10-28-85 v w M. AGENDA (AMENDED) CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH October 28, 1985 Call to Order Invocation and Pledge to the Flag 1. Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting of October 14, 1985 Approval of Minutes of Special Meeting of October 21 , 1985 2. Recognition of visitors 3. Receipt of bids for security service at Public Works and the two water plants 4. Interview of architectural firms interested in design work on the City Public Safety Building 7:17 Clements/Rumple/Goodwin 7:23 Fleet and Associates 7:30 Gee and Jenson 5. Recognition of Citation received by Claude L. Mullis at the National Institute of Municipal Law Officers 6. Receipt of petition from property owners in Section H relative to planned improvements of water and sewer in that area 7. Action by the City Commission on approving acceptance of a 40-foot right-of-way extension of Hibiscus Street in Section H 8. Notice of the Beaches Council of Christian Men for churches blood drive November 1 , 1985 9. Discussion regarding the feasibility of requiring bacteriological testing of wells before the issuance of Certificate of Occupancy 10. Action by the City Commission to authorize advertising for drainage improvements on Seminole Road and Plaza at such time as the necessary DER and Dredge and Fill permits are received 11. The introduction and first reading of an Ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances; Amending Chapter 22 Article III relative to Waste Water Charges and Regulations so as to conform with the requirements of the Department of Environmental Regulation in connection with a State grant for sewerage improvements, and setting of a public hearing for Monday, November 11 , 1985. . 12. Discussion re appointment to City Board of Adjustment 13. Discussion re appointment (Probationary/Part time) Code Enforcement Officer 14. Discussion by the City Council on the desirability of authorizing the purchase of specialized equipment for the replacement of valves in the utility system 15. Video presentation on the recent televising of City sewer lines in Howell Park adjacent to A lift station 16. Miscallenous business 17. Adjourn AGENDA CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH October 28, 1985 Call to Order Invocation and Pledge to the Flag 1 . Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting of October 14, 1985 Approval of Minutes of Special Meeting of October 21, 1985 2. Recognition of visitors 3. Interview of architectural firms interested in design work on the City Public Safety Building 7:17 Clements/Rumple/Goodwin 7:23 Fleet and Associates 7:30 Gee and Jenson 4. Recognition of Citation received by Claude L. Mullis at the National Institute of Municipal Law Officers 5. Receipt of petition from property owners in Section H relative to planned improvements of water and sewer in that area 6. Action by the City Commission on approving acceptance of a 40-foot right-of-way extension of Hibiscus Street in Section H 7. Notice of the Beaches Council of Christian Men for churches blood drive November 1 , 1985 8. Discussion regarding the feasibility of requiring bacteriological testing of wells before the issuance of Certificate of Occupancy 9. Action by the City Commission to authorize advertising for drainage improvements on Seminole Road and Plaza at such time as the necessary DER and Dredge and Fill permits are received 10. The introduction and first reading of an Ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances; Amending Chapter 22 Article III relative to Waste Water Charges and Regulations so as to conform with the requirements of the Department of Environmental Regulation in connection with a State grant for sewerage improvements, and setting of a public hearing for Monday, November 11, 1985. 11. Discussion re appointment to City Board of Adjustment 12. Discussion re appointment (Probationary/Part time) Code Enforcement Officer 13. Discussion by the City Council on the desirability of authorizing the purchase of specialized equipment for the replacement of valves in the utility system 14. Video presentation on the recent televising of City sewer lines in Howell Park adjacent to A lift station 15. Miscallenous business 16. Adjourn MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COM- MISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON OCTOBER 28, 1985 AT 7:15 P.M. V V O O PRESENT: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner T T Robert B. Cook, Sr. E E William I. Gulliford, Jr. D D John W. Morris, Jr. Catherine G. Van Ness, Commissioners M S AND: Richard C. Fellows, City Manager 0 ET C Claude L. Mullis, City Attorney I O Y Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk NAME OF ONEN COMMRS. N D S 0 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Howell. The invocation,offered by Commissioner Cook was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1.Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting of October 14, 1985 Motion: The minutes of the regular Commission meeting of October 14, Cook x x 1985 be approved as presented. Gulliford x x Morris x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Van Ness x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Howell x Approval of Minutes of Special Meeting of October 21, 1985 Motion: Approve the minutes of the Special Called meeting of Cook x x October 21, 1985 as presented. Gulliford x x Morris x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Van Ness x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Howell x 2.Recognition of Visitors - None 3. Receipt of bids for security service at Public Works and the two water plants. Only one bid was received and opened: Qonway Security Systems, Jacksonville,F1: Location #1 $3,281 installed Location #2 $2,989 installed Location #3 $2,983 installed Cost deduction if only one control device installed at Public Works yard $200.00 Monthly monitoring cost if required $ 25.00 each location Maintenance fee per year $600 per location Motion: Refer the bid to Mr. Braid and the City Manager to report Cook x back. Gulliford x x Morris x x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Van Ness x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ;: * * * * * * * * * * * * Howell x PAGE TWO V V MINUTES NAME OF OCTOBER 28, 1985 COMMRS. MSYN 4. Interview of architectural firms interested in design work on the City Public Safety Building Mayor Howell announced for the benefit of the audience that the Commis- sion would interview three architectural firms interested in design worc on the Public Safety Bldg for the purpose of ranking. They were inter- viewed by alphabetical order: Clements/Rumple/Goodwin; Fleet and Associ- ates, and Gee and Jenson. Each firm introduced their staff, listed their government experience, and technical approach. The Mayor thanked the firms for their interest. Following the interviews the Commission ranked the three firms. Voting was by paper ballot by point system: No. 1 - 3 points; No. 2 - 2 points, and No. 3 - 1 point. Commissioner Cook: 1. Gee & Jenson 2. Fleet and Associates 3. Clements/Rumple/Goodwin Commissioner Gulliford: 1. Gee & Jenson 2. Fleet & Associates 3. Clements/Rumple/Goodwin Commissioner Morris: 1. Fleet & Associates 2. Gee & Jenson 3. Clements/Rumple/Goodwin Commissioner Van Ness: 1. Gee & Jenson 2. Fleet & Associates 3. Clements/Rumple/Goodwin Mayor Howell: 1. Gee & Jenson 2. Clements/Rumple/Goodwin 3. Fleet & Associates Mayor Howell announced the order of ranking and instructed the City Man- ager to notify the firms of the next scheduled date and time for further discussion. Ranking was as follows: First: Gee & Jenson Second: Fleet & Associates Third: Clements/Rumple/Goodwin 5. Recognition of Citation received by Claude L. Mullis at the National Institute of Municipal Law Officers Mayor Howell commended Mr.Mullis for the award presented him for Special Distinguished Public Service by a Municipal Attorney. It stated "Mr. Mullis is one of the greatest Municipal Lawyers in our nation. He served as Special Counsel to scores of Florida cities which has earned him the --such deserved reputation as Florida's greatest expert in the field of iunicipal law". Mayor Howell told Mr. Mullis the award was well deserved over the years he had known him and his capabilities in Municipal Law and he, along with the full Commission, extended congratulations. A true copy of the award is attached hereto and made a part hereof. PAGE THREE V V MINUTES NAME OF OCTOBER 28,1985 COMMRS. M S Y N 6. Receipt of petition from property owners in Section H relative to planned improvements of water and sewer in that area. Mayor Howell acknowledged receipt of a petition signed by twenty-two property owners in Section H from East of Main St. to Mayport Rd and on the North and South sides of Levy Road objecting to the recommended improvements of water, sewer, etc. for said area. He instructed the petition be made available when further discussion takes place. A copy of the petition is attached hereto and made a part hereof. 7. Action by the City Commission on approving acceptance of a 40-foot right-of-way extension of Hibiscus Street in Section H. Mayor Howell said when Section H was put on record, apparently the portion of Hibiscus St. between Blks 154 and 155 was never platted as a street, so lots 2 through 6 were technically land-locked. Mr. Baker, owner of the property, requested that he deed to the city a 40'right-of- way. The City Attorney stated the city had a requirement for streets of a 50' minimum. Mr. Fellows suggested he deed 50' of the first five lots and dead-end at that point which would give ingress and egress to all lots. Motion: Mr. Baker will have prepared, at his expense, a survey, the Cook x x proper legal description for approval by the City Attorney Gulliford x and that instrument to be brought back for acceptance. Morris x Van Ness x x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Howell x * * * * * * * * ;; * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 8 Notice of the Beaches Council of Christian Men for churches blood drive November 1, 1985. Mayor Howell announced the Beaches Council of Christian Men would be holding their blood drive on November 1 , 1985 at 8:00 p.m. at the Jacksonville Beach Community Center and encouraged all to donate. 9. Discussion regarding the feasibility of requiring bacteriological testing of wells before the issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. Mr. Fellows said he had sent a memo to the Commission relative to the fact there was no permit requirement either from the DER or from the City of Jacksonville Health Department for any well which is less than 250' deep. He questioned as to whether the city would be liable in issuing a Certificate of Occupancy to a dwelling where a well had not been tested for bacteriological contamination. He said he had checked with the Health Dept and they said they do provide bacteriological test- ing of wells, but not at the request of the home owner. Most mortgage companies, VA and FHA will not close on a loan until the water and well 'as been tested had found to be potable. Their studies and reports would e available to the city if desired. Mayor Howell asked if that pertained to all wells or only those wells on a piece of property where they in- tend to use well water for consumption. Mr. Fellows replied only if the water would be used for consumption and city main was not available. PAGE FOUR V V MINUTES NAME OF OCTOBER 28,1985 COMMRS. MSYN Motion: Direct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary Cook x x legislation. Gulliford x Morris x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Van Ness x x * * * * * * * * * * * ;e * * * * ;: * * * * * Howell x 10. Action by the City Commission to authorize advertising for drainage improvements on Seminole Road and Plaza at such time as the necessary DER and Dredge and Fill permits are received. The Commission had no objections and authorized the City Manager to advertise for bids on drainage improvements on Seminole Road and Plaza. 11.Action on Ordinances - Ordinance No.80-85-28 - First Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA; AMENDING CHAPTER 22, ARTICLE III, DIVISION 7, SECTION 22-166 PROVIDING A QUARTERLY SEWER BASE CHARGE; AMENDING SECTION 22-167 TO PROVIDE A UNIFORM VOLUME CHARGE; PROVIDING A NEW SECTION 22-176 SETTING FORTH REQUIREMENTS FOR A REVENUE GENERATION SYSTEM; CREATING A NEW SECTION 22-177 PROVIDING FOR USE OF ACCRUED FUNDS; CREATING SECTION 22- 178 PROVIDING THAT A CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT WILL CERTIFY COMPLIANCE 'ITH THE REGULATIONS OF THE REVENUE GENERATING SYSTEM; PROVIDING AN JFFECTIVE DATE. Said Ordinance was presented in full, in writing by Mayor Howell on first reading. Motion: Move for passage of Ordinance No. 80-85-28 on first reading. Cook x Gulliford x x Morris x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Van Ness x x Mayor Howell set the Public Hearing for November 11, 1985 Howell x * * * * * ;: * * * * * * * * * * * * .. * * * * * * * 12. Discussion re appointment to City Board of Adjustment Mayor Howell announced that Mr. Frank Tassoni had served on the Board of Adjustment for four years and had requested his resignation be accepted. The Mayor recommended Mr. Richard White be appointed for the unexpired term of Mr. Tassoni. His term expires on November 22,1987. Motion: Mr. Richard White be appointed to the Board of Adjustment Cook x x to serve until November 22, 1987, the unexpired term of Gulliford x Mr. Frank Tassoni. Morris x Van Ness x x During discussion, Mr.White agreed to serve and file financial reports. Howell x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * .. 13. Discussion re appointment (Probationary/Part Time) Code Enforcement Officer. Mr. Fellows reported when the Code Enforcement Board was first formed, PAGE FIVE V V MINUTES NAME OF OCTOBER 28,1985 COMMRS. M S Y N Item 13 - continued he had asked the Fire Chief to serve as temporary Code Enforcement Officer for a period of six months. He complimented Chief Royal on the excellent job he had done. He said the six month tenure was up and felt the city should move into another area and make an appointment of a person on a Probationary/Part time basis as Code Enforcement Offi- cer who could devote the amount of time needed to do the job properly. Mr. Fellows recommended Mr. Frank Kerber, a long time resident of Atlan- tic Beach, who presently works for the U. S. Marshall's office and has a great deal of law enforcement experience be appointed for the position. The salary would be $8.00 per hour, the same rate of pay he receives at the U.S.Marshall's office. He added the next meeting of the Code Enforce- ment Board would be held on November 14th. Ms.Suzanne Bass will represent the city and he had asked Chief Royal, the former Code Enforcement Offi- cer, to act as a witness for the new Code Enforcement Officer. This would give the city the benefit of Mr. Royal's expertise as he had investigated the particular case and documented it on video tape. Motion: Appoint Mr. Frank Kerber as the Code Enforcement Officer. Cook x x Gulliford x x During discussion, Mr. Fellows said a contract would be prepared for the Mayor's signature setting forth the minimum number of hours per reek Mr. Kerber would put in at $8.00 per hour and also spell out any Jther items needed to protect the city. The question was called and Cook x the motion carried unanimously. Gulliford x Morris x Van Ness x * * * * * k * * * * * * * * * * * * * :t * * * * * * * * Howell x 14. Discussion by the City Council on the desirability of authorizing the purchase of specialized equipment for the replacement of valves in the utility system. Mr. Braid told the Commission for background information that two weeks ago it was necessary to shut down the entire city for water from mid- night until 5:a.m. in order to change a 12" water main to provide a double culvert under 11th St. Before that he put his most experienced crews to work to isolate that area and search for one fire hydrant that could be left running while the system was shut down. Eight man days later they gave up. Two days later, he hired a firm to do a demonstra- tion of a replacement of a single valve. In 22 hours the valve had been cut out and a new valve put in using one experienced man from the fac- tory and two of the city's youngest water distribution people. Only five people were out of water during that period of time and only by choice in order to change a line for them. He exhibited the valve that was frozen in the shut position, and recommended the city purchase the Hydra- stop specialized equipment as it would save the city money in the long 'un. If he hired private companies with the special equipment it would :ost about $2,000 per valve. By doing it in-house he could save some where in the neighborhood of $700-$800 per valve. The purchase price of the "Hydro-stop" was $16,900. PAGE SIX V V MINUTES NAME OF OCTOBER 28,1985 COMMRS. MSYN Item 14 - continued Mr. Braid told the Commission that the cities of Neptune and Jacksonville Beach and some contractors had expressed interest in renting the piece of equipment. It was also pointed out since the piece of equipment was a single source of supply and the city would purchase it direct from the manufacturer and is a patented item that competitive bids advertisement would not result in any additional competition or savings. Motion: Authorize the City Manager to purchase "Hydro-stop" in the Cook x x amount of $16,985 with the waiving of the requirement for Gulliford x x competitive bids since it is a sole source item. The pay- Morris x ment will not be disbursed until the City Manager and City Van Ness x Engineer are satisfied that training has been adequate and Howell x complete. The money to come out of the contingency account. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 15. Mr. Braid offered a very enlightening presentation on the recent televising of a 10" City sewer line at lift Station A at the corner of Palm and the edge of Howell Park that showed the amount of water that infiltrated into the line. There should be no water there as the man holes had been sealed off. Mr. Braid said State funds were available or that purpose under the existing 201 plan and Smith & Gillespie had .,ffered to put together a complete application packet for the City for a sum less than $2,000. Motion: Move to authorize Smith & Gillespie to seek grant funds Cook x x for the purpose of renovation of the city's sewer lines Gulliford x x Morris x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Van Ness x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Howell x 16.Miscellaneous business Commissioner Cook asked for details on a letter received from Mr. Arzie. The Mayor said it had been sent to the Insurance Company. Commissioner Gulliford told the City Manager to enjoy himself while vacationing in North Carolina. He asked who the Acting City Manager would be. Mr. Fellows said it would probably a cooperative effort be- tween Mr. Bob Braid and Mr. Harry Royal. Commissioner Gulliford asked for details on additional funding for the regional outfall due to the increased cost of changing from PVC to DI iron. Mr. Fellows said DER advised no additional grant funds were avail- able, however, if after discussions with the other two lowest bidders on the project, it could be shown McDonald's price was at least equal to or lower than the other two, the city could utilize its 5% contin- ency fee to help defray the additional cost of the DI pipe. Discussion was held on an article received on Cocoa's use of waste water on their golf course and recreational facilities. Mr. Fellows ex- plained when the city took over the Buccaneer system one of the special PAGE SEVEN V V MINUTES NAME OF OCTOBER 28, 1985 COMMRS. MSYN Miscellaneous - continued conditions of the permit was that a study would be undertaken by the city at some future date with the idea in mind that the city would attempt to find an alternative way of disposing of our wastewater other than into the St. Johns River. There being no other busines to come before the Commission, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 9:19 p.m. William S. Howell Mayor/Presiding Officer ATTEST: delaide R. Tucker _ity Clerk e atiunaI IJnfifufr of 4JFTuniripa! E! afti ODffirr s Qifatint upon presentation of the cAfuar? for $pthx! !ifinuiIie Public Bernice lig a Aluniriyal cAffurneg upon (Ihiur IA uUi5 3jaroniill , jfioriba The recipient of the National Institute of Municipal Law Officers Special Distinguished Public Service Award is Mr.Claude L Mullis of Florida. Mr. Mullis is one of the greatest Municipal Lawyers in our nation. He has served as a private practitioner with the law firms of Livermore,Klein and Latt,P.A and Mahoney,Hadlow and Adams,P.A.His record as a municipal lawyer is outstanding.He served from 1953- 1973 as Assistant City Attorney for Jacksonville,Florida-From 1974-1978 he was Town Attorney of Orange Park.He was General Counsel of the Florida League of Cities from 1979-1983 and has also served as Special Counsel to scores of Florida cities which has earned him the much deserved reputation as Florida's greatest expert in the field of municipal law. Claude Mullis has been active with NIMLO since 1964 and it was he who, working with NIMLO's Executive Commitee and the Counsel for State Leagues,put together both the National Municipal Legal Defense Fund and NIMLO's Litigation Center.In times of great crises over anti-trust claims, Claude Mullis worked diligently nationwide to secure Congressional support of State Leagues through their General Counsel that resulted in the Local Government Anti-Trust Act of 1984.It was Claude Mullis who helped assemble the shocking list of punitive damage claims against cities which in the city of Newport case caused the U.S. Supreme Court to hold that punitive damages were not provided for under §1983 of the Civil Rights Act. He has over the decades worked diligently to secure Congressional support for restoration by statute of the good faith defense in §1983 cases. Mr.Mullis has earned the high respect and esteem of NIMLO members for his ever ready assistance on problems too numerous to list here but nonetheless helpful to NIMLO members throughout the nation. Mr.Mullis is presently retired from the Florida League of Cities but because of what he has done in his great career of municipal law and what he continues to do as a municipal law consultant and as City Attorney of Atlantic Beach, NIMLO hereby proudly presents to this outstanding municipal attorney this Award for Extraordinary Service to NIMLO and to the field of Municipal Law. 'resented this Seventeenth day of October, Nineteen hundred and Eighty-Five. K,V ia I Charles S Rhyne . LaMar Shelley General Counsel President October 17. 1985 s • 9th September 1985 We the undersigned, owning properties in section " H " of Atlantic Beach, Florida, from East of Main Street to Mayport Road and ori the North and South sides of Levy Road, do hereby state that we oppose the recommended improvrments made by the City of Atlantic Beach for said area. We feel that it is unfair to ask us to pay for sewerage improvements since we have already paid to have septic tanks installed, some of which are less than a year old. James R. and Augusta Jane Patten ,/ - Blk. 240 Lots 3 & 4 `'1'�'l ", � . /147 George and Karen McGregorc:231 Blk. 240 Lots 1 & 2 Bessie Teboe r ` 'h Blk. 3404 - 19 Lot 4 j ch-tOt-) Alan and Katherin Holston � C� ? J ( Blk. 231 Lots 3 & 4 illis Owans " �-,� /• " P/►4/� - '"- Alk. 231 Lots 5 & 6 Lester G. and Janice A. Saunders Blk. 230 Lots 5 & 6 "� ~ Dorothy A. Millner } 2 Blk. 230 Lots 1 & 2 CI Walter R. and Angelica B. Millner //� Blk. 230 Lots 3 & 4 /,// 7 ez-e Blk. 229 Lots 2, 3, & 4 g/96. )2Daniel L. and bebra Millner Blk 229 Lots 5 & 6 '"ye ,;),tit_ ,10 - (�G Gary Hale �• . V Blk 197 Lots 1 , 2, 4, & 5yis James R. Patten jr. - , `, 414tr 1 c " Blk. 231 Lots 1 & 2'-- Betty --Betty il.dl.ock � �C 2) Bik197 Lot.� �" `1"-vyz� '� ln�y- Melinda ✓,/i #4C:� 1-44' Page 2 continued K I • Doris Ribbon 0 % L�_.�. 21 :"'�4`�' e9 Blk. 232 Lot Franis Moore / %�U�'X,':c.,:7 i 11; r1k'� Blk 228 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, &6 7 011ie R. and Joy Braddock (I) Blk 227 Lots /i IL 1;13 tul Jewel Mullis it//__,a_&,t,J2 _iyL/ Gia..6 q S, Blk. 1199 Lots Li -- Evan Taylor (0(141(441 Blk. Lots Herbert Cow , QiX�ysc% 1, 6V"' "-jG Blk. Lots William and Jenny Echols Blk. 242 Lots Otis Peavy 411/ Blk. Lots tr' '/ 7)/4_5.Xtopii (ria. 0(_? p p c C>a--"L'-'1:-. --J (2&*--€A) j)6114 I .;- v 3 (--) rt. 0 0-C4.27 T- ....... -:: I , • r ,, 'Oak. N. 0 (.% k i— •N A tAl ),) -..... r4 ‘ )'-) -.- - ___________,____ \ W )\) k) %s__V q I ,. I N (�` 0 l� lal \J 6 \ (P r i� i1 .cLo 0u