03-14-83 v AGENDA
March 14, 1983
Call to Order
Invocation and Pledge to Flag
1. Approval of the Minutes of February 28, 1983
2. Recognition of Visitors
3. Correspondence
A. From Department of Natural Resources re Atlantic Beach Dune Protection
B. Various Correspondence re Atlantic Beach Center
4. Advisory Planning Board
5. City Manager's Report
A. Item #1 - Award of Bid for Hauling of Approximately 200,000 Gallons
of Sludge from Wastewater Treatment Plant
B. Item #2 - Authorization to Execute Written Authorization to Robert
Bates & Associates, Consulting Engineers, to Proceed with
Engineering Services Related to the Wastewater Treatment
Systems Improvement Program
C. Item #3 - Selection of Financial Consultant - Wastewater Treatment
Improvements Implementation Plan
D. Item #4 - Mayport Road/Atlantic Boulevard Cloverleaf
6. New Business
7. Unfinished Business
8. Report of Committees
9. Action on Resolutions
10. Action on Ordinances
A. Ordinance No. 90-83-78 - Amending Ordinance No. 90-82-74, the Same
Being the Land Development Code, by Amending
the Official Zoning Map to Rezone Land Des-
cribed as Donners Replat - Block 23, Lots 2
& 3, From Residential General-Multiple Family
to Commercial Limited - Second Reading
11. Miscellaneous Business
A. Beaches Area Chamber of Commerce re Beach Festival Parade -
Invitation to Participate
PRESENT: Robert B. Persons, Jr. , Mayor-Commissioner E E
Robert B. Cook, Sr. D D
William I. Gulliford, Jr.
Catherine G. Van Ness, Commissioners
AND: A. William Moss, City Manager 0 E
Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney T C
Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk I 0 Y
ABSENT: John W. Morris, Jr. , Commissioner - Out of Town COMMRS. NDSO
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Persons. The invocation,
offered by Couuuissioner Van Ness, was followed by the pledge to the flag.
Approval of the Minutes of February 28, 1983
Cook x
Motion: The minutes of the regular Commission meeting of February 28, Gulliford x x
1983 be approved as submitted. Van Ness x x
The motion carried unanimously. Persons x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Recognition of Visitors
Mrs. Ruth Gregg, 905 Sailfish Drive, was recognized by Mayor Persons. She
complained about the noise created by the live entertainment in the bars
adjacent to her property. Mayor Persons instructed the City Manager to
investigate the problem.
A. From Department of Natural Resources re Atlantic Beach Dune Protection
Mr. Moss acknowledged receipt of a letter from the State of Florida Dept.
of Natural Resources advising the City that the staff of the Division of
Beaches and Shores has favorably recommended the application submitted
by the City of Atlantic Beach for financial assistance under the Erosion
Control Program. However, Mr. Lonnie L. Ryder, Environmental Administrator,
stated that the decision to appropriate funds for the project rests with
the Florida Legislature.
B. Various Correspondence re Atlantic Beach Center
The City Manager furnished a copy of his letter to Mr. William D. Baldwin,
Consulting Engineer for the Atlantic Beach Center,for the Commission's
perusal. The letter respectfully asked for a site plan of the entire
project which will be reviewed by the consulting engineering firm of
England & Thims, Inc4bythe Advisory Planning Board, and by the City Com-
mission. Mr. Moss advised that he had talked with Mr. Candler by phone on
this date and he hopes to begin construction, with the Commission's
approval, sometime in May.
MINUTES Names of
MARCH 14,1983 Commrs. MS Y N
Advisory Planning Board
Mr. Moss advised the next meeting of the Advisory Planning Board is
scheduled for March 22, 1983, and added that Commissioner Morris will
not be able to attend. Commissioner Van Ness offered to take his
place and will attend the meeting.
The City Manager mentioned that the Ordinance creating a Planned Unit
Development for the Fairway Villas development located on Mayport Rd.
was sold by the Ahern group to Stokes and Co. He stated that Stokes &
Co. want to go with a larger unit and also have a garage as part of
the detached patio homes, so they are going to increase their units
from 900 sq ft. to between 1100 to 1300 sq. ft. They also need to
change the set backs of the rear or front to give them ten more feet.
There will be no change in the number of units, and they no longer
want to use the water plant road. They will use cul-de-sacs at each
end and use the main entrance. Mr. Moss asked for guidance on allowing
a deviation of this type or should he go through the full procedure
on the rezoning. Discussion followed. The Commission determined that
Stokes & Company should go through the full procedure.
City Manager's Report
Item #1- Award of Bid for Hauling of Approximately 200,000 gallons of
Sludge from Wastewater Treatment Plant
The City Manager advised that the City of Atlantic Beach has committec
to the Department of Environmental Regulation to remove liquid sludge
from the wastewater treatment plant in order to allow the plant to
operate at a more acceptable level. Specifications and contract docu-
ments were prepared, and the bids were duly advertised and opened on
March 10, 1983 at 11:00 a.m. The low bid was submitted by Duval Septic
Tank Company in the amount of $.022 per gallon. A copy of the Tabula-
tion of bids is attached.
Motion: Award the contract for the hauling of sludge to the low Cook x
bidder, Duval Septic Tank Company, in the amount of $.022 Gulliford x x
per gallon. They will haul approximately 200,000 gallons of Van Ness x x
sludge from the plant. Persons x
The motion carried unanimously.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Item #2- Authorization to Execute Written Authorization to Robert Bates
& Assoc. , Consulting Engineers, to proceed with Engineering
Services Related to the Wastewater Treatment Systems Improve-
ment program
The City Manager stated that on November 22, 1982, the City entered
into an agreement with Robert Bates & Associates, Inc. for engineer-
ing services related to the wastewater treatment systems improvement
program. This firm was selected in accordance with procedures establish-
ed by the Florida Consultants Competitive Negotiations Act, The general
agreement provided for a couple of ways that the city could compute
the fee for services, either by a percentage of construction costs or
MINUTES Names of
MARCH 14, 1983 Commrs. MS Y N
City Manager's Report - continued
a lump sum fee. Mr. Bates has submitted a request for authorization to
provide design and survey services for the projects included in the
City's wastewater treatment system improvements program which include
the expanded wastewater treatment plant, the outfall and rehabilitation
to the existing sewer plant, the rehabilitation of the pump stations,
and the additions and changes to the sludge handling facilities. It
was the City Manager's opinion that a negotiated lump sum may be in
the best interest of the City, and the engineer is reasonably assured
of being able to provide and be compensated for services through 1985.
Mr. Moss stated that he proposed and the engineer agreed to accept the
total fee of $131,300 which he recommended to be a reasonable
service based on some of the fees that he saw during the competitive
negotiation process. The fee represents a percentage fee for basic
services of slightly less than 6.5% of the entire estimated construc-
tion costs of the projects. Discussion followed on the method of pay-
ment - a lump sum payment (payments for work performed) versus a
percentage payment. Mr. Thompson, of Bates & Assoc. noted that most
of the Federal lending agencies now require you to get on a lump sum
or cost plus. Commissioner Gulliford expressed the opinion that since
one of the Commissioners was absent he would like to defer the matter
until the next meeting and moved for that.
Motion: Defer the matter until the next meeting. Gulliford x
Cook x
Discussion followed before the vote during which it was brought out
that the City had made an agreement to have the sludge handling facili-
ties in place and the City Manager asked for an agreement on that
project. Commissioner Gulliford then amended his motion:
Amended Motion: Defer action on the matter until the next meeting Cook x x
with the instruction to the City Manager to ask Robert Bates Gulliford x x
& Associates to proceed with the design of the sludge Van Ness x
handling facilities and that they will either be paid the Persons x
$7,000 that they have indicated for that design or, if in
two weeks we decided to go the route of the lump sum, then
it would be moot, and incorporated in the total.
The motion carried unanimously.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Item #3-Selection of Financial Consultant-Wastewater Treatment Improve-
ments Implementation Plan
The City Manager respectfully requested direction from the City Com-
mission on the selection process to be used for a financial adviser.
The Commission directed the City Manager to solicit proposals from
financial advisers and report back to the Commission.
tem #4-Mayport Road/Atlantic Boulevard Cloverleaf
Mr. Moss stated that the City Commission has gone on record as oppos-
ing the opening of Seminole Beach Road as a means of ingress and egress
to the Naval Station Mayport. Commissioners Van Ness and Morris attenced
MINUTES Names of
MARCH 14, 1983 Commrs. M S Y N
1 -
City Manager's Report - continued
meetings in Washington, D.C, and at that time the topic of construct-
ing a cloverleaf at the Mayport/Atlantic Blvd. intersection was dis-
cussed.Commissioner Morris hadsuggestedthat,while it is being discus-
sed, the Commission has not acted as a body on whether or not they
wish to pursue that an additional option for the improvement of the
traffic flow to the Navy base as a means to assist the Navy. He states
that he would be attending a meeting the next day with the TCC and
the MPO and suggested that perhaps an official policy statement may
be appropriate to take with him. Discussion followed.
Motion: Take an official position that this be placedon the agenda Cook x
for the Metropolitan Planning Agency for consideration Gulliford x x
along with the Wonderwood Road and that it is simply a Van Ness x x
stop-gap measure as far as Wonderwood Road and Mayport Rd. Persons x
are concerned. Make an official statement that the clover-
leaf should be put on the drawing board along with the
Wonderwood and to proceed with all speed to come in before
the more expensive project of Wonderwood Road gets off the
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Unfinished Business
Discussion was held on the possibility of purchasing some property
in the Donner area. No action was taken.
Report of Committees
Commissioner Gulliford requested the Sewer Committee hold a meeting
within the next seven days. The meeting was scheduled for Wednesday,
March 23, 1983 at 7:00 p.m.
Mr. Moss reported that the contractor should start the paving on
Beach Avenue within the week.
Commissioner Van Ness stated that the repaving of Selva Marina Drive
should definitely be considered as soon as possible.
Action on Ordinances-No. 90-83-78-Second Reading
Said Ordinance was presented by Mayor Persons, in full, in writing,
and read by title only, on second reading.
Cook x x
Motion: Said Ordinance No. 90-83-74 be passed on second reading, Gulliford x x
by title only. Van Ness X
The motion carried with three ayes and one nay. Commis- Persons x
Van Ness voted no. The Public Hearing was set for March 28,1983.
MINUTES Names of
MARCH 14,1983 Commrs. M S Y N
Miscellaneous Business
A. Beaches Area Chamber of Commerce re Beach Festival Parade - Invita-
tion to Participate
Discussion was held on participating in the 37th Annual Beach Festiva_
Parade on April 10, 1983 at 2:00 p.m. The decision was made to enter
the parade.
Motion:Authorize the City Manager to mail an entry fee to the Cook x x
Beaches Area Chamber of Commerce to enter the parade as a Gulliford x x
non-commercial organization for an amount of $25.00. The Van Ness x
Mayor and the City Manager will ride the fire truck. Persons x
The motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Cook commented that the street light at 14th and East
Coast Drive is not working and there are no lights at 15th or 16th,
and expressed the opinion that a light should be installed at either
15th or 16th as it is an intersection. The City Manager was instructed
to check into the cost.
Mayor Persons advised that the owners of the house located at the
southwest corner of 9th and East Coast Drive should be sent a notice
to clean up the premises.
Jessie Lynn Kerr, reporter for the Times Union, reported on the
disposition of the three men who held up Monahan's Jewelery Store.
She stated that one received 37 years in prison, one 25 years in
prison, and the third man received 25 years in prison.
Cook x x
The motion was made by Commissioner Gulliford, seconded by Commissiongr Gulliford x x
Cook and carried unanimously to adjourn. Van Ness x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Persons x
There being no further business to come before the Commission, the
Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
Robert B. Persons, Jr.
Adelaide R. Tucker
City Clerk
____(a.). .J . a, �.J._J `. i� }1( a ge\
BID NO. 23-7
n )__DA r E: March 10, 1983
:-.21.E.1 11:00 AM •
BRIEFI Abate Svc. i
1A-A Septic1 Duval Septic
/77:.i Jacksonville Tank Svc. f ' Tank Co. i
DESCRIPTION � Florida 1Jacksonvill1 Jacksonville y
Hauling of approx. #03 1 a /. 6 coo, `'e I, .-o3S/,,1. G,''°D „ O,7 I It, L/00
200,000 gals. of sludge ( 5 I
C , 1
j 1
/ . .