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June 3, 1985
Call to Order
Invocation and Pledge to Flag
1 . Audit presentation:
A. 7:16 - Coopers $ Lybrand
B. 7:22 - Deloitte Haskins & Sells
C. 7:28 - Garrard $ Carter
D. 7:34 - Peat, Marwick F, Mitchell
E. 7:40 - Touche Ross
F. 7:46 - Tyson, Swindell & Durden
2. Action by the City Commission to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to
execute the State Loan Agreement on 1 .5 million dollars worth of
State Water Polution Control Bonds.
3. Further discussions by the City Commission relative to the manner
of handling sewer reservations during the period of construction
4. City Manager's Report relative to a proposed manner for finan-
cing extension of water and sewer lines for individual developers.
5. Authorization for the City Manager to seek proposals from an out-
side firm to develop job classification and pay plan.
6. Action by the City Commission relative to further procedures for
prioritizing and undertaking negotiations with audit firms.
7. Miscellaneous Business.
PRESENT: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner
Robert B. Cook, Sr.
William I. Gulliford, Jr.
John W. Morris, Jr.
Catherine G. Van Ness, Commissioners
AND: Richard C. Fellows, City Manager
Claude L. Mullis, City Attorney
Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Howell. The invocation, offered by
Commissioner Cook was followed by the pledge to the flag.
Mayor Howell announced for the benefit of the public the Commission was in
the process of soliciting proposals from auditing firms, and had invited six
firms to make five minute presentations. Each Commissioner had received copies
of the six proposals for their perusal. The firms invited were:
Coopers & Lybrand, Deloitte Haskins & Sells, Garrard & Carter, Peat, Marwick
& Mitchell, Touche Ross, and Tyson, Swindell & Durden. Each firm introduced
their Staff, listed their government experience, both local and national, and
their audit approach. The Mayor thanked the six firms for their interest.
The method of ranking was considered. It was the consensus of the Commission
the vote would be by point system: No. 1 - three points, No. 2 - two points,
and No. 3 - 1 point. The vote was by paper ballot as follows:
Commissioner Cook: 1. Tyson, Swindell, Durden & Bruce
2. Deloitte Haskins & Sells
3. Touche Ross
Com.Gullifford: 1. Coopers & Lybrand
2. Touche Ross
3. Garrard & Carter
Com. Morris: 1. Coopers & Lybrand
2. Deloitte Haskins & Sells
3. Peat, Marwick & Mitchell
Comm. Van Ness: 1. Deloitte Haskins & Sells
2. Coopers & Lybrand
3. Peat, Marwick & Mitchell
Mayor Howell: 1. Tyson, Swindell, Durden & Bruce
2. Touche Ross
3. Garrard & Carter
Mayor Howell announced the total points:
1. Coopers & Lybrand
2. Deloitte Haskins & Sells
3. Tyson, Swindell, Durden & Bruce
JUNE 3, 1985
The City Attorney was instructed to research the appropriate method for
negotiating with the top three firms and report back at the next meeting.
The firms will be notified as to the time and place for negotiations.
2. Further discussions by the City Commission relative to the manner of
handling sewer reservations during the period of construction activity.
The City Manager reported he and staff had made a survey of what other cities
do and recommended to the Commission that any person during the construction
area which would involve about the next 8 - 12 months be required to place
a deposit with the city, either in cash or an irrevocable letter of credit
based upon the amount of sewer capacity they wish to receive and the number
of days they wish to reserve it. The deciding criteria relative to the number
of days would be the award of a construction contract for development of the
underground facilities. The amount of deposit required would be 25% for a re-
servation up to 90 days, 50% - up to 180 days, 75% for a reservation up to
270 days, and 100% - up to 360 days. An Ordinance covering same would be
prepared. Another point to be enclosed in the Ordinance was they should issue
a notice to proceed within a reasonable time (30 days) .
Mr. Dowling asked at what point was the letter of credit executed? He asked if
"at the time the contract is let, the letter of credit is called on, and the
fees are paid as a result of that, or what point are the acutal impact fees
paid under the proposal". He was told the value of the letter would revert to
the city should the developer default and not award a construction contract
within the time specified. It was suggested to structure the Ordinance so the
developer would have both options (deposit or letter of credit) but have some
inducement to give some form of deposit to the City of Atlantic Beach in lieu
of a letter of credit. Mr. Fellows commented that all the cities he had talked
to required all the charges at the time a building permit was issued. The
Public Service Commission on the other hand, provides that private utilities
will receive those charges in advance and at the time of presenting their
water and sewer plans for approval.
It was the consensus of the Commission the Ordinance should probably contain
the following: collect impact fee when developer applys for the building
permit; either a cash deposit or an irrevocable letter of credit for a reser-
vation of capacity, not transferable, 100% of all connections no later than
one year;deposit goes to end of development, otherwise deposit is forfeited,
any fees paid will be refunded if deposit is forfeited. The proposed Ordinance
hopefully will be presented on Monday, June 10th.
Commissioner Gulliford commented they had to formally lift the moratorium on
sewer hook-ups on outside city customers. The City Attorney stated the city
was waiting on the contract of consent order to be terminated.
Mr. Dowling asked for a vote of commitment on his request for 65 units (he
changed the number to 66) .
JUNE 3, 1985
Commissioner Gulliford moved to approve Mr. Dowling's request for hook-
ups for 66 units outside the city, subject to the ironing out of details,
plus the lifting of the moratorium outside of the city The motion was
seconded by Commissioner Cook.
During discussion before the vote, Mr. Louis McDonell pointed out the city
should consider inside the city requests first. Commissioner Gulliford sug-
gested they allocate a percentage of available capacity that could be used
outside the city, and as that available capacity dwindled, then that per-
centage available to outside the city dwindled also. Mr. McDonell asked
the Commission not to create a "Frankenstein Monster" Ordinance on water and
sewer reservations that the city would be sorry later on as it did not cover
other situations. The City Attorney stated they were also going to have to
look at the Growth Management Bill recently passed by the Legislature.
The question was called and the motion carried unanimously.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
3. City Manager's Report relative to a proposed manner for financing
extension of Water and Sewer lines for individual developers.
The City Manager recommended the Commission consider when a person requests an
extension of a sewer line, and they only needed a two inch line and the city's
long range plan called for a 6 inch line, the developer be required to pay the
entire cost of the 6 inch line, and as other developers connect to that line
in the future, his prorata share will be reimbursed to him within 60 days of
the city receiving the payment. If no developer connects within five years,
the city would not be liable for any reimbursement to the developer.
The Commission agreed and directed the City Attorney to include the above in
the proposed Ordinance.
4. Authorization for the City Manager to seek proposals from an outside firm
to develop job classification and pay plan.
The City Manager reported they had researched job classifications and ex-
pressed the opinion the city did not have any that were up to date. The only
ones available to him were modified from Frank Brown's report done fifteen
(15) years ago. The two step pay plan the city had did not give enough flex-
ibility. Six to ten step pay plan was needed. He requested the Commission
consider hiring an outside firm that specialized in that field in order to
implement their findings in the upcoming budget. The cost was estimated to
be approximately $3,000 - $4,000.
Commissioner Cook moved the City Manager be authorized to seek
proposals. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Gulliford and
carried unanimously.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
A gentlemen in the audience said he understood building permits for Section H
were being held in pending files and asked if he bought a lot within the week
and came in for a building permit to build a single family house, how long
JUNE 3, 1985
would he have to wait to get his permit. He was told they were not holding
up any permits. The city had asked those persons thinking of going into the
area to voluntarily restrain their acitivity for a short period until a
professional review of the whole area had been received. The gentleman asked
if he could expect an answer within two weeks to thirty days. Mayor Howell
explained some areas of Section H were going to require the building of lift
stations, and the city did not have the money at the present time to go and
build lift stations, all necessary gravity mains, and water mains. The gentle-
man offered to put in all necessary lines. The City Attorney advised nothing
could be done within 30 days, as it would take longer than that to draft and
adopt an Ordinance under the Statutes. A lengthy discussion followed.
Commissioner Gulliford moved to instruct the City Attorney and City Manager to
draft some suggested policy direction for the development of Section H that
might offer some satisfaction to persons wanting to build in that area, and
report back two meetings later. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Cook.
Following discussion, the question was called and the motion carried
5. Action by the City Commission relative to further procedures for
prioritizing and undertaking negotiations with audit firms. See above under 1.
6. Action by the City Commission to approve the Budgets for Buccaneer Water &
Sewer district through September 30, 1985.
Commissioner Gulliford moved to approve the budget for Buccaneer Water & Sewer
District as submitted for the remainder of fiscal year 1985. Commissioner Cook
seconded the motion.
Commissioner Morris asked where he arrived at the figures. Mr. Fellows
explained the salary figures were taken out of their operating report and in
interviews with the employees. The other services were either taken out of
their last year's audit and simply projected for the city's purposes, or
they utilized the actual figures for the city's system and they utilized
common sense as to what they thought it would amount to. Commissioner Morris
asked if he used any of the spread sheets that had been presented during dis-
cussion of the purchase. Mr. Fellows said it would be very close to the Jax
Utilities report. Commissioner Morris asked if there would be revenues
supplied to cover the expenses. Mr. Fellows replied the system will develop
sufficient revenues to cover the expenses, but the city would have to advance
the first couple of months until collections were received. He estimated
$25,000 - $50,000 would have to be advanced to cover Buccaneer's expenses
as a loan to be paid back with interest. Billings will go out July 1, 1985.
Commissioner Gulliford moved to amend his motion to include the loan to be
paid back by August 1, 1985 at the highest legal rate of interest allowed.
Commissioner Cook seconded the amended motion. The question was called and
the motion carried unanimously.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
JUNE 3, 1985
Mayor Howell advised he had talked with officials of Jacksonville Beach re the
CATV Board. They were going to discuss the matter that night and advise the
City of Atlantic Beach on their decision to abolish the Board.
Mr. Fellows reported he had just received a letter that evening from Kinder
Care that they were ready to order septic tanks. He requested a sewer reser-
vation of 3,000 gallons to save them from having to put in septic tanks.
Commissioner Morris moved to approve sewer reservation of 3,000 gallons for
Kinder Care. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Gulliford and carried
Commissioner Cook suggested a uniform time be set for all meetings, regular
and special called. The Commission agreed the meetings will all be held at
7:15 p.m.
There being no other business to come before the Commission, the Mayor
declared the meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
Wil ' am S. Howell
Mayor/Presiding Officer
Adelaide R. Tucker
City Clerk