08-30-83 v AGENDA CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH SPECIAL CALLED MEETING 8:00 PM August 30, 1983 1. City Manager's Report - Item #1 - Award of Contract for Office Furniture and Equipment. 2. JEA Franchise Agreement 3. Public Hearing on the Tentative Budget and Proposed Millage Rate 4. Ordinance No. 20-83-38 - An Ordinance Adopting an Operating Budget for the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, for the Fiscal Year Beginning October 1, 1983, and Ending September 30, 1984 5. Resolution No. 83-13 - A Resolution Increasing Wastewater Rates and Charges and Providing an Effective Date. A Committee of the Whole Meeting is scheduled for 7:00 PM, August 30, 1983. MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CALLED MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON AUGUST 30, 1983 AT 8:00 P.M. V V PRESENT:Robert B. Persons, Jr. , Mayor-Commissioner 0 0 William I. Gulliford, Jr. T T John W. Morris, Jr. E E Catherine G. Van Ness, Commissioners D D AND: A. William Moss, City Manager M S Claude L. Mullis, City Attorney Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk 0 E T C ABSENT: Robert B. Cook, Sr. I 0 Y NAME OF O N E N COMMRS . N D S 0 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Persons for the purpose of holding a Public Hearing on the tentative budget and proposed millage rate and to take action on several other items on the agenda. Due to the death of Adele S. Grage on Sunday, August 28, 1983, Mayor Persons presented an item not on the agenda, and read in full proposed Resolution 83-13, A Memorial Acclamation and Resolution of the City of Atlantic Beach commending Adele S. Grage for her faithful service as City Clerk/Treasurer-Comptroller for 32 years from 1941 through 1973. Gulliford x x Motion: Move to adopt the Resolution. Morris x The motion carried unanimously. Van Ness x x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Persons x City Manager's Report Mr. Moss reported that he specified the office furniture and equipment for the Public Works building which was not a part of the original con- tract and took competitive bids. Seven vendors received bid documents but only one bid was received. That was from Carver Colvin, in the amount of $4,414.62. The City Manager recommended that the sole bid be rejected and that the City Manager be authorized to re-bid. Discussion followed. Motion: Award the bid to Carver Colvin as the lowest and most Gulliford x x responsible bidder, in the amount of $4,414.62. Morris x x Van Ness X The motion carried with a three to one vote. Commissioner Persons x Van Ness voted no. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * JEA Franchise Agreement The City Manager reported that he and Commissioner Gulliford had met with representatives from Orange Park and Clay County to discuss the new billing procedures proposed by JEA. The group reached a consensus that it would be most appropriate to appoint one elected official and at least one administrative official to participate as a group and dis- cuss certain matters with JEA. Commissioner Gulliford was appointed by Mayor Persons along with the City Manager and the City Attorney. PAGE TWO V V MINUTES Names of AUGUST 30,1983 Commrs. M S Y N Public Hearing on the Tentative Budget and Proposed Millage Rate The City Manager advised for the benefit of the audience, that copies of the 1983-84 tentative budget had been furnished to each Commis- sioner. The tentative budget and the public hearing date was in accordance with applicable Florida Statutes, including the "Trim Bill" and the City's Code of Ordinances. Mr. Moss stated that he began the budget process in March by preparing draft budgets and presented the drafts to the Commission at many meetings for dis- cussion. After the adoption of the additional 1c State Sales Tax last year, Atlantic Beach was authorized to levy a millage of 3. 7306. The proposed operating millage rate for 1983 is 37% less than that authorized in 1982. The tentative millage rate for the City of Atlantic Beach only is 2. 3640. This is an increase in the rolled back rate of 2.0887, which represents a 13% increase in the rolled back rate. Mr. Moss added that the actual millage is less than last year. Last year's millage rate was 2. 3645. The additional revenues which will be received by the city from property taxes will be used to support the city's Police services, Fire services, Administration, Parks and Recreation, and Public Works. Ad valorem tax revenue will increase by $48,000 over last year. The total property tax revenue represents about 17% of all revenue sources to the General Fund. The General Fund budget for FY 1983-84 is $1,660,860, which is a 2. 7% increase over last year. The total City operating budget, excluding major capital improve- ments and new sewer debt service, is $2,350,539, a 4.4% increase over last year. The total city budget, including significant capital improvements for our new sewer plant, outfall line, and other sewer improvements is $4,626,039. This includes $1,870,000 for sewer improvements, and $179,000 in other capital improvements. The tentative budget provides for a new debt service expenditure of $226,500 which will be used to refund a loan through the State Bond Loan Program. The loan anticipated will be $2,350,000 which will be used to fund major wastewater treatment improvements over the next two years. It is expected that the sewer user charges will have to increase to fund the debt service. The proposed in- crease in the sewer fees will go from $8.00 per month to $13.50 per month for residential users. The City Manager announced that the budget document is available for public inspection and may be reviewed any time during normal working hours by the public or after duty hours by calling for an appointment. For the benefit of the audience, Mayor Persons announced that the Public Hearing would be held on the tentative budget for 1983-84 for the City of Atlantic Beach and is scheduled monies that the city anticipates to receive and to expend in the City of Atlantic Beach only and is not tied in with the County budget. He then declared the Public Hearing on the 1983-84 tentative budget millage rate to be open and welcomed any comments from the floor. PAGE THREE V V MINUTES Names of AUGUST 30, 198: Commrs. MS Y N Public Hearing on the Tentative Budget - continued Mr. Moss noted that on the notice of tax bills received by the property owners that portion going to Atlantic Beach represents 10. 7% of the total bill. The rest is going to the County, the school districts, the hospital, and St. Johns Water Management District. Mr. Wallace Brumsey, 1269 Ocean Blvd. and Mr. Bill Cissell, 377 2nd Street were recognized by the Chair. Both voiced complaints over seeing their tax bills hiked 34% if the budget was adopted. Commissioner Gulliford explained that the City Commission of Atlantic Beach had locked their revenue in and had insisted the millage for Atlantic Beach would not be increased. The substantial millage increases on the bills are not because of the City of Atlantic Beach, but because of the county and other factors plus the problem of assessments which the City Commission has no contrcl over. Mayor Persons added that ad valorem taxes represent only 17% of the city's budget and that is not even enough to buy the new police cars needed. Discussion followed. Mayor Persons then declared a ten minute recess from 8:40 p.m. to 8:50 p.m. Mayor Persons reopened the meeting at 8:50 p.m. and suggested there be an open format with specific questions on specific items. Accounts specifically discussed were: General Fund: Accts. 521, Police Department, 541, Public Works, and 572 Parks and Recreation. No action taken. During discussion of the Police Department The Chair recognized Mrs. Marion Hockenbery, 305 20th St. who commenter that she had recently called the police on a non-emergency matter and the dispatcher told her she was not covered by Atlantic Beach services as she was outside the city limits. Mr. Moss apologized and assured her that she lives within the city limits of Atlantic Beach and is covered by our services. During discussion of Parks and Recreation, Commissioner Morris asked if there was any possibi- lity of impact fees that could be placed on new construction to be earmarked for Parks and Recreation. City Attorney Mullis cited several cases that are in litigation now and the matter is supposec to be explored in depth by the Growth Committee of the House of Representatives. Commissioner Morris further suggested the possi- bility of some type of recreational facility to be constructed at the new water plant on Mayport Road, and to add one or two covered picnic tables at Russell Park. Mr. Moss said they had the picnic tables ready to place at Russell Park. Funds also discussed were Special Revenue Funds: Federal Revenue Sharing -- the computer, and the Beach Erosion Project. It was the consensus of the Commission to leave the Beach Erosion Project in the budget but not expend at the present time. Under Capital Projects Fund:renovation of City Hall was discussed. No action taken. Under Enterprise Funds, the sanitation department was dis- cussed. Mrs. Dorothy Kerber, 365 First St. suggested the possibility PAGE FOUR V V MINUTES Names of AUGUST 30, 1983 Commrs. M S Y N 1 Public Hearing on the Tentative Budget - continued of purchasing an incinerator should the City at some time in the future have to go farther than Gervin Road to the dump. Amendments to the budget are the following motions: Motion: Under General Fund: Acct. 510, General Governmental Gulliford x x Services: decrease the amount of $2,000 under item 54, Morris x x Memberships. Van Ness x The motion carried unanimously. Persons x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Gulliford x x Motion: Under General Fund: Acct. 517, City Clerk, Add $1,000 Morris x x to item 49 for microfilming records. Van Ness x Persons x The motion carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * As no one else spoke for or against, Mayor Persons declared the Public Hearing closed. Mayor Persons then presented Ordinance No. 20-83-38-Adopting the Budget for 1983-84. AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AN OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1,1983,i.ND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1984. Said Ordinance was presented in full, in writing, by Mayor Persons and read on first reading. Gulliford x x Motion: Ordinance No. 20-83-38 be passed on first reading . Morris x x as amended. Van Ness x The motion carried unanimously. Persons x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Said Ordinance was presented in full, in writing, by Mayor Persons and read on second reading by title only. Motion: Ordinance No. 20-83-38 be passed on second reading Gulliford x x as amended by title only. Morris x Van Ness x x The motion carried unanimously. Persons x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Gulliford x x Motion: Adopt the tentative millage rate of 2. 3640. Morris x The motion carried unanimously. Van Ness x x Persons x The Mayor set the final Public Hearing for September 7,1983 Wednesday, at 7:00 p.m. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PAGE FIVE V V MINUTES Names of AUGUST 30, 198: Commrs. M S Y N I 1 ORDINANCE NO. 80-83-24 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 80-83-23 BY INCREASING WASTE- WATER RATES AND CHARGES AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Said Ordinance was presented in full, in writing, by Mayor Persons and read on first reading by title only. Gulliford x x Motion: Said Ordinance be passed on first reading by title Morris x only. The motion carried unanimously. Van Ness x x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Persons x AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 80-83-23 BY INCREASING WASTE- WATER RATES AND CHARGES AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Said Ordinance was presented in full, in writing, by Mayor Persons and read on second reading, by title only. Gulliford x x Motion: Said Ordinance be passed on second reading by title Morris x x only. Van Ness x The motion carried unanimously. Mayor Persons set Persons x the Public Hearing for 8:00 p.m. September 12, 1983. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Mr. Moss advised that certain allocated funds were left over from the paving of Beach Avenue and asked for authorization to commit $9,000 of paving and pave 1800 ft of Selva Marina Drive. The paving will start at the north end and do two lanes at 900 ft.from Saturiba to Live Oak Lane. Motion:Authorize the City Manager to disburse $9,000 to pave Gulliford x x a portion of Selva Marina Drive from Saturiba to Morris x Live Oak Lane. Van Ness x x The motion carried unanimously. Persons x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The City Manager advised the executed copy of the State Grant for parks improvements has not been received and due to the fact the grant has to be completed by September 30, 1983, he requested authorization to expend some available block grant funds to purchase some live oak trees and other types of trees that will grow in this area. He asked that the Commission allow a waiver of the bids so that the trees can be purchased and planted within the next two weE.ks at Donner Park and for right-of-way plantings. The trees would probably be purchased from a wholesale nursery in the Monticello area for approximately $1500 to $2000 and labor approximately $1,500. Motion: Authorize the City Manager to use his discretion in Gulliford x x purchasing the trees up to an amount of $3,500 ex- Morris x x cluding freight for those two projects. Van Ness x The motion carried unanimously. Persons x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PAGE SIX V V MINUTES Names of AUGUST 30, 1983 Commrs. MS Y N Commissioner Gulliford recommended the Commission take action on the Committee of the Whole meeting held prior to the Commission meeting in regards to Mr. Robert Bates proposal for an alternate treatment plant. Motion: The Commission adopt the recommendation of the Com- Gulliford x x mittee of the Whole to authorize the expenditure to Morris x x enter into a contract with Robert Bates & Associates Van Ness x not to exceed $13,500 to design and prepare the Persons x specifications for an alternate bid on a Schreiber patented process or equal treatment plant. The motion carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The City Commission reviewed the proposed employment agreement for the City Manager. The decision was made to delete section 8 and renumber the rest of the paragraphs. Under Section 14 - the last sentence: change the second word "will" to "may" and after "and settle any claim or suit "add the word "will" before "pay". Motion: Increase the salary of the City Manager by $2,300 Gulliford x Morris x x for the fiscal year of 1983-84 effective 10/1/83. Van Ness x x The motion carried unanimously. Persons x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Motion: Adopt the City Manager's Employment Agreement as Gulliford x x proposed, subject to the amendments, and authorize Morris x the Mayor to execute the contract. Van Ness x x The motion carried unanimously. Persons x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Discussion was held on the City Clerk's salary and the following motion was made: Motion: Increase the salary of the City Clerk by $1,505 for Gulliford x x the fiscal year of 1983-84 effective 10/1/83. Morris x Van Ness x x The motion carried unanimously. Persons x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * There being no further business to come before the Commission, Commissioner Gulliford moved to adjourn, seconded by Commissioner Van Ness and carried unanimously. Mayor Persons declared the meeting adjourned at 10:35 p.m. 0 / (SEAL) Ro.ert B. Persons, Jr. Mayor-Commissioner ATTEST: Adelaide R. Tucker City Clerk