01-28-85 v AGENDA 411 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH January 28, 1985 Call to Order Invocation and Pledge to Flag 1. Approval of the Minutes of January 14, 1985 2. Recognition of Visitors 3. Unfinished Business A. Further discussion regarding FY 1983-84 Audit prepared by Price Waterhouse. Representatives from Price Waterhouse will be present. 4. Correspondence A. From City of Jacksonville Mayor Jake Godbold, and the Board of Library Trustees and Staff of the Jacksonville Public Libraries extending invitation to Groundbreaking Ceremonies for the Beaches Branch Library on Third Street in Neptune Beach on January 31, 1985, at 11 :00 AM. 5. Appearances ® A. Robert Stubbs of Robert Stubbs, Inc. , Financial Advisors- Financial Analysts, requesting payment of invoice in the amount of $4 ,650 which represents 60% of the remaining $7,750 in contract with City dated May 18, 1983 covering financial advisory regarding financing through State Bond Loan Program. B. Beaches Pop Warner Football Association President Mitch Kinsey and associates regarding Beaches youth activities. 6. Advisory Planning Board A. From Commission Representative John W. Morris, Jr. , regarding Board meeting of January 15, 1985, in which the Board considered proposed changes to the zoning ordinance in the area along Mayport Road. 7. City Manager's Report A. Item #1 - Budget Report Quarter Ending December 31, 1984 8. New Business A. Bid Opening - Repair and Repainting of Elevated Water Storage Tank 9. Report of Committees 10. Action on Resolutions A. Resolution No. 85-2 - Budget Adjustment B. Resolution No. 85-3 - Authorizing Richard C. Fellows to Sign Checks on Behalf of the City 11. Action on Ordinances A. Ordinance No. 90-85-84 - An Ordinance Zoning Property Herein Described Owned by Mary T. Bull and Option by Reyhani, Inc. , in Venture With Phil Grenville and Don Meuse, to "PUD" District as Defined Under the Land Development Code, and Providing an Effective Date. Second and Final Reading - Public Hearing. B. Ordinance No. 90-85-85 - An Ordinance Rezoning Property from Open Rural (OR) to Residential Single Family (RS-1) and Providing an Effective Date. Second and Final Reading - Public Hearing. C. Ordinance No. 47-85-2 - An Ordinance Adopting and Enacting a New Code for the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida. First Reading 12. Miscellaneous Business ADJOURN MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COM- V V MISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON JANUARY 28, 1985 AT 7: 15 P.M. 0 0 T T rRESENT: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner E E Robert B. Cook, Sr. D D William I. Gulliford, Jr. Catherine G. Van Ness, Commissioners M S AND: Richard C. Fellows, City Manager 0 E Claude L. Mullis, City Attorney T C Rene' Angers, Recording Secretary I 0 Y NAME OF ONEN ABSENT: Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk COMMRS. N D S 0 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Howell. The invocation, offered by Commissioner Van Ness, was followed by the pledge to the flag. Approval of the Minutes of January 14, 1985 Motion: Approve the minutes of the regular Commission meeting of Cook X January 14, 1985 as presented. Gulliford X Morris X X No discussion before the vote. The motion carried Van Ness X X unanimously. Howell X * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Zecognition of Visitors The Chair recognized Mr. E.F. White, 1241 Ocean Boulevard, who urged the Commission to use informal power to suggest that the Hospital Board sell the Beaches Hospital. Mayor Howell stated that the Commissionerscould take individual positions on the matter, but did not think it was appropriate for the City Commission, representing the city, to take an official opinion. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Unfinished Business A. Further discussion regarding FY 1983-84 Audit prepared by Price Waterhouse Commissioner Cook asked the following quesions regarding the audit: 1. Is it customary to send draft copies for preliminary approval? 2. Why were the pages not numbered? 3. Could totals from previous years be included for comparisions? 4. How much of "Cash and Investments" is actually cash? 5. Could the principal and interest to be paid on the 1958 and 1971 sewer bonds be separated rather than grouped together? 6. Why was there no reference to pending litigation? Mr. Bob McMullen, Price Waterhouse, addressed Commissioner Cook's questions: 1. He stated that it is customary to review a draft of financial statements and disclosures with management. 2. The final copy would have page numbers. PAGE TWO V V MINUTES NAME OF JANUARY 28, 1985 COMMAS. M S Y N Unfinished Business - continued 3. Totals from each fund could be given from previous years for comparisions. 4. It is customary to group together the "Cash and Investments" figures because the investments are short term and could be turned into cash over night. The Finance Director stated that some of the funds were not immediately liquidable and that these figures could be broken down. 5. He stated that Note 4 of the statements could be expanded to incorporate information on the amount of principal and interest paid on the sewer bonds. 6. He stated that the City's legal counsel had submitted a legal representation letter and that there was no litigation of any significance indicated that would have a material effect on the financial statements. Mayor Howell stated that some of the lawsuits were asking for damages and that there is a possibility that there could be significant costs to the City. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Correspondence A. From City of Jacksonville Mayor Jake Godbold, and the Board of Library Trustees and Staff of the Jacksonville Public Libraries extending invitation to Groundbreaking Ceremonies for the Beaches Branch Library on Third Street. Mayor Howell stated that the Beaches had long awaited the new library and urged the Commission to attend the groundbreaking ceremony, which would be held on January 31, 1985 at 11 :00 A.M. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Appearances A. Robert Stubbs of Robert Stubbs, Inc. , Financial Advisors - Financial Analysts The City Manager stated that Mr. Stubbs had requested payment of $4,650 which represents 60% of the remaining $7,750 contracted in 1983 to assist in developing a financing plan for the sewer project. He stated that everything was in order and that the bond process was almost complete in going through the State. Motion: Move to authorize payment to Robert Stubbs in the Cook X amount of $4,650, which represents 60% of the remaining Gulliford X X balance due. Morris X Van Ness X X No discussion before the vote. Motion carried Howell X unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PAGE THREE V V MINUTES NAME OF JANUARY 28, 1985 COMMRS. MSYN B. Beaches Pop Warner Football Association President Mitch Kinsey and associates regarding Beaches youth activities. Mr. Kinsey stated that the Pop Warner Association has run out of room for their growing organization and asked that the City commit to working with their organization and with the other Beach cities to attempt to work out a more feasible plan. Mayor Howell stated that he had met with Rick Hale and had discussed the possibility of forming a committee from the three Beach cities to attempt to coordinate the use of the various fields. He stated that if a decision could not be made promptly, he would appoint a committee. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Advisory Planning Board A. Proposed Changes to the Zoning Ordinance in the area along Mayport Road. Commissioner Morris reported that the Advisory Planning Board had reviewed the proposed plan and that the Board was concerned that, by adopting the plan, the CI zoning classification would be eliminated in the entire city. He stated that the Board felt the City has a need for certain CI uses and that they should be incorporated into the CG zoning classification as 'use by exceptions' . He further reported that the Board felt that the area, being so large, should oe divided at Donners Road for public hearing purposes. Commissioner Gulliford stated that, according to the recommendation, each CI use would have to be considered individually. Mayor Howell asked that it be taken back to the Advisory Planning Board for a more specific recommendation. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * City Manager's Report A. Budget Report Quarter Ending December 31, 1984 Mayor Howell acknowledged receipt of the Budget Report. As there were no questions, he instructed the report be filed for information. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * New Business A. Bid Opening - Repair and Repainting of Elevated Water Storage Tank. The following bids were received and opened: PAGE FOUR V V MINUTES NAME OF JANUARY 28, 1985 COMMRS. M S Y N 1 New Business - continued Advanced Tank and Construction Co. , Cropwell, AL Total base bid $52,575.00 Bid Bond - Insurance Co. of North America CFM Enterprises, Inc. , Apopka, FL Total base bid $38,000.00 Bid Bond - Allied Fidelity Insurance Co. Frank Shelton, Inc. T/A Utility Service, Perry GA Total base bid $27,980.00 Bid Bond - U.S.F. & G. Company Industrial Contracting & Coatings, Inc. , Thonotosassa, FL Total base bid $45,000.00 Bid Bond - Firemans Fund Insurance Co. Ridge Sandblasting & Painting Co. , Inc. , Lake Alfred, FL Total base bid $25,970.00 Bid Bond - Union Indemnity Co. of N.Y. J.S. Tank, Inc. , Chipley, FL Total base bid $28,330.00 Bid Bond - Integon Indemnity Corporation United Coating Corporation, Orlando, FL Total base bid $26,950.00 Bid Bond - Union Indemnity Co. of N.Y. Motion: Move that the bids be turned over to the City Manager for Cook X review with the Engineers. Gulliford X X Morris X No discussion before the vote. The motion carried Van Ness X X unanimously. Howell X * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * s; * * * * * * * * * Report of Committees Commissioner Morris, Chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee, reported that the matter of the water break at the Atlantis Restaurant had been tabled. He stated that the Committee wanted to see what the new rates would be before determining what action to recommend. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Action on Resolutions A. Resolution No. 85-2 - Budget Adjustment Mayor Howell presented in full, in writing, proposed Resolution 85-2, PAGE FIVE V V MINUTES NAME OF JANUARY 28 1985 COMMRS. MSYN Action on Resolutions - continued a Resolution transferring certain monies between funds. Motion: Passage of Resolution 85-2. Cook X Gulliford X X No discussion before the vote. The motion carried Morris X unanimously. Van Ness X X Howell X B. Resolution No. 85-3 Mayor Howell presented in full, in writing, proposed Resolution 85-3, a Resolution authorizing Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk, Harry E. Royal, Finance Director, and Richard C. Fellows, City Manager to sign on behalf of the City. Motion: Passage of Resolution 85-3. Cook X X Gulliford X No discussion before the vote. The motion carried Morris X unanimously. Van Ness X X * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Howell X lection on Ordinances A. Ordinance No. 90-85-84 Public Hearing AN ORDINANCE ZONING PROPERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED OWNED BY MARY T. BULL AND OPTIONED BY REYHANI, INC. , IN VENTURE WITH PHIL GRENVILLE AND DON MEUSE, TO "PUD" DISTRICT AS DEFINED UNDER THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Said Ordinance was presented in full, in writing, for second and final reading by Mayor Howell. The Chair recognized Mr. Richard Prosser, representing the applicants. Mr. Prosser presented the Commission with a site plan for the development of 170 townhouse units on property bounded by Eleventh Street, Plaza, Royal Palms Unit I, and the lagoon. Mr. Prosser stated that the development would have approximately 16% ground coverage and that there would be a 75' wide undisturbed natural area along the lagoon. Don Meuse added that each unit would have a two car garage, and a minimum of 1,050 sq.ft. heated area. The units would be priced from the low $70's and would be constructed in four phases. Mayor Howell opened the floor for a public hearing and recognized Della Koenig, 780 Redfin Drive. Mrs. Koenig expressed concern about the increased traffic in the Royal Palms Subdivision. She stated that, at times, residents on Sailfish Drive, Royal Palms Drive, and Plaza can not back out of their PAGE SIX V V MINUTES NAME OF JANUARY 28, 1985 COMMRS. M S Y N Action on Ordinances - continued driveways due to the traffic jams. Commissioner Gulliford felt that most of the residents in the new development would use Seminole Road rather than the Royal Palms area for access. He added that the density could be much higher than what is proposed. There being no one else to speak for or against the plan, Mayor Howell closed the public hearing. Motion: Move for passage of Ordinance No. 90-85-84 on second and Cook X final reading. Gulliford X X Morris X The motion carried unanimously. Van Ness X X Howell X B. Ordinance No. 90-85-85 Public Hearing AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 90-82-74, THE SAME BEING THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, BY AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP TO REZONE LAND DESCRIBED AS A PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 1, SECTION 8, AND A PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 1, SECTION 9, ALL LYING IN THE TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 29 EAST, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, FROM OPEN RURAL TO RS-1; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ;aid Ordinance was presented in full, in writing, for second and final reading by Mayor Howell. The Chair regognized Mr. Doug Miller, representing the applicants. Mr. Miller presented the Commission with a site plan of the development which incorporates 112 acres, of which 82 acres are in Atlantic Beach. He stated that the City of Jacksonville has approved rezoning of the remainder of the development to a classification compatible with RS-1. Mayor Howell opened the floor for a public hearing. There being no one to speak for or against the matter, Mayor Howell closed the public hearing. For information, Commissioner Cook asked if Seminole Road would be the only access to the development. Mr. Miller replied that Seminole Road was the only access point. Motion: Move for passage of Ordinance No. 90-85-85 on second and Cook X final reading. Gulliford X Morris X X The motion carried unanimously. Van Ness X X Howell X C. Ordinance No. 47-85-2 An Ordinance adopting and enacting a new Code for the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida. Said Ordinance was presented in full, in writing for first reading by Mayor Howell. PAGE SEVEN V V MINUTES NAME OF JANUARY 28, 1985 COMMAS. MSYN Action on Ordinances - continued Motion: Move for passage of Ordinance No. 47-85-2 on first reading. Cook X X Gulliford X No discussion before the vote. The motion carried Morris X unanimously. Van Ness X X Howell X * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Miscellaneous Business Commissioner Cook asked the status of the lawsuit against the J.E.A. The City Attorney replied that it had been filed approximately one week ago and- that they had twenty days to respond. Commissioner Gulliford stated that the specifications for bids on the sewer plant specified tanks to be the pre-stressed type. He said there is only one company in the region that could bid those tanks, and requested that the City Manager ask Robert Bates & Associates to consider, as an alternative, a poured in place tank, which would help keep bids competitive. He felt that, if Robert Bates & Assoc. agreed, it should be added to the specifications. Commissioner Van Ness asked the Commission to consider reviewing the possibility of enlarging Seminole Road from the Fire Station to Atlantic Boulevard, replacing the culvert and repaving the street. There being no further business to come before the Commission, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 8:27 p.m. William S. Howell Mayor-Commissioner ATTEST: Rene' Angers Recording Secretary t It RESOLUTION NO. 85-2 A RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING CERTAIN MONIES BETWEEN FUNDS WHEREAS, the City Charter of the City of Atlantic Beach requires that the City Commission approve all budgetary increases and transfers from one fund to another, and WHEREAS, the nature of budgetary systems and those day to day decisions affecting such budgetary systems require adjustment from time to time, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach, that the attached Budget Adjustment No. 85-1 be approved for the 1984-85 Budget. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Passed by the City Commission on January 28, 1985 Willi.m S. Howell, Mayor Presiding Officer (SEAL) L �� J Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk Approved as to Form and Correctness: la de L. Mullis, it ttorney I --- BUl►CE1 ADJUSTMENT P./A ::L"?►-sER: 85-1 Tate: _-- 1-28-85 FUND: General Fund I2" SEPARATE FORMS FOR EACH FUND AMOUNTS MUST BE IN WHOLE DOLLARS -- - -- - -- - - EXPENDITURE REVENUE ACCOUNT ACCOUNT TITLE ADD DEDUCT DEDUCT _ ADD 01-510-3100 Professional Services 5,853 01-510-4900 Other Current Charges 5,853 I ____, ___ I _ _ 1 I _- — --- EXPLANATION: To transfer funds from commission contingency account to nav forcodification-_ - _ of ordinances which was included in 1983-84 budget CIATED BY (-7,..#C___ __ - DATE: 1-28-85 _-- CCNI SSION ACTION REQUIRED: yes -- DATE RECEIVED: __ 1-28-85_- • • INVOICE MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION 003779 P.O. BOX 2235 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32316 I— SOLD CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FL ATLAEIE L TO WILLIAM MOSS, I_/M P. O. BOX 25 f I - —: ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 33 L J ISTOMER P.O. NO. SHIP VIA- - TERMS NET 30 DAYS ,`' �. -• _ :i''y T - t' .__ -- 1 CONTRACT BASE 7500. 000 700. 0C CONTRACT BASED ON 250 PAGES PAI ES 25. 000 44:7:0. 0( 1 S0 PAGES OVER CONTRACT INTRACT BASE 25 E:I NDERS . 000 t)( BINDERS INCL!]DELI IN CONTRACT BASE 7::5 SETS OF TABS . 000 . 0( TABS INCLUDED IN CONTRACT BASE 1 FREIGHT 1.4- 140 LESS ADVANCE PAYMENTS (5500 . 00 50 COPIES i IF THE ATLA",+JT__Irk I_SAL:!'..-f:CL,'E_..l:C__:_.rr,T":..nNT.-; L_cS cC.,`H -00 REC'Dt\A\ . .. DEPS. APP. .. . - . fr bIc:x tlE►IFIED CITY MGR.. . - ._ . • Tajl_1171 • I Add E per month late charge if paid after 30 days from invoke date. Interest will be charged at the rate of 11/2% per month on the unpaid balance of any account remaining unpaid more than 30 days after invoice date s V RESOLUTION NO. 85-3 WHEREAS, from time to time uncertain it becomes necessary for certain signatures to be rendered on various and sundry checks, drafts, notices, acceptances, bills of exchange, orders, etc. , for the payment and withdrawal of monies, credits, items and property on behalf of the City of Atlantic Beach, and WHEREAS, due to vacations, illnesses, and other matters, those individuals authorized to sign on behalf of the City of Atlantic Beach may be unable to do so for one of the above or other reasons, and WHEREAS, it is proper and appropriate to have other selected officials and/or officers of the City to sign in lieu of the Finance Director, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The Finance Director, or in the absence of said Finance Director, the City Clerk, or in the absence of said City Clerk, the City Manager, signing with only one signature required, be and they are hereby authorized to sign any and all checks, drafts, notes, acceptances, bills of exchange, orders or other instruments for the payment and withdrawal of any and all monies, credits, items and property at any time held by the Banks and Federal Savings and Loan Associations, for accounts of the City of Atlantic Beach, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: Section 2. All the foregoing authorities shall be and continue in full force and effect until revoked or modified by written notice actually received by said Banks and Savings and Loan Associations, setting forth.a resolution to that effect stated to have been adopted by the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida. Section 3. The following persons, whose genuine signatures appear below, are authorized signers for the said City in the capacity set opposite their respective signatures, to-wit: Harry E. Royal, Finance Director 1, L, 0111• .411111114 Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk j�, Richard C. Fellows, City Manager _.__ • Section 4. Any and all resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby rescinded. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Passed by the City Commission January 28, 1985. dUadididi Wi 'Tr S. Howell, Mayor Presiding Officer (SEAL) Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk Approved as to Form and Correctness: .ude L. Mullis, ity Att. - •