PRESENT: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner
William I. Gulliford
John W. Morris, Jr.
Catherine G. Van Ness, Commissioners
AND: A. William Moss, City Manager
Claude L. Mullis, City Attorney
Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk
ABSENT: Robert B.Cook, Sr. , Commissioner
The meeting was called to order at 7:15 p.m. by Mayor Howell to discuss a
proposed agreement with Robert Stubbs, Inc. , Financial Advisers-Financial
Analysts, to revise the City's wastewater user charges to meet EPA require-
Mr. Stubbs said that they were asked to give a proposal to convert the exist-
ing plant wastewater user charges to a form of user charge that is approvable
by the regulatory agencies. He was advised by Mr. Moss that the time for comple-
tion of the project is approximately 10 days. Because of the short time frame
Mr. Stubbs proposed a reduced-scope study from that which he would normally do.
He recommended the reduced-scope study be undertaken immediately. That would
involve the conversion of the existing flat rate to a flat rate plus a volume
charge together with a maximum quarterly charge, which based on their other
studies will pass EPA and DER's requirements.
The proposal consisted of three parts: Part A. Study for Submission to EPA
DER for a flat rate of $3,000 payable on completion of the study for submission
to EPA-DER; Part B. To respond to any additional EPA-DER requirements on an
as required basis of $45.00/hour, and Part C. Fine-tune user charge structure
on as required basis of $45.00/hour.
Following discussion, Commissioner Gulliford moved for the following:
Motion: Enter into an agreement with Robert Stubbs, Inc. at the fees
proposed on page five of his quotation.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Van Ness.
Commissioner Gulliford asked specifically what was the requirement on the ten
days. Mr. Moss explained that EPA-DER wants to see the structure of our charges
within ten days. They do not expect us to pass the Ordinance first.
Following discussion, the question was called and the motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business to come before the Commissio , ye Mayo declared
the meeting adjourned at 7:31 p.m.
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City Clerk
NEW ADDRESS - 1250 South McDuff Avenue 32205, 384-4772
701 Fisk Street • Suite 340
Jacksonville, Florida 32204
Telephone(904) 354-6350
July 14, 1984
Mr. Bill Moss
City Manager,
City of Atlantic Beach
P.O Box 25
Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233
Re: Proposal for Revision of Wastewater User Charges
to Meet EPA Requirements
Dear Bill,
We propose herein to perform an analysis to convert the City's
current wastewater user charge structure to an equivalent structure
that will meet EPA guidelines and regulations. The analysis,
conclusions, and recommendations will be presented in a letter report
appropriate for submission to the regulatory agencies as a basis for
their evaluation of the City's user charge structure.
There are several crucial features of the present study:
1 . ) Sensitive nature of converting from a flat rate to a
volume-proportional rate that will produce approximately the
same amount of revenue and leave most customer bills
approximately the same as under existing rates.
2. ) The time allowed for completion of the project is
very limited; i.e. , less than two weeks.
3.) In order to develop an approvable user charge
structure in the form desired by the City, a quite
substantial amount of documentation is required.
To endeavor to satisfy all of these aspects while at the same time
holding the cost of the study to a low level, we recommend that the
following approach be taken:
11 First, perform the reduced-scope analysis proposed herein.
This reduced-scope study is designed to develop a user charge
structure that meets the City's requirements within the time
requirement. This study will have somewhat limited documentation
because of the time constraint, but it will be designed to be adequate
as a basis for EPA-DER evaluation.
11 Second, subsequently perform any additional analysis and
documentation that might be needed to achieve EPA-DER approval.
11 Third, subsequently fine-tune the user charge structure to
ensure that it achieves the objective of limited disparity with existing
user charges for the majority of customers. A trial computer run of
the new structure is recommended prior to its implementation.
NEW ADDRESS - 1250 South McDuff Avenue 32205, 384-4772
1 . Introduction.
In order to conform to EPA requirements upon grantees under
PL 92-500, the basic requirement is to levy adequate and equitable
wastewater user charges. The concept of equity is as follows:
Each user of the system should be charged for
wastewater service in appropriate direct
proportion to the benefit he receives form such
We have performed approximately 40 such studies throughout the
Southeast. Our experience in these studies and our knowledge of a
large number of EPA-approved wastewater user charge structures
indicates that the conversion of the EPA concept of equity to an
appropriate cost recovery structure requires that the user charges
for recovery of O&M costs be in some direct sense volume-functional.
That is, each user should be charged based appropriately upon the
volume of effluent he returns to the waste stream.
In the City's case, it is necessary to convert the existing flat
rate to an EPA-approvable system which is based upon the volume
each user returns to the waste stream. There are three critical
(a) The determination of the amount of effluent each
user returns to the waste stream can be based upon
estimates for each customer classification, but must be
credibly documented in order to achieve approval by the
regulatory agencies.
(b)) The resulting volume-functional user charge
structure should recover the same amount of revenue as
existing user charges.
(c) The charges levied upon each customer should not
differ significantly form those under the current structure
in order to avoid public disruption in special cases;
however, it is likely that there will some differences in
customer bills under the new and old systems.
2. User Charge Structural Alternatives.
User charge structures approved by the regulatory agencies
have been of the following general forms:
(a) All-volume Charge Structure.
Such structures are based upon the percentage of water
consumption that is determined to be returned to the waste
stream in each customer classification. The periodic charge
levied upon each user is calculated as his cost per unit of water
consumption; there are no additional charge components in this
(b) Volume and Fixed Charge.
This structure involves two charge components:
(i) A fixed quarterly base charge per metered account that is
designed to recover a portion of the fixed costs the utility
incurs in providing the service; e.g. , administrative costs.
(ii) A volume charge that recovers all other costs.
An hypothetical illustration of such a charge for
single-family residential users is:
$10.00 per quarter per account plus $0.50 per thousand
NEW ADDRESS - 1250 South McDuff Avenue 32205, 384-4772
gallons of water consumption.
This is not based upon an estimate of the City's requirements.
(c) Above Forms with a Maximum Charge.
Either of the above forms might have a maximum quarterly
charge designed to protect users from disproportionately high
wastewater charges resulting from high lawn irrigation water
consumption. Such maximum must be documented by data
showing that water consumption above that associated with the
maximum is not likely to be returned to the waste stream. Such
maximum quarterly charge is sometimes designed for applicability
only during high irrigation periods.
It is our opinion that the most equitable user charge for. the
City will be that consisting of a fixed quarterly base charge per
account plus a volume charge together with a maximum quarterly
charge; the latter requires credible documentation based upon
consumption/discharge patterns in order to achieve approval by the
regulatory agencies. It is further felt that the fixed quarterly base
charge should be maximized with respect to the volume charge in
order that the new volume-functional user charge will be less of a
departure from the existing flat rate user charge structure. Bob
Bates has suggested that he can provide an engineering justification
for treating the O&M expense allocable to infiltration/inflow (1/I) as a
nonvolume-functional expense; hence, this portion of O&M expense
could be recovered as a part of the fixed quarterly base charge
rather than as a normal part of the volume charge. This feature will
serve to increase the fixed quarterly base charge with respect to the
volume charge as is desirable in the City's case.
3. Statement of Scope.
We propose to perform the following tasks in order to develop
and document a wastewater user charge structure designed to meet
regulatory agency regulations and guidelines:
Task No. 1 . Consumption/Discharge Data.
Develop the needed data structure of water consumption of
wastewater customers from utility records; basically, a customer
distribution is required showing the number of customers within each
water consumption increment for each quarter over a period of one
year. Moreover, the quarterly consumption of specific customers
(especially single-family residential) over the one-year period must
also be available for analysis. Analyze the consumption/discharge
data and determine the amount of effluent returned to the waste
stream by each type of user. Determine whether or not the current
customer classifications are consistent with the consumption/discharge
data; revise customer classifications as appropriate. The City is
expected to provide the needed data in the appropriate form for this
part of the analysis.
NEW ADDRESS - 1250 South McDuff Avenue 32205 , 384-4772
Task No. 2. Justification of a Maximum Charge.
Based upon the consumption /discharge data of Task No. 1 ,
identify and document support for a maximum wastewater volume of
discharge per quarter for single-family residential users.
Task No. 3. Customer and Volume Projections.
Based upon the consumption/discharge data of Task No. 1 and
the expected growth of the wastewater service population, project the
number of customers and the billed volume over a five-year planning
Note: The projected billed volume is the fundamental basis of the
accuracy of the user charge conversion to a volume-functional charge
from the current flat-rate charge.
Task No. 4. Projected Revenue Requirements.
Based upon historical revenue requirements of the wastewater
utility, the proposed financing requirements, and projected O&M for
the proposed wastewater facilities, develop projected revenue
requirements over a five-year planning period.
Task No. 5. Volume-functional User Charge Structure.
Develop an adequate and equitable volume-functional user charge
structure that is designed to conform to existing regulatory agency
regulations and guidelines. Design such structure to produce
approximately the same amount of revenue that would be produced by
the existing user charges. Maximize the fixed quarterly base charge
with respect to the volume charge by documenting the fixed costs
that the utility incurs in provision of capacity to meet expected
demand and by allocating the O&M cost corresponding to treatment of
I/I to fixed expenses. This will require some engineering justification
of the volume of Ill present in the system.
Task No. 6. Letter Report.
Present the analysis, documentation, conclusions and
recommendations in a letter report for evaluation by the regulatory
Perform services as required to fulfill any additional
requirements for analysis or documentation by EPA-DER.
Evaluate the recommended user charge structure to ensure that
it achieves the objectives of:
• (a) Producing approximately the same amount of revenue as that
which would be produced by the existing structure.
• (b) Minimizes the disparity between quarterly charges under the
new system in comaprison with the old for all customers.
NEW ADDRESS - 1250 South McDuff Avenue 32205, 384-4772
4. Fees.
-For the completion of the above Statement of Scope we propose
to charge fees and rates as follows:
PART A - a flat rate of $3,000 payable on completion of the
study for submission to EPA-DER.
PART B - hourly basis as required: $45.00/hour.
PART C - hourly basis as required: $45.00/hour.
5. Time Requirements.
PART A - the project will be completed within 10 days of receipt
of Notice to Proceed.
PART B - As required based upon instructions to proceed by
the City Manager.
PART C - As required based upon instructions to proceed by
the City Manager.
If you require further information or wish to discuss any aspect
of our proposal, please advise.
With good wishes,
Bob Stubbs
P.O.BOX 26
July 13, 1984
TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commission
FROM: A. William Moss, City Manager
SUBJECT: Special Called Meeting
A Special Called Meeting has been scheduled for:
7:15 PM
Monday, July 16, 1984
City Hall
Atlantic Beach
The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the requirements of Public Law
92-500 and its relation to the sewer construction grant application
which must be submitted and approved prior to August 20, 1984.
Specifically, the purpose of the Special Called Meeting is to discuss a
proposed agreement with Robert Stubbs, Inc. , Financial
Advisers-Financial Analysts, to revise the City's wastewater user
charges to meet EPA requirements. DER has asked that the City submit
its wastewater user charge structure to their office within the next two
The "Committee of the Whole" meeting, originally scheduled for 7:15 PM
on July 16, will convene immediately following the Special Called
meeting to discuss the proposed FY 1984-85 budget.
A. William Moss
City Manager
News Media