08-05-85 v 1 r MINUTES OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE BUDGET WORKSHOP MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON AUGUST 5, 1985 The meeting was called to order at 7:15 p.m. Those present were Mayor William S. Howell; Commissioners Robert B. Cook, Sr. and William I. Gulliford, Jr. ; City Manager Richard C. Fellows, and Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk. All department heads were also present. Capital Project Requests were discussed by departments. Copy of Capital Project Request is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Finance and Administration, City Clerk, Building, Planning and Zoning, and Police Departments all requested various microcomputers for their proposed projects. Following discussion with each Department Head, it was the consensus of the Commission that further study should be made with an impartial, independ- ent consultant to advise the departments on the hardware equipment which would properly serve their data processing needs, and report back at next meeting. Police Department. Cost of $150,000 for a new Public Safety Building was listed because the evaulation from Connelly & Wicker had not been received. Further discussion was deferred until the next workshop meeting. Mr. Hogan detailed items requested in the Public Works Building. Street re- surfacing is required every year. He stated his department did not request the backhoe. The two mower tractors will replace existing ones that are beyond use.They would be street tractors and used to mow areas such as the new water plant, 20th st. back to Atlantic Blvd. west. The 22 h.p.lawnmower (diesel) would mow areas such as City Hall, etc. The tractor (480LL) would be used by both Public Works and the Sewer Dept for cleaning drying beds. Parks & Recreation. The two courts to be resurfaced are at Russell Park. Lights for Tennis courts are at Russell Park and automatic timers will be installed. The City Manager suggested installing coin operated timers to help retrieve some of the cost involved. Mr. Hogan also said lights for the baseball park need to be replaced and they were waiting on estimates. Lights in Donner Park are also out. (the last two items are not listed in the Parks and Recreation Capital Project Request.) Mr. Hogan said vandalism had destructed most of the lights in the park,including the skylights in the building, and the playground equipment was torn up. He advised that several citizens had volunteered to supervise a recreation program next summer. In FY 84-85 $9,000 was budgeted for city play- ground equipment. This amount was used to help cover the cost of resurfacing the tennis courts. No playground equipment was purchased for any park. The City Manager explained the expenditure of the backhoe $51,000 - ($20,000 reserved prior year) . It was a jointly used piece of equipment between Public Works, Water and Sewer Departments. It was proposed to add another $31,000 to the $20,000 approved for the five year capital program. They had determined a suitable backhoe, if needed, could cost approximately $29,000 (JCB) depending on the number of options desired. It could run as low as $20,000. The merits of John Deere, Case, Ford, and JCB were discussed. It was agreed to leave $50,000 in budget for the present time. Mr. Braid presented justification for the Water Department. The 1955 roof on the control building at 11th st (# one water plant) is leaking. While the leaking PAGE TWO BUDGET WORKSHOP AUGUST 5, 1985 was not a major problem, Mr. Braid said a $28,000 master control system was located in the building. Repairs would also include sheeting and some joists. Painting would include two reservoirs, control bldg. and pipes in between that are exposed to rust. Ventilation system also included screens on aerators. Replacement doors included steel entrance doors and two overhead doors. Mr.Braid commented the Commission may consider in the future replacing the control building. The developer will be contributing $7,000 towards the privacy stockade fence. The flowmeter is thirty years old and no longer manufactured. Needs to be replaced. There are four pumps in the #1 plant, all of which are over 20 years in age and parts are not available for the motors. Neither generator in #1 or #2 water plant are automatic. Following discussion, the decision was made to drop $35,000 from Water Plant #1 and $37,500 from Water Plant #2 and leave $37,500 to provide automatic electrical power for one of the plants. That figure would not include the cost of a building. Mr. Braid stressed safety items such as Chlorine Hoists. He added right now you don't have the capability of knowing how much chlorine is in the #2 plant tank. He was concerned about a one ton cylinder rolling on one of the workers. The suggestion was made for hydro mulching rather than sodding as it would be much less expensive. Committee agreed. MSA Air Pack - State regulation required to have gas masks on site. Well Booster Pump and Housing needed for No. #1 plant. Pick-up trucks- Two are replacement units and one additional unit needed. Reservoir Aerator Influent Valves - They don't work properly and cannot be cut off. Mudhog Pump - 4" Diesel- recommended item be left in as he considered it to be a necessity when an 8" water line breaks. Hydro Stop - expensive but desirable. Provides a means whereby you can avoid shutting down the whole city to replace a valve. The suggestion was made the city could rent the equipment to Neptune and Jacksonville Beach to help defray the cost as the closest one was in St. Augustine. Royal Palm Water Main Replacement. All pipes need to be replaced with 6" min. and not enough fire hydrants. Amount also includes other sections of the city. Section H - Engineering cost. 1/2 in water budget and 1/2 in sewer budget. Sewer - Return Pump Conversion-item for old plant after new plant is on line. Items 4, 5, 6, and 7 to be addressed at the time Part 4 - Rehab of the whole plant. Televising Sewer Lines- Mr. Braid said if the whole system was televised, it PAGE THREE MINUTES AUGUST 5, 1985 would be a simple matter to tell where the problems were. One area needs to looked at immediately. Mr. Braid highly recommended the city fund the item, perhaps half this year and half next year. Also in the future, anytime a development goes in, require the developer provide the city with televised reports of what went in the ground. The City Manager advised that would be a part of the developer agreement he was preparing. Building for Fairway Villas Lift Station. Item scratched. Upgrading I Station. I Station is by Donner Park, a 6' x 6' x 311' high fiber glass building. Impossible to work on the station. Propose to replace the building. Replacement of Contactors on Motor Controller. Accident or problem waiting to happen. Will not be phased out when the new plant goes in. This would be buying insurance. Buccaneer was discussed during purchase negotiations. No further discussion. Mayor Howell commented he did not recall seeing anything for the Fire Dept. The Chief said they struck it. Mayor Howell thanked the Department Heads for attending the meeting and their requests would be given consideration. The next meeting would be held on August 19, 1985 at 7:15 p.m. Personnel and salaries would be discussed at that time. Commissioner Gulliford expressed concern over establishing priorities first and then reviewing revenues. The City Manager said the best procedure was to decide what you have to have and then see if the money was available. If not, come back and cut again. Discussion followed. There being no other business to discuss, the Ma dec are. he meeting adjourned at 10:35 p.m. / i l William . Howe 1 Mayor/Presiding Officer ATTEST: d'Q� Adelaide R. Tucker City Clerk CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND SUMMARY OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND BALANCES FY 1983-84 FY 1984-85 FY 1985-86 BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET Beginning Balance 904 4,882 534 20,193 172,249 Add Revenue: Transfer from General Fund 126,000 126,000 294,280 294,280 133,905 Transfer from Federal Revenue Sharing 53,000 50,313 59,000 57,776 43,332 Municipal Loan -0- -0- -0- -0- 150,000 Total Revenue 179,000 176,313 353,280 352,056 327,237 Deduct Expenses: Professional Services -0- -0- 6,000 6,000 -0- Other Current Charges -0- -0- -0- -0- 20,000 Road Materials and Supplies 52,422 38,927 91,800 91,760 70,000 Land -0- -0- 25,000 9,646 -0- Building 34,500 32,408 -0- -0- 150,000 Improvements 2,375 -0- 69,749 40,143 25,000 Machinery & Equipment 89,703 89,667 52,451 52,451 146,206 Total Expenses 179,000 161,002 245,000 200,000 511,306 Ending Balance 904 20,193 108,814 172,249 88,280* * - In the 1984-85 budget, the Commission reserved $63,280 for storm drainage improvements and $25,000 for future purchase of patrol vehicles. 8/5/85 ANNUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT NAME: Capital Improvements FUND #30 ACCOUNT #541 FUNCTION: The Capital Improvements Account is established as a control fund for capital improvmeents which include; street construction, buildings, major equipment purchases, and major repair and replacement projects. In FY 1985-86, funds will be expended for the purchase or construction of the following: Description Amount Public Safety Building $ 150,000 Micro Computer and Software 10,500 Communications Equipment 15,000 Patrol Vehicles 23,000 Street Resurfacing 70,000 Backhoe 51,000 Mower Tractors (2) 11,706 Tennis Court Resurfacing 5,000 Lights for Tennis Courts 5,000 Playground Equipment 15,000 Front End Loader 35,000 Contingency 20,000 TOTAL $411,206 Funding Sources: General Fund $133,905 Revenue Sharing 43,332 Municipal Loan 150,000 Fund Balance 83,969 TOTAL $411,206 ANNUAL BUDGET 'Y 1985-86 FUND NO. 30 DEPT.-ACTIVITY: Capital Improvements DIVISION NO. 541 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION FY 83-84 FY 84-85 FY 85-86 BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET EST. EXP. BUDGET PERSONAL SERVICES 12 Reg. Salaries & Wages 14 Overtime 15 Special Pay 21 FICA 22 Pension 23 H $ A Insurance 24 Workers' F, Unemp. Comp. TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- OPERATING EXPENSES 31 Professional Services 6,000 6,000 -0- 32 Accounting and Auditing 34 Other Contract Svs. 5 Investigations 0 Travel, Conf. E Trng. 41 Postage $ Communications 43 Utilities 44 Rentals $ Leases 45 Insurance 46 Repair $ Maint. Svs. 47 Printing and Publishing 49 Other Current Charges -0- -0- -0- -0- 20,000 51 Office Supplies 52 Operating Supplies 5210 Operating-Restricted 53 Road and Material Sups. 52,422 38,927 91,800 91,760 70,000 54 Books, Sub. , Mberships TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 52,422 38,927 97,800 97,760 90,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 61 Land 25,000 9,646 -0- 62 Buildings 34,500 32,408 -0- -0- 150,000 63 Imps. Other than Bldgs. 2,375 -0- 69,749 40,143 25,000 64 Machinery F Equip. 89,703 89,667 52,451 52,451 146,206 65 Const. in Progress TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 126,578 122,075 147,200 102,240 321,206 8/5/85 ANNUAL BUDGET 1985-86 FUND NO. 30 DEPT.-ACTIVITY Capital Improvements DIVISION NO. 541 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION FY 83-84 . FY 84-85 FY 85-86 BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET EST. EXP. BUDGET DEBT SERVICE 71 Bond Principal 72 Bond Interest 73 Other Debt Service TOTAL DEBT SERVICE -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- GRANTS $ AIDS 81 Aids to Gov't Agencies 82 Aids to Private Orgs. TOTAL GRANTS & AIDS -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- "ON-OPERATING 99 Other Non-Operating TOTAL NON-OPERATING -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- DIVISION TOTAL 179,000 161,002 245,000 200,000 411,206 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Current Budget Base Position Title Budget Request Salary 8/5/85 • CAPITAL PROJECT REQUEST FY 1985-86 FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION Description Cost Fund Code * 1 . Additional memory for NCR 9020 $ 4,000 01-513-6400 2. Microcomputer equipment 5,000 01-513-6400 DEPARTMENT TOTAL $ 9,000 CITY CLERK 1. Microcomputer $ 2,500 01-517-6400 2. Microfiche Reader/Printer 2,792 01-517-6400 DEPARTMENT TOTAL $ 5,292 BUILDING, PLANNING AND ZONING 1. Personal computer $ 4,000 01-585-6400 and 01-524-6400 POLICE DEPARTMENT 1. Micro computer and software $ 10,500 30-541-6400 2. Base station 20,400 30-541-6400 3. Patrol vehicles 23,000 30-541-6400 DEPARTMENT TOTAL $ 53,900 PUBLIC SAFETY 1. New Public Safety Building $150,000 30,541-6200 PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING 1. Street Resurfacing $ 70,000 30-541-5300 2. Backhoe (20,000 reserved prior year) 51,000 30-541-6400 3. Mower Tractors (2) 11,706 30-541-6400 4. Lawnmower 22 H.P. 7,890 01-541-6400 5. Tractor (480LL) 35,000 30-541-6400 DEPARTMENT TOTAL $175,596 PARKS AND RECREATION Description Cost Fund Code * 1. Tennis Court Resurfacing (2 courts) $ 5,000 30-541-6300 2. Lights for Tennis Courts 5,000 30-541-6300 3. Playground Equipment 15,000 30-541-6300 DEPARTMENT TOTAL $ 25,000 WATER DEPARTMENT 1. Water Plant #1 a. Roofing $ 3,500 40-533-4600 b. Painting 10,500 40-533-4600 c. Ventilation System 3,000 40-533-4600 d. Replacement Doors 3,000 40-533-4600 e. Fencing 7,500 40-533-6300 f. Flowmeter 2,800 40-533-4600 g. Replacement Pumps 20,000 40-533-6400 h. Generator and Building 35,000 40-533-6400 TOTAL $ 85,300 2. Water Plant #2 a. Generator $ 37,500 40-533-6400 b. Painting 4,500 40-533-4600 c. Chlorine Hoists 10,000 40-533-6400 d. Resodding 7,500 40-533-6300 TOTAL $ 59,500 3. MSA Air Pack 2,500 40-533-6400 4. Well Booster Pump and Housing 50,000 40-533-6400 5. Pick-up Truck 7,800 40-533-6400 6. Pick-up Truck - 1 Ton 12,000 40-533-6400 7. Reservoir Aerator Influent Valves 30,000 40-533-6400 8. Mudhog Pump - 4" Diesel 7,000 40-533-6400 9. Hydro Stop 20,000 40-533-6400 10. Royal Palm Water Main Replacement 40,000 40-533-6400 11. Section H 25,000 40-533-3100 DEPARTMENT TOTAL $339,100 SEWER DEPARTMENT Description Cost Fund Code * 1. Pick-up Truck - z Ton $ 7,800 41-535-6400 2. Return Pump Conversion 3,500 41-535-6400 3. Maintenance Equipment 5,000 41-535-6400 4. Lighting for Sludge Beds 1,800 41-535-6300 5. Railing at Sewer Plant 15,000 41-595-6300 6. Sod or Regrass Sewer Plant Grounds 4,000 41-535-6300 7. Painting 20,000 41-595-4600 8. Televising Sewer Lines 36,000 41-595-3400 9. Building for Fairway Villas Lift Station 3,000 41-535-6200 10. Upgrading I Station 3,000 41-535-6200 11. Replacement of Conti/actors on Motor Controller 2,450 41-535-4600 12. Section H 25,000 41-535-3100 TOTAL DEPARTMENT $ 126,550 BUCCANEER WATER 1. High Service Pump at Assisi Plant $ 10,000 43-533-6400 BUCCANEER SEWER 1. No. 3 Waste Treatment Plant $ 385,000 44-535-6300 2. Westside Force Main 110,000 44-535-6300 3. Emergency Generator 18,000 44-535-6400 4. Contingency Equipment $ 10,000 44-535-6400 TOTAL DEPARTMENT $ 523,000 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS $1,421,538 * - First two digits indicates fund as follows: 01 - General Fund 30 - Capital Projects 40 - Water 41 - Sewer 43 - Water, Buccaneer 44 - Sewer, Buccaneer