12-09-85 v AGENDA CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH December 9, 1985 Call to Order Invocation and Pledge to the Flag 1. Approval of the Minutes of the regular meeting of November 25, 1985. 2. Recognition of visitors 3. Bid Openings: A. Sealed proposals for construction of the westside force main in the Buccaneer Water and Sewer District B. Sealed bids for the TV examination of the City of Atlantic Beach sewer collection system 4. Appearances: A. Mr. Bill Weathers of Southeastern Municipal Bonds to discuss several facets of municipal financing B. Mr. Alvin Masters to clarify the legal description on a piece of property on Levy Road recently granted an exception C. Mr. Don Ford to discuss proposed plans for his property on Church Street 5. Mayor William Howell to report on the City's recently acquired insurance package 6. Discussion of a request from BSM Partners to assign their interest in a certain developer agreement and construction agreement dated May 17, 1985, to The Development Group 7. Action by the City Commission to authorize advertising for a new high service pump and 8-inch compound meter for furnishing water and fire protection service to off-base Naval housing 8. Resolutions: A. Adoption of a Resolution by the City Commission authorizing the City of Atlantic Beach to participate in the Federal Surplus Property Program 9. Action on Ordinances: A. Public Hearing and Final Reading of an Ordinance amending the Ordinance Code of the City of Atlantic Beach to increase garbage and trash collection fees B. Public Hearing and Final Reading of an Ordinance amending the Ordinance Code of the City of Atlantic Beach to change the composition of the Advisory Planning Board from four members to five members C. Public Hearing and Final Reading of an Ordinance amending the Ordinance Code of the City of Atlantic Beach to provide that digging of private wells will require a permit from the City, and where water from said wells is designed for potable use, bacteriological report must be furnished to the City D. Introduction of an Ordinance amending the Ordinance Code of the City of Atlantic Beach to provide a system of retirement benefits for elected officials and setting of a Public Hearing for January 13, 1986 E. Introduction of an Ordinance amending the Ordinance Code of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida; amending Chapter 24 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance to provide for Public Hearings on applications for exception; providing applicants for exceptions must be owners or authorized agents or attorneys; providing for filing fees for exceptions and variances, and setting a Public Hearing for January 13, 1986 F. Introduction of an Ordinance, amending the Ordinance Code of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, to establish service charges and user fees for services not otherwise paid for by advalorem taxes, and setting of a Public Hearing for January 13, 1986 G. Introduction of an Ordinance, amending the Ordinance Code of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida; amending Chapter 24 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance to provide for permitted retail sales in a Commercial Limited district and setting of a Public Hearing for January 13, 1986 10. Miscellaneous business 11. Adjournment MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON DECEMBER 9, 1985 V V O O PRESENT: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner T T Robert B. Cook, Sr. E E Glenn A. Edwards D D William I. Gulliford, Jr. John W. Morris, Jr. , Commissioners M S AND: Richard C. Fellows, City Manager O E Claude L. Mullis, City Attorney T C Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk j O Y NAME OF ONEN COMMRS. N D S 0 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Howell. The invocation,offered by Commissioner Cook was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1. Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 25, 1985 Motion: The minutes of the regular Commission Meeting of November Cook x 25, 1985 be approved as written. Edwards x x Gulliford x x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Morris x * * * * * ;; * * * * * * ;ti * * * * * * * * * * * * Howell x 2. Recognition of Visitors . r. Heidrick, 320 7th St. asked when the Public Hearing would be held on a proposed rezoning on 7th St. Mayor Howell said the Ordinance would be introduced at the meeting of January 13, 1986 and a Public Hearing date would be set at that time. 3. Bid Openings A. Sealed proposals for construction of the westside force main in the Buccaneer Water and Sewer District Bids from the following firms were received and opened: 1. Inman & Associates Contractors, Jacksonville Bid Bond from Transamerica 2. B. B. McCormick & Sons, Jacksonville Beach Bid Bond from USF&G 3. McDonald Construction, Jacksonville Bid Bond from Wausau 4. Water/Sewer Utility Construction, Inc. ,Jacksonville No Bid Bond Tabulation of bids is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Motion: Bids be referred to Committee to report back at the next Cook x meeting. Edwards x x Gulliford x x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Morris x Howell appointed Commissioner Edwards, City Manager Fellows and Howell x Public Services Director Braid to serve on the committee. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PAGE TWO V V MINUTES NAME OF DECEMBER 9, 1985 COMMRS. MSYN Bid Openings - continued B. Sealed bids for the TV examination of the City of Atlantic Beach sewer collection system Bids from the following firms were received and opened: 1.Altair Maintenance Services, Inc. , Longwood, Fl. No bid bond 2,Griner & Associates, Orlando, Fl. No bid bond 3.Pollution-Solutions, Doctors Inlet,Fl. No bid bond 4.Southern Line Cleaning, Inc. , Sanford, Fl. No bid bond Tabulation of bids is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Motion: Bids be referred to Committee to report back at the next Cook x meeting. Edwards x x Gulliford x x Morris x Commissioner Morris asked if there would be any problem contracting Howell x the work without a bid bond and the City Attorney said no, as long as he contractor put up a performance bond. The question was called and ,.he motion carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ;: * * * Appearances: A. Mr. Bill Weathers of Southeastern Municipal Bonds to discuss several facets of Municipal Financing As the city had awarded a contract for the development of a master plan for Section H, Mr. Fellows felt it prudent to start considering the man,- ner of implementing the master plan financially and asked Mr. Bill Weathers of Southeastern Municipal Bonds to appear before the Commission. Mr. Weathers offered a summary of his sewer assessment bond program and also information on general municipal financing. Following his presenta- tion, Commissioner Gulliford asked about fees. Mr. Weathers said they belong to the Public Securities Association who has some recommended minimum fee schedules and they would be negotiated between Mr.Weathers and the city. The Mayor thanked Mr. Weathers for attending the meeting and would probably be in touch after the first of the year. A copy of the Master Plan, when received, will be sent to Mr. Weathers. B. Mr. Alvin Masters to clarify the legal description on a piece of property on Levy Road recently granted an exception. 'Ir. Masters presented his survey and the correct legal description for Lis automobile repair garage approved by the Commission as a Use by Exception. The application defined the area as located on Lot 3,BLK 53, on Levy Road, Section H. The correct description was Pt. Lot 2 and all of Lot 3, BLK 53, Section H. PAGE THREE V V MINUTES NAME OF DECEMBER 9, 1985 COMMRS. MS Y N Appearances - continued-Masters Motion: Pass the request by Mr. Alvin Masters to correct the legal Cook x description for his automobile repair garage on Levy Rd. Edwards x Gulliford x x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Morris x x * * x * * * ;: ;'c .. * :; t * * * * * :c * Howell x C. Mr. Don Ford to discuss proposed plans for his property on Church Rd. Mr. Don Ford, representing Mr. & Mrs. Bert Roundtree 640 Church Road re- quested Commission approval to construct three duplexes on their property parcel B, a PT. of Govt. LOT 1 SEC 18, Township 2 South Range 29E locat- ed south of Church Road. For ingress and egress to the three lots, (two 75' x 100' and one 87' x 100') Mr. Ford planned to dedicate to the city a 40' paved right-of-way and water lines constructed according to the city's specifications. A cul-de-sac will be constructed at the end of the street that will accommodate the city's sanitation trucks. Motion: Approve the concept submitted by Mr. Ford and suggest he go Cook x through the proper procedure. Gulliford x During discussion before the vote, Commissioner Morris asked if the ity's requirement for streets was 60' . Mr. Fellows replied on a local -treet with curbs and gutters a 50' right-of-way was acceptable but the City Commission did have the right to modify those sub-division regula- tions if they deemed it appropriate. Commissioner Morris said he would have a problem with a 40' right-of-way. Mayor Howell agreed except for the fact the proposed right-of-way was merely a driveway and didn't go anywhere. He expressed the opinion the dedication of the road to the city was more of a requirement in the city's Ordinances that stated no building permit will be issued without ingress and egress to the property. The question was called and the motion carried with a four Cook x to one vote. Commissioner Morris voted no. Edwards x Gulliford x Morris x ;c ;; * * k x * * * * ;: * :c * ,. * x x t * x ;c * * 9c Howell x 5. Mayor Howell to report on the City's recently acquired insurance package Mayor Howell reported the City was advised recently by the Insurance Co. that they would not renew their windstorm coverage on the buildings. The Insurance Co. suggested the city go to the Windstorm Pool for cover- age. Unfortunately, anything west of East Coast Drive was not allowable for coverage under Windstorm Pool. Subsequently St. Pauls was awarded the contract. In researching the policies, Mayor Howell discovered there was a good part of the city's equipment, particularly the big electric motors and blowers, etc. at the lift stations and sewer plants were not `ully covered. He offered a bid from St. Pauls for additional coverage or a total limit of $1,000,000 with a $1 ,000 deductible for a cost of $2,185. The policy would cover all lift stations,& all equipment that is eligible for boiler and machinery, including Buccaneer's plant. Some portion of the cost could be allocated to Buccaneer. PAGE FOUR V V MINUTES NAME OF DECEMBER 9,1985 COMMRS. MSYN 5. Continued Motion: Waive the bid requirement and on emergency, purchase the Cook x x Boiler and Machinery insurance policy at a cost of $2, 185. Edwards x Allocate a portion of the cost to Buccaneer Water & Sewer Gulliford x x District. Morris x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Howell x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 6.Discussion of a request from BSM Partners to assign their interest in a certain developer agreement and construction agreement dated May 17, 1985, to The Development Group. The City Attorney advised he had reviewed and approved for form and con- tent the developer agreement and construction agreement that BSM Partne's requested to be assigned to The Development Group, and added it would be an additional facility to the line, constructed at no cost to the city and the Buccaneer Water & Sewer District, and would increase the revenue of that district. Commissioner Morris suggested the item be deferred. Mr. Fellows explained the transaction on the property located at Maypor: Road and AIA did not change anything asfar as the city was concerned. The letter of credit remained the same, and the Development Group had sked for an increase in capacity and was going to give the city an in- -,.rease in a letter of credit of an additional $22,000, so it was to the advantage of the city to concur in the assignment. There were no more obligations for the city other than they had already agreed to in the first assignment, and that was to build the third tank at a time in the future. Mayor Howell asked what would be the effect in not granting it. Mr. Mullis said it would probably fall through. Motion: Approve the request from BSM to assign their interests to Cook x the Development Group and subject to the recapture of any Edwards x and all legal expenses incurred in such assignment and any Gulliford x x other costs. Morris x x Howell x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ;: .. * * * ;: * * * * * 7. Action by the City Commission to authorize advertising for a new high service pump and 8-inch compound meter for furnishing water and fire protection service to off-base Naval housing The City Commission offered no objection to advertising for a new high service pump and 8-inch compound meter for furnishing water and fire protection service to off-base Naval housing. 8. Resolution # 85-29 ayor Howell presented and read in full Resolution No. 85-29, a Resolu- tion authorizing the City of Atlantic Beach to participate in the Federal Surplus Property Program. PAGE FIVE V V MINUTES NAME OF DECEMBER 9, 1985 COMMRS. MSYN Resolutions - continued Motion: Adopt said Resolution. Copy of Resolution 85-29 is attached Cook x x hereto and made a part hereof. Edwards x Gulliford x x No discussion before the vote.. Motion carried unanimously. Morris x * * * * * * * ,. * ;; * * ,. * ,. * * * * * * * ,. * * * * * Howell x Action on Ordinances A. Public Hearing and Final Reading on Ordinance No. 55-85-21 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AMENDING CHAPTER 16 REFUSE AND GARBAGE, SECTION 16-1 DEFINITIONS TO RE- STRUCTURE AND SIMPLIFY THE DEFINITIONS; AMENDING 16-2 GARBAGE CANS AND TRASH CONTAINERS TO PROVIDE FOR THE USE OF COMMERCIAL DUMPSTERS; AMEND- ING SECTION 16-7 FEES FOR COLLECTION TO INCREASE RESIDENTIAL AND COMMER- CIAL RATES; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Howell presented Ordinance No. 55-85-21 in full, in writing on second and final reading. Said Ordinance was posted in line with Charter requirements. Mayor Howell opened the floor for a Public Hearing. Mrs. orma Wiley, 490 Mako Drive said she did not object to the increase ._s long as the garbage crew picked up her trash on a regular basis. She said she had four bottles in a can for two weeks before they were picked up. Mrs. Della Koenig, 780 Redfin Drive objected and suggested cutting back the number of days garbage would be picked up. Mayor Howell said that had been tried once and no one wanted to give up six days per week. He said if enough people wanted to cut back the service, he would be glad to take a look at it. As no one else spoke for or against, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Motion: Passage of Ordinance No.55-85-21 on second and final Cook x reading. Edwards x x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Gulliford x x Morris x * * * * :; * * * ;: * * * * * * * * * * * * ,. * * Howellx B. Public Hearing and Final Reading on Ordinance No. 95-85-27 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA AMENDING CHAPTER 14, ARTICLE II, SECTION 14-17 TO CHANGE THE COM- POSITON OF THE ADVISORY PLANNING BOARD FROM FOUR MEMBERS TO FIVE MEMBERS, AMENDING CHAPTER 14-18 TO ELIMINATE THE PROVISION THAT A COMMISSIONER MAY SUCCEED HIMSELF ON THE BOARD; AMENDING SECTION 14-21 TO PROVIDE THE PRO- CEDURES FOR TRANSMITTING RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE ADVISORY PLANNING BOA-1D TO THE CITY COMMISSION; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ayor Howell presented Ordinance No. 95-85-27 in full, in writing, on second and final reading. Said Ordinance was posted in line with Charter requirements. The Mayor opened the floor for a Public Hearing and invited comments from the floor. As no one spoke for or against, the Mayor PAGE SIX V V MINUTES NAME OF DECEMBER 9,1985 COMMRS. MSYN Action on Ordinances - continued declared the Public Hearing closed. Motion: Passage of Ordinance No. 95-85-27 on second and final Cook x reading. Edwards x Gulliford x x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Morris x x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ;: * * * * * * k * * * :: ;c Howell x C. Public Hearing and Final Reading on Ordinance No. 80-85-29 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA; AMENDING CHAPTER 22, ARTICLE II, TO CREATE A NEW SECITON 22-40, TO PROVIDE THAT WELLS WILL REQUIRE A PERMIT FROM THE CITY; CREATING SEC- TION 22-41, TO REQUIRE BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING ON WELLS DESIGNED FOR POTABLE USE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Howell presented Ordinance No. 80-85-29 in full, in writing on second and final reading. Said Ordinance was posted in line with Charter requirements. The Mayor opened the floor for a Public Hearing and in- vited comments from the floor. As no one spoke for or against, the ayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Motion: Passage of Ordinance No. 80-85-29 on second and final Cook x x reading. Edwards x x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Morris x ;: * * * * * * ;: * * * * * * * * * * ;'c * * * * * * * * * Howell x D.Ordinance No. 58-85-6 - First Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA; AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE VI, SECTION 2-271 TO PROVIDE FOR MEMBERSHIP IN THE RETIREMENT SYSTEM FOR ELECTED OFFICIALS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Howell introduced proposed Ordinance No. 58-85-6 in full, in writing on first reading. Motion: Passage of Ordinance No. 58-85-6 on first reading. Cook x Edwards x x Commissioner Morris asked under Sec. 2-271 (a) if that meant part- Gulliford x time employees and Mr. Fellows replied that was addressed under (b)1 Morris x x "shall not include any city employee who is employed in a position Howell x normally requiring less than one thousand (1,000) hours per annum (This does not include elected officials who, by their application, have be- ome members of the system.) The State says you shall provide this for lected officials. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Howell set the Public Hearing for January 13, 1986. • PAGE SEVEN V V MINUTES NAME OF DECEMBER 9, 1985 COMMRS. MS Y N Action on Ordinances - continued E. Ordinance No. 90-85-97 - First Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA; AMENDING CHAPTER 24, ARTICLE III, DIVISION 3, SECTION 24-63, SUB-PARAGRAPH (1) and (2)e TO PROVIDE APPLICATIONS FOR EXCEPTION SHALL ONLY BE FILED AND SIGNED BY THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY OR THEIR AUTHORIZ- ED AGENT OR ATTORNEY; AMENDING SUB-PARAGRAPH 2 TO CREATE ITEM f. TO ES- TABLISH A FILING FEE; AMENDING SUB-PARAGRAPH 5 TO PROVIDE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING AFTER DUE PUBLIC NOTICE; AMENDING SECTION 24-64 SUB-PARAGRAPH (2) TO PROVIDE FOR A FILING FEE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Howell introduced proposed Ordinance No. 90-85-97 in full, in writing on first reading. Motion: Passage of said Ordinance on first reading. Cook x Edwards x x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Morris x x Mayor Howell set the Public Hearing for January 13, 1986. Howell x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ;; * * * * ;: * * * * * .Ordinance No. 5-85-15 - First Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA; AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE VII, TO CREATE DIVISION 4, AUTHORI- ZING SERVICE CHARGES AND USER FEES; AMENDING CHAPTER 22, ARTICLE II SECTION 22-22 AND CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE III, DIVISION 7, SECTION 22-174 TO CONFORM WITH SAID AUTHORIZED SERVICE CHARGES AND USER FEES; PROVIDING AN EFFECT- IVE DATE. Mayor Howell introduced proposed Ordinance No. 5-85-15 in full, in writing on first reading. Motion: Passage of said Ordinance on first reading. Cook x x Edwards x Gulliford x x Commissioner Morris asked if any rates had changed. Mr. Fellows said Morris x the fee to establish service after cut-off was increased from $10.00 Howell x to $15.00. Mayor Howell stated they were putting into an Ordinance and law certain fees that were mandated, not legislated. Following discussion the question was called and the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Howell set the Public Hearing for January 13, 1986. * * * * * ;: * * * ;; * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * G. ORDINANCE NO. 90-85-98 - First Reading '.N ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, 'LORIDA; AMENDING CHAPTER 24, ARTICLE III, DIVISION 5, SECTION 24-110, TO PROVIDE FOR LIMITED RETAIL SALES IN THE COMMERCIAL LIMITED DISTRICTS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. PAGE EIGHT V V MINUTES NAME OF DECEMBER 9, 1985 COMMRS. MSYN Action on Ordinances - continued - G Mayor Howell introduced proposed Ordinance No.90-85-98 in full, in writing on first reading. Motion: Passage of said Ordinance on first reading. Cook x Edwards x x Gulliford x x Commissioner Cook asked if drive-ins would, or would not, be allowed Morris x under Section (C) (4) . Mr. Fellows explained the present Ordinance Howell x reads "Restaurants, 4 t_41xd,w.e,a L Commissioner Gulliford commented if "drive-ins"were struck through in the present Ordinance then that would mean any restaurant, even one which was a drive-in, would be allowed in the proposed Ordinance. Mr. Fellows stated he was under the impression the intent now was to allow drive-in restaurants under CL zoning as a Use by Exception. Commissioner Cook said if the Ordi- nance was going to be changed then that should be changed also as to the correct intent. Should drive-ins be allowed or not. Mr. Fellows will clarify the matter at the Public Hearing. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. The Mayor set the Public Hearing for January 13, 1986. * * * * * s; * * * * * * * * ;: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * _:iscellaneous Business Commissioner Cook was joined by the Commission in extending to all "Best Wishes for a Very Happy Holiday Season." Commissioner Morris requested action be taken on the appointment to the Advisory Planning Board as he wanted to nominate Guy Jennings. Motion: Nominate Mr. Guy Jennings to succeed himself on the Advi- Cook x sory Planning Board effective December 31, 1985 - December Edwards x 31, 1989. Gulliford x x Morris x x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Howell x * * * * *- * * * *• * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Mayor Howell advised the Commission he had received a letter from Representative John Lewis, Chairman of the Duval Delegation stating he was in receipt of a letter from Mr. Gilchrist Stockton, North Fla. Beaches Association asking the Legislature take the necessary steps to bring the area of North Atlantic Beach and Seminole Beach into the City of Atlantic Beach. Mr. Lewis responded to Mr. Stockton say- ing they would like to accommodate those residents if it was agree- ed to by the City of Atlantic Beach and the City of Jacksonville. He expressed the opinion the Commission should advise the Legislature `hey had no objection to that subject to certain problems resolved ind discussions held with all interested parties prior to such a bill being passed. Commissioner Gulliford asked if that meant a vote would not be required. Mayor Howell said he was 100% against the City of • • PAGE NINE V V MINUTES NAME OF DECEMBER 9,1985 COMMRS. M S Y N Miscellaneous Business - continued Atlantic Beach annexing anything without a vote in the area to be annexed and without the people of the City of Atlantic Beach voting on whether they want them annexed. Commissioner Gulliford agreed and said the Delegation should take the lead and a meeting of all the interested parties and the Delegation should be set. Commission agreed and in- structed Mayor Howell to proceed along those lines and report back. Mr. Fellows reported back when the City employed Mr. Robert Stubbs to do a study on establishing sewer rates which was subsequently approved by DER, members of the Commission would recall that Ordinance did not include a provision that the City could put a surcharge on outside the city. Through Mr. Mullis's efforts, the matter was negotiated out, but during that interim period the Ordinance was in a static position. Once the surcharge was approved, the City Commission passed the Ordinance in order to begin drawing down on the grant. After passing the Ordinance and fine tuning on the commercial aspect, he found adjustments needed to be made so that the commercial charges are equitable in that those large firms pay a large amount and the small firms pay a small amount. He stated if the Commission had no objection .e did not intend to implement the Ordinance on January 1,1986. Motion: The rate increases not be implemented on January 1,1986 Cook x x but be implemented at the second quarter of 1986. Edwards x Gulliford x Morris x x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Howell x * * * * * * * .. -* * * * .. * * * :: :: * * * * '.°. * * * * * * .. * * There being no other business to come before the Commission, he Mayor declared the meeting adjourned. Zi/V it m S. Howell Mayor/Presiding Officer ATTEST: Adelaide R. Tucker City Clerk innuLAliun ur BUM ! DIte of Opening December 9, 1985 Westside Force Main 1 CITY OF FOR ATLANTIC BEACH Sewer 535 Buccaneer Water & Sewer D st . FLORIDA 17cpnrtment _ i Buccaneer r c Inman & Associates McDonald B.B. McCormick & Som. Water/Sewer . Jacksonville Construction Jacksonville Beach Utility Const. BID NUMBER Jacksonville Jacksonville I' Brief Description ;Unit Price Ext. Pric(Unit Price• Price nit Pri..- • Price Unit Pric_ab. .. .Pric Pr Price 222-tPr1ce c*•._P•-;� 1 Force Main SDR21 PVC 1111111111: 124,088.60 124,400.00 145,800.00 153,912.90 2 Atl : Use DR18 PVC i ;` 131 ,259.60 ** 129,400.00 153,300.00 165,571 .50 I I 3 5% Bid Bond Yes Yes Yes i No Y • [ i I 1 t-- • 7---.---r----7---. i 7 f i i i NM • ' fin , All prices include Performance and Payment Bond as bid * Apparent low bid for SDR21 PVC Amount Budgeted ** Apparent low bid for SD18 PVC • 62.�61410 TV Clean & Seal Sewer System CITY OF Date of Opening December 9, 1985 FOR ATLANTIC BEACH FLORIDA Department Sewer 535 Altair Maintenance Southern Line Griner r Pollution-Solutions Services, Inc. Cleaning, Inc. Orlando, Fl . Doctors Inlet, Fl. BID NUMBER Longwood, Fl. Sanford, Fl. I'1111 , Brief Description Unit Price btt. ic`�Unit Pricet• Price Ext. price 1 1 nit Price, tint PriceEct.. .Pric it ?ricerct. PriceltinitPr ,-,- 1-6 Televising/Cleaning 18,274 .00 27,710.00 33,922.00 38,580.00 7 Sealing 8" joints (each) 78.50 3.50 10.00 + 14.95 , 0 4 8 Sealing 10" joints (each) 83.00 4.00 17 00 19.95 1------1 1------- I J 9 Sealing 12" joints (each) 87.50 4.50 14 .00 a 23.95 f .____3_._._..._._..._________ 4 # 10 Sealing Manholes (each) 1 ,000.00 395.00 e 450.00 25.00* _--4 Type Sealing Material Acrylamide Acrylamide CR5610 Chemical Grout Acrylamide . 4 1 1 -� �y i 1 / 2 '..0 I : i fin , Pollution-Solutions -- Sealing of Manholes start at $25.00 and go up dPppnding on conditions and methods. Can be negotiated. Amount Budgeted ar- 4001 r • . • • • ELIGIB • ITY APPLICATION FOR PUBLIC AGENCIES FEDERAL SURPLUS PROPERTY UTILIZATION PROGRAM Legal Name of Applicant City of Atlantic Beach Address 716 Ocean Boulevard, Atlantic Beach, Florida Zip 3223 County Duval Area Code 904 Telephone 249-2395 Date Agency began Operation Municipality 1957 • 1. Check type of Agency: (See definitions on reverse side) a. Conservation f. State Agency . b. Economic Development ---- g. County Govt. -- c. Parks & Recreation --__ h. City Government d. Public Safety i. Indian tribe, group, band, • e. Museum ---- Pueblo (State Reser-_-_- vation only) j . Other ---' 2. Attach a narrative which describes the program and services offered. Also attach evidence that the applicant is a public agency. 3. How is the activity funded: (Show percentages) a. Tax-supported (other than by grant) XX b. By grant and/or contributions c. Other (specify) 4. Attach completed Assurance of Compliance with GSA Regulations under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 , Section 606 of Title VI of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 , as amended, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 , as amended. 5. Attach an Authorization Document completed by the Governing Board or Body designating one or more representatives to act for the applicant acquiring property from the State Agency, tc m iictt he expenditure of funds , and to execute the State Agency' s / issue sheet, including Terms , Conditions , Reservations , and Re- strictions that the State Agency or GSA may- establish on the property. SIGNATURE: ` i �' A Please print name DATE: �a`' �3 -8 on this line: Richard C. Fellows - TITLE: City Manager FOR STATE AGENCY USE Date Approved: Date Disapproved: Conditional Eligibility Director: . Definitions - p �•-ic Acencies Means a am or programs carried out or promoted 1. byna Conservation:agency for public purposes involving directly or in- directly a public ag y maintenance , development , and restoration directly the protection, of the natural resources of a given political area. These resources. include but are not limited to the air, land, `forests , water, rivers , streams , lakes and ponds , minerals , and animals , fish, and other wildlife. -amp carried out or 2. Economic Development: Meansa program or involve promoted by a public agency for publicwh whichninvol of a directly or indirectly efforts to improve the op_ or given political area for the sagriculturalcstabanshsmertfarilip facilities of industrial, commercial, orrefm imitoement and which otherwise assist in the creation neoftlong ng termploplo or opportunities in the area or primarily those with low incomes. �•ra carried out 3. Parks and Recreation: Means a program or pro uses which involve or promoted by a public agency for public pure directly or indirectly the acquisition , development , imp roiement, maintenance , and protection of park and recreational for the residents of a given political area. Such and facilitiesc include but are not limitedoo farks , playgroupprscs , nature facilities , and nature fields , swimming pools , g trails . 4. Public Safety: Means a program or programs carried out or promoted by a public agency for public purposes involving, directly or in- directly, the protection, safety, law enforcement activities , and criminal justice system of a given political area. Public safety iI programs may include but are not limited to those carried out by public police departments , sheriffs' offices , the courts , penal and correctional institutcand1firejuvenile rtmentslanderescueState and civil defense organizations , squads including volunteer fire departments and rescue squads supported in whole ' or in part with public funds. 5. Museum: Means a public or nonprofit facility which is attended by the public free or at a nominal charge and which provides museum services including- the preservation and exhibition of artistic , cultural, historical or scientific objects . • Surplus personal 6. State , County and City Governmental Acencies :must be luused by the property acquired through the State Agency�ruste esiddntofh a • public agency to carry out or to promote for the residents the Act given political area one or more public purposes . lists certain development , edcific ucatiolic n,parks andoses has recreation ,apublic safety economic develop , this enumeration is not exclusive and is not intended to preclude the acquisition of donable surplus personal property byam publiconducted agency for other public purposes. Each public progr designated departments , agencies , or other instrumentalities of the State and/or local governments. 7. Indian Tribe , Band, Group , Pueblo , or Community: May be certified for participation in the Federal Surplus Property Donation Program only if located on a State Reservation. 1 ZuamaaaSr sTRa 'par :Zuamaai2r sTga ;o auemanao;ua TeT1Tpnr Baas oa atBTa ata anat.' TTegs saae;s pz:Tan aua aega :Lasadosd Runs Aar ;o uotssassod so dTgsaaa.--.o st:Teaas aT quTt- Sufsnp pc-pad ata ay; aauop ata aaesTToi TTegs ausmaaa2r sTR: arta :sIIoTarTn2as pies ;o stuzsTnoad aq: oa :auadsa: TTp aT auargns aq its auamaaa2r sTRZ aega saa1,8e aataan; aauop aga, •Zaamaaa$e sTga aar:.ana;;a o: Larssauau saanssam Aar axEa LTaarTpw, } ITTn 2ru2, auaeanssy saATO Aga/PH pup :noTaraasTuTmpy sauTAaas TraauaO arra moa; auapasTssa Teaapa/ paATauaa aauop aq: tuTgn so; LaTATane so mra2oid Lar sapan uoTaruTmTansTp as paauaCgns aq so ';o saT;auaq ata paTuap aq 'IIT uoTapdTnTasrd moi; papnTaxa aq 'dzo -Tparg ata ;o uossaa £q LTaTos ilrgs uossad paddryTpazg paz;TTEnb asTru agao on arta so 'ate so 'xas 'aT2T.io TraoTaeII 'SOTon 'auEa ;o panoa8 aq: uo TTrRs saaras Pa:Tun aqa IIT uossad ou arta pua ata oa '5L6T 30 any uuT euTmTSn -sTQ aBy aqa ;o EOE uoTauas par 'Papua= se `ZL6T ;o sauacpaamy nozaronpg aqa ;0 aTaTS 'Papua= se 'EL6T 3o any u072e:ITT4etali aqa 30 705 uoTauas 'papaamp sr '676T ;o any sauTAaas aATaeaasTIITmpy pare Laaadoaa Tesapa. aq1 30 IA aTaTS 30 909 uoTauas '796I 30 any sa4$T8 TTATO 241 ;o IA aTZTZ ;o' suoTsTnosd aq: iapun panssT (g-TOT 2o .'Z•9-TOT F.20 T7) uoTleaai-u«py sauTAsas TraauaO aga ;0 suoT:rTn2ai aqa oa aurnsand so Ag pasodmT s:aamaaTnbea Ire 'q:TA LTdmou o1 mra8oad pies aapun saT;auaq so sanTnses apTAoad oa pazTsogane sT aauop aga tpp sauamafaraap sagao so Trnaoe_auon R2noaR: otn (LZTaua T22aT Atm) uossad sagao Aar aaTnbaa TTS pine Ra Tri LTdmoo TTTft aauop aq: pup 'tarn anurTTdmou uT paannpuon aq TTTri aauop aq: oa paaruop sT Lasadoad LISP tpTgn gain uoTaoaauou IIT ao so; me.z2osd at1 2eT41 saam2r (aaaop ;o amex) Lgaaag .,'aauop„ aryl paTTEu saa;rIITasaq ' tiosag oTti2j]v 3o f TD '5L6T 30 auY %'noTaruTmTaysTQ a2y aq: 3o EOE uoTauas par 'papuame se `ZL6T 30 sluampuamy uoT:sunpp aq1 30 gI aTaTS 'PaPua=e se 'EL6T 30 any uoTaelTITgetali ata 30 705 IIOTauas 'papu = se `676T 3o auy sanTAaas aAT:razsTuTmpy pue Lzaadoad TezaPar aqa ;o IA aTaTS 30 909 noTanas `796T 30 any s2g2T11 TTATO aq# 3o IA aTaTS aapan suoTartnSal YS9 qaT- ' auaeTTdmoO 3o azueanssy • • .'EL6T 'LT argozn0 aa1;E par uo LnuaSy Laaadoaa snTd=ns • aaras aq: mos; Laaadoad TEuossad snTdans go suoTaeuop 2=7ATanaa oz aoTsd LaTATaue aauop 3o aATaraa:asasdaa pa:Taogane Lq palnuaxa aq o1 auaranssy auuranssy aaTar Tanstpuo4 • shall :e binding upon any successor in interest of :he dome and the word "donee" as used herein includes any such successor in interest. • Dated December 9, 1985 City of Atlantic Beach Donee • By William S. Howell, Mayor (President/Chairman of the Board or cot-!g=able a::t`.ori=ad official) 716 Ocean Boulevard Atlantic Beach • Florida 32233 E Donee wiling address • =VEY OF FROPERTI HE=DS, RFSct RC::S • - AND vmmzATIoN CAPABILITZ25 The State Agency for Federal Property Assistance, to more equitably serve the needs of all participants, requests the below information and stipulates that the data submitted will be used only for the purpose of facilitating the fair and r equitable .distribution 1976 pamends theand Federal other purpose.: Public Law 94-519, Gctabe Property and Adainistrative Services Act of 1949 and mandates that the State Agency will provide for fair and equitable distribution of property • within the State based upon relative needs, resources and ability to utilize available personal surplus property. This survey will be used to make those • determinations. Your cooperation in supplying the requested data will be appreciated. • I. General Data - A. Type of agency: • XX Public Agency ( 1 Private Nonprofit Institution { ! • , 3. Resources Available: 1. Funding source - • • Tax appropriated funds = Federal or State Grant • 177-i • CTuition or charges for service Donations or contributions 2. Statement of relative financial ability (budget Limitations, inability to purchase from commercial sources, extraordinary economic problems, etc.): • Note: Other factors may be considered in the distribution of available property such as , per capita income of residents of area, assessed property values, economic ranking, and other data as published in the Statistical Report of the Department of Revenue and other similar report: - C. Population served: D. Capability for repair and maintenance of property: E. Ability to utilize requested property ( statement of utilization potential, ongoing need, temporary need, reserve backup, etc) : • II. Specific Needs Indicate major items not generally available in :he agency distribution" centers such as, but not limited to, aircraft and components; vessels nd ortats; and components; vehicles and components; constriction equip heavy construction materials; material handling equipment and components; generators; ecmpressors; musical instruments; machine tools and components; scientific equipment; photographic equipment; printing equipment; _eirigeratinn equipment; transportation equipment; shop equipment; computer s and cmm- ponents; reproduction equipment; major items of electronics; and other specialized items of property. • Item Descrittion Var_at_va T:stif'_cation (?s-mese) •• • • • • • • • J • • r IIZ. Shinning tnstrsc='_cns . ' Direct pick-up at federal holding agencyHeti-cap at Agency distribution center = Ship directly "by common carrier Data Eligible Organisation Cama=y,:g Oft--=al • AQTECRZZA'PZ'ON DaCZTh NT WEE REAS , the Florida State Agency known as the Division of Surplus Property , Department of General Services , by authority of the Federal Property and Ac37ni 'tistrative Services Act of 1949 as amended, makes available federal surplus personal property to public agencies for public purposes , and to nonprofit tax-exempt health and educa- tional institutions , and • manexs , City of Atlantic Beach , hereafter referred to (Applicant Organization) as the applicant, is desirous of utilizing the services and resources of this Agency, and WEEQEAS , the Applicant further certifies that property is needed and will be used by the recipient for carrying out or • promoting for the residents of a given political area one or . • more public purposes and for no other purposes , and WSEIREAS , the Applicant further certifies that property is needed and will be used by the recipient for educational or health purposes including research and for no other purpose, and WHEREAS , the Applicant agrees that all items of property shall be placed is tse for the purposes for which acquired within one year of receipt and shall be continued in use for such purposes for one year from the date the property was placed in use, and in the event the property is not so placed in use , or continued in use , the donee shall immediately notify the State agency, and return said property to the State agency as directed, and • • BE IT FURZEER RESOLVED, that the City of Atlantic Beach (Applicant organization) hereby car`..iifes that he has read and understands the 'above. December 9, 1985 / // (Date) • (Signature') 716 Ocean Boulevard Mayor (Address & Zip) (Title) Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 City of Atlantic Beach (Agen cy) 249-2395 (Telephone) Persons authorized to sign for and receive property and coazaj,.t the expenditure of. funds : Richard C. Fellows (Print) • Robert Braid (Print) Chief David Thompson (Print) Chief Wayne Royal (Print) Harry Royal VRED BY Maureen King please print 249-2395 : (ozs `dmiosq 'masses `pssu 6sssodszaz 'pssu 2uToSuo 'Is;zuszod uoTzs=Tlrzn ;o zuams:szs ) Lzstdosd persenbsz szTlTzn oz 6z7ITRY 'a :Lzsadoad ;o soususzuTem pus sTsdas so; lzTtTq.dso -a :pamsas uoTzstndoa -o sodas srITETTs segzo pus anuanag ;o zusmasedsc a g: sgz ; so IsoTTzszs vA sdoad uT pa sTvRnd ersp ssgzo pus SuTuss opuoosssntzspassasrs `sass ;o rzuspTsas ;o smoouT s:Tdeo sad `se Tons !►zsadosd wigs'IT4It ;o uoTzag7. S p aqz UT psJapTsuoo 's ism s.o:os; ssgz p :szox psod o2 `.scralgoad oTmouaoa6ssuTpsnss:�TIT4s ITToasuT;issosnos 'WTzslasmos; ;°szua�a3szs 'Z 6=TtTgsuT `suoT:s:TmTI ze$p q) suoTzngTazuoo so suoTzsuoa D soTnass so; se8ssgo so uoTzTn1,• • suss o Inns so /wasps/ III spun; pszsTsdosdds xs I XX • • - 'Dano' 8uTpuna 't • :'IgvITsny saosnosag 'E uoTznzT:sul zT;osduox 'zsnTs;a 1 1 6.oue8y oTlgna XX :6.'ua8s ;o iodic, •V e:ea IYSatiPD .1 • • •pszsToesdds sq /Ty% szVP pszssnbss sg: 8uT6lddns uT uoTzsssd000 sno;, -suoTzsuTazsazsP • smog: sxtm oz peso sq I/Tr% i'n'ns sTgy •Lossdosd snldsns Isuossed atgs/Tams szTlTzn o: ZZTlTgs pus ssosnosss 'spssu s,Tzstss uodn pyres ':szS sqz uTgzT^ . 6.zssdosd ;o uoTzngTazsTP slgszTabs pus sTs; so; spTnosd min Lousily szszs sqz ssgz s'zspusm Pus 696/ ° zoV ssoTnsss snTzssasTuTmPV pus Lzssdosa Isssps3 sg: spasms 49L6t 'LI ssgozop '6/S-42,6 ?s'I or qna •''ssodand ssgzo ou so; pus Assdosd ;o uoTzngTs:;Tp stgszTnbs pus sTs; sgz SuT:s:TITos; ;o ssodsnd sq: so; 6luo past sq IIT% p'::Tmgns szsp sg: zegz sszstndTzs pus uoTzsmso;ul mo/sq sqz szssnbas 'szusdToTzasd Its ;o 'pssu sqz ams ss 6lgszTi►hs ssoaa oz `soutzsTssy Lzssdosa Isssps3 so; Lousiy szszS ecu Sa'.ST IIBVdt'D NOISrZI'Ilc.tl awe SZDIEnoS3E 'yam Ixessaosa za 7.3huns • • Nondiscrimination Assurance Assurance to be executed by authorized representative of donee activity prior to receiving donations of surplus personal property from the State Surplus Property Agency on and after October 17, 1977. AssGSA • urance of Compliance with Regulations under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 606 of Title VI of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended, and Section 303 of the Age Discrimination' Act of 1975. City of Atlantic Beach , hereinafter called the "donee," hereby (Name of donee) agrees that the program for or in connection with which any property is donated to the donee will be conducted in compliance with, and the donee will comply with and will require any other person (any legal entity) who through contractual or other arrangements with the donee is authorized to provide services or benefits under said program to comply with, all requirements imposed by or pursuant to the regulations of the General Services Administration (41 CFS 1Q1-6.2,, or 101-8) issued under the provisions .of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 606 of Title VI of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended, and Section 303 of the Age Dis- crirrignation Act of 1975, to the end that no person in the United States shall on the ground of race, color, national origin, sex, or age, or that no otherwise qualified handicapped person shall solely by reason of the handi- cap, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for which the donee received Federal assistance from the General Services Administration; and Hereby Gives Assurance That it will immediately take any measures necessary to effectuate this agreement. The donee further agrees that this agreement shall be subject in all respects to the provisions of said regulations; that this agreement shall obligate the donee for the period during which it retains ownership or possession of any such property; that the United States shall have the right to seek judicial enforcement of this agreement; and, this agreement '.Y • • II. Specific `Ueda Lndicata major items not generally available is the agency distribution• • cancers such as, but not limited to, aircraft and components; vessels and components; vehicles and components; construction equipment and components; heavy construction materials; material handling equipment and .components; generators; compressors; musical instruments; machine tools and componentf ^esztiaa scientific equipment; photographic equipment; printing equipment; d equipment; transportation equipment; shop equipment; computers and cam patients; reproduction equipment; major items of electronics; and other specialised items of property. Item Description Narrative Justification (7nrnose) • • • • • - III. Sniooin; /nit:notions ►� Direct pick-up it federal holding agency ?ick-up at Agency distribution center Ship directly -by common carrier 1985 City of Atlantic Beach Batt December 24, -gable Or-ani:ation :rt . ing Offic shall :e binding upon any successor in interest of the dunce and the _ord "donee" as used herein includes any such successor is interest. • Dated December 9, 1985 City of Atlantic Beach D• / gy Wi iam S. Howell, Mayor (President/Chairman of the 3oard or comra=abla a-.;:pori:ed official) 716 Ocean Boulevard • Atlantic Beach Florida 32233 • Donee mailing address • • • •