10-08-84 v AGENDA CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH October 8, 1984 Call to Order Invocation and Pledge to Flag 1. Approval of Minutes of September 24, 1984 2. Recognition of Visitors 3. Correspondence A. From Gator City Taxi re Application for Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity B. From Sharon P. Hardin re Request for Permission to Tap In and Run a Water Main from Levy Road to 1386 $ 1388 Rose Street C. From George Bull, Jr. , Architect, re Resignation from Board of Adjustment D. From Muscular Dystrophy Association re 1984 Firefighters Boot Collection E. From Salt Air Motel Owners Commending Fire Department and Police Department F. From Ronald R. Van Pelt Requesting Donation to Beaches Educational Foundation, Inc. 4. Advisory Planning Board 5. City Manager's Report A. Item #1 - Authorization of Additional Design Services - Sewerage Improvements Program - Robert Bates $ Associates B. Item #2 - Fire Department Report - Month of September 1984 C. Item #3 - Police Department Report - Month of September 1984 D. Item #4 - Mayport Road Utility Relocation E. Item #5 - Section 504 - Grievance Procedure F. Item #6 - Contract for Engineering Services - EPA Project Contract for Engineering Services - Fla. DER Project 6. New Business A. Bid Opening - Bid 45-1 - Refuse Collection Equipment 7. Unfinished Business 8. Report of Committees 9. Action on Resolutions A. Resolution No. 84-16 - Accepting EPA Grant, Reference C120747030, in the Amount of $1 ,109,354 for Wastewater Treatment Facilities, Authorizing the City Manager to Sign; Providing an Effective Date. 10. Action on Ordinances 11. Miscellaneous Business 12. ADJOURN • MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COM- MISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON OCTOBER 8, 1984 AT 7:15 P.M. V V O O PRESENT: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner T T Robert B. Cook, Sr. E E William I. Gulliford, Jr. D D AND: A. William Moss, City Manager M S Claude L. Mullis, City Attorney Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk O E T C ABSENT: John W. Morris, Jr. , Commissioner - Hospitalized I 0 Y Catherine G. Van Ness, Commissioner - Out of Town NAME OF ONEN COMMRS. NDSO The meeting was called to order by Mayor Howell. The invocation,offerec by Commissioner Cook, was followed by the pledge to the flag. Approval of the Minutes of September 24, 1984 Motion: Move to adopt the minutes of the regular Commission meeting Cook x x of September 24, 1984 as presented. Gulliford x x The motion carried unanimously. Howell x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Recognition of Visitors - None ;orrespondence A. From Gator City Taxi re Application for Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity Mayor Howell acknowledged request of an application for a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity submitted by Gator City Taxi Service, 5120 North Pearl St. ,Jacksonville.The city has no requirement to grant a certificate. Following discussion, Commissioner Gulliford moved for the following: Motion: Advise Gator City Taxi Service to check with the City Cook x x Manager to comply with the Ordinances that are in effect Gulliford x x that are applicable to the regulation of taxi cabs. Howell x The motion carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * B. From Sharon P. Hardin re Request for Permission to Tap In and Run A Water Main from Levy Road to 1386 & 1388 Rose Street. Sharon Hardin, Sharon Hardin, Inc. Real Estate Broker, is building a duplex at 1386 & 1388 Rose St. and requested permission to run a water main from Levy Road to her duplex. Motion: Grant permission to run a water main from Levy Road to 1386 Gulliford x x & 1388 Rose St. , subject to putting in the mains to the Cook x x city's specifications,etc.and comply with city Ordinances. Howell x The motion carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • MINUTES V V PAGE TWO NAME OF OCTOBER 8,1984 COMMRS. MS Y N Correspondence - continued C. From George Bull, Jr. ,Architect, re Resignation from Board of Adjustment Mayor Howell read George Bull Jr.. 's letter of resignation from the Board of Adjustments as he has accepted the responsibility as a member of the Code Enforcement Board of the City of Atlantic Beach. He asked the Commissioners to give consideration to a replacement. The Mayor also read a letter of resignation from Mr. C. T. Tinsley. His appointment to the Board of Adjustment expires on November 20,1984. The Commission was also asked to give consideration to a replace- ment for Mr. Tinsley. Motion: Move to accept, with regrets, the resignations of Mr. Cook x x George Bull, Jr. and Mr. C. T. Tinsley from the Board Gulliford x x of Adjustment. Howell x The motion carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * D. From Muscular Dystrophy Association re 1984 Firefighters Boot Collection Kayor Howell advised receipt of a copy of a letter to Chief Wayne Royal from Judith A. Brown, District Director of Muscular Dystrophy Association thanking the Fire Department for their efforts in "The Telethon". The Atlantic Beach Firefighters collected $7,820.20 during the telethon which will be utilized in the patient services program. Commissioner Gulliford, along with the other Commissioners, commended Chief Royal and his firefighters for giving up their time to work on such a worthy project. The letter will be filed for information. E. From Salt Air Motel Owners Commending Fire and Police Departments The Mayor read letters from the owners of the Salt Air Motel thanking the Fire and Police Departments for their efforts in the recent fire they had in one of their units at the Motel. The letters will be filed for information. F. From Ronald R. Van Pelt Requesting Donation to Beaches Educational Foundation, Inc. Mayor Howell read a request from Ronald R. Van Pelt, Principal, Atlan- tic Beach School requesting a donation to the Beaches Educational Foundation. Mayor Howell said this was a very worthy cause, but such a donation by the city would be totally without legal authority. The City attorney suggested that the City Manager respond with moral support from the city and wishing them the best, but advise that the city cannot contribute to Public Schools under the Constitution of Florida. The Commission agreed and instructed the City Manager to respond. PAGE THREE V V MINUTES NAME OF OCTOBER 8, 1984 COMMRS. MSYN Advisory Planning Board - No meeting this month. City Manager's Report A. Item #1-Authorization of Additional Design Services- Sewerage Improvements Program - Robert Bates & Associates This item was carried over from the meeting of September 24,1984 to be reviewed by the City Attorney. The City Attorney advised the contract had been reviewed and was in order. Motion: Move to approve the additional design fee allowance Cook x x contract with Robert Bates & Associates in the amount Gulliford x x of $37,173.50, and the Mayor be authorized to execute Howell x the same. The motion carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * B. Item #2 Fire Department Report - Month of September, 1984 The Fire Department report for the month of September, 1984 was accepted and will be filed for information. ,.. Item #3 Police Department Report - Month of September, 1984 The Police Department report for the month of September, 1984 was accepted. No discussion. The report will be filed for information. D. Item #4 - Mayport Road Utility Relocation The City Manager reported that the federally funded state project to add an additional lane and resurface Mayport Road necessitates that Atlantic Beach relocate utilities with the state right-of-way. The cost for the utility relocation must be paid by the city. Dickerson Florida, Inc. has been awarded the contract for the May- port road improvements and they provided a quotation to the city to lower and raise water and sewer valve jackets and sanitary sewer manhole taps. The quoted price was $100 each for the 27 valves and $420 each for the manholes. The City Manager recommended that bids be waived and the city contract with Dickerson Florida, Inc. for valve jacket and manhole adjustments at an approximate cost of $7,740. The amount of $25,000 is budgeted for the above. Commissioner Gulliford expressed the opinion the city should put it out for bids. The City Attorney said he had no problem with the quotation for the manholes as it is the same as their unit price bid to DOT. The engineer also recommended the bids be waived and contract with Dickerson Florida, Inc. Motion: Waive the bid requirements and contract with Dickerson Cook x x Florida, Inc. for 27 valve jacket adjustments at $100 ea. Gulliford x x and 12 manhole adjustments at $420 ea. based on the Howell x engineer's recommendations. The city will be furnished a certificate of insurance by the contractor. • PAGE FOUR V V MINUTES NAME OF OCTOBER 8, 1984 COMMRS. MSYN City Manager's Report - continued - item 4 Motion: Authorize Robert Bates and Associates to prepare bid Cook x x specifications for the fire hydrant relocation. Gulliford x x The motion carried unanimously. Howell x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * E. Item #5 - Section 504 Grievance Procedure The City Manager reported that Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act prohibits governments that receive General Revenue Sharing funds from discrimination against handicapped persons. Those municipalities re- ceiving $25,000 or more per year must comply with certain requirements by October 17, 1984. Mr. Moss presented for consideration a recommended grievance procedure and requested adoption of the same. Following discussion, Commissioner Cook moved for the following: Motion: Adopt Section 504 Grievance Procedure, and striking any Cook x x reference to individuals. Gulliford x x (Name was inserted in blanks - should be title only) Howell x The motion carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * F. Item #6 - Contract for Engineering Services - EPA Project The City Manager presented two proposed contract agreements for engi- neering services that are now required in order to conform with appropriate EPA and DER requirements. He requested authorization to execute the agreement with Robert Bates and Associates for engineer- ing services relating to the EPA-funded project. The City Attorney advised he had reviewed the contracts and felt they were well prepared and fair to the City of Atlantic Beach. Following discussion on the estimated cost, Commissioner Gulliford moved for the following: Motion: Move to execute the agreement with Robert Bates and Assoc. Cook x x for engineering services relating to the EPA-funded project. Gulliford x x Howell x The motion carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Following discussion, the decision was made to pass over the DER con- tract until the city receives a definite award. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Mr.Moss noted that Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) applications are due at the state by December 1, 1984. He offered the Commission a copy of a letter from Day/koven & Company suggesting they assist the city in a grant application. Mr. Moss said if there were no objections he would use the services of Day/koven and apply for one grant in the amount of $650,000 for housing rehabilitation. Motion: Authorize the City Manager to use the services of Day/koven Cook x to assist in a CDBG grant application. The motion died for lack of a second. • PAGE FIVE V V MINUTES NAME OF OCTOBER 8, 1984 COMMAS. MSYN Bid Opening- Bid 45-1 - Refuse Collection Equipment The following bids were received and opened by the Mayor: Solid Waste & Recovery. They submitted no bid. The reason was "the ex- tent of rebuilding is too nebulous as described in the bid. There should be more definitive specs called for so that bidders can bid on a comparable amount of rebuild". Waste Equipment Leasing LTD. , Inc. , Jacksonville One 1985 Loadmaster LM-100 $ 55,172 Rebuild and install city owned loadmaster body on new 1985 chassis as specified 40,469 Less trade-in 6,000 Net Bid 89,641 Optional granning pusher- $3,469 per unit. Delivery - 75 to 120 calendar days The representative from Waste Equipment advised that his trade-in was based on the truck having an engine. When he saw it last the engine had been taken out, and he asked to be allowed to strike $1,000 off the trade-in giving a total trade-in of $5,000. The City Attorney advised that all bids should be opened before discussion. MTA Equipment Corporation - Amelia Island One Dempster RouteChief DRC 20 mounted on 1985 Ford LM8000 Chassis $55,105 Rebuilt customer body per spec to be mounted on 1985 Ford LN8000 chassis 47,145 Less trade-in on 1978 1,500 Less trade-in on 1972 - no bid Net Bid 100,750 No optional Bid The City Manager pointed out that MTA's bid was not completed on the City bid form. Moody International Trucks One 1985 International Harvester Diesel DT466 $55,172 Re-build and install city owned Loadmaster body on new chassis as specified 40,019 Trade-ins 1,500 Net Bid $93,691 Optional granning pusher 4,660 Delivery 120 ARO Calendar days • PAGE SIX V V MINUTES NAME OF OCTOBER 8, 1984 COMMRS. MSYN Bid Opening - continued Lynch Davidson Ford Truck Center 1985 Ford $54,697. 77 Rebuild- No bid Less trade-in 5,000.00 Net Bid $49,697. 77 Optional granning pusher 5,212.00 Delivery date - 120-180 calendar days The City Manager noted that Lynch Davidson had not signed their bid. Following discussion, the representative from Waste Equipment announced he would let his bid stand with no exceptions. Motion: Move to award the bid on both the new Load- Cook x master and re-installation unit with the Gulliford x option pusher to Waste Equipment Leasing LTD, Inc. as the lowest and most responsible bidder on the combined bids. During discussion, the Mayor asked if the money was budgeted. The City Manager replied that one unit with the option was budgeted. Approximately $2,500 is short for the other option. Amended Motion:Move to award the bid on both the new Load- Cook x master and re-installation unit with the option Gulliford x pushers to Waste Equipment Leasing LTD, Inc. as the lowest and most responsible bidder on the combined bids. The money to come out of amounts budgeted for the above items,plus the additional funds to come out of contingency. The question was called and the amended motion carried unanimously. (Copy of the bid tabulation is attached hereto and made a part hereof) . Cook x x Gulliford x x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Howell x Unfinished Business - None Report of Committees - No reports PAGE SEVEN V V MINUTES NAME OF OCTOBER 8, 1984 COMMRS. MSYN • Action on Resolutions A. Resolution No. 84-16. Mayor Howell presented in full, in writing, proposed Resolution 84-16, a Resolution accepting EPA Grant, Reference C120747030, in the amount of $1, 109,354. for wastewater treatment facilities, authorizing the City Manager to sign; providing an effective date. Motion: Passage of Resolution 84-16. Copy is attached hereto and Cook x x made a part hereof. Gulliford x x The motion carried unanimously. Howell x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Action on Ordinances - None Miscellaneous Business Mayor Howell advised receipt of a letter from the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. They are holding their annual Bar-B-Que on Saturday, October 13th and asked permission to operate a sound truck within the city limits to promote attendance. The Commission had no objections providing the truck operated at reasonable hours. The City Manager was instructed to call Mr. Bill Wilson and advise same. Mayor Howell stated that the City Attorney had advised him that the Code Enforcement Statute had been amended. Seven members are now required. He recommended the confirmation of Marjorie Dunson to serve on the Code Enforcement Board for a two (2) year term. Motion: Move to confirm the appointment of Marjorie Dunson Cook x x to serve on the Code Enforcement Board for a two (2) Gulliford x x year term, effective October 1, 1984. Howell x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Mayor Howell said, in regards to the Code Enforcement Board, the Statutes provides for the City Attorney to either be counsel to the Code Enforcement Board,or shall represent the city by presenting cases before the board, but in no case shall the City Attorney serve in both capacities. He recommended the City Attorney serve as counsel to the Board, and the cases will be brought by the Code Inspector. (Fire Prevention Code violation would be brought by the Fire Chief, etc.) The City Manager added that clerical help also had to be appointed and the City Attorney agreed. The suggestion was made to consider a semi-type court reporter to serve as secretary. Follow- ing discussion, no action was taken on the clerical help. A lengthy discussion was held on which office the City Attorney should hold. PAGE EIGHT v v MINUTES NAME OF OCTOBER 8, 1984 COMMRS. MSYN Miscellaneous Business - continued Motion: Move to appoint the City Attorney, Claude L. Mullis as Cook x x Counsel to the Code Enforcement Board. Gulliford x x Howell x The motion carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * There being no other business to come before the Commission, Mayor Howell declared the meeting adjourned at 9: 15 p.m. /r7 11 am S. owe (SEAL) Mayor-Commissione ATTEST: Adelaide R. Tucker City Clerk, CMC U.ILI' ,,L v�.c........h CITY OF (f FOR Refuse Collection Equipment is ATLANTIC BEACH Sanitation Depirtment FLORIDA , ____ f' Solid Waste Recovery Waste Equipment MTA Equipment 'Moody Int 'l Trucks Lynch-Davidson 1 7972 Los Robles Ct. 1 Leasing LTD, Inc. P.O.Drawer 688 P.O.Box 10188 ' 9650 Atl .Blvd. Br! NUMBER 45-1 i Jax. ,Fla.32216 6268 Phillips Highw yAmelialsland,FL. Jax. ,Fla.32247-0188 Jax. ,Fla.32239 Jax. ,Fla.32216 32034 _ I Brief Description Unit Price I xt. Pri.cc Unit PricelEkt. Price,Jnit Prices• Vice Unit Price Ext. .Pric ,Alit Prioe , Price UlitPr Wit. Primo New Vehicle . No Bid 55,172 55,105 55, 172 j54,697.77{{ I 47,145 40,019 No Bid New Cab £, Chassis, Rebuild - 40,469 � 1 1 . ' Less Trade 1 6,000 1,500 19P8 1,500 f 1` No Bid 172 j Nc, 89,641 r j 93,691 149,697.7,-7-717--1 . ' I i e %;.:d:Option 3,469 ea 4,660 5,212 ea. 1 75-120 cal.days 120 ARO cal. days A __._-_ tToo nebulous to I Not on .City bid form Bid.Not Signed reouiia . ailments: • Award new and rebuild w/option to Waste Equipment from budgeted funds. ^+,1unt Budgeted --- • RESOLUTION NO. 84-16 A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach Accepting EPA Grant, Reference C120747030, in the amount of $1,109,354 for wastewater treatment facilities, authorizing the City Manager to sign; providing an effective date. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AS FOLLOWS: 1. The City of Atlantic Beach hereby accepts EPA Grant Reference C120747030 (Step 3) in the amount of $1, 109,354 for wastewater treatment facilities and further authorizes the City Manager on behalf of the City to execute same and return to EPA along with three copies of this Resolution. 2. This Resolution duly adopted this 8th day of October, 1984 at the regular meeting of the City Commission and shall become effective upon signature of the Mayor. • + (Seal) William 'S. Howell,Mayor/Presiding Officer ,12c. JX.1(,(. Adelaide R. Tucker City Clerk Approved as to form and correctness: 141 aude L. Mullis City Attorney