07-09-84 v AGENDA
July 9, 1984
Call to Order
Invocation and Pledge to Flag
1. Approval of the Minutes of June 25, 1984
Approval of the Minutes of Special Called Meeting of July 3, 1984
2. Recognition of Visitors
3. Correspondence
A. Letter from Gerard Vermey and Dan Crisp re Interpretation of
CG "Use by Exception" for Apartments
4. Advisory Planning Board
5. City Manager's Report
A. Item #1 - Proposed 1984-85 Operating and
Capital Improvements Budget
B. Item #2 - Street Lights - Selva Marina Drive
North of Saturiba
C. Item #3 - Construction Activity at 175-193 Beach Avenue -
Oral Report from City Attorney and City Manager
D. Item #4 - Fire Department Monthly Report
E. Item #5 - Police Department Monthly Report
F. Item #6 - Drainage Outfall for Cardinal Industries
6. New Business
7. Unfinished Business
A. Appointment to CATV Board
8. Report of Committees
9. Action on Resolutions
A. Resolution No. 84-10 - Authorizing Application for a
Sovereignty Submerged Land
Easement in the St. Johns River
10. Action on Ordinances
11. Miscellaneous Business
PRESENT: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner E E
William I. Gulliford, Jr. D D
John W. Morris, Jr.
Catherine G. Van Ness, Commissioners
AND: A. William Moss, City Manager 0 E
Claude L. Mullis, City Attorney T C
Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk I 0 Y
ABSENT: Robert B. Cook, Sr. , Commissioner COMMRS . N D S 0
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Howell. The invocation, offered
by Commissioner Van Ness, was followed by the pledge to the flag.
Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of June 25, 1984
Motion: Approve the minutes of the regular Commission meeting of June Gulliford x x
25, 1984 as presented. Morris x
Van Ness x x
The motion carried unanimously. Howell x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Approval of the Minutes of the Special Called Meeting of July 3, 1984
Motion: Approve the minutes of the special called meeting of July 3, Gulliford x x
1984 as presented. Morris x
Van Ness x x
The motion carried unanimously. Howell x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Recognition of Visitors
The Chair recognized Mr. Bill Hayes, 275 Sailfish Drive. Mr. Hayes
complained about the fish odor and flies in back of the fish market
located at 79 Sailfish Dr. in Sailfish Plaza and asked the Commission
what could be done about the problem. Mayor Howell said the problem
would be investigated, and thanked Mr. Hayes for coming to the meeting.
A. Letter from Gerard Vermey and Dan Crisp re Interpretation of CG "Use by
Exception" for Apartments
Mr. Dan Crisp asked the Commission if a "Use by exception" could be grantec
to allow townhouses to be built on the property where the Le Chateau
restaurant is located at Beach and 7th. Current zoning is Commercial General.
The City Manager stated that Ordinance 90-83-80,an amendment to the zoning
code, provides for approval of apartment complexes in commercial zoning as a
"Use by Exception".Mr. Moss noted this was the method used by Cardinal
Industries some months ago. He added if you interpret townhouses as apart-
ment complexes you would go through the "Use by exception" procedure, and .
if you interpret townhouses as other than apartment complexes you would go
through the rezoning procedure.
MINUTES Names of
JULY 9, 1984 Commrs. MS Y N
Correspondence - continued
The City Attorney expressed the opinion that Developer Dan Crisp's
request was for an interpretation for advice as to whether
townhouses are considered apartments. He stated this would require
substantial research before rendering an opinion. A lengthy discussion
followed on the differences between townhouses, apartments and condo-
miniums. The City Attorney suggested the developer furnish some instru-
ment to the Commission telling them what he plans to do, such as the
the construction of 11 townhouses with a common area for a swimming
pool and other amenities. Following discussion, Commissioner Gulliford
suggested Mr. Crisp apply for rezoning since they plan to sell the town-
houses. Mayor Howell agreed that rezoning would be the best way to go
and suggested Mr. Crisp get with the City Manager to work out a time
frame on the procedures for the project.
Advisory Planning Board - no report
City Manager's Report
A. Item #1 - Proposed 1984 Operating and Capital Improvements Budget
she decision was made to meet as a Committee of the Whole to discuss
the new budget. The meeting was scheduled for Monday, July 16, 1984
at 7:15 p.m.
B. Item #2- Street lights - Selva Marina Drive North of Saturiba
The City Manager reported that JEA has offered a quotation of $2,161.30
to provide five street lights on Selva Marina Drive. They also asked
that the city remove some underbrush along the public right-of-way as
JEA will be required to lay additional underground wiring. Mr. Moss
recommended that the City authorize JEA to install the street lights.
He said that amount is not budgeted, but there are funds in the general
fund that can be transferred to the appropriate account.
Motion: Authorize JEA to install five street lights on Selva Marina Gulliford x
Drive for the amount of $2,161.30. Morris x x
Van Ness x x
The motion carried unanimously. Howell x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
C. Item #3 - Construction Activity at 175-193 Beach Avenue-Oral Report
From City Attorney and City Manager
The City Manager reported that construction activity is going on at 175-
177 Beach Avenue, which is the southernmost portion of the building on
the property. They have enclosed the carport, installed the walls on the
north and south side of the carport, installed a sliding glass door on
the south side of the carport. Mr. Moss explained that he referred to
MINUTES Names of
JULY 9, 1984 Commr s. M S Y N
City Manager's Report - continued - Item #3
the word carport because the plans the city has on file that were
approved in 1977 for a duplex show that as a carport. The garage door
has since been removed and exterior siding has been put on in its place
within the past week or so. There are three addresses indicated on that
building: 193, 195, and 197. The City issued in May a plumbing permit
to Carl's Plumbing for plumbing work at 193 Beach Avenue. The plumbing
work, has in fact, been done at this other building which is at 177
Beach Avenue. The plumbing indicates a likelihood of a washroom and a
restroom.There are no toilet stools or sinks installed as of this time.
No building permit was found that has been issued for that work and a
building permit is required to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move,
demolish or change the occupancy of the building construction.
The City Attorney reported that he and Mr. Moss had inspected the pro-
perty on this date,and as Mr. Moss pointed out, the activity that has
gone on would clearly require that a building permit be obtained from
the City of Atlantic Beach. None has been obtained. The City Attorney
and City Manager concluded that they should be instructed to submit
plans and specifications and obtain a building permit from the city
n what they are doing if such is permitted by law.
The Chair recognized Mr. Baron Bartlett, representing Mr. & Mrs. Then,
175-193 Beach Avenue. Mr. Bartlett stated that they had concluded, after
inspecting the site, that miscellaneous construction had been done and
further concluded that the proper procedures should have been followed
and were not followed. Mr. Bartlett further advised of two areas of
very strong concerns the Commission needed to look at. First was the
treatment of that particular unit as being a laundry room or carport.
He reminded the Commission as early as 1977 this particular project
was approved as PUD, amended several times, and as early as January
24, 1984, Mr. Moss's comments on record were that particular building
was a nonconforming use and there are 11 units on 18,00 square feet.
The area can handle a zoning of 13 units per acre. Mr. Bartlett added
that the problem he now had was whether in fact the area is a residen-
tial unit or garage or whether in fact it is a laundry room. He expressed
the opinion that the Commission and its attorney would be well advised
to review the records in regards to that particular unit. Secondly, Mr.
Bartlett reminded the Commission respectfully that unfortunately they
are engaged in litigation involving some other improvements previously
passed by the Board of Adjustment. Mr. Bartlett respectfully suggested
that the Commission refrain from making comments concerning the issues.
For the record, Mr. Bartlett asked the City Attorney for an opinion as
to the comments that have been made if they could be prejudicial to the
city's case. Mr. Mullis replied that would have to be determined by the
Court. He added that he would not suggest to the Commission that they
not make comments.That was their prerogative.
Mr. Bartlett stated that all construction had ceased and his client
will follow the proper procedures. Mayor Howell stated the matter
MINUTES Names o f
JULY 9, 1984 Commr s. M S Y N
City Manager's Report - continued
would be passed on to the next meeting. When the Thens have submitted
the necessary plans and made application for a building permit the
determination will have to be made whether it is in conformity with
the zoning, etc. He asked the City Manager to report back at the
next meeting on the status of the building permit application.
D. Item #4 Fire Department Monthly Report
Mayor Howell acknowledged receipt of the Fire Department's monthly
report. Commissioner Gulliford commented that he couldn't find the
number of inspections listed on the report. Chief Royal reported
that there were 11 inspections during the month of June and no
citations. There being no other comments, the Mayor instructed the
report be filed for information.
E. Item #5 Police Department Monthly Report
Mayor Howell acknowledged receipt of the Police Department's monthly
report. Commissioner Gulliford suggested the minutes reflect the city's
appreciation to Lamar Whitaker, lifeguard, for his dedication to duty.
On Tuesday morning, June 26, Lamar had two wisdom teeth pulled and
he sat at the beach all day with no medication for the pain as he was
afraid of drowsiness. During that day, Lamar pulled two young boys out
of a runout at the foot of the Atlantic Beach pier. This was Lamar's
second double rescue of the summer. Commissioner Morris commended the
department for locating a missing 7 yr. old girl who did not speak any
english. She turned up missing at the Sea Turtle Hotel and they located
her at Hanna Park two hours later. There being no other comments, the
Mayor instructed the report be filed for information.
F. Item #6 Drainage Outfall for Cardinal Industries
The City Manager reported that the City Commission had received a copy
of the plans and specifications for the proposed development some time
ago. Since then there has been considerable discussion regarding the
outfall and whether the City would be willing to give up public right-
of-way on Plaza in order to allow the developer to use it as an outfall
for storm drainage. Mr. Moss said that Mr. Doug Miller of England, Thima
& Miller, on behalf of the city, has reviewed the revised plans and has
walked the territory from east to west. All are in agreement that plans
as presented to the city are now in conformity and will not cause severe
problems for the city in the future. The drainage ditch will go down
West Plaza as originally presented, but the City Manager said they were
satisfied that the water will eventually drain toward the marsh. Water
Ind sewer lines, streets and sidewalks are all according to specifications.
Ir. Doug Miller orally reported on the revised plans for the relocation
of the ditch on the city's right-of-way. West Plaza is of no significant
benefit to the city as a road, but instead probably more beneficial as
MINUTES Names of
JULY 9, 1984 Commrs. MS Y N
City Manager's Report - continued
a drainage ditch. The City Attorney said that he recalled at the last
meeting they agreed to hold the City of Atlantic Beach harmless and
indemnify them for any loss arising out of their negligence in the use
of city property. The City Attorney also recommended the city vacate
and abandon West Plaza according to the plat with a perpetual permanent
reservation of an easement for drainage over and above the street.
Discussion followed on the pros and cons of abandoning West Plaza.
Motion: The City Attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary Gulliford x x
papers for abandonment of West Plaza and retaining the Morris x x
use as utility and drainage at the cost of the developer.
Discussion followed before the vote. Mayor Howell said that he was
under the impression that Cardinal Industries was paying for the
total cost and asked if that was correct. Commissioner Morris said
he also wanted to know and said the city did not create the problem
with the drainage. The State did. They would not let them drain on
Mayport Road so therefore Cardinal Industries are having to go back
through the woods with a drainage ditch. Mr. Bert Revels of Cardinal
Industries stated that he would have their engineer estimate
.ghat the cost will be to complete the ditch and clean it out and
do what they have to do to put the culvert under Main St. The cost
of the street and the off-site water/sewer extensions all will be
included in a performance bond, and Cardinal Industries will let
the contract, not the city. Mr. Revels noted that he did not feel
they should pay for the cost of abandonment. Commission agreed.
Amended Motion: The City Attorney be instructed to draw up the Gulliford x x
necessary papers for abandonment of West Plaza between Morris x x
x point and y point and retain the use as utility and Van Ness x
drainage. Howell x
The motion carried unanimously.
The Commission then reviewed the revised plans. Discussion was held
on whether Cardinal Industries could have their building permit issued
Motion: Approve the building plans and specifications as Gulliford x x
presented. Morris x x
Van Ness x
The motion carried unanimously. Howell x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
rhe Mayor then declared a five minute recess. 8:30 p.m.
8:35 p.m. The Mayor called the meeting back in session.
MINUTES Names of
JULY 9, 1984 Commr s. M S Y N
Unfinished Business
A. Appointment to CATV Board
Mayor Howell asked Commissioner Van Ness if she had contacted Mr.
Martin as requested at the last meeting. Commissioer Van Ness
reported that Mr. Ed Martin agreed to serve.
Motion: Appoint Mr. Ed Martin to serve as the City of Atlantic Gulliford x x
Beach representative on the CATV Board. Morris x
Van Ness x x
The motion carried unanimously. Howell x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Report of Committees - None
Action on Resolutions
A. Resolution No. 84-10
Mayor Howell presented in full, in writing, proposed Resolution 84-10,
L Resolution authorizing application for a sovereignty submerged land
Jasement in the St. Johns River. He explained this was in connection
withthe sewer outfall line.
Motion: Passage of said Resolution. Copy of Resolution No. 84-10 Gulliford x x
is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Morris x
Van Ness x x
The motion carried unanimously. Howell x
Mayor Howell asked if there had been any liaison between the city
and Buccaneer re their easement, etc. at that point. He said it may
be wise to look into the possibility of working something out with
Buccaneer to enter at the same point. Mr. Moss said that we have a
totally different type of pipe and a different type of situation.
Their right-of-way is all public right-of-way. They ran their outfall
line along the bridge-type structure into the river, and we are going
under water. Hopefully you will never see our pipe except from the
bridge underneath AIA. Mr. Moss said the record will show that we tried
to work with Buccaneer in the past. Commissioner Van Ness asked about
the agreement with Jacksonville Beach and Mr. Moss replied that the
technical aspects of the proposed agreement is now complete and is
being referred to the three City Attorneys representing each city.
He is trying to set up a meeting with the City Attorneys for next
Monday when they will explain the technical aspects and ask that the
attorneys draw up their appropriate legal forms for presentation. Mr. Moss
is hoping for a target date for approval by all cities for September lEt.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
MINUTES Names of
JULY 9, 1984 Commrs. MS Y N
Action on Ordinances - None
Miscellaneous Business
Commissioner Van Ness asked about the plans for the renovation of the
Commission Chambers. Commissioner Gulliford reminded her that Commission-
er Cook was absent. She said she did not want the plans to be shelved.
Mayor Howell asked if anything was ever worked out with Mr. Widdows re
HMO. Mr. Moss replied yes, HMO agreed to provide coverage for him.
Mr. Mullis acknowledged receipt of a deed from the City of Jacksonville
to the property given to the city for a basketball court. The deed was
given to the Clerk for the records.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, Mayor
Howell declared the meeting adjourned at 9:37 p.m.
G / m 41 owe11
Adelaide R. Tucker
City Clerk
WHEREAS, the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, proposes to implement
a program for the abatement of water pollution, including the
construction of a new treated wastewater outfall pipeline in the St.
Johns River, and
WHEREAS, the State of Florida, Board of Trustees of the Internal
Improvement Trust Fund, pursuant to Chapter 253, Florida Statutes,
requires that an easement be granted for the sovereignty submerged lands
of the State of Florida which are occupied by the outfall pipeline,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Atlantic Beach,
Florida, prepare and submit an application to the Florida Department of
Natural Resources for the granting of the aforesaid easement, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager of the City of
Atlantic Beach, Florida is authorized to execute all forms,
applications, and notices on behalf of the City of Atlantic Beach,
Florida, for the obtaining of the aforesaid easement and that henceforth
all documents so executed will be valid and will reflect the intent of
the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Passed by the City Commission on July 9, 1984
Adelaide R. Tucker,
- - City Clerk