09-22-80 v AGENDA CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA September 22, 1980 Call to Order Invocation and Pledge to Flag 1. Approval of the Minutes of September 8, 1980 2. Recognition of Visitors 3. Correspondence 4. Advisory Planning Board 5. City Manager's Report 6. New Business A. Mr. William Morgan re request for water service to Beach Avenue and 19th Street for proposed three-unit townhouse 7. Unfinished Business 8. Report of Committees 9. Action on Resolutions A. Resolution No. 80-10 - Funds in re Utility Revenue Bond Issue - 3/1/55 B. Resolution No. 80-11 - Burning of Utility Revenue Bonds and Coupons C. Resolution No. 80-12 - Burning of 1958 General Obligation Sewer Bonds and Coupol D. Resolution No. 80-13 - Burning of 1971 General Obligation Sewer Bonds and Coupoi E. Resolution No. 80-14 - Budget Transfer (The above resolutions will be available at meeting time) 10. Action on Ordinances 11. Miscellaneous Business 12. ADJOURN , MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY v v • COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON SEPTEMBER 22, 1980 AT 8:00PM 0 0 T T PRESENT: Wittiam S. Howett, Mayon E E A.2an C. Jewsen-attendtng meeting at Neptune Beach on Attan Lc D D Boutevand beaut%6ica ,Lon pro jec t James E. Mhoon Cathentine G. Van Nezz, Comm,iis4-one 2 M S AND: Bitt M. Vaviz, City Manage- O ET C O!Lve- C. Bal, City Atto-ney Adelaide de R. Tucfze-, City Ctenk 0 Y NAME OF ONEN ABSENT: L. W. Minton, Jt. , Comm-izzione- COMMRS . NDS 0 The meeting ways called to ondetw by Mayon Howe t. The invocation, o66etwed by Commazionek Van Nez4, way 6ottowed by the pledge to the gag. Appnovat o6 the M-.note s ab Septembetw 8, 1980 Mhoon x x Motion: The m-.nutez ob the -egutatw Commizzion Meeting ob September Van Nees x x 8, 1980 be approved az submitted. Howett * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * City Managetw'z Repo t Mn. Vaviz nepon ted that the City has just taken detivetw y o6 d to new dt.e-s e.e- powetwed 4anLtatLon ttwucfz. He -eminded the Cammizzion and alt p-e--sent o6 an adven-,ivsed public heating on Septembetw 29, 1980, 6o- the putpo-oe ob dL cu44 Lng with any and everyone the tentative budget o6 the City o6 At2an-ti.c Beach 6o- the upcoming 6L4cat yeah. M-. Davis advized that he, the paving cant-acta/0, and Mk. Pa-k4 had come to an agreement which will be a normal overlay bon the paving o6 Ocean Btvd. , East Coa-t V'iLve, and Plaza. The City Manager -equezted app-ovat to pay a britt (nom Tyzon, Fanchen 8 white, CPA'z, in the amount o6 $3, 700. Motion: Approve payment, in the amount o4 $3, 700 to Tynan, Fancher Mhoon x x and white, CPA'z. Van Ness x x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Howell x New Bins-.ne-s4 A. Mn. Witham Mangan ne request Cyon watetw 4etwvLce to Beach Avenue and • 19th St. p- pnapozed three-unfit townhouze The cha-vr. -ecogn.Lzed Mn. £V- Wiam Mangan to d-vscuoo h.us -equeAt 6o- wa-te)w ze'wv-,ce. Mn.. Mongan neque ted penm,izzion to hoof.-up to the C.ity'4 tine on Sem,inate Rd. that nuns down 19th St. ilbs proposed thtwee-unit town- house wilt be con ttwuc-ted on .tots 61 and 62. Mayou Howett expat.ned -Ln detail to Mn. Mongan that it -us the po-P-Lcy o6 the City that ate cortis o6 hoofing up to the tine w tt be at the expense the devetopetw, the deveto pe. wilt build acca-di.ng to the zpe.c gcatLonz .06 the City, and . thetwe wilt nevelt be any -e-.mbwvzement to the deve,Popetc by the City. Att outs-.de the city tap--Ln iceez and connection changes uu.T e be paid by the Vevetope'i. Wet -Ln tcflatLon, alt metenus and matekials wilt become the . pnopen-ty o6 the City AttantLc Beach. MINUTES V V • PAGE TWO Names of SEPTEMBER 22,19.80 Commrs. MS YN New Business - continued Motion: App/Lave cwt-in Oh water ase/Lv.iee 4o/L a tht ee-un-it town- Mhoon x x hose ass /Lequested by Mt. W JLI am Mo/Lgan, with the under'- Van Nests x x standing that Mt. Mo/Lgan ha,a to 6utcwush p.eaws, and the talkie Howett wLU be bwiPt aeeo&d%ng to the speei.4.icationz o4 the City. Ate costs w,i tt be at the expense o b the deve open, with no /Lei.mbw' ement expected. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Action on Resotution2 A. Reso.eutian No. 80-10 Mayon Howett p/Lesented and tread ,in batt Rezo.eutian No. 80-10, a Res o.ewtion appointing The At-&tnt i.c Nat.ionae. Banff o4 Jadaos a nvitte the esctww agent in the compeete 'et.vLemevzt o4 the outstanding bonds o,6 the Utit ty Revenue Bond Issue. Mhoon x x Motion: Passage o4 said Reso.eut on. Copy of Retoo-.wtian 80-10 Van Ness x x attached heneta and made a paid he/Leo.6. Howett x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * B. Resotwtlon No. 80-11 Mayotc Howett p/Lesented and 'Lead .in 4wU Reso.eut lon No. 80-11, a Reso.eution ttedeeming wtiLity 'tevenue bond's and coupons. Motion: Passage o4 said Re2sotutAon. Copy ob Re otwti.an 80-11 Ls Mhoon x attached he/Leta and made a patct he/Leo 4. Van Nees ' x x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Howett. C. Resotut•-i.on No. 80-12 Mayo_ Howete p/Lesented and /Lead .in {wee Rego-ewti,on No. 80-12, a Reso.ewtion /Ledeem.ing 1958 Gene/Lae Obtigation Sewer Bonds and coupons. Motion: Passage o4 said Resoeution. Copy Resotution 80-12 des Mhoon x x • attached he/Leto and made a pat he/Leo b. Nees x x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VanaweN.e D. Resotution No. 80-13 Mayo/L Howett p'esented and /Lead in Tutt Resotwtian No. 80-13, a Resolution /Ledeemu.ng 1971 Genetc.ae Ob.e i.ga %on Sewer Bonds and coupons. • Motion: Passage of said Resotutian. Copy o6 Re otwtion80-13 ,%s attached hereto and made a pout heLeo4. Mhoon x x Van Ness x x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Howell • MINUTES V V • PAGE TWO SEPTEMBER 24.1980 Names of M S Y N Rao.euion - continued E. RezotutLon No. 80-14 Mayon Howea pne)sevnted and 'Lead in ,6u.P,e Rezotuti.on 80-14, a Re4a.eution ttavqv 'zi.ng $34, 713. 00 to and 'Lom accounts within the budget. Motion: Paisaage o6 ut,i.d Reso1uti,on. Copy oti Rezo1uti.on No, 80-14 Mhaon x x ins attached hen.e to and made a pant hetceo . Van Nees x x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Howell x Then.e being no 1unthen bw inezz, the Mayon decean.ed the meeting adjourned. I_/l Alfa . "'i"J'n Mayon-Comm,bmionen (SEAL) ATTEST: 4)A iet e uXeh City C een.fi • RESOLUTION NO. 80-14 WHEREAS, the City Charter of the City of Atlantic Beach requires that the City Commission approve all budgetary transfers from one account to another, and WHEREAS, the nature of budgetary systems and those day to day decisions affecting such budgetary systems require transfers from time to time, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach that the following transfers be approved in the 1979-80 Budget: ACCOUNT INCREASE DECREASE 01-521-1300 $ $ 1,392 01-521-1300 5,299 01-521-1300 1,848 01-521-1300 1,075 01-521-1200 2,091 01-572-1200 5,500 01-510-3100 1,300 01-582-6400 1,200 01-599-9900 5,311 40-533-4300 2,500 41-535-4603 2,008 41-535-6302 2,160 41-535-1200 3,029 42-534-2400 1,410 01-511-4000 1,392 01-513-1200 5,299 01-513-2300 1,848 01-521-1500 1,075 01-522-1200 2,091 01-541-1200 5,500 01-541-1200 1,300 01-590-5500 1,200 01-590-5500 5,311 01-590-5700 2,500 01-590-5700 2,008 01-590-5700 2,160 41-535-4300 3,029 42-534-3400 1,410 $36,123 $36,123 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Passed by the City Commission September 22, 1980 . ATTEST: (SEAL) Adelaide R. Tucker City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 80 13 A RESOLUTION REDEEMING 1971 GENERAL OBLIGATION SEWER BONDS WHEREAS, the City of Atlantic Beach in years past funded certain Sewer improvements by Bond issue, and WHEREAS, under the terms of this Bond issue, certain bonds and interest coupons come due and payable from time to time, and WHEREAS, the City of Atlantic Beach has redeemed 31 - 7% General Obligation Bonds (1971 issue) , in the amount of $31 ,000. , said bonds bearing maturity date of July 1 , 1979, and July 1 , 1980, and interest coupons which have now become due through 1979 and 1980, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the following numbered bonds totaling $31,000.00 in value be burned: Numbers 86 through 100 101 through 116 and that, The following numbered interest coupons be burned: Coupon No. 15 from Bonds 101-106; 193- 196 Coupon No. 16 from Bonds 49- 51 ; 86-148; 152-500 Coupon No. 17 from Bonds 101-500 Coupon No. 18 from Bonds 107-181 ; 192-196; 212-233;284-358; 364-500 The above and foregoing Resolution passed by the City Commission on September 22, 1980. ATTEST: Adelaide R. Tucker City Clerk RESOLUTION No.80-12 A RESOLUTION REDEEMING 1958 GENERAL OBLIGATION SEWER BONDS WHEREAS, the City ob At2an :i.c Beach in yea'us pant bunded cetctain Seweh. .cmp)tovements by Bond .bsbue, and WHEREAS, the City AtP.a tic Beach has redeemed 15 - 3. 90% Sewer Bonds ( 1958 Issue) in the amount o6 $15,000, said bonds becv Lng matuA ty date os Aptit 1, 1980, and WHEREAS, the City has redeemed Sewer Bond .tn tetcezt coupons which have now become due through 1980, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the 6oUow,Lng numbered bonds totaling $15,000. 00 -Ln vague be bunne.d: NumbeAis 141 tivi.ough 155 and that, The SoUowLna numbered .Lnterut coupons be burned: Coupon No. 41 bnom Bands 201-205 Coupon No. 42 6nom Bonds 171-185; 201-205;216-260; 255 Coupon No. 43 1nom Bonds 141-300 Coupon No. 44 tiAom Bonds 141-240; 261-300 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The above and ionego-Lng Re.00tut.Lon passed by the City Comm.i,as.Lon on September 22 , 1980. ATTEST: (SEAL) ,9 Ade.�a de R. Tuc�Zelc City Ctenh RESOLUTION 80-11 A RESOLUTION REDEEMING UTILITY REVENUE BONDS WHEREAS, the City of Atlantic Beach has redeemed 24 3.50% Utility Revenue Bonds in the amount of $24,000.00, said Bonds bearing maturity date of March 1 , 1979, and March 1 , 1980. WHEREAS, the City has redeemed Utility Revenue Bond interest coupons which have become due in 1979 and 1980. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the follow- ing numbered bonds totaling $24,000.00 be burned: Numbers 168 through 179 180 through 191 and that, The following numbered interest coupons be burned: Coupon #48 from Bonds 168 - 191 from Bonds 202 - 231 Coupon #49 from Bonds 180 - 191 from Bonds 202 - 231 Coupon #50 from Bonds 180 - 191 from Bonds 202 - 231 The above foregoing Resolution passed by the City Commission on September 22 , 1980. ATTEST: adefai.,Le .ItteJgc Adelaide R. Tucker City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 80-10 WHEREAS, the City of Atlantic Beach undertook a Utility Revenue Bond Issue dated March 1, 1955, and WHEREAS, the remaining life span of said bond issue is drawing near (March 1, 1983) , and WHEREAS, the City finds itself in the position of being able to place in existence, through an escrow agent, sufficient funds as are necessary to retire said Bond Issue, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach that the City Treasurer is directed to transfer $42,135.00 to the escrow agent, said agent being The Atlantic National Bank of Jacksonville, by and through its Trust Department, and said Bank shall act as the escrow agent in the complete retirement of the outstanding bonds of said Utility Revenue Bond Issue as the same becomes due and payable. Said escrow agent is directed to invest said funds in interest-bearing investments that are qualified legally for the investing of such public funds and shall report said earnings quarterly to the Treasurer of the City of Atlantic Beach. Additionally, the escrow agent shall remit periodically to the City those excess investment earnings collected by it. Said escrow agent is further directed to pay to the Paying Agent (The Barnett Bank of Jacksonville) those amounts as are necessary for principle and interest as the same become due and payable in accord with the schedule of payments to be furnished the escrow agent by the City Treasurer. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Atlantic Beach is placing on deposit with its escrow agent sufficient funds to result in the advance retirement of the total obligation of the City of Atlantic Beach to those several bond holders of the 1955 Utility Revenue bonded indebtedness of said City. * * * * * * * * * * * Passed by the City Commission September 22, 1980 ATTEST: • (SEAL) &GCdJ.r/ J .� il�c1 Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk CITY OF atifigiC BMA - Reada 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD—DRAWER 25 ATLANTIC BEACH. FLORIDA 32233 September 22, 1980 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT The City has just taken delivery of its new diesel-powered sanitation truck. This vehicle will be assigned a route at the start of next week. The gallons per mile and other operational aspects of this vehicle will be monitored very carefully for a period of time to determine the cost effectiveness of this type equipment. Please do not forget that we have an advertised public hearing on September 29, 1980, for the purpose of discussing with any and everyone the tentative budget of the City of Atlantic Beach for the upcoming fiscal year. Res tfully s bmi• eds , 41 Bi 1 M. Davis City Manager BMD:jl WILLIAM S. HOWELL JAMES E. MHOON ALAN C. JENSEN L. W. MINTON, JR. CATHERINE G. VAN NESS Mayor-Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner BILL M. DAVIS OLIVER C BALL MRS. ADELAIDE R. TUCKER CARL STUCKI RICHARD HILLIARD City Manager City Attorney City Clerk-Treasurer-Comptroller Chief of Police Director of Public Works and Fire Department