01-14-85 v AGENDA CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH January 14, 1985 Call to Order Invocation and Pledge to Flag 1. Approval of the Minutes of December 10, 1984 Approval of Minutes of Committee of the Whole - December 18, 1984 Approval of Minutes of Special Called Meeting - December 28, 1984 2. Recognition of Visitors 3. Correspondence A. From George Bull, Jr. , Chairman, Codes Enforcement Board, Reporting Action by the Board on January 10, 1985 4. Advisory Planning Board 5. City Manager's Report A. Item #1 - Maintenance Agreement - NCR Computer B. Item #2 - Police Department Monthly Report - December 1984 C. Item #3 - Police Department Annual Report 1984 6. New Business A. Audit - Fiscal Year 1983-84 B. Appointments to Board of Adjustment C. Bid Opening - Relocation and Replacement of Water Mains and Fire Hydrants, Mayport Road 7. Unfinished Business ��`�M�,� 8. Report of Committees 9. Action on Resolutions A. Resolution No. 85-1 - Urging Support of the Dames Point Bridge and a More Easterly By-Pass 10. Action on Ordinances A. Ordinance No. 90-85-84 - An Ordinance Zoning Property Herein Described Owned by Mary T. Bull and Option by Reyhani, Inc. , in Venture With Phil Grenville and Don Meuse, to "PUD" District as Defined Under the Land Development Code, and Providing an Effective Date. B. Ordinance No. 90-85-85 - An Ordinance Rezoning Property from Open Rural (OR) to Residential Single Family (RS-1) and Providing an Effective Date. 11. Miscellaneous Business 12. ADJOURN MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COM- MISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON JANUARY 14, 1985 AT 7:15 P.M. V V O O PRESENT: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner T T Robert B. Cook, Sr. E E William I. Gulliford, Jr. D D John W. Morris, Jr. Catherine G. Van Ness, Commissioners M S AND: A. William Moss, City Manager 0 E Claude L. Mullis, City Attorney T C Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk I 0 Y NAME OF ONEN COMMRS. N D S 0 s. ♦--- The meeting was called to order by Mayor Howell. The invocation,offered by Commissioner Cook, was followed by the pledge to the flag. Approval of the Minutes of December 10, 1984 Motion: Approve the minutes of the regular Commission Meeting of Cook x December 10, 1984 as presented. Gulliford x x Morris x x There was no discussion before the vote. The motion Van Ness x carried unanimously. Howell x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,pproval of the Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting of Jecember 18, 1984 Motion: Approve the minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting Cook x x of December 18, 1984 as presented. Gulliford x Morris x x There was no discussion before the vote. The motion Van Ness x carried unanimously. Howell x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * •* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Approval of the Minutes of the Special Called Meeting of December 28, 1984 Motion: Approve the minutes of the Special Called Meeting of Cook x December 28, 1984 as presented. Gulliford x x Morris x There was no discussion before the vote. The motion Van Ness x x carried unanimously. Howell x * * * * * •* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Mayor Howell requested that item 6.C.- Bid Opening - Relocation and replacement of water mains and fire hydrants, Mayport Road be consider- ed next. After opening, the bids would be referred to the engineers to tabulate and report back later during the meeting. Commission agreed. The following bids on the relocation and replacement of water mains and fire hydrants were received and opened: PAGE TWO V V MINUTES NAME OF JANUARY 14, 1985 COMMRS. M S Y N Bid Opening- continued S. A. Hannnah, Inc. $107,167. 30 Added Alternate Bid 31,319. 80 $138,487. 10 Bid Bond: U.S.F. & G Chapman Construction Co. $234,675.00 Added Alternate Bid 66,875.00 $301,550.00 Bid Bond:America Ins. Co. John Woody, Inc. $195,990.00 Added Alternate Bid 44,230. 00 $240,220.00 Bid Bond: Aetna Life & Casualty A. J. Johns, Inc. $178,229.00 Added Alternate Bid 56,037.50 $234,266.50 ,yid Bond: Transamerican Jax Utilities Construction Co. $188,985.00 Added Alternate Bid 50,460.00 $239,445.00 Bid Bond: Federal Ins. Co. Douglas Electric & Plumbing Co. $138,160.00 Added Alternate Bid 40,267.00 $178,427.00 Bid Bond: Fidelity & Deposit Company of Maryland * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r. * Motion: Turn the bids over to the engineer, Richard Thompson, to Cook x tabulate and report back later during the meeting. Gulliford x x Morris x x There was no discussion before the vote. The motion Van Ness x carried unanimously. Howell x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • PAGE THREE V V MINUTES NAME OF JANUARY 14, 1985 COMMRS. MSYN Recognition of Visitors The Chair recognized Mr. Robert Smith, 460 Sailfish Drive, and owner of the Atlantis Restaurant, located at the corner of Mayport Road and Atlantic Blvd. Mr. Smith explained that , unknown to him until recently, a water leak had developed some ago under the concrete slab at his restaurant. He asked the Commission to consider granting him some relief on the excessive sewer bills for the past several quarters. The sewer rates are based on the amount of water that goes through the meter. He was willing to pay for the excess water billed, but he said he knew that a certain amount of that water was not treated, and felt the excessive sewer bill would make him pay for services he really did not receive. Motion: Turn the matter over to a committee to review and report Cook x x back at the next meeting. Gulliford x x There was no discussion before the vote. The motion Morris x carried unanimously. Mayor Howell appointed Commissioners Van Ness x Morris and Van Ness to serve on the committee. Howell x * * * * * 'k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * City Attorney Mullis introduced one of the outstanding lady attorneys Ln their firm, Virginia Moran, who lives in Atlantic Beach. The Mayor and Commission welcomed her. Correspondence A. From George Bull, Jr. ,Chairman, Codes Enforcement Board, Reporting Action by the Board on January 10, 1985. During the meeting of December 10, 1984, the City Commission moved to ask the Code Enforcement Board to come back to the Commission with a recommendation for a permanent secretary. Mayor Howell read a letter from Mr. Bull, Chairman of the Code Enforcement Board, stating that the Board had met on January 10, 1985 and unanimously recommended that Mrs. Adelaide Tucker be appointed to serve as secretary. The letter also stated they did not wish to recommend a Code Inspector until after the new City Manager arrives. Motion: The Commission follow the recommendation of the Code Cook x x Enforcement Board and appoint Mrs. Adelaide Tucker as Gulliford x x their secretary. Morris x Van Ness x There was no discussion before the vote. The motion Howell x carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * V V PAGE FOUR NAME OF MINUTES COMMRS. MSYN Advisory Planning Board - No report City Manager's Report A. Item #1 - Maintenance Agreement - NCR Computer The City Manager requested approval for the annual maintenance agree- ment for the NCR computer in the amount of $3,929, which is a budgeted item. Mr. Moss was asked if he had shopped around for prices and he answered in the negative. He was also asked if NCR had ever billed quarterly and Mr. Moss said no. Motion: Move to enter into a maintenance agreement with NCR in the Cook x x amount of $3,929.00 for that period from January 7, 1985 Gulliford x x through December 31, 1985. Morris x Van Ness x During the discussion before the vote, the Finance Director was Howell x directed to obtain quotations from other people next year and it was suggested that it be looked into to pay the bill quarterly. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * B. Item #2 - Police Department Monthly Report - December 1984 -ayor Howell acknowledged receipt of the Police Department's report for the month of December. Commissioner Morris complimented the Chief on the easy to read and informative report. The report reflected the resignation of Ptlm. W.N. Andrew effective 1/4/85 to accept a position at Jacksonville Beach Police Department. Commissioner Gulliford asked how long Ptlm. Andrew had been with the city, and the Chief replied about six years (9/78) . As there were no other questions, the Mayor instructed the report be filed for information. C. Item #3 - Police Department Annual Report 1984 Mayor Howell acknowledged receipt of the Police Department's annual report for 1984. As there were no questions, he instructed the report be filed for information. New Business A. Audit - Fiscal Year 1983-84 Mayor Howell acknowledged receipt of a draft of the 1983-84 audit. Com- missioner Cook asked for more time to review the report. After discus- sion, Commissioner Cook moved for the following: Motion: Defer action on the audit draft, and all matters relating Cook thereto, until the next meeting. Gulliford x x Morris There was no discussion before the vote. the motion carried Van Ness x unanimously. Howell * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PAGE FIVE V V MINUTES NAME OF JANUARY 14, 1985 COMMRS. MSYN New Business - continued B. Appointments to Board of Adjustment All terms for the Board of Adjustment expired on November 22, 1984. The current Board consisted of L. B. MacDonell, Samuel T. Howie, Frank J.Tassone, and Dorothy Kerber. On October 8, 1984, Mr. C. T. Tinsley submitted his letter of resignation, and Mayor Howell asked the Commis- sioners at that time to give consideration to a replacement. Mayor Howell said, to his knowledge, no suggestions had been made for Mr. Tinsley's replacement, or any other member. He therefore recommended that L. B. MacDonell, Samuel T. Howie, Frank J. Tassone, and Dorothy Kerber all be reappointed, and Mrs. Rose Blanchard be added to replace Mr. Tinsley. She will represent the Royal Palms area which has not been represented before. Mayor Howell also stated that Mr. Tassoni was willing to accept the re-appointment, but would like to be relieved as soon as someone would be willing to serve out his term. Motion: Move to appoint Rose Blanchard to the Board of Adjustment. Cook x x If they are required to be on staggered terms, the Mayor Gulliford x x be authorized to designate who and what period of time each Morris x can serve. Van Ness x Take into account that Mr. Tassoni wants to be removed as Howell x soon as possible. * * * * * * * * * is * * * * is * * * * * * * * * * * * is * * * * * Bid Opening- Bids opened after approval of minutes- page one Unfinished Business Commissioner Gulliford asked if there had been any contact from JEA relative to their meeting. Mr. Moss replied that JEA advised him they could not pursue the option on the street lights. They will look at other options and come back. Mr. Moss advised the Commission that the State has authorized the City of Atlantic Beach to call for bids on the sewer project. He planned to call a Special Meeting for the bid opening on February 19, 1985 in the afternoon. Report of Committees- No report Action on Resolutions A Resolution No. 85-1 Commissioner Cook presented in full, in writing, proposed Resolution No. 85-1, a Resolution urging the support of the Dames Point Bridge and a more Easterly by-Pass. PAGE SIX V V MINUTES NAME OF JANUARY 14,1985 COMMRS. M S Y N Action on Resolutions - continued Motion: Move for passage of Resolution No. 85-1. Cook x Gulliford x During discussion before the vote, Commissioner Gulliford said he would like to see the bridge tied into an extension of Wonderwood Road, and wondered why no one was pushing that any more. Commissioner Morris expressed the opinion that he could not support the proposed Resolution until the method of financing was finalized. The question was called and the motion carried four to one, Cook x x Commissioner Morris voted no. Gulliford x x Morris x Van Ness x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Howell x Resolution No. 84-22 Commissioner Cook presented in full, in writing, a copy of proposed Resolution No. 84-22, a Resolution commending A. William Moss. Motion: Move for passage of Resolution 84-22. Cook x x Gulliford x x There was no discussion before the vote. The motion carried Morris x unanimously. Mayor Howell presented a laminated plaque of the Van Ness x Resolution to Mr. Moss, and he was given a round of applause. Howell x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Action on Ordinances A. Ordinance No. 90-85-84 AN ORDINANCE ZONING PROPERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED OWNED BY MARY T. BULL AND OPTION BY REYHANI, INC. , IN VENTURE WITH PHIL GRENVILLE AND DON MEUSE, TO "PUD" DISTRICT AS DEFINED UNER THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Ordinance No. 90-85-84 was introduced in full, in writing, on first reading, by Mayor Howell. Motion: Move to pass Ordinance 90-85-84 on first reading. Cook x x Gulliford x Morris x There was no discussion before the vote. The motion carried Van Ness x x unanimously. Howell x A Public Hearing was set for January 28, 1985. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PAGE SEVEN V V MINUTES NAME OF JANUARY 14, 1985 COMMRS. M S Y N Action on Ordinances - continued B. Ordinance No. 90-85-85 -AN ORDINANCE REZONING PROPERTY FROM OPEN RURAL (OR) TO RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY (RS-1) AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Ordinance No. 90-85-85 was introduced in full, in writing, on first reading, by Mayor Howell. Motion: Move for passage of Ordinance 90-85-85 on first read- Cook x ing. Gulliford x x Morris x x There was no discussion before the vote. The motion carried Van Ness x unanimously. Howell x A Public Hearing was set for January 28, 1985. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Miscellaneous Business The City Attorney reported at the last meeting the Commission in- structed him to research , investigate, and determine what recommend- ation should be made in the best interest of the city concerning the Occupational License Tax that was imposed upon the Jacksonville Electric luthority. He recommended that the city proceed to institute legal pro- :eedings by way of a declaratory decree to determine the validity of the occupational license tax and expedite it as much as possible. It be decided, for that reason, as a matter of law, and not delay it. The license tax now, with the penalties, is $46,987.50. He expressed the opinion that the city has at least a 70 - 30 chance of winning. Motion: Move to follow City Attorney Mullis's recommendation Cook x x to institute legal proceedings against Jacksonville Gulliford x x Electric Authority. Morris x Van Ness x The motion carried unanimously. Howell x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Mr. Moss said he had entered into a contract on 11/12/84 with Dickerson to resurface streets, and on November 26, 1984 the city awarded a con- tract for a tractor at a savings. Mr. Moss commented at that meeting that he planned to use the excess funds budgeted for the tractor on street resurfacing, if needed. He said that as of that day, he was 300 tons short in order to finish up the program set up. He requested authority to proceed with the completion of the project,approximately $13,000. Motion: Authorize the City Manager to complete the project of re- Cook x surfacing the streets, based on the information he gave the Gulliford x x Commission. Morris x x Van Ness x There was no discussion before the vote. The motion carried Howell x unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PAGE EIGHT V V MINUTES NAME OF JANUARY 14, 1985 COMMRS. MS Y N BID AWARD Mr. Richard Thompson, Project Manager for Robert Bates & Associates, Inc Consulting Engineers reported that they had tabulated and evaluated the bids and found no errors. They recommended the city award the grant to S. A. Hannah, Inc. - their bid, including the added alternate was $138,487. 10. Mayor Howell asked if there would be any conflict with the bid opening on relocating the fire hydrants. That bid opening was Decem- ber 10,1984 and the motion was to defer action until the next meeting. . Mr. Thompson replied that the bids on the fire hydrant relocations were only good for thirty days, and they expired on January 10, 1985. The City Attorney said that since the Commission had taken no official action to award the contract, there would be no liability. S. A. Hannah's bid of $138,487. 10 included replacing the entire water line West of May- port Road from Church to West First St. , abandoning the present line, and putting in a ten inch PVC, and relocating the fire hydrants. Discussion, was held on what fund to charge the project to. Mr. Moss recommended taking it from the General Fund Balance (year end balance was $870,000) and he would bring back a budget adjustment transferring the money like they have in the past. Motion: Move to award S. A. Hannah, Inc.in the amount of Cook x x $138,487. 10, as the lowest and most responsible bid. Gulliford x x The Necessary funds will come from the General Fund Morris x carry-over balance. Van Ness x No discusion before the vote. the Motion carried unanimously. Howell x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Miscellaneous Business A lengthy discussion was held on Ordinance No. 67-80-6, "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 23 of the ORDINANCE CODE, ENTITLED "SUBDIVISION OF LAND", SECTION 23-1,SUBPARAGRAPH (2) , to PROVIDE FOR THE ADDITION OF ALL DEFINITION OF THE PHRASE "SMALLER THAN". It was the consensus of the Commission that the Ordinance was very difficult to understand. The City Attorney was directed to research the Ordinance and come back with recommendations. There being no other business to come before the Commission, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Seal William S. Howell Mayor/Presiding Officer Attest: ave(2-0-depie. Iaide R. Tucker City Clerk 1'• v,3 CITY OF q•• rJv��uuJJ// 4et�/ VeadII NT; Rezalutirin NO. 85-1 • A RESOLUTION URGING SUPPORT OF THE DAMES POINT BRIDGE AND A MORE EASTERLY BY-PASS WHEREAS, due to the growth of population in the beaches area, there is a rising need for mass transportation; and WHEREAS, in order to facilitate orderly ingress and egress to the beaches area, a more easterly by-pass would be advantageous; and WHEREAS, the Dames Point Bridge is a necessity for the future growth of the entire regional area. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, heartily supports the Dames Point Bridge construction and urge the State of Florida, the Consolidated City of Jacksonville, the Jacksonville Transportation Authority, Agencies of the United States Government including the Coast Guard and Urban Mass Transit Administration, and the citizens of Duval County to support and take all steps necessary to expedite the construction of this bridge in order to supply a more easterly by-pass for the benefit not only of the rapidly growing beaches area but the entire region.