04-11-83 v AGENDA CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA April 11, 1983 Call to Order Invocation and Pledge to Flag 1. Approval of the Minutes of March 28, 1983 2. Recognition of Visitors 3. Correspondence A. Various Correspondence re Wonderwood Road Extension 4. Advisory Planning Board 5. City Manqger's Report A. Item #1 - Health Insurance B. Item #2 - Proposed Agreement with England & Thims, Inc. , Consulting and Design Engineers, for the Evaluation of Paving, Drainage and Roadway Geometry in Selva Marina Units 10, 11 & 12(A-C) C. Item #3 - Public Drinking Water System Proposed by Buccaneer Service Company, Inc. D. Item #4 - Award of Contract - Seminole Road Sidewalk Construction 6. New Business 7. Unfinished Business 8. Report of Committees 9. Action on Resolutions 10. Action on Ordinances A. Ordinance No. 90-83-79 - An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 90-83-77 The Same Being an Ordinance Zoning Property Herein Described Owned by W. A. Bull, to "PUD" District as Defined Under the Land Develop- ment Code - Third and Final Reading - Public Hearing B. Ordinance No. 80-83-23 - An Ordinance Regulating the City of Atlantic Beach Wastewater System C. Ordinance No. 25-83-1 - An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 25-75-11, The Same Being the Pertaining to Requirements for Compliance with the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968. 11. Miscellaneous Business 12. ADJOURN Corrected April 26, 1983 to reflect that Commissioner Morris was out of town MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON APRIL 11, 1983 at 8:00 P.M. V V O O PRESENT: Robert B. Persons, Jr. , Mayor-Commissioner T T Robert B. Cook, Sr. E E William I. Gulliford, Jr. D D John 4h- 3a;-di- Out of Town Catherine G. Van Ness, Commissioners M S AND: A. William Moss, City Manager 0 E Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney T C Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk I 0 Y NAME OF ONEN COMMRS. N D S 0 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Persons. The invocation, offered by Commissioner Van Ness, was followed by the pledge to the flag. Approval of the Minutes of March 28, 1983 Motion: The minutes of the regular Commission meeting of March 28, 1983 be approved as submitted. Cook x x Gulliford x x The motion carried unanimously. Morris a Van Ness x ********************************************************************** Persons x Recognition of Visitors Ruth Gregg asked the City Manager if he had received the report on the storm drain at 875 Sailfish Drive. The City Manager has not received this report. Alan Potter asked if the audience will be able to speak on any item of the City Manager's Report. *K ' ** ' NI4R * R* * KI **************************** Correspondence Mr. Moss listed correspondence as : letter from Lawton Chiles in regard to the opening of Seminole Road and a letter from Florida Department of Transportation on the same subject. Mayor Persons read a letter from the Department of Environmental Protection concerning an application from Mayport Naval Stations requesting permission to store hazardous waste. Mayor Persons asked the City Manager to look into this matter. ********************************************************************** Advisory Planning Board - The Advisory Planning Board will meet on April 19, 1983 to consider a rezoning request from single family to duplex lots and Commercial General to multi/family units west of Mayport Road. PAGE TWO V V MINUTES Names of APRIL 11, 1983 Commrs. MS Y N 1 City Manager's Report A. Item #1 - Health Insurance Mr. Moss reported that since the notification from Florida Municipal Health Trust Fund that premiums would increase 50% effective on December 1, 1982, he has requested proposals from other companies. These proposals indicate Florida Municipal Health Trust Fund is not significantly out of line. Motion: To prepare a competitive bid for health insurance. Cook x The motion carried unanimously. Gulliford x Morns--- Van Ness x x Persons x Commissioner Cook asked if anyone could write specifications for this insurance. City Manager Moss stated that he could do this. It would take some time to accomplish. Alan Potter, from the audience, suggested obtaining five bids. *: ***************************************************************** B. Item #2 - Proposed Agreement with England & Thims, Inc. , Consulting and Design Engineers for the Evaluation of Paving, Drainage and Roadway Geometry in Selva Marina Units 10, 11, & 12(A-C) Mr. Moss recommended that the Mayor be authorized to execute the agreement with England & Thims, Inc. for the evaluation of paving drainage and roadway geometry for the Selva Marina area in the amount of $3,250. Motion: To accept the City Manager's report and recommenda- Cook x x tion. Gulliford x x The motion carried unanimously. --Morris- -x- Van Ness x Persons x ******************************************************************* C. Item #3 - Public Drinking Water System Proposed by Buccaneer Service Company, Inc. Mr. Moss requested authorization to submit a request to DER for a hearing should it be determined that the water system under develop- ment by Buccaneer Service Company might affect the capability of our existing water system. Also Mr. Moss requested policy direction as to whether the City should continue to serve areas outside of its corporate limits, and whether the system should be expanded, particularly on the west side of Mayport Road. V V� PAGE THREE Names of MINUTES Commr s. MS Y N APRIL 11, 1983 City Manager's Report - continued- Buccaneer Water System Alan Potter, Engineer for Buccaneer Water System stated that his company is presently providing utility service outside the City of Atlantic Beach , between Atlantic Beach and Mayport. The distance between separation is 1800 feet. The wells in Atlantic Beach are 900 feet deep while Buccaneer wells are just over 700 feet. There are three artesian aquifers in this district, one at 600 feet, one at 800 feet and one at 1200 feet. Permits have been received for the wells and DER has been notified and been given samples for the permit. He believes that Atlantic Beach wells could effect the wells of Buccaneer as much as vice versa. Buccaneer does not intend to serve any customers of Atlantic Beach. The Public Service Commission- regulates Buccaneer's rates. Atlantic Beach should not worry about pirating of its customers. There is no threat to the wells nor to the environment. Discussion followed. Commissioner Gulliford asked Mr. Potter what agencies were involved in this project. Mr. Potter answered the City of Jacksonville Bio-environmental Service, DER and St. Johns Water Management District. Motion:If it is determined by Mr. Bates that the water system under development by Buccaneer Water System reasonably might be expected to affect Atlantic Beach Water System, then the City Manager is instructed to ask for a hearing. Cook x Gulliford x x The motion carried unanimously. Van Ness x x Persons x Commissioner Gulliford announced a Sewer Committee meeting on Thursday at 7:00 p.m. Mr. Potter was invited to attend this meeting since the water system will be further discussed at that time. **********************************************************-******** D. Item #4 - Award of Contract - Seminole Road Sidewalk Construction Mr. Moss recommended because of the large number of firms invited to bid on the project, and because of the significant difference between the lowest bid and the other two bids received, rebidding will probably not result in the receipt of a substantially lower bid. The City Manager, therefore, recommends that the contract for the Seminole Road Sidewalk construction be awarded to Jensen of Jacksonville in the amount of $24,886.10. Motion: To adopt the City Manager's recommendation and award the Cook x x contract for the Seminole Road sidewalk construction to Gulliford x x Jensen of Jacksonville in the amount of $24,886. 10. , - - The motion carried unanimously. Van Ness x Persons x V V PAGE FOUR Names o f MINUTES Commrs. M S Y N APRTT 11 10A1 Action on Resolutions A. Resolution No. 83-4 applying for inclusion of sewer project in the Wastewater Treatment Construction Grants 1984, Mayor Persons presented and read in full proposed Resolution 83-4 , a resolution to apply for Wastewater Treatment Construction Grants. Cook x x Gulliford x x Motion: Passage of said Resolution, Copy of Resolution 83-4 is --Marr48---- -H- attached hereto and made a part hereof. Van Ness x Persons x The motion carried unanimously. *********************************** ******************************* Action on Ordinances A. Ordinance No. 90-83-79 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO, 90-83-77 THE SAME BEING AN ORDINANCE ZONING PROPERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED OWNED BY W. A. BULL, TO PUD DISTRICT AS DEFINED UNDER THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. THIRD AND FINAL READING - PUBLIC HEARING. Said Ordinance was presented by Mayor Persons, in full, in writing, and read on third and final reading. Said Ordinance was posted in line with Charter requirements. Mayor Persons then opened the floor for a Public Hearing. No one spoke, so the Public Hearing was closed. Cook x x Gulliford x Motion: Said Ordinance No. 90-83-79 be adopted on third and final --Morris-- -x-- reading. Van Ness I x x Persons x The motion carried unanimously. ******************************************************************* B. Ordinance No. 80-83-23 An Ordinance Regulating the City of Atlantic Beach Wastewater System, This Ordinance was left tabled to be discussed in Committee meeting and action for the next Commission meeting. ******************************************************************* C. Ordinance No. 25-83-16 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO, 25-75-11, THE SAME BEING THE PERTAINING TO REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE ACT OF 1968, Said Ordinance was presented by Mayor Persons, read by title only, Cook x x Motion: Said Ordinance No. 25-83-16 be adopted on first reading Gulliford x -P4orrrs- -x- as read by title only. Van Ness x x Persons x T * ' * *' 1WMiX************************************* PAGE FIVE MINUTES V V APRIL 11, 1983 Names of Commr s. MS YN 1 p Miscellaneous Business Commissioner Cook asked when the Beach Avenue repaving would begin, and Mr. Moss answered hopefully tomorrow. Commissioner Gulliford reported the beach looks terrible. He asked the City Manager to take a good hard look at the problem and report back to the Commission at the next meeting as to how the clean-up of the beach will be enforced. Mr. Moss commented that the city does not have a litter Ordinance, and Mayor Persons suggested a tough enforcement of the State anti-litter law. Discussion followed on the problems including parking. Mr. Moss reported the city's dog leash law is being enforced and is showing some improvement. He warned dog owners that the Ordinance banning dogs from the beach was passed by the City Commission on 1st and 2nd readings and it merely takes a Public Hearing and passage on 3rd and final reading to completely ban dogs from the beach. He expressed the opinion that most everyone hopes this will not have to happen. Mr. Moss stated they were inviting bids for the sludge handling facilities. Specifications are prepared and will be advertised this week. He has also advertised for competitive bids for Financial Advisory services. Will open those bids in May. There being no further business to come before the Commission, the motion was made by Commissioner Gulliford to adjourn, seconded by Commissioner Van Ness, and carried unanimously. Mayor Persons declared the meeting adjourned at 9:34 p.m. t _ ' ..er B. Persons, Jr. Mayor-Commissioner ATTEST: 1.....ei..da.:6,416)i---2L/44_, Adelaide R. Tucker City Clerk RLSOLUT I ON 83-4 WHEREAS the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation has solicited requests from municipalities for inclusion of sewage treatment projects in the Wastewater Treatment Construction Grants Fiscal Year 1984 Priority List, said projects to be eligible for grant assistance to the extent of fiftyfive percent (55%) of eligible capital costs from Florida' s allocation of U .S. Environmental Protection Agency construction grant funds , and WHEREAS the City of Atlantic Beach has initiated a program of improvements to the City's sewage treatment facilities , which program has been approved in concept by the Department of Environmental Regulation and is eligible for construction grant funding. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Atlantic Beach apply for inclusion of its project in the Wastewater Treatment Construction Grants Fiscal Year 192,4 Priority List and , upon timely notification of its project' s inclusion in the fundable portion of said list, take all steps and submit all documents required to effect a complete grant application. • IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager of the City of Atlantic Beach is designated authorized representative for purposes of executing and submitting all required documents to complete said applications. Adopted by majority vote of the Atlantic Beach City Commission in regular meeting April 11 , 1983. Attest:L 1(Y,. a .e _�� Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk ,obert"B�ersons , Jr. , Mayor