several appointments are required to be made by the City Commission. These are: 1. Member of the Jacksonville Beaches CATV Board 2. Member of the Technical Advisory Committee - 201 Plan 3. Mayor-Pro Tem 4. Members of the Advisory Planning Board as follows: a. Member appointed for a one-year term to expire December 31, 1982; b. Member appointed for a two-year term to expire December 31, 1983; c. Member appointed for a three-year term to expire December 31, 1984; d. Member appointed for a four-year term to expire December 31, 1985, and e. A member of the City Commission with a one-year term to expire December 31, 1982. Respectfully submitted, illiam Poo City Manager AWM:j l E - f .j �; r:. .c... r-i_<:, iia 322 3 9G•1) 249-:395 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT Item #2: November 9, 1981 SUBJECT: Authorization to Disburse $1,818.75 to DATUM, Inc. , for Computer Programming Services Background: On November 2, 1981, the City Manager received notification from DATUM, Inc. , that the firm has not been paid for certain services performed in May and June of 1981. The majority of services involved the training of a new computer operator. Upon researching the matter, the City Comptroller indicated there is no record that the bills have been paid. The computer operator has verified the training. On April 30, 1981, the City Commission authorized the Acting City Manager to contract with the firm for training services. A copy of the minutes is attached. The expenditure of $1,818.75 would have to charged against the FY 1981-82 budget. Sufficient funds may, therefore, not be available in professional services to provide funds for co:vuter services which were budgeted for the year. A budget adjustment transferring funds with'the Administration (##510) contingency line item to professional services will be required. Recommended Action: That the City Manager be authorized to disburse $1,818.75 to DATUM, Inc. , for professional services. Respectfully submitted, % •2/" : / A. William/loss / City Manager AWM:j 1 4-„,„4 CITY OF i a-s-y`..✓:{',.+ '�i V✓..^*!/ ! Iiia 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD-DRAWER 25 ATLANTIC BEACH. FLORIDA 32233 (904) 249-2395 CITY MANAGER`S REPORT Item #1 November 9, 1981 Subject: Name, Address and Telephone Numbers of City Commissioners, Appointed Boards, and Staff Attached for use by the City Commission are the names, addresses, and phone numbers of elected officials, key personnel, and board members. The City Manager regretfully advises that the home phone number for his residence does not appear in the telephone directory. The number is available through telephone information, and the number will appear in the next publication of the telephone directory. Respectfully submitted, . William Moss City Manager AWM:jl RESOLUTION No. 81-22 • vet A Resolution Adopting the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban ' ' Development, Community Development Block Grant, Housing Rehabilitation Assistance Program Guidelines for Fiscal Year 1981. WHEREAS, the City Commission of Atlantic Beach has recognized the need for improved living and housing conditions for its low to moderate income citizens, and WHEREAS, this recognition is evidenced by the application, receipt, and acceptance by the City Commission of Atlantic Beach of a U. S. Depart- ment of Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant for Fiscal Year 1981, in the amount of $465,000, designed to improve living and housing conditions in an eight-block, low income target area, known as Donner Neighborhood, and WHEREAS, a substantial portion of the Community Development Block Grant ($196,000) is committed to providing housing rehabilitation assistance to homeowners in the eight-block target area of Donner Neighborhood, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of Atlantic Beach, Florida, that the Housing Rehabilitation Assistance Program Guidelines sub- mitted for approval November 9, 1981, be adopted. FURTHERMORE, that the City Commission of Atlantic Beach indicates its commitment to improving living and housing conditions to low to moderate income residents in the City of Atlantic Beach. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Passed by the City Commission November 9, 1981 ATTEST: ./74/ (SEAL) (SEAL) Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk