03-20-85 v w 1111 MINUTES OF THE COMMITTEE MEETING ON BUCCANEER UTILIITIES HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MARCH 20, 1985 AT 7:00 P.M. Mayor Howell called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Mayor Howell, Commissioners Cook, Gulliford, and Van Ness; City Manager Fellows; City Attorney Mullis, Jerry Strayve and Bob Braid of Buccaneer Service, and Richard Gordon and Wayne Middleton of Touche Ross. The committee immediately entered into negotiations with Buccaneer Service Company for the purchase of their utilities company. Mayor Howell acknowledged receipt of the engineering report from Gee & Jensen and Stewart Steeg's report was incorporated in the report as to the value of the land. The appraised value was $4,400,000.00 for the plant and real estate. Touche Ross's report indicated the income from the customers presently being served by Buccaneer showed sufficient income to amortize the purchase price of that amount over a period of fifteen (15) to twenty (20) years depending on how the city wanted to approach it. Mr. Strayve said their original asking price was $3,900,000.00 and they would still honor the offer. Their asking interest rate was 81/2% amortized over fifteen(15) years. Following negotiations, the following terms were acceptable to both parties: • 1. Purchase price of $3,900,000.00 at 7.5% interest to be amortized over fifteen(15) years with an unlimited prepayment clause after five(5) years with no premium penalty. Interest to be paid semi- annually and premium paid annually. 2. Buccaneer agreed to interconnect the two water systems within a period of eighteen (18) months after closing. In the interim, necessary connections will be made by Buccaneer. Buccaneer must have engineering privilege of approving plans for the proposed motel on Mayport Road. 3. Touche Ross will prepare a purchase audit from the end of the last fiscal year up through the date the assests are transferred. Buccaneer will pay all costs. Also, a cut-off date will be estab- lished and water meters read. The city will also agree to assist Buccaneer in the collection of those fees due Buccaneer. 4. Divert the wastewater from the Buccaneer trailer park lift station to Buccaneer's man-hole within sixty (60) after closing. 5. Buccaneer will exercise their option to purchase the land adjacent to their plant for expansion of the tanks, and will deed to the city. 6. Buccaneer will complete the East side lift station. This to be in- cluded in the $3,900,000.00. mill 7. Mr. Strayve and Mr. Braid have agreed to stay on in the operation of the plant through December 31, 1985 at no cost to the city, and city will request the other employees to remain with the city if Page Two Minutes March 20, 1985 so desired. There are three other employees. Commissioner Gulliford then moved to recommend to the City Commission, subject to the terms and conditions agreed upon this evening by both parties, that the City purchase Buccaneer Utility Service Company for the price of $3,900,000.00. The City Attorney be authorized to prepare the necessary Resolutions and Ordinances for introduction. The motion was seconded by Mayor Howell and carried unanimously. Commissioner Gulliford asked Mr. Strayve why they did not service Seminole Beach residents. Mr. Strayve stated they had planned to but did not as Atlantic Beach already has lines there. He said, as they begin looping, they have easements through Hannah Park that they can loop that way. Bring Atlantic Beach water up Seminole Road to meet through Hannah Park and over to Buccaneer. Mr. Mullis stated there were many items that needed to be decided: coverage and reserve fund, etc. Mayor Howell suggested that he and Mr. Fellows get together and work out those details. There being no other business, the Mayor declared the committee meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. William S. Howell Mayor/Presiding Officer ATTEST: Adelaide R. Tucker City Clerk