10-11-82 v AGENDA
October 11, 1982
Call to Order
Invocation and Pledge to Flag
Oath of Office for Commission Seat No. 2
1. Approval of the Minutes of September 13, 1982 •
2. Recognition of Visitors
3. Correspondence
A. From Mr. Guy Hill, Executive Vice President, Hill, Richards and
Company, Inc. , re City's Health Benefit Trust
4. Advisory Planning Board
5. City Manager's Report
A. Item I/1 - Proposed Personnel Rules and Regulations
B. Item #/2 - Proposed Purchasing Ordinance
C. Item //3 - HUD Grant Application Fiscal Year 1982
6. New Business
7. Unfinished Business
A. Further Consideration of Engineering Contract with England & Thims, Inc.
8. Report of Committees
9. Action on Resolutions
A. Resolution No. 82-20 - Commending Glenn Edwards
B. Resolution No. 82-21 - Extending Fringe Benefits to City Retirees
(Two Options)
10. Action on Ordinances
A. Ordinance No. 50-82-8 - Deleting Chapter 16, Article I, Code of
Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach,
the Same Being the Personnel Policy
11. Miscellaneous Business
0 0
PRESENT:Robert B. Persons, Jr. , Mayor-Commissioner T T
William I. Gulliford, Jr. E E
John W. Morris, Jr. D D
Catherine G. Van Ness, Commissioners
AND: A. William Moss, City Manager M S
Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney 0 E
Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk T C
I 0 Y
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Persons. The invocation,offered
by Commissioner Van Ness, was followed by the pledge to the flag.
In line with provisions of the Charter, Commissioner Cook was sworn into
office by the City Clerk for Seat No. 2.
Approval of the Minutes of September 27, 1982
Cook x
Motion: The Minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of September 27, Gulliford x x
1982 be approved as submitted. Morris x x
Van Ness x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Persons x
Recognition of Visitors
Mayor Persons recognized Mr. Alan Potter, 374 2nd Street. Mr, Potter
spoke as a citizen of twenty—four years in Atlantic Beach, and also
as engineer for Mr. George Bull, and asked the now five member Commission
to reconsider Mr. George Bull's Planned Unit Development of Selva Marina
Garden II and allow the citizens to have the benefit of a full five member
vote. The Mayor asked if anyone would care to make such a motion, and
Commissioner Cook moved for the following:
Motion: Reconsider the final approval of Selva Marina Garden No. 2 Cook x
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
The question should Commissioner Cook withdraw his motion and move under
Rule 22 was debated. Commissioner Cook withdrew his motion and moved
the following:
Cook x x
Motion: Under Rule 22, temporarily suspend Rule 21 of the Code of the Gulliford x x
City of Atlantic Beach, for special reasons. Morris x
The motion carried with a four to one vote. Van Ness x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Persons x
Motion: Reconsider the final approval of Selva Marina Garden No. 2. Cook x
Gulliford x
Discussion followed before the vote. Commissioner Cook asked if there
was anything Mr. Bull wanted to do in Selva Marina Garden 2 that would
be detrimental to the city, and Mayor Persons answered yes, that he had
MINUTES Names of
OCTOBER 11, 1982 Commrs. MS Y N
Recognition of Visitors - continued
watched the development in Selva Marina Garden closely and consideree Cook x
it to be a fire hazard. The debate continued on whether or not the Gulliford x
Commission could legitimately deny Mr. Bull the approval since he hac Morris x
complied with all of the requirements asked for by the City Commissicn.Van Ness x
The question was called. The motion carried with a three to two vote Persons x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Motion: Adopt the plan submitted as the official plan of Selva Cook x
Marina Garden II with qualifications: that being a notice Gulliford x
to proceed with construction after all the proper appli-
cations for water and sewer plans have been submitted and
approved by the proper regulatory agencies.
Verbatim discussion before the vote:
Moss: I understand the word construction to mean construction on the
subdivision and not construction on the patio homes. Is that
your interpretation?
Persons: I think you would have to get the subdivision constructed
and then come in for the building permits.
Morris: Whole-hog.
Persons: That would be the correct procedure, wouldn't it, Mr. Bull?
Bull: I beg your pardon.
Persons: It is correct to approve the subdivision and then your
builders would come in and get their permits. I believe that
was the question.
Bull: Well, I would appreciate their being able to do so being as we
are about four months behind schedule. We would appreciate
very much- if,the city - of course, would not accept the
streets or water or sewer until they were in, the builder
therefore, if he chose to, would be building at his own risk
if you grant him a permit to start his construction, but we
have done it numerous times in the past and never had a prob-
lem except for the gerrymandering of the lot lines in the
Garden II that apparently got this whole applecart upset. All
the facilities were constructed to the satisfaction of the
City. We wouldn't want you to accept the streets, nor the
water, nor the sewer until that had taken place, but of course
until those were properly constructed you would not issue
certificate of occupancy for a house that had been built in the
interim. We have no fear that we can meet the city's require-
ments, therefore, we would like permission, or like you to
permit the City Manager to issue the building permits for not
only the houses but permit us to start our development with
them. The applications cannot go forward for the state approval
of the sewer extension or the water extension until the plan has been
accepted by the city.
MINUTES Names of
OCTOBER 11, 1982 Commr s. M S Y N
Recognition of Visitors - continued
Van Ness: I will answer it because I think we learned a lot on Selva
Marina Garden I. We went ahead and approved it and the houses
were under construction and they came in and there was a total
alteration in the layout of the sewer lines and new sewer pipes
to the individual homes had to be laid because the design of
the subdivision had been altered in a major fashion.
Cook: Mr. Mayor, do we have a building inspector in this city?
Persons: Yes, Sir.
Van Ness: We have, yes, Sir.
Cook: Well, then, if somebody is building something not according to
plan, is he not empowered to stop it?
Persons: Well, the other one got replatted before the building in-
spector got to see it.
Cook: That's a shame. That can't be followed here, because this
thing has been under inspection - I don't think that would be
any problem in this situation if we adopt the plan as it is
submitted, and I am sure that everybody at this table is going
to be driving out there to see if it goes up like it was planned.
Persons: Well, it doesn't seem to make much difference, so I don't
see why they would.
Cook: Aren't we empowered by law to stop anybody who does something
against the law?
Moss: Theoretically, we can go to court and fight the pressure, and
what the issue is Mr. Bull is asking for approval for the builcers
to go in and start building the patio homes before the sub-
division is completed. And interrupted.
Bull: I did not ask that.
Cook: Point of order. Mr. Bull is out of order. He has not been
recognized. That is not part of the motion. The motion was to
adopt the plan as it has been submitted and construction can
begin after the proper applications for water and sewer plans
have been submitted. Now, that's down the road. That is not
what we are talking about at this point and I ask you to
call the question.
Morris: I have a little further discussion. Looking at the map, I
would like to ask Mr. Potter, did you design this?
Potter: Yes, Sir.
MINUTES Names of
OCTOBER 11,1982Commr s. M S Y N
fie- -----.--- --- - - ---- - - - -_ - _ .. .. - .� --►- - _.-•._ 0,_
Recognition of Visitors - continued
Morris: Is there an entrance - this is a sort of a horseshoe shape road
in here going to the east entrance into Seminole Road there.
The reason I am asking is,in Section 2 it mentions buffer zones
and that is to say no access to the east from Seminole Road to
lots one and ten is permitted?
Potter: That is correct. That buffer zone is to prevent some home-
owner from on his own attempting to put a driveway directly
onto Seminole Road off those end lots.
Morris: I see, but that road does go all the way through and around.I
mean, you can enter it from Seminole Road
Potter: The street is intended for vehicular access to Seminole Road.
The buffer prevents the home owner taking his own or coming
into Seminole Road from their lot.
Morris: Thank you, Sir. That's good.
Moss: I guess a portion of part of this motion that we have under the
new Zoning Ordinance allows whereby a developer may begin con-
struction of residential homes after submitting a bond guaranteeing
that the work will be completed in accordance with the plans.
If such a bond is submitted,does the City Commission, or a
letter of credit, or what-have-you have any objections one way
or another, or do you prefer to deal under the old Ordinance
as we have considered the entire development or subdivision.
Gulliford: I prefer to deal with it under the old Ordinance.
Cook: Is it a point of law which one we go under? Or is it just a matter
for us to decide.
Moss: There is no question that we have gone under the old Ordinance.
Here is the difference.
Van Ness: Had we had a bond on Selva Marina Garden One, we could have
stopped a lot of things.
Cook: Well, I don't think any past history should come into consid-
eration. I just think that this thing should stand or fall on
its own. That is the way I made the motion, and it is up to us
to enforce the law. When I sat on this Commission before there
was a law, and I guess it is still in existance that you can't
close off your carport without having beside your house parking
or something, and it was all over town and they kept doing it -
nobody would do any thing about it. I said let's rescind the
- law. If we are not going to enforce the law, let's rescind it,
but if it is a law, let's enforce it. Believe me, I do not
believe in too much government - I believe in less than more,
but a law is a law. If we pass this thing a certain way, then ,
MINUTES Names of
OCTOBER 11,19:►Commrs. MS Y N
Recognition of Visitors - continued
Cook: it is up to us to see that Mr. Bull - I understand he's kinda
hard to restrain sometime, but it is up to us to see that Mr.
Bull is restrained.
Persons: Do you want to call the question?
Cook: I called it awhile ago.
Persons: The question has been called. The Motion, as I understand
it, is .
Motion: Adopt the plan submitted as the official plan of Selva Cook x
Marina Garden II with qualifications: that being a Gulliford x
notice to proceed with construction after all proper Morris x
applications for water and sewer plans have been sub- Van Ness x
mitted and approved by the proper regulatory agencies. Persons x
The motion carried with a three to two vote.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Mr. Moss acknowledge receipt of a letter from Mr. Guy Hill, Executiv=
Vice President, of Hill, Richards and Co. , Inc. who handles the city'_
health insurance. The letter stated that they will try to do a bett=1
job than they have in the past.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Advisory Planning Board
Mr. Moss advised that the next meeting of the Advisory Planning Boar.
will be held on Thursday, October 21, 1982 at 7:00 p.m. and the publ'c
is cordially invited.
City Manager's Report
A. Item #1 - Proposed Personnel Rules and Regulations
The City Manager presented his revised proposed Personnel Rules and
Regulations and requested favorable consideration by the City
Commission. Commissioner Morris moved for the following:
Motion: The proposed rules and regulations be referred back to
the committee to review the changes and an indepth stu.y
into what changes have been affected in the revision. Morris x
The suggestion was made to enlarge the committee by adding two or
Gulliford x
more city employees to participate in the review. Commissioner Van
Ness noted that Mr. Moss had already passed out copies of the rules
and regulations to the employees and had asked for their comments an./
or suggestions. She asked the question "Is this not what the City
Manager was hired to do?" and expressed the opinion that he had done
MINUTES Names of
OCTOBER 11, 1982 Commr s. M S Y N
-sI. -...
City Manager's Report - continued
a tremendous job in preparing the rules and regulations. The Commis- Cook x
sion agreed. The question was called and the motion carried with a Gulliford x
four to one vote to refer the item back to Committee. No action was Morris x
taken on the suggestion to add two employees to the Committee. Van Ness X
Persons x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
B. Item #2 - Proposed Purchasing Ordinance
Mr. Moss stated that the proposed purchasing Ordinance was presented
for discussion to determine if the Commission would consider an
Ordinance of this nature. The Charter provides that competitive bid-
ding will be utilized for the purchase of certain goods and services,
and that such competitive bidding procedures are required to be regu-
lated by Ordinance. The proposed Ordinance focuses principally on the
formalized competitive bidding procedure. Discussion followed.
Motion: Refer item No. 2 to a Committee appointed by the Mayor Cook x
for further study. Gulliford x x
Morris x x
Commissioner Gulliford asked the City Attorney to render an opinion Van Ness x
at the Committee meeting if Section D - a through h, would be enforce- Persons x
able. Mayor Persons asked Mr. Jensen if the Commission was losing
too much authority in awarding bids under Section 4. Mr. Moss answer-
ed no, just the opposite. Section 4 - e. was also discussed. The
question was called and the motion carried unanimously to refer the
item to a committee. The Mayor appointed Commissioner Cook as Chair-
man, and Commissioners Van Ness and Morris to serve on the committee.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
C. Item #3 - HUD Grant Application Fiscal Year 1982
The Chair recognized Mr. Larry Stokely, Community Development
Administrator to present his proposal for HUD Grant Application FY82.
Mr. Stokely reported that his recommendations for the FY82 were that
the new target area be located east of Mayport Road from Church Road
to Donner Road and then back to the boundary lines presently where
the Sewer Plant is and provide improvements such as street improve-
ments, cut some streets, and extend the roads where they presently
dead-end, do some housing rehabilitation, build a park, and activity
such as that. Mr. Stokely stated that he has until November 8, 1982
to submit an application to the HUD office. He requested formal
authorization from the Commission to proceed with the application.
The Mayor asked Mr. Moss what would be the approximate cost to the
city to prepare such an application, and Mr. Moss answered approxi-
mately $5,000. Commissioner Van Ness asked about Section 1.)b) -
do we have a status on the existing paved road that runs north from
Plaza before we apply for a grant with it included, because it is a
private road. Mr. Moss answered that would be no problem. Discussion Cook x x
Gulliford X
Motion: Authorize Mr. Larry Stokely to proceed with the Mnrr- x
application for the HUD Grant Fiscal Year 1982. Van Ness x x
The Mayor will sign the application on behalf of
the City. x
MINUTES Names of
OCTOBER 11, 1982 Commr s. M S Y N
Unfinished Business
A. Further Consideration of Engineering Contract With England & Thims
Commissioner Gulliford expressed the opinion that his reason for
desiring to obtain the services of an unbiased engineering firm to
evaluate the paving, drainage and roadway geometry on Selva Marina
Units 10, 11, and 12 was the ultimate goal that the streets be de-
dicated to the City. He asked Mr. Bull for a response. Mr. Bull stat-
ed that Commissioner Van Ness had asked for a legal opinion on the
matter at the last meeting and asked what the opinion was. Mr. Jensen
stated that if the Commission desires to do the study there is nothing
legally wrong with it. Mr. Bull and the Commission then entered into
a lengthy debate on the issue. During the debate, Commissioner Van
Ness excused herself due to illness. Commissioner Morris moved the
Motion: Appoint a Committee to meet and discuss the possibility Cook x
of dedicating the streets in Selva Marina Units 10, 11 . Gulliford x x
and 12. Composition of the Committee to be the City Morris x x
Attorney, Commissioner Gulliford as Chairman, Commis Van Ness A3SEN'
sioners Morris and Cook, and Messrs. Bull, Potter, Persons x
Moss, and Parks.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Report of Committees
Commissioner Morris requested that the matter of City Clerk be
referred back to the Selection Committee and moved for the following:
Motion: Refer the matter of City Clerk back to the Selection cook x x
Committee for further consideration and review, Gulliford x
Morris x x
Van Ness ABSE n
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Persons x
Action on Resolutions
B. Resolution No. 82-21 - Extending Fringe Benefits to City Retirees
(Two Options)
The City Manager explained the two options of extending the health
insurance fringe benefit to city retirees, the premiums of which shalL
be paid by the retiree. One option is to extend to those employees
who are presently on the retirement system the opportunity to
subscribe to the City health insurance plan, the premiums of which
shall be paid by the retiree. The second option is to extend to
those employees who have ten or more years of service and are vested
in the City's retirement system and who are of the age of 55 years
or older the opportunity to subscribe. Discussion followed. Mr. Moss
was asked to re-write the Resolution to include the following:
Employee to be fully vested and to be at least fifty (50) years
of age, or have served with the City at least twenty (20) years ,
and to continue coverage without interruption.
MINUTES Names of
OCTOBER 11, 1982 Commrs. MS Y N
Action on Resolutions - continued
All employees that are vested in the retirement system and have
retired will be extended the opportunity to participate in the
group program at their expense.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Resolution No. 82-20 - Commending Glenn Edwards
Mayor Persons presented and read in full proposed Resolution No.
82-20, a Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Atlantic
Beach commending Glenn Edwards for nineteen years of faithful service.
Cook x
Motion: Resolution No.82-20 be passed as read. A copy of said Gulliford x x
Resolution is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Morris x x
Van Ness ABS
The motion carried unanimously. Persons x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Action on Ordinances
A. Ordinance No. 50-82-8 - Deleting Chapter 16, Article I, Code of
Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach, the Same Being the
Personnel Policy.
Cook x
Motion: Defer action until after the Committee Meeting. Gulliford x x
Morris x x
Van Ness A3S:1
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Persons x
Miscellaneous Business
Commissioner Cook asked the Commission to reconsider the motion
made by Commissioner Morris at the meeting of July 26, 1982 to
allocate funds to the Chamber of Commerce. He moved for the following
Motion:Move to allocate funds to join the Chamber of Commerce, Cook x
and request the budgeted 1982-83 figure ($2,000) be Gulliford x
used as a donation.
Commissioner Cook presented his viewpoints on why the City should
continue membership with the Chamber of Commerce, and a lengthy
debate followed. Commissioner Morris suggested a Committee be appoint-
ed to study the issue and Commissioner Cook withdrew his motion
temporarily. Mayor Persons appointed Commissioner Cook as Chairman
of the Committee and Mr. George Bull, Sr. who had volunteered earlier
to serve. The Mayor suggested that Commissioner Cook ask Mr. Bob
Nelson and Mr. Walt Murr to attend the meeting if at all possible.
The Committee will report back at the next meeting.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Gulliford: The Commission has allocated monies in the budget to
MINUTES Names of
OCTOBER 11, 1982 Commrs. MS Y N
Miscellaneous Business - continued
hire a fire chief. The Charter provides for the fact that the City
Manager has that right to go out and hire that individual and then
it is up to the final approval by the Commission. I would like to
suggest if the City Manager would be agreeable to it, since I have
been pushing this thing fairly hard and since I think that it is an
extremely important position, and since we have several people in the
community that are experienced in that area that we pursue Mr. Morris's
favorite track and that is a committee to evaluate these applicants
and I would also propose two people to serve on that committee, if
it is agreeable to the City Manager, and this is only a suggestion-
I'm not making a motion, because it is at the discretion of the City
Manager, but those two people that I would suggest would be the
former Mayor, who has always loved the fire department, and Frank
Kerber who has a great deal of experience in fire fighting, etc.etc.
to serve on that committee if the City Manager deems that appropriate.
Persons: Well, we would need to check with the former Mayor and Mr.
Kerber and see if they were willing. . . .interrupted by Commissioner
Gulliford:I would leave that up to the City Manager to do that, as
I don't think it is up to us, but I really want to get the very best
person possible for it. I think as many heads, as many experienced
heads as you can involve in that, the better off we are.
Moss: Is that an expression of intent or do you want to appoint the
Committee and the Committee make a recommendation to the City.
Gulliford: No.
Moss: I would like to know if you like it made to the City Commission
and then we will do it on a formal basis that way, otherwise if it is
up to me, then maybe there are six other people that might be just
as good or better or vice versa. . I personally would rather not have
the Committee, but I have no strong objections to that.
Gulliford: Well, this is one of those times where you might have to
set your personal feelings aside. If you are asking for intent, the
the only reason that I am doing that, and I realize the ultimate res-
ponsibility provided in the Charter rests solely with you and the
final approval rests with us. However, in this instance, I think
that you nor I, nor anyone else sitting at this table are really all
that experienced in fire-fighting, and frankly, I think that if we
are going to hire a fire chief we ought to get the best darn fire
chief we possibly can. So why not avail outselves of some experience
out there, and if you have some other people to add to that committee ,
or whatever, fine, I am just asking for them to be involved to the
degree that they might assist you in making a final determination.
Obviously, we are going to approve it ultimately.
MINUTES Names of
OCTOBER 11, 1982 Commrs. M S Y N
Miscellaneous - continued - Verbatim:
Moss: I didn't know that the City Commission approves fire chiefs.
Gulliford: According to the Charter, it does.
Moss: I recall that being the case on the appointment of the Police
Gulliford: Same on the Fire Chief.
Morris: Isn't it just Director of Public Safety? It does say fire?
Moss: The City Manager is the Director of Public Safety.
Gulliford: I am relying on four weeks of memory here
Morris: What is the official title for Chief Stucki at this time?
Moss: Chief Public Safety Officer,
Morris: Yes, Chief Stucki is Chief Public Safety Officer,
Gulliford: But, does that not also relate to both, . , ,I donut remember
now where I dug that out, but somewhere in there I did find that.
Moss: Your choice is, Commissioner, don't get me wrong, your choice
is correct for the committee, but if it is questioning on the advice
of the City Manager under the Charter, then I would insist on those
rights, as a matter of fact, if it is a dual employment I would like
to know that right now.
Cook: If we appoint a fire chief, where does he fit in - is he under
the Director of Public Safety?
Gulliford: Oh, yes.
Cook: Is he under the Chief of Public Safety Officer?
Gulliford: He is the Chief of Public Safety Officer,
Moss: That is a proper question Commissioner Cook, That has not been
resolved. The question as to whether or not he will be under the
Chief Public Safety Officer has not been resolved to my knowledge.
Cook: The title of Chief Public Safety Officer would infer to me
that he would be.
Moss: Well, the Chief Public Safety Officer, by Charter, heads the
Police Division. The Director of Public Safety heads the Police
division and the fire division.
Cook: Well, it is a misnomer.
MINUTES Names of
OCTOBER 11. 1982Commrs. M S Y N
Miscellaneous - continued -Verbatim
Moss: I am just reading to you from the Charter.
Cook: Yes Sir, I understand. It is still a misnomer.
Gulliford: Well, I think it is subject to interpretation. It says
the chief public safety officer to head the police division, the chief
public safety officer to head the fire division which relates to
or which is saying that an individual is the head of both, but it
also does not say that you can't have two chief public safety officers,
one heading fire and one heading police, which is what we determined
at the budget hearings together.
Cook: Just a matter of information.
Gulliford: And, go to that section that says the Chief Public
Safety Officer shall be the head of the police division, excuse me,
fire division, and shall be appointed and removed by the Director of
Public Safety, which is the City Manager, subject to the approval of
the City Commission. That is where I pulled that little goody out.
I think we can get mired down in semantics and technicalities and
what we are really looking at primarily is intent, and my intent of
doing that - whether we do it - or have the City Manager, or we can
go in a different direction. I can make the suggestion that we form
this committee and involve those individuals at a committee level
and that they review the recommendation made by the City Manager.
That is another way to approach it before the final approval by the
City Commission. However you want to do it, I am just trying to
make it simple.
Persons: What is your motion?
Gulliford:I don't have a motion. I was asking for discretionary
response from the City Manager to see if he was agreeable and if he
feels like that circumvents his responsibility or authority. Now, I
will make a motion that we form a committeeto review,before final Cook x
approval, the person who is submitted, and with that committee, Gulliford x x
involve the two people that I have mentioned, as well as several Morris x x
Commissioners. Van Ness A$SENr
Persons x
Persons: We have a motion. Do we have a second?
Morris: I'll second.
Persons: Any further discussion? Mr. Cook,will you call the question.
Cook: Call the question.
Persons: The question has been called. All in favor signify by saying
aye. The ayes have it. We have another committee! (the vote was
unanimously in favor of the motion) .
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
MINUTES Names of
OCTOBER 11, 1982 Commrs. MS Y N
Miscellaneous - continued
Mayor Persons announced that the City has been happy to announce
that we were the prevailing party in one of the lawsuits that was
filed recently against us, that being Willie Arnett vs the City of
Atlantic Beach. Sometime last week, final summary judgement was
entered in favor of the City of Atlantic Beach.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Chair recognized Mr. George Bull, Sr. Mr. Bull suggested that
the City Commission sit down with him and his attorneys as a
Committee of the Whole to find out really where we are going and
what can be done about it and discuss problems in general. A lengthy
discussion followed. The Commission was unanimously in favor of the
meeting, and the Mayor said a date would be set in the very near
There being no further business, the Mayor declared the meeting
(SEAL) ert B. Persons, Jr.
Adelaide R. Tucker
City Clerk