11-22-82 v AGENDA
November 22, 1982
Call to Order
Invocation and Pledge to Flag
1. Approval of the Minutes of November 8, 1982
2. Recognition of Visitors
3. Correspondence
A. From Raymond C. Sittig, Florida League of Cities, re Municipal
Sales Tax Distributions
B. To Office of Revenue Sharing Requesting Information Used in the
Determination of the City's EP-14 Entitlement
C. From Florida Municipal Health Trust Fund re Increase in Health
Insurance Premiums
D. From Buccaneer Service Company, Inc. , re Effluent Outfall
Line to St. Johns River
4. Advisory Planning Board - Meeting of November 16, 1982
A. Request for "Use by Exception" for Home Occupation
Jeffrey A. Hite - 122 Sixth Street
B. Proposed Subdivision - Aquatic Gardens
5. City Manager's Report
A. Item #1 - Proposed Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance
B. Item #2 - Codes Enforcement Board
C. Item #3 - Award of Contract - Sanitary Truck
D. Item #4 - Proposed Job Description for Fire Chief
6. New Business
7. Unfinished Business
A. Further Discussion - Request by Bill Morton to Amend Existing
Alcoholic Beverage Ordinance - (Discussion Tabled)
8. Report of Committees
A. Sewer Plant Committee
9. Action on Resolutions
10. Action on Ordinances
11. Miscellaneous Business
'RESENT: Robert B. Persons, Jr. , Mayor-Commissioner T T
Robert B. Cook, Sr. E E
William I. Gulliford, Jr. D D
John W. Morris, Jr.
Catherine G. Van Ness, Commissioners
AND: A. William Moss, City Manager 0 E
Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney T C
Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk I 0 Y
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Persons. The invocation, offered
by Commissioner Van Ness, was followed by the pledge to the flag.
Approval of the Minutes of November 8, 1982
Mayor Persons pointed out that the record from the previous meeting was
not clear as to how the vote was cast on two motions. He quoted Florida
Statutes 286.012 "Voting requirement at meetings of governmental bodies".
Commissioner Van Ness was asked how she voted on Item D. , Correspondence,
page two, and she replied she had cast her vote as aye. On page six,
Miscellaneous Business, Mayor Persons asked the Commissioners how they had
voted for the appointment of Mrs. Dorothy Kerber to the new Hospital Board
:ommissioner Van Ness stated that she had voted no, and all other Commis-
sioners replied they had voted aye.
Cook x
Motion:The minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of November 8, 1982 Gulliford x
be approved as corrected. Morris x x
'Jan Ness x x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * persons x
Items A, from Raymond C. Sitting, Florida League of Cities, re Municipal
Sales Tax Distributions, and B. , To Office of Revenue Sharing requesting
information used in the determination of the City's EP-14 Entitlement were
furnished for information purposes only. Mr. Moss stated that he had written
Mr. Hill, Director, Office of Revenue Sharing asking for a review as to
the status of our Entitlement 14. His budget had been approved anticipating
$71,505 in revenue sharing funds, and he has been advised that the correct
amount should be $53,669, which represents a 25% decrease in entitlements.
The reason for the decrease indicated that per capita income for our City
has increased by 49% from 1977 to 1979. Mr. Moss added that the loss of
revenue sharing may affect the public works building.
C. From Florida Municipal Health Trust Fund re Increase in Health Insurance
:r. Moss stated that he had been advised of a 50% increase in the health
nsurance premiums, and had requested a loss experience for our group.
Names of
NOVEMBER 22,1982
Commr s. MS Y N
Correspondence - continued
The loss ratio shows 137% according to the calculations furnished by
Mr. David J. Jasmund, Hill, Richards and Companies, Inc. who service
the Florida Municipal Health Trust Fund. A general discussion followed.
The Commission unanimously agreed that the City Manager should look
into higher deductibles with the present company and also other companies
with the possibility of changing carriers.
D. From Buccaneer Service Company, Inc. , re Effluent Outfall Line to
St. Johns River
The City Manager provided the Commission copies of a letter from
Buccaneer Service Company, Inc. regarding their meetings. Mr. Moss
stated that Buccaneer Service Co. appears to be receptive to continue
discussions on the trunk project for the outfall.
Advisory Planning Board - Meeting of November 16, 1982
A. Request for "Use by Exception" for Home Occupation-Jeffrey A. Hite
122 Sixth Street
The City Manager advised that Mr. Hite has requested a "Use by Exception"
'emit for a home occupation that will consist of a telephone answering
service which will be used to facilitate house calls by doctors in the
area. The Advisory Planning Board unanimously recommended that Mr. Hite
be granted the permit subject to the limitation that no more than one
non-resident employee be permitted in the home. Cook x
Motion: Accept the "Use by Exception" permit requested by Mr. Hite Gulliford x
Morris x x
Van Ness x x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Persons x
B. Proposed Subdivision - Aquatic Gardens
Mr. Moss reported that the Advisory Planning Board had reviewed the
preliminary plat submitted by Crofton Builders, Inc. for a subdivision
consisting of 15.6 acres located just north of Beaches Aquatic Club.
The Development is proposed to consist of 30 lots, each of which will
contain a four or six family building with individual units sold fee
simple under the townhouse/rowhouse concept , and are expected to have
130 units. The Advisory Planning Board unanimously recommended that
the application be approved subject to three changes. A general discus-
sion followed with the Commission and the city Engineer, Mr. Parks.
Following discussion, Commissioner Morris moved for the following:
Motion: Approve the preliminary plat for a 130 unit subdivision
submitted by Crofton Builders, with the following specified
six exceptions:
1. The developer post a surety bond for two years to guar-
antee construction of a secondary method of ingress and
egress at some point in the subdivision.
MINUTES Names of
NOVEMBER 22, 1982 Commrs. MS Y N
Advisory Planning Board- continued-motion to accept preliminary plat:
2.That the developer obtain a Florida Department of Trans-
portation permit and construct a cut-in turn lane from
Atlantic Boulevard to allow eastbound traffic to turn onto
Aquatic Drive.
3. That a pedestrian bridge be constructed along the right-
of way of Cutlass Drive for pedestrian traffic.
4.Correct the drainage problem on the southwest corner-
increase the easement or provide storm drains.
5.Determine if the 15' easement on the east boundary is
adequate or whether it should be relocated or expanded
because of the location of the existing sewer lines. Cook x x
6.Provide a 50' egress easement for a private drive which Gulliford x
serves units 9D through 10F. The Commission will address Morris x x
the handling of this item when Mr. Crofton comes back for Van Ness x
final approval.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
City Manager's Report
A. Item #1 - Proposed Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance
Mr. Moss presented a model flood damage prevention ordinance for the
Commission's review, and explained that the city has to adopt or show '
evidence of adoption of a floodplain management regulations and meet
the standards of Section 60.3 (e) of the NFIP regulations within six
months or be suspended from participation in the program. It was sug-
gested that the City Manager continue his review and come back with
B. Item #2 - Codes Enforcement Board
Mayor Persons expressed his desire to activate the Code Enforcement
Board, and asked that the Commissioners present their choice of appoint-
ppointments at the next meeting. He stated that whenever possible the board
should consist of an architect, a business man, an engineer, a general
contractor, a registered real estate broker, and a sub-contractor.
C. Item #3 - Award of Contract - Sanitary Truck
Mr. Moss reported that the bids were advertised for a compaction unit
in accordance with the specifications reviewed by the City Commission.
ix (6) bids were received on November 19, 1982, and ranged from $46,316
.o $49,088. Mr. Moss stated that he had been evaulating the two lowest
bids, MTA Equipment Company and H.F. Mason Equipment Corporation, and
the basic difficulity is trying to determine whether or not the units
that were bid meet the minimum requirements. He asked to defer recom-
mendations until the next meeting. Commission agreed.
MINUTES Names of
NOVEMBER 22, 9982 Commrs. MS Y N
City Manager's Report - continued
D. Item #4 - Proposed Job Description for Fire Chief
The City Manager asked for comments and guidance from the Commission
on the proposed job description for a Fire Chief so that he could build
the program and the position around the City Commission's expectations.
A general discussion followed. A verbal statement of intent to move
away from the Public Safety concept was given to Mr. Moss by Commissioners
Gulliford and Morris and Mayor Persons. Commissioner Cook suggested
that a Committee of the Whole be called to discuss the matter. Mayor
Persons set the meeting for Thursday, December 9, 1982 at 7:00 p.m.
Unfinished Business
A. Further Discussion - Request by Bill Morton to Amend Existing Alcoholic
Beverage Ordinance - Discussion tabled until November 22, 1982
Mr. Alan Jensen, City Attorney reported that the State Statutes,for
a consumption on premises license for beer and wine only, do not set
any guidelines as far as minimum seating or area requirements, and the
city has the discretionary power to set their own limits. The suggestion
--as made to amend the Ordinance by allowing small restaurants serving
eer and wine only to come in with a use by exception, delete the
seating requirements and overall floor area, and the distance limitations
would not apply to restaurants which derive fifty-one (51%) percent
of gross income from the sale of food pepared, served, and consumed on
the premises, or grocery stores licensed to sell alcoholic beverages
for off-premises consumption only. The grantee will have to come in
on a regular basis to demonstrate that they are getting 51% of the gross
revenues from the sale of food.
Cook x x
Motion: Refer the matter to Mr. Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney,to Gulliford x x
research and prepare a proposed amendment to the Ordinance. Morris x
Van Ness x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Persons x
Report of Committees - Sewer Plant Committee
Commissioner Gulliford reported that the.committee had met earlier in
the evening, reviewed the agreement "Consulting Engineering Services
Wastewater treatment improvements City of Atlantic Beach, Florida and
Robert Bates and Associates, Inc. , made several suggested changes, and
voted unanimously to accept the agreement with those changes. The
recommended changes are: 1.) Mileage allowance will be changed to read
reimbursement to be based on the amount the city is paying at the time
to other city employees; 2.) Attach to the agreement a typical example
to how the computations will be made for the payroll cost plus factors;
".) Require the Engineer to submit evidence of his liability insurance,and
rite in regarding whole harmless to protect the city as much as possille;
4.) regarding the milars or blueprints to be furnished to the city, the
change of words will read at the discretion of the city,
MINUTES Names of
NOVEMBER 22, 198Commrs. M S Y N
Report of Committees - continued
Commissioner Gulliford stated that the fees that were presented to then
by Mr. Bates were substantially lower than some of the other fees, and
he expressed the opinion that Mr. Moss has negotiated a good contract
in an area that the city is going to need a lot of help in the next
couple of years. The Commission agreed.
Cook x
Motion: The City enter into an agreement with Robert Bates & Associ- Gulliford x x
ates, Inc. as outlined by the general agreement provided Morris x x
with the amendments and changes as presented by Mr. Moss. Van Ness x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Persons x
Miscellaneous Business
Commissioner Gulliford asked the City Manager to contact JEA to give
the city some time table when the city can anticipate that the services
in Atlantic Beach would be placed underground.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Mr. Moss noted that he needed to begin planning work for bid documents
-Ind specifications for repaving of Beach Avenue which is one of our
:apital improvements projects and asked for direction on who the Com-
mission would like to do the engineering work for the city and what
type of agreement they would like. Commissioner Van Ness added that
Seminole Road is also badly in need of repairs. Mayor Persons suggested
that the Commissioners give the matter some thought and instructed the
city attorney to prepare a legal opinion to present at the next meet-
There being no further business, the Mayor declared the meeting
Robert B. Persons, Jr.
'delaide R. Tucker
ity Clerk