01-23-84 v AGENDA
January 23, 1984
Call to Order
Invocation and Pledge to Flag
1. Approval of the Minutes of January 9, 1984
2. Recognition of Visitors
3. Correspondence
A. From J. C. Coleman re Request for Water and Sewer Services -
Seminole Beach Area
4. Advisory Planning Board
A. "Use by Exception" Application - Maureen A. O'Malley -
Convenience Food Store - Southeast Corner of Plaza
and Mayport Road
5. City Manager's Report
A. Item #1 - Agreement Between the City of Atlantic Beach
and FOP Lodge 107, Atlantic Beach
B. Item #2 - Aquatic Gardens Subdivision - Request for
Extension of Time for Project Completion
C. Item #3 - Plans for Lifeguard Building - Ahern Beach Access
D. Item #4 - Police Department Monthly Report -
December 1983
E. Item #5 - Plans and Specifications -
City Hall Renovation
F. Item #6 - Specifications and Contract Documents -
A. Water Plant Control and Telemetry System
B. Sewer System Smoke Testing Program
G. Item #7 - Audit Report for Period Ending September 30, 1983
H. Item #8 - Budget Report for 4th Quarter - FY 1982-83
I. Item #9 - Valuation of Building Permits
J. Item #10 - Presentation by Chief R. Wayne Royal re
Fire Department Activities
K. Item #11 - Presentation by Chief David E. Thompson re
Police Department Activities
6. New Business
7. Unfinished Business
A. Proposed Agreement with England, Thims & Miller, Inc. ,
Consulting Engineers - Saltair Drainage Study
8. Report of Committees
9. Action on Resolutions
A. Resolution No. 84-1 - Authorizing a Budget Adjustment
B. Resolution No. 84-2 - Approving Duval Beaches
201 Facilities Plan
C. Resolution No. 84-3 - Commemorating Judge Charles M. Anderson
10. Action on Ordinances
A. Ordinance No. 5-83-12 - An Ordinance Prescribing Rules and
Regulations for the Purchase or
Contract for Supplies, Materials,
Equipment, Services, and Public
Improvements; Repealing Section
72 of the Charter Entitled
"Contracts for City Improvements",
and Article II, Section 8-4 Through
8-8 of the Code of Ordinances
Entitled "Purchasing" - Second and
Final Reading - Public Hearing
11. Miscellaneous Business
✓ V
PRESENT:William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner D D
Robert B. Cook, Sr.
John W. Morris, Jr. , Commissioners
AND: A. William Moss, City Manager 0 E
Claude L. Mullis, City Attorney T C
Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk I 0 Y
ABSENT: Catherine G. Van Ness, Commissioner - Ill COMMRS. N D S 0
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Howell. The invocation, offered
by Commissioner Cook, was followed by the pledge to the flag.
Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of January 9,19434
Motion: The minutes of the regular Commission meeting of January 9 Cook x x,
1984 be approved as submitted. Gullifori x x
Morris x
The motion carried unanimously. Howell x
* * * * * ** * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Recognition of Visitors - None
A. From J. C. Coleman re Request for Water and Sewer Services -
Seminole Beach Area
Commissioner Cook asked if the request would put any strain on the city
and City Attorney Mullis responded by stating the contract should be
revised so as to provide in the contract that services will be provid-
ed only if available. Commissioner Morris then made the following
Motion: Refer the request to the Advisory Planning Board for Cook x
their review and recommendation to the Commission for Morris x
During discussion before the vote, Commissioner Morris expressed con-
cern of the density that is being requested from the City of Jackson-
ville of ten units per acre and added this was substantially higher Cook x
than what has been opposed in the past such as Mr. Bull's request for Gulliford x
8.8 units per acre several months ago. Commissioner Gulliford express- Morris x
ed the opinion that it is not up to the Atlantic Beach Commission to Howell x
legislate density in another municipality. Commissioner Morris agreed.
The question was called and the motion failed with Mayor Howell and
Commissioners Cook and Gulliford voting no and Commissioner Morris
voting aye.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
PRESENT:William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner T T
Robert B. Cook, Sr. D D
William I. Gulliford, Jr.
John W. Morris, Jr. , Commissioners
AND: A. William Moss, City Manager O E
Claude L. Mullis, City Attorney T C
Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk
1 O Y
ABSENT: Catherine G. Van Ness, Commissioner - Ill NAME OF ONEN
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Howell. The invocation, offered
by Commissioner Cook, was followed by the pledge to the flag.
Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Commission Meetin• of January 9,1984
Motion: The minutes of the regular Commission meeting of January 9 Cook x x
1984 be approved as submitted. Gulliford x x
Howell x
The motion carried unanimously.
* * * * * ** * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Recognition of Visitors - None
A. From J. C. Coleman re Request for Water and Sewer Services -
Seminole Beach Area
Commissioner Cook asked if the request would put any strain on the city
and City Attorney Mullis responded by stating the contract should be
revised so as to provide in the contract that services will be provid-
ed only if available. Commissioner Morris then made the following
Motion: Refer the request to the Advisory Planning Board for Cook x
their review and recommendation to the Commission for Morris x
During discussion before the vote, Commissioner Morris expressed con-
cern of the density that is being requested from the City of Jackson-
ville of ten units per acre and added this was substantially higher Cook X x
than what has been opposed in the past such as Mr. Bull's request for Gulliforc x
8.8 units per acre several months ago. Commissioner Gulliford express- Morris X x
ed the opinion that it is not up to the Atlantic Beach Commission to Howell x
legislate density in another municipality. Commissioner Morris agreed.
The question was called and the motion failed with Mayor Howell and
Commissioners Cook and Gulliford voting no and Commissioner Morris
voting aye.
MINUTES Names of
JANUARY 23,1984 Commrs. M S Y N
- r
Correspondence - continued
Motion: Grant the request for water and sewer subject to the Cook x x
availability of sewer service based on the expansion of Gulliford x x
the city's plant. The contract (s) be later approved Morris x
by the City Commission. Howell x
The motion carried three to one. Commissioner Morris
voted no.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Advisory Planning Board
A. "Use by Exception" Application - Maureen A. O'Malley-Conven-
ience Food Store - Southeast Corner of Plaza & Mayport Rd.
The City Manager reported that the Advisory Planning Board reviewed
a "Use by Exception" request on January 17, 1984 that was submitted
by Maureen A. O'Malley, representing Huntley-Jiffy, Inc. They would
like to build a convenience food store with self-service gasoline
facilities. The property is zoned CL which permits convenience stores
but the sale of gasoline is permitted only as a "Use by Exception".
The City Manager stated that he also told the Board that the "Liquor
Ordinance" allowed grocery stores to sell beer and wine for off-
premise consumption. After discussion of several concerns, including:
Too many convenience stores in Atlantic Beach and on Mayport Rd. ;
presently have severe traffic problems on Mayport Rd, and the sale
of gasoline would add to the problem, and there would be ingress and
egress problems at that location and the area would become a "hang-
out", the Board, by a vote of 4-0, recommended denial of the appli-
cation for a "Use by Exception" permit.
Motion: Approve the request for a "Use by Exception" application Cook x
submitted by Maureen A. O'Malley, representing Huntley- Gulliford x
Jiffy, Inc. for a convenience food store with self-
service gasoline facilities at the Southeast corner of
Plaza and Mayport Road.
Discussion followed before the vote. Commissioner Cook did not agree
with the Advisory Planning Board's reasons for denying the applica-
tion and said he didn't notice any objections raised when they built
a restaurant across the street from the Sea Turtle.- "That's what
this country is all about - survival of the fittest and competition.
It's not for government to regulate how many we are going to have".
Commissioner Morris commented that Commercial Limited zoning does
not allow the sale of beer and wine and in order to grant their re-
quest the zoning would have to be changed. Mayor Howell agreed that Cook x
the Zoning Ordinance should be amended. He also stated that the Gulliford x
Board's argument that there were too many convenience stores in the Morris x
community "smacks of anti-trust". The City Attorney stated that the Howell x
State Statutes under the beer statute provides that no local govern-
ment can prohibit through zoning the sale of beer for "off-premises"
consumption. After discussion, it was the City Attorney's opinion
that there were no legal grounds for the City Commission to deny
the request. The question was called and the motion carried
MINUTES Names of
JANUARY 23 ,198 Commrs. M S Y N
Advisory Planning Board- continued
The Advisory Planning Board also expressed concerns about developmen
in Section H and offered to lend their assistance to the City Commis-
sion regarding any language or master planning of the area. Mr. Moss
said this was a matter he planned to bring up for discussion by the
City Commission in the near future. Crofton Development was also dis-
cussed - see City Manager's report - item #2.
City Manager's Report
A. Item #1 - Agreement Between the City of Atlantic Beach and FOP Lod:e
107, Atlantic Beach
The City Manager requested authorization to execute the agreement
between the City of Atlantic Beach and the Fraternal Order of Police
Lodge 107, Atlantic Beach, the official bargaining agent for the
patrolmen and sergeants. Commissioner Gulliford asked the City Manage
if he was in agreement with the document and Mr. Moss replied yes,
Cook x
Motion: Authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement be- Gulliford x
tween the City of Atlantic Beach and the Fraternal Order
of Police Lodge 107, Atlantic Beach.
During discussion before the vote, Commissioner Morris asked if "Trai -
ing compensated in the form of compensatory time at a rate of time an'
one-half"was on top of duty hours. Mr. Moss replied that was when
they are called back for training. He requested that under 8.6-Dis-
missal or Discharge-item i - the words"or in uniform" be added after
the word duty. Item i. :to read "Drinking intoxicating liquor or using
narcotics or marijuana while on duty or being intoxicated while on
duty or in uniform", and item m. add the words"department or" after
the word "upon" - item m. to read "Conduct, whether on or off duty,
which reflects discredit upon the department or the City". Mayor
Howell agreed with Commissioner Morris but expressed concern that the
agreement would have to be turned down and go back for negotiating
again. Mr. Moss commented that the same thing is accomplished in
other sections of the agreement, and made the suggestion that the
Personnel Rules and Regulations need to be reviewed by the Commission,
for changes. After the rules are changed the clause could be negotiat Cook x
ed in the agreement. Commissioner Morris agreed to table his request. Gulliford x
The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. Morris x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Howell x
Item #2-Aquatic Gardens Subdivision - Request for Extension of Time
for Project Completion
The City Manager presented background information on the Aquatic
Gardens Subdivision and recommended the time of completion for the
Aquatic Gardens Subdivision be extended to August 1 , 1984, provided:
1. That the Letter of Credit be extended until August 1, 1984,
in an amount equal to that required to complete the work.
2. The Letter of Credit in the amount of $76,000 to guarantee
completion of Cutlass Drive (if required by City) be extended
to August 1, 1986.
PAGE FOUR Names of
MINUTE$ Commrs. MS Y N
JANUARY 23,1934
City Manager's Report - continued - Item #2
3. Aquatic Drive is completed according to specifications by
April 1, 1984.
Motion: Extend the time of completion for the Aquatic Gardens Cookx x
Subdivision to August 1, 1984, subject to the. three Gulliford x x
recommendations the City Manager has advanced. Morris x
The motion carried unanimously. Howell x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Item #3-Plans for Lifeguard Building- Ahern Beach Access
The City Manager reported that $4,500 has been allocated in the FY
1983-84 Capital Improvements budget to replace the existing lifeguard
building, a metal storage shed, with a concrete block building. Plans
for the 135 sq. ft. building were given to the Commissioners in the
agenda package for their perusal. It was the coisensus of the Commis-
sion that the proposed porch would be too small .
Motion:Refer the matter back to the City Manager for another Gook
design to be brought forth at the next meeting. Gulliford x
Morris x x
The motion carried unanimously. Howell x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Item #4 - Police Department Monthly Report- December 1983
The Mayor and Commissioners acknowledged receipt of the Police
Department monthly report and the Mayor instructed the report be
filed for information. The Commission thanked the Chief for the repor:.
Item #5-Plans and Specifications - City Hall renovation
The proposed plans and specifications were discussed in detail.
Cook x
Motion: The City Manager be authorized to begin renovation of Morris
City Hall.
During discussion before the vote, Commissioner Morris eXpressed 'the
opinion that he would like to have the Commission Chambers enlarged
during the renovation and have longer Commission tables to enable
the Commissioners to have larger work areas.
Substitute Motion:Table action on the question until a later Cook x
date when all five Commissioners are present, Gulliford x x
Morris x x
The motion carried unanimously. Howell x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Item #6-Specifications and Contract Documents-
A. Water Plant Control and Telemetry System
B. Sewer System Smoke Testing Program
The Mayor recommended the items A and B be discussed separately and
stated the City Manager had asked for authorization to advertise for
bids on the Water Plant Control and Telemetry System to be opened at
the February 13th meeting. Commissioner Morris asked what the estimatQd
cost of the telemetry system would be and the City Manager replied
somewhere in the range of $16,000 to $17,000.
Cook x x
Motion:Authorize the City Manager to advertise for bids on the Gulliford x x
Water Plant Control & Telemetry System (A.) Morris x
The motion carried unanimously.
J. J. J. .w .ti 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. � 4. 4. 4 ,e 4- 4e 4e 4 Y * 4e 4. * -. 9e * ie * * *
MINUTES Names of
JANUARY 23,1984 Commrs. MS Y N
� r
City Manager's Report - continued - Item #6 (B)
B. Motion: Authorize the City Manager to advertise for bids on Cook x x
Gulliford x x
the Sewer System Smoke Testing Program (B) Morris x
The motion carried unanimously. Howell x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Item #7 - Audit Report for Period Ending September 30, 1983
The City Manager announced that a representative from Price Waterhouse
was present to answer any questions the Commissioners might have.
Commissioner Gulliford inquired about the recommendation that
"reconciliation of the bank accounts should be prepared by an employee
who does not have other cash functions". The representative from
Price Waterhouse stated that the report submitted was only a draft
and due to the fact that the Finance Department only has three employes
the recommendation would probably be withdrawn from the final report.
Commissioner Morris congratulated the City Manager, the Finance Direc-or
and Price Waterhouse for a good report. The Mayor thanked the rep-
resentatives from Price Waterhouse for attending the meeting.
Item #8 - Budget Report for 4th Quarter - FY 1982-83
The Commission acknowledged receipt of the Budget Report for the
4th Quarter - Fiscal Year 1983-83.
Item #9 - Valuation of Building Permits
The Mayor acknowledged receipt of the Valuation of Building Permits
and instructed the report be filed for information.
Item #10 - Presentation by Chief R. Wayne Royal re Fire Deparment
Chief Royal presented a brief report of the Fire Department's activi-
ties since he came aboard on June 1, 1983: One man retired, one re-
signed and both have been replaced. On October 1st two men were added
to the payroll making it possible for the men working 56 hours per
week to have two men on duty for 24 hour per day shifts. The locker
room was renovated to serve as living quarters using in-house labor.
A day room for the firemen and an office for the Chief was contructed
using space between the fire engines. Installed an intercom and alarm
system making it possible for the dispatchers to readily relay the
fire alarms. Much needed equipment was purchased, and repairs were
made to one of the engines which now holds 750 gallons of water as it
did when new. All equipment is now being taken care of properly. Fire
hydrants have been flushed and pressure tested. Training sessions
have been held and are working with Cox Cable for programs to be
viewed. Two men were sent to the State Fire Inspection School and the
entire department is going to an LP gas school within the next 30 dais.
Busimssesarebeing inspected on an ongoing basis. New uniforms and
new patches have been added to the department(patches were designed
by the men). Guidelines have been established for the dispatchers.
Chief Royal finalized his report by saying he has established a very
good relationship with the neighboring cities. The Commission thanked
Chief Royal for his report.
MINUTES Names of
JANUARY 23,1984 Commrs. M S Y N
City Manager's Report - continued
Item #11 - Presentation by Chief David E. Thompson re Police Depart-
ment Activities
Chief Thompson presented a brief report of activities since his
arrival in December such as: renovation of the record keeping system,
policy and procedures (what was there was very good, but lacking in
specific areas, particularly areas that would expose the department
to a degree of civil liability) are currently being reworked now.
Before adoption of the specific issues they will be reviewed by the
City Manager and the City Attorney.Investigations in general have been
revised - Marty Trauger has been selected from within the department
to supervise the minor investigations and coordinate the major inves-
tigations based on written testing, training, education, and experienc .
Conferences with Lt. Garvin have produced good results for training,
and it is anticipated that most of the training planned can be
received within a fifty mile radius. Six officers are now trained in
pursuit and defensive driving,and officers are being trained for comme:-
cial and home security. A fitness program needs to be implemented
the Chief is working with the City Manager and Chief Royal on this.
Maintenance of the equipment has been upgraded. A policy has been
implemented on random inspections to take place no less than once a
month, and will be documented on paper. A chain of command has been
established. Kevin Carver and David Archer have been coordinating thei-
efforts on crime prevention and neighborhood watch. The department now
has a new property check system and the Chief reported that he has
received a very positive reaction from the public on that. Chief Thompson
finalized his report by saying he was in the process of establishing
a set of general guidelines for his officers that he felt the Commis-
sion would highly approve of. The Mayor and Commission thanked Chief
Thompson for his report.
The City Manager reported that the Public Employees Relation Commis-
sion has ruled that the unfair labor practices filed by the FOP agains :
the city are dismissed in their entirety.
New Business - None
Unfinished Business
A. Proposed Agreement with England, Thims & Miller, Inc. , Consulting
Engineers - Saltair Drainage Study VERBATIM
Moss: This item was tabled at the last meeting, and we have attempted
to bring forth, which. . at least has been provided to me, regarding the
history, of some recent history of the Saltair Subdivision and related
to drainage underneath Seminole Road, to Plaza, to 11th St. , and out
to the woods. We are requesting direction at this time.
Howell: Is that a duplication of what's proposed? My other question,
the only reason I brought it up is that I don't see any sense in spend-
ing $7,000 if we already have the plans and etc. and the answers to
questions to do it. That is my only question.
Morris : Do we have those plans?
MINUTES Names of
JANUARY 23 ,198 '4 Commr s. M S Y N
Unfinished Business - continued - Verbatim
Howell: Well, I don't know. It appears to me that we do from what I
see . I don't know.
Gulliford: I missed the last meeting, but just glancing through this ,
it appears that a recommendation was made to the City Commission some
years back regarding the expansions and that they never acted on it,
and I would think that if those plans are available the first thing
to consider would be some kind of action on that initial recommendati )n
to the city, because it appears that it was considered and studied.
Steckla: Mr. Mayor, may I intrude? I am Paul Steckla, 1570 Park Terraca
West, Atlantic Beach. In my humble judgment, all that has to be done
in respect to the drainage in the Saltair Subdivision and to the North
and Northwest: 1. re-configure the swale system throughout the Saltair
2. A center enlarging the culvert at the South end of
Howell Park - I think now it is either 36" or 42"
3. De-silt the drainage ditch from the south end of
Howell Park up to Seminole Road and across Seminole
Road over to Plaza.
4. Enlarge the culvert capability at Seminole Road and
the drainage ditch.
5. Enlarge the culvert under Plaza.
6. Enlarge the culvert under 11th St.
7. Utilize the capabilities of the Weir system, the weir
gate, which is located at the lagoon and Mayport Rd.
and I would venture to say that the weir gate has
not been touched in months. You can utilize it to
advantage,for drainage purposes, and utilize it in
accord with the tides.
I am not an engineer, I am merely an aficionado.
Howell: We are still right where we were. I don't
Morris : It appears that the City Manager has come requesting an expend _-
ture for the study that was budgeted for and you, and rightfully so,
your Honor, brought up that perhaps there was a study done prior to
this, and if so, we should utilize it. I requested the City Manager
to furnish information on the study and that is what he has attached
here, and obviously some study has been done, and some recommendations
made by Mr. Parks in the past. I respect those. . . it appears that he
broke down by item what Mr. Steckla just mentioned. . . the culverts
under Seminole, 11th and Plaza. I did not, however, notice anything
having to do with the weir in Mr. Parks study, but as you brought out
in the minutes that are attached here,"you can do all you want to to
those culvert pipes but if you don't do something with the weir, it's
not going to do any good'; and I agree with that. I'm not an engineer
either, but it doesn't tyke. . . .you know if you got a half of quart in
the bottle, it's only go your out half as fast, and that's about where
we are.
Howell: I agree with you 100%, Mr. Morris, and if I do say so myself,
I thought I was rather astute back in 1981.
MINUTES Names of
JANUARY 23,1984Commrs. M S Y N
Unfinished Business - continued
Morris: I'm proud of you. . . Im bragging on you. I'•d like the record to show that.
Cook: Would you like to move that we agree he is astute?
Howell: It's unfortunate that it was not pursued at that time, but hers
we are two years later, because at that time, and I don't know, it's
very possible that Mr. Parks in his study, determined that everything
was hotsy-totsy down there, and that the only thing needed to be done
were the culverts enlarged under Seminole Road, Plaza and 11th St. and
that the weir did not present any particular great problem.
Morris: You were here and I wasn't, but reading back through here, I
think that Mr. Parks was asked a simple question and he gave what I
see here a pretty doggone good thorough answer to it on how those
culverts should be re-designed. Apparently, if I was gonna do it,what
I am trying to say is, I would start at the weir and come forth, 'cause
I can find most anybody here that'll drop a stick in the water and
watch which way it flows and determine . .go down stream and find the
stopper and pull it out,and then work back up.
Gulliford: Can I ask a question, Mr. Mayor?
Howell: Yes, Sir.
Gulliford: Let's assume that we went out and had gotten this report,
and let's say that the report basically said the same thing Mr. Parks
said some couple of years back - do we have any monies budgeted this
year for the project?
Howell or Moss (uncertain to voice) : No.
Gulliford: Well, it seems to me that I would rather, if we think that's
the way to go, I would rather take that $7,000 and put towards a defin-
itive project like enlarging or adding the culverts, rather than to
rehash the issue, if that seems to be the direction we are at. Granted ,
I think Mr. Parks projections were considerably more than $7,000, and
you have had some inflation since then, but we should get a leg up on
it - you might do part of it,and budget next year to do the additional
part of it.
Howell: It was supposed to be done in house. It was no particular big
deal and would not have caused any traffic problems because after
closing some of the road on Plaza while it was under construction they
could always shift right around the police station - all traffic could
go right through that park back there - it may be a little inconvenien :
for a few days, but we would save a lot of money - that was the idea
back then.
Gulliford: . 7. .the money to renovate City Hall.
Moss: I'm not sure if it's appropriate to bring forth the budget recoil-
mendation without not knowing whether or not that's going to solve the
problem, and I don't think that a diagram showing the size the culvert
ought to be is the answer that the City Commission would expect of me
on any other project as justification as to whether or not it is needed.
In Saltair, the drainage in Saltair has to rate as close to the number
one issue as far as complaints coming to City Hall. .complaints. . .
PAGE NINE Names of
JANUARY 23,1984
Unfinished Business - continued - Verbatim
Moss - continues: It is just one of those things, and I think, I'm
positive the lagoon system and the culverts going on under the roads
are a major factor, but that is not all the factor. Mr. Steckla suggested
re-swaleing. .uh. . in that area. .a pass through of that subdivision,
which has built up tremendously over the last few years would show
you that you couldn't go in there and re-swale even if you wanted to.
Perhaps it was not appropriate to try to swale low area in the first
place with a 50' right-of-way, because we have got people that are
taking the problems unto themselves and building their lots up high
and blocking the .swale so that they don't have a water problem, but
their neighbors up stream from them have water problems, and uh it
goes on through each street in there. We go out there to try to improv
conditions in the swales and the complaints come in because everytime
we clear out a bit water stands there continuously all summer long,
and they don't feel they should have to have water standing there.
The recommendation is a comprehensive look at the problem starting at
one end and finishing at the other end, and from there we can determin=
where it might be best to spend the dollars, and at least in my view,
it's better to spend a few thousand dollars up front to try to priori-
tize what needs to be done rather than going out and putting in culverts
of some size that may or not be correct.
Gulliford: May I, your Honor? I agree with what you are saying, yet
I think there is some consensus that the culverts in those areas are
probably not large enough. I think you might change the whole picture
if . . .No. 1:it's obvious that the culverts need to be made larger. .I
think that's what I'm saying. How much so - I don't know- there was
a recommendation several years ago - at least at that point that had
to be done and if we did it, then that tends to magnify what problems
remain after that action is taken. I agree in being comprehensive, but
it might change the picture some if you take that log jam out of there. .
I don't know, 11m not an engineer. . .that seems to be a quaint phrase. . .
Moss: Well, neither am I - that's why I am proposing
Cook: Let me say that too,so everybody has said it . .I'm not an engineBr.
Morris: You're going on record?
Moss : So why don't we hire somebody to. . . .
Howell: I think we did that.
Cook: Let me ask you a question, Has anybody gone over and observed
these culverts when they start getting complaints. I mean, are the
culverts full when they start getting complaints?
Howell: Mr. Cook, let me. .maybe I can answer that question. I live
on that . .we call it a lagoon, but actually it is the main drainage
ditch of the city. OK
Cook: Lagoon sounds better for real estate purposes.
MINUTES Names of
JANUARY 23, 1984 Commrs. M S Y N
Unfinished Business continued - Verb.atim
Howell: In all the years that I've been down here,therets only been
one time that there was any flooding, .that is where anyone's property
got flooded. That was back in'78 or something was in September when
we had something like ten or eleven days of rain every day, The grouni
was totally saturated, every drainage ditch and every culvert east of
the intracoastal waterway was totally filled up and then, all of a sudien,
in a matter of about two hours at high tide, we got eight inches of
rain - more rain than the beaches have ever seen in its recorded history.
There was some flooding. There was flooding in the Saltair section,
there was flooding on 3rd St. where it actually got into the houses,
those are the only two places I know of in Atlantic Beach that were
flooded. There was flooding in BalHarbour, there was flooding in the
south end of Jacksonville Beach, and other spots in Jacksonville Beach.
Since that time we've had some heavy rains. The lagoon has filled up,
or water has come up considerably above its normal level, but since
that time I don't know of anyone's house where there was any intrusion
of any flooding waters. Now, again, let me say, I'm not
Cook: We are not talking about Bal Harbour or your house. . .we're
talking about Saltair specifically . . .they've had a lot of complaints
from Saltair.
Howell: The point I'm getting at is simply this. It flooded in there one
time. Now, I'll guarantee you, if an engineer, any engineer-goes out
and says well, we gotta design for an eifiht inch rain in a two hour
period and they could design for it, buY/is gonna'happen if you get ten
inches in two hours? You're gonna flood. All we want to do is re-stud-r
it. Frankly, everytime I hear the word, let's t udy this and let's stud'r
that, it. . . .it's a word I don't like
Cook: You are not quoting me
Howell: No, but I'm just saying, if it needs to be re-studied, then
do it, but the only thing I've heard is-let's do it, but I think it hat
already been done.
Cook: Then, what's the next step?
Howell: I'm not really sure. Maybe we need to just hold some particular
singular meeting on this particular item. I don't know. Mr. Moss is
recommending that we go ahead, apparently from square one again. I say
we are already beyond square one. Now, can we pick up at square one and
go forward? I don't know.
Morris: What are you suggesting, Mr. Mayor. Are you suggesting the city
proceed with these recommendations from this study?
Howell: Well, maybe that is what I'm recommending. . . I don't know. . .The
only thing I'm saying is that this was done. .this was done. .it was done
by Mr. Parks. Mr. Parks was the City Engineer for many, many years in
this city, desived thp, entire sewer system, and virtually, to the bes'
of my knowledge,ar1adWinage that has been done in the city since back
in 1957, and in all that time we had one rain in which two areas flooded.
Now, the only thing I'm saying, is that the man must have done a fairl-
good job, and I don't know why we have to take these plans and pitch
Page Eleven V V
Minutes Names of
January 23, 1984Commrs. M S Y N
Unfinished Business - continued -verbatim
Howell-continues:them out of the window.
Cook: May I, in my ignorance, go back to square one as far as this
particular situation. What has prompted this to begin with? Why is
this even on the agenda --- why are we even considering it?
Moss: It was brought up in 1981 as a proposed project and it was
eventually deleted and it was brought up again this year to study to
see what in fact we need to do and where the money ought to be spent.
I think we are deceiving ourselves if we think we can build it for any
where near the costs estimates that you see there. So we are going to,
by the study, identify what the problem is and identify those areas
that can be corrected if it is necessary to correct any areas.
Morris: Capital Improvement Project Saltair drainage back in 1981 was
$20,793. Again, I'm not an engineer, but to dig up all that culvert
there on Seminole Road and then on 11th and Plaza and put down more
culvert pipe, I'm sure would be considerably more than that. I would
be willing to venture
Cook: Is it necessary that we do anything?
Morris : I don't live in Saltair.
Cook: Can we hear from Mr. Parks - is that out of order?
Howell: No, Sir Mr. Parks. .
Parks: My name is Walter Parks. I am registered to practice professional
engineering in Fla, Ga. , Miss. and North Carolina. I believe I qualify
as a professional engineer. I had the priviledge of serving this city
for about 25 years until we imported new talent from the State of Illinois.
Howell: Pappy, let's keep it right to the point if you don't mind.
Parks : Bear with me a minute " please, sir. The last issue of
the Beaches Leader reported the last Commission meeting quoted Mr. Moss
as having said that he asked me if there had been a previous study dome
on drainage for Saltair subdivision, and that I had told him there was
none. I think you have evidence that there has been.
Howell: I don't recall that, but regardless of that, Im.not. .First,
I want to keep this thing very narrow, now I don't want to get in to
personalities. .I will not allow this discussion to get into personalities.
Parks: We have wallowed in personalities for the last
Howell: interrupted. . .Well, we are not going to do it now. You may hive
done that in the last twenty-four months, but we are not going to do it
Moss : I think the Beaches Leader can tell the engineer that I was
out of town and they never discussed the Saltair drainage with me at
all, so how they quoted was something they made up.
Howell: That is the thing I was going to say. I don't know where they
got their information, but I do not take the Beaches Leader or the
MINUTES Names of
JANUARY 23,1984 Commrs. M S Y N
Unfinished Business - continued - Verbatim
Florida Times-Union, Jacksonville Journal or the Sun Times as the
Gospel, and I don't care what they say. I'm only interested, and I
think this City Commission is only interested in one thing - there
was a recommendation at the last meeting that a study be made of the
drainage system. I merely brought it up for one reason - Mr. Cook was
not on the Commission when that was done, Mr. Gulliford was not on it
when it was done,Mr. Morris was not on it when that was done, and Mr.
Moss was not the City Manager. Frankly, I didn't think any one of then
knew that it had taken place. And to the best of my knowledge,at that
time , in the back of my mind I remembered that something happened on
it, because I remembered the enlargements under the three roads. I said
why don't we take a look at that - maybe we don't need to spend this
$7,000 - maybe we've already got it.
Parks: The storm you referred to did occur, Mr. Mayor. At that time,
the water spilled over Seminole Road, the water spilled over Plaza Rd.
and 11th. I mean it overran the culverts and spilled over the roadways
as spillways. I was authorized by the Commission to go to work on tha-
and I did, and my notes are in my files. Of course the first thing you
have to do nowadays about any thing is to get a permit and of course
any work within that drainage facility required that permits be obtained
from DER. I did the study up to the point of being able to define the
culvert sizes to carry the water that had to be delivered under these
streets or roadways and proceeded to fill out the necessary drawings
and the forms to get the permits. The proper applications were duly
executed and we got the permits. All permits nowadays are limited
duration. They don't give you anything 7 I believe that the
records might show that the . .I know that the permits were reinstituted
insofar as time is concerned, at least once, maybe twice. After gettin;
the permits, I proceeded to draw up the plans and the other documents
necessary to accomplish the work. I was requested to hold off on it
because the Commission at that time got interested in nature trails,
jogging trails, racket ball courts, and it was put aside. I billed the
city and was paid for the work incident to obtaining the permits. I
have not billed the city and I have not been paid for the work other-
wise in the effort of determining culvert sizes and preparing drawings
for construction. My work at that time was predicated mainly on the
work being done in house, that is with the city forces, and possibly
with the rental of a small crane as a piece of mechanical equipment
that could be used as a clam shell as well as laatfting device. And
the construction cost estimates which have been available to you since
that meeting were based on such activity rather than a contracted operation.
I hope I may have drawn a little bit of light on the situation. I hope
Gulliford: Mr. Parks, you distinguished yourself as a professional
engineer, so I would like to ask you a question directed to a professim-
al engineer. Is it your opinion that that would be a logical step for
us to take,in the sequence of events,to first go in and proceed with
that work if we did anything relative to drainage.
Parks : I would certainly direct you and recommend that you go in that
direction. You see, when we got the grant in 1980 from EDA several years
ago which permitted the opening up of that subdivision, it had been
platted and on record for quite a number of years, but nothing much had
MINUTES Names of
JANUARY 23, 1984 Commrs. M S Y N
Unfinished Business - continued - Verbatim
Parks continues: happened other than clearing most of the street rights-
of way, and when we went in there with a part of that grant money and
put in drainage, pavement, water lines, sanitary sewer lines and made
the property available for development - now the idea was that it was
going to stimulate economic development within the community - which
I think it did. And when we got that done, the funds were exhausted
to the point that we didn't have any of the grant money left to do
the work off-site for this drainage which I felt at that time was
necessary. That property has been been back there as a piece of woods
for years, undeveloped, and you go in there and put in pavement and
9 and everything else and it changes the ? drastically.
That's where I would start.
Gulliford: My feeling would be, you know, if we are going to do anything
at all, let's take the steps necessary to clean that 9 and get
some idea what it's going to cost and take that $7,000 and devote it
towards that definitive project and then down the road after that is
completed, if it appears that we need a comprehensive study, fine.
Morris : Are you recommending it be done in house?
Gulliford: I am recommending that we get a couple of alternatives.
I would love to have somebody to come up with some kind of estimate,
and I don't
Morris : Who do you go to?
Gulliford:I would go to a contractor. Of course John knows contractors
that are real good 9999 figures they anticipate they will be bidding
Moss: Go to engineers.
Gulliford: Sure, that's your alternative to get a cost estimate.
Morris : I would feel a little bit uncomfortable attempting to do that
many. ?.interrupt that many roadways. . . .in house.
Gulliford: That really doesn't make any difference. You could do it in
stages for that matter.
Morris: The thing that I admire, and once again I want to brag on his
Honor, when he said you can put all the pipes you want to under those
roads. If you don't do something with the weir, it ain't gonna do no
good, and that's true.
Gulliford: Well, I agree with that except you have heard the Engineer
who is very knowledgeable of this say that when you had your worst
flooding that those roadways and those three points were acting like
spillways, cause the water was going over. Now, if the water was goin;
over, then that indicates: #1, it was going somewhere, and #2, the
culverts were not handling the capacity.So, obviously, you still have
a problem with the weir. You had movement, didn't you, Mr. Parks?
Morris: Which way was the water going? Was the tide backing it up into
the lagoon? Is that what was happening? I'm curious. I want to know.
Corrected February 14, 1984 to reflect correct spelling of the word "damn"
MINUTES Names of
JANUARY 23, 1984 Commrs. MS Y N
Unfinished Business - continued - Verbatim
Howell: There was a constant movement.
Parks: It was moving north - going up the waterway. Now, there may
have been a tide cycle that was overlapping into that peak run-off
period, but
Gulliford: You didn't have enough culvert capacity to handle it througz
the culverts. It had to go over the road. Right?
Parks: That's right.
Gulliford: Case rests. Before spending money address something that
you know is a real problem or it demonstrated itself as being a real
problem. That is your culver capacity isn't great enough at those
three points.
Moss: Contrary to the statement made regarding the weir, we have to
check the weir almost every time it rains. Now,let me describe the
weir - it's boards, and we have to get down in the water and lift the
board up in order to let the water drain out of the lagoon system. My
first experience with the weir was when the lagoors were filling up and
the water seemed to be backing up and we discovered that the weir was
obstructed by a 4 x 8 sheet of plywood. To get that out of there, we
set a man down into the water and in freeing up the water, we almost
lost the man underneath the culvert underneath the weir. And then,
again relying on mankind, we have to remember to go back and put that
board in because if we don't we will lose the lagoon as the water
drains back out.
Morris: There's only one board in the weir?
Moss: There's at least three boards in the weir. Sometimes we pull
two boards out - depending upon interrupted
Morris:Could you put five boards in the weir and maybe leave number
--the top one out? le el
Moss• The more boards we leave in, the higher the lagoon rises, and
the°problem we have with the sudden rains. So, if we hear predications
of a tornado coming, we go out and lift out the weir, or if we think
it's going to rain heavy, we take the weir out in advance of the rain.
If it rains in the middle of the night, we lay awake and worry about
Morris: It's call human dilemma. damn,
Howell: There's also, as I recall, at this particular-damm,-or what
ever you want to call it, a couple of by-pass pipes that also allow
the water when it gets up a certain height, to zoom through there.
Some of the problems - there's no question about hyacinths grow and
they get down there and block it up. As Mr. Moss said, in one particular
occasion at least, it was blocked up by lumber, and so on and so forth.
It is very possible that the City needs to go by there more often. Not
just when it rains, but even when the sun is shining and make sure
there is no lumber jammed up in there,or the debris,that in the event
of a rain, would create a problem. So a little preventive maintenance
along that line might help.
Moss: Well, we do that now.
Howell: I think that, uh, I don't know what to tell you right now, I
don't want to vote to say let's go ahead and put the culverts under
there. Personally, I've gotten a little more information tonight. I
MINUTES Names of
JANUARY 23,1984 Commr s. MS Y N
Unfinished Business - continued - Verbatim
Howell continues: personally would like to have just a little more
time to look into a couple of angles in this thing before I can vote
to proceed either way.
Gulliford: Well, I don't have any objection to that. I think the thing
at hand is the consideration of whether we engage this engineering
firm to do a $7,000 comprehensive drainage study. My motion would be
that we not engage them at this time on that study.
Cook: We don't have to have a motion not to do something.
Four voices talking at once. Impossible to comprehend.
Howell: I would just like to postpone this for maybe the next meeting,
maybe the one after that.
Cook: The second meeting in March.
Morris: That sounds good.
Howell: Well, that's a little while off. I. . . .
Morris: That isn't very far off - the third meeting from now.
Howell: Well, it's two months away.
Moss: Well, we start doing our budget in May and June, so if we decide
we want to have the information by then.
Howell: I personally just want a little more time to look into it.
liooweli°T clhavveeatmotier
onrto defer.
Morris: Until when?
Gulliford: Whenever you want to bring it back up.
Cook: I didn't move - I just suggested that we bring it back up the
second meeting in March, but uh, you don't want to put a date on it?
Gulliford: Bring it up any time you want to.
Cook: I'll second.
Howell: Motion made and seconded. Discussion. . .All in favor?
All voted Aye. Opposed? The ayes have it.
MINUTES Names of
JANUARY 23,1984 Commrs. MS Y N
Report of Committees - None
Action on Resolutions
A. Resolution No. 84-1 - Authorizing a Budget Adjustment
Mayor Howell presented and read in full proposed Resolution 84-1 ,
a Resolution transferring certain monies between funds.
Motion: Passage of said Resolution. Copy of Resolution 84-1 is Cook x x
attached hereto and made a part hereof. Gulliford x x
The motion carried unanimously. Morris x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Howell x
B. Resolution 84-2 - Approving Duval Beaches 201 Facilities Plan
Mayor Howell presented and read in full proposed Resolution 84-2,
A Resolution approving the selected wastewater management alternative
H as the most reasonable and cost effective wastewater plan to meet
the water quality standards under P.L. 92-500 for the Duval Beaches
201 Planning Area; requesting the other governing bodies involved in
the plan to concur in this selection; providing an effective date.
Motion: Passage of said Resolution. Copy of Resolution 84-2 is Cook x
attached hereto and made a part hereof. Gulliford x x
The motion carried unanimously. Morris x x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Howell
C. Resolution 84-3- Commemorating Judge Charles M. Anderson
Mayor Howell presented and read in full proposed Resolution 84-3,
a Resolution commemorating Judge Charles M. Anderson.
Motion: Passage of said Resolution. Copy of Resolution 84-3 is Cook x x
attached hereto and made a part hereof. Gulliford x x
Morris x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Howell x
Action on Ordinances No. 5-83-12 - Public Hearing
Due to an error by the Clerk, the corrected Ordinance was not properly
advertised and was not distributed in the Commissioners agenda packet.
The City Attorney stated that no action could be taken at that time
and the Public Hearing would have to be re-advertised.
Motion: Re-advertise for a Public Hearing to be held on February Cook x x
13,1984 on the corrected copy of the proposed Ordinance Gulliford x
providing the proper advertising can be done. Morris x x
The motion carried unanimously. Howell x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
JANUARY 23, 1984 Names of
Commrs. MS YN
Miscellaneous Business - None
There being no further business to come before the Commission, the
Mayor declared the meeting adjourned.at 9;45 p.m.
/ /4 ,/
(SEAL) Wi/9 i. / . Howe 1
Adelaide R. Tucker
City Clerk
WHEREAS, the City Charter of the City of Atlantic Beach
requires that the City Commission approve all budgetary increases and
transfers from one fund to another, and
WHEREAS, the nature of budgetary systems and those day to day
decisions affecting such budgetary systems require adjustment from time
to time,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the
City of Atlantic Beach, that the attached Budget Adjustment No. 24-1 be
approved for the 1983-84 Budget.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Passed by the City Commission on January 23 . 1984 _
Adelaide R. Tucker,
City Clerk
1 ccrtiiy this to be a true and correct
copy of the record in my offica.
WITNESSETH my hand and official cowl
of th .City of Atlantic Coach, Florida,
this thp'�-4-day o T�
ud i? 'Jp,/�7,,.A>.� city Clerk
B/A NUMBER: 14-1 Date: 1-23-84
FUND: _General Ewd
— Rerained Earnings —
01-541-6400 Machinery and Equipment $36,338
01 271 01 Beginning Fund Balance $36,338
EXPLANATION: To provide proper budget authority for purchases of trash truck ($22,338) and
boom ($14,000) for same which were originally budgeted in FY 1982-83
rIATED BY A. William Moss DATE: 1-23-84
I 4
WHEREAS, by Resolution the City agreed to cooperate with the Cities
of Jacksonville, Jacksonville Beach and Neptune Beach (The other Cities)
in a 201 Facilities Plan for the Duval Beaches 201 Planning Area
designated by the State Department of Environmental Regulation; and
WHEREAS, the Technical Advisory Board of said Planning Area,
composed of representatives of the Cities involved, has evaluated the
alternative cost analyses to determine the most reasonable and
cost-effective wastewater plan to meet the water quality standards
established under P.L. 92-500 for said Planning Area; and
WHEREAS, the Technical Advisory Board has recommended that the City
Commission and the governing bodies of the Urban Services Districts
involved approve and select one of the alternative plans; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission has evaluated the alternative plans
submitted by the Technical Advisory Board and has selected one as the
most reasonable and cost-effective,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City
of Atlantic Beach, Florida:
Section 1. The City Commission hereby approves and selects
Alternative H as the most reasonable and cost-effective wastewater plan
to meet the water quality standards established by P.L. 92-500 for the
Duval Beaches 201 Planning Area. A copy of Alternative H is on file in
the Office of the City Manager as a permanent record of the City
Commission. The City Commission directs that implementation of
Alternative H proceed as provided by P.L. 92-500 ann applicable Federal
rules and regulations.
Section 2. The City Commission requests that the governing bodies
of the other Cities concur in the selection of Alternative H. The City
Commission directs the City Clerk to transmit certified copies of this
resolution to the chief executive officers of the other cities.
Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective upon its passage
by the City Commission.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Passed by the City Commission January 23, 1984
(SEAL) Adelaide R. Tucker
City Clerk
I codify this to be a true andcorrect
copy of the record in my c,rc1
WITNESSETH my he,d and o; iC a! coal
of the City of Atlantic Coach, Icrida,
this that/".day of
1: , 4,t' ity CIcrc