11-22-65 v C7TY OF ATLAVTIC 113AC7,
NOVEMBER 22 1965
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation
3 . Approval of Minutes of meeting November 8, 1%5
4. P.,z,cognition of Visitors
5. Firs. Dorothy Butt
6. Building Permit Applications
(a) Bill Donnell - Chalet Vienna
7. Correspondence -
(a) Jax. Humane Society Reports March through October 1965.
(b) Jack Shannon - Special Sewer Assessment on Lots 3 thru
6, Block 84, Section H.
8. Advisory Planning Board Minutes over 18. 1,-965.
9. Transfer funds - Accts. 1501 to 1411 - Resolution 45-37/
10. Pire and Police chief
11. City Manager Report
12. Commissioners
13. Adjourn
. s
22, 1965 AT 8 :00 P. M.
Wm. S. Howell
John W. Weldon
Donald L. Goodling
Louis C. Holloway, Jr
Walter J. Parks, Jr. , Commissioners
Frank Thompson, City Attorney
Arthur J. Craig, City Manager
Adele S. Grage, City Clerk
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner,
Mr. Howell.
The Invocation was given by Commissioner Parks.
Mr. Howell called for any additions or corrections to the
Minutes of November 8, 1965 . Mr. Goodling advised the
correct date of the expiration of the Electric Franchise
with City of Jacksonville is January 1969 instead of
December 1968. Commissioner Holloway moved approval of the
Minutes of November 8, 1965 with this correction as noted,
seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried.
Mayor Howell recognized visitors present and called for any
business from the floor not on the agenda. There was none.
Mrs. Dorothy Butt appeared on b€?la'_f of interested citizens
to bring to the attention of the Commission the great need
to clean up Atlantic Beach. She presented charts emphasi-
zing (1) Clean-up, (2) Curbing, Guttering and drainage,
(3) Beautification, (4) Comprehensive Plan for development.
All these had the questions - How, When, Who, Where, Why,
and which Commissioner would be responsible? These questions
were discussed at length . As to beautification at the
Shopping Center, Mr. Donnell advised plans are being laid
out now for garden tract in front of Pic 'N Save and the
Theatre, and they expect to have the mess cleared up and will
be happy to co-operate with us in putting street across
tract. It was agreed the questions of beautification, zoning
etc. , are problems we are all interested in and have been
studying for years.:"he estimated costs of curbing, guttering,
and paving has been prohibitive to date. Mr. Howell advised
that Congressman Bennett is to send us information as to any
beautification help by Washington.
. • ..
Minutes 11-22-65 Page 2
After further discussion, Mayor Howell advised we will see
what can be done, and thanked Mrs. Butt for her presentation
and interest.
A request for a building permit was presented by Mr. Bill
Donnell to construct a restaurant "Chalet Vienna" on the
east side of Sailfish East in the tract north of the Ameri-
can Oil Company station. Mr. Parks brought out that plans
for restaurants, hotels, etc. , require signature of register-
ed architect. It was noted the plans have been approved by
the Hotel and Restaurant Commission and are signed by an
engineer, which is in line with new state requirements. Mr.
Craig advised he has not checked these plans as Mr. Donnell
did not get them in until tonight. There was a discussion of
location of building, parking space, new street right-of-way,
fire extinguishing system, required inspection, requirement
of ordinances etc. , Mr. Weldon moved that the matter be
referred to the City Manager for study and checking as to
appropriateness of plans, conformity to building code and
as to whether we can work out street, so that can recommend
action at next meeting, seconded by Mr. Parks, and there
was further discussion as to inspection and whether City
Ordinance requires .
Mr. Howell who had to leave for an appointment turned the
meeting over to Mr. Weldon.
Continuing on Mr. Donnell ' s request for permit, Mr. Goodling
requested that the City Manager 's report include seating
capacity as well as proposed parking. Mr. Craig stated
plans show seating capacity of 60 but do not show parking.
Mr. Holloway pointed out proximity to residential area and
should provide buffer, and protect citizens from heavy
traffic. Following further discussion, Mr. Weldon put the
question and the motion carried. The plans were turned over
to the City Manager for report at next meeting.
Monthly reports for March through October 1965 were received
from Jacksonville Humane Society for information and filing.
Upon motion of Mr. Parks, seconded by Mr. Goodling and car-
A letter was presented from Mr. "Jack" Shannon advising he
is in process of buying Lots 3 through 6, Block 84, Sec. H.
and requesting approval for him to pay off the special sewer
assessment against the property at rate of $100 .00 per month.
The assessment is $1054.79 principal plus interest to February
1, 1966. Mr. Thompson advised it can be withdrawn from the
foreclosure, and if he pays on schedule we will get our
money as fast as by the foreclosure and he would recommend
Minutes 11-22-65 Page 3
our giving him a chance to pay it as suggested. It will
remain a lien until satisfied. If fail to make payments it
can be put back into foreclosure. Following discussion Mr.
Parks moved the proposal of Mr. Shannons -,e approved and he
be so notified, seconded by Mr. Holloway and carried.
Minutes of the November 18th , 19E5 meeting of the Advisory
Planning Board were read by Commissioner Holloway. They
recommended passage of the billboard ordinance as prepared
by Mr. Dewey Stynchconb of the Planning Board, with two
ammendents namely; Change Section IV, Paragraph D-9 to read
"Other Signs and Banners Prohibited. All other signs and
banners not specifically provided for herein shall not be
permitted within the corporate limits of the City"; and
change Section IX to read"Repeal of Conflicting Ordinances
or Parts Thereof. All ordinances or parts of the ordinance
in conflict herewith, including Chapter XXIII of the Southern
Standard Building Code, are hereby repealed" . The minutes
state all present were in favor of this recommendation. They
also again requested consideration of their recommendation in
Minutes of August 18th 19E5 relative to Residence "C" zoning.
Mr. Weldon read their recommendation from Minutes of August
18th that "the City freeze the present Residence "C" zoning
as it now is, with exception of Lots 1, 3, 5, 7 and 8, Block
9", and further recommended "that a line along the west
boundary of Lot 8, Block 12, Lots 7 and 8, Block 11, Lots 7
and 8, Block 10, Lots 7 and 8, Block 9, and Lot 9, Block
be established as a division between the lots to remain Resi-
dence "B" or "C" ; and on lots lying westerly of that line of
said Blocks 8 through 12 be re-zoned from Residence "B" to
Residence "A" . Mr. Goodling moved that an ordinance be pre-
pared in accordance with Planning Board recommendation in
minutes of August 18th, 1965 for presentation at next meeting,
seconded by Mr. Parks and following discussion the question
was put and the motion carried.
Mr. Weldon asked the Commissions pleasure as regards the bill-
board ordinance. There was discussion in which it was deter-
mined that the ordinance will repeal Chapter XXIII of the
Southern Standard Building Code. Mr. Parks moved that an
ordinance be prepared in accordance with recommendations of
Planning Board for consideration on first reading, seconded
by Mr. Goodling. Mr. Craig advised he was not in 100% harmo-
ny with recommendation of the Planning Board. He feels that
one paragraph added to either the Zoning Ordinance or Build-
ing Code Ordinance would accomplish everything as set forth
in the billboard ordinance. He stated we have one place now
to look for permit fees and structural and construction re-
quirements in the Building Code and all sign companies have
access to it, and a paragraph or so setting forth undesirable
signs and allowing advertising signs on the premises of
Minutes 11-22--65 Page 4
advertiser only - could be added. Mr. Holloway advised he
would like to study the ordinance further as signs are our
main source of evil. Mr. Parks, with consent of Mr. Goodling
withdrew the motion and second, so the corrected ordinance
can be studied. The Commission and the City Manager commend-
ed Mr. Stynchcomb on the work done in preparing this Ordinan-
ce. Mr. Weldon stated he feels we are missing a wonderful
opportunity for the City to clean up on signs - that ordinan- •
ce is superior to building code and far more protection for
City. Mrs. Grage is to get revised copies to the Commission-
ers for study.
Resolution No. 65-37 was presented , transferring $500.00
from Account 1501 to Account 1411 in 1965 budget. This is
to cover purchase of pipe, fittings, etc. needed to carry
us for balance of year. Mr. Goodling moved adoption of the
resolution seconded by Mr. Parks. Mr. Goodling asked for
City Treasurer 's opinion and Mrs. Grage recommended the
transfer as requested. Whereupon Mr. Weldon put the question
and the motion was carried. Copy of Resolution 65-37 is
attached to these Minutes and made a part thereof.
Chief Vogel presented the Municipal Court dockets for
November 15th and 22nd, and the report of the Fire Depart-
ment for October 1965. Mr. Hclloway expressed the unanimous
commendation of the Commission for the work done by the
Chief and his department for their efforts in fighting and
containing the fire to one residence at 1109 Beach Avenue.
They worked with the other fire departments in this area.
Mrs. Grage was directed to write a letter to the Chief ex-
pressing appreciation and commendation to the members of
the fire department. Mr. Goodling commented in the new
report form prepared by Captain Keeth but requested that it
be revised to also show total fires "outside City limits" .
Chief Vogel reported the County' s volunteer fire department
building across from the new school in the Oak Harbor area
is approximately 85% completed. They hope to have in service
by end of 19E5. Mr. Weldon stated reports are received for
information and filing.
City Manager Craig presented a written report which was
read in full - copy of which is attached to and made a part
of these minutes. The items were discussed at length. The
purchasing of garbage truck and new police car and the trade-
ins will be considered with the budget preparation for 19E6.
Mr. Goodling suggested we use caution in making large
purchases at beginning of budget year, it would be well to
set up priorities to avoid financial hardship in making
Minutes 11-22-65 Page 5
Mr. Craig requested approval of wording as shown on new blue-
print of the Russell Memorial tablet. Mr. Goodling moved
approval, secondee? by Mr. Parks and carried. Mr. Craig
advised that Mrs. Russell has seen and approves.
Mr. Parks called to the Commission' s attention the fact that
the property which is presently privately awned but lies
within the direct route of the southerly projection of Sail-
fish Drive West between the southerly limits of Royal Palms
subdivision and Atlantic Boulevard is presently being sub-
jected to sanitary landfill. That raises serious doubts as
to the bearing capacity of that soil and the stability of a
street when and if street is extended. Mr. Craig advised
that the arrangement at present is to leave that paved road-
way - Aquatic Club Drive - as 60 feet deeded right-of-way
and that strip is not being affected by landfill but still
private property. It was brought out that this is not a
dedicated street, as City has not accepted any easement or
deed to cover. No action at this time but keep in mind on
future dedications. Mr. Craig advised that new owner of
land lying between Aquatic Pool and Atlantic Boulevard wants
to re-route the drainage ditch.
Mr. Holloway suggested we keep record of that land in Atlan-
tic Beach which has received landfill. Mr. Parks moved the
City Manager request of East Duval County Mosquito Control
a legal description of the land within the corporate limits
of Atlantic Beach which has been used by that organization
for sanitary landfill since the inception along with plans
for drainage ditches thereon or other pertinent information,
seconded by Mr. Goodling and carried.
Mr. Weldon presented a letter from J. J. Daniel, Chairman
of the Local Government Study Commission which was establish-
ed by the 1965 Legislature to study governmental units with-
in the County, requesting Atlantic Beach to appoint a
representative to serve on this Commission. The Mayor will
study and make appointment at later date. They also request-
ed a contribution of $250.00 towards expenses of this study.
Mr. Goodling suggested a committee be appointed to review
and present more facts and details. Mr. Weldon appointed Mr.
Thompson and Mr. Goodling with request they report back at
next meeting. Mr. Weldon stated although not in favor of
consolidation has never objected to study of any subject.
Mr. Howard Harvel asked as to findings on annexing Clearview
Park into the City. The City Attorney advised he had not
checked on this but would do so immediately, regrets failure
to have information for this meeting.
Minutes 11-22-65 Page 6
Mr. Weldon recognized that today is the second anniversary
of President John F. Kennedy' s assasination and expressed
our regrets that such an occurrence took place in this
Mr. Parks moved adjournment, seconded by Mr. "oodling.
Whereupon Mr. Weldon declared the meeting adjourned.
Wm. S . Howell, Mayor-
J. n W. Weldon, Mayor-
Commissioner Pro-Tem
acer-e-eAL A .
Adele S . Grage
City Clerk
The following transfers and changes be made in the 1965
Acct. No. 1411 - Repairs
& Replacements $500. 00
Acct. No. 1501 - New Meters, etc. $500. 00
Passed by the City Commission on November 22, 1965.
Adele S. Grage /
City Clerk
tCITY OF , , .
a At&zstk Bea -Uti*ida
November 22, 1965
1. Recently, we have made some progress in street and drainage
maintenance; for example the removal of sand, grass and weeds
along streets where curbs exist; the improvement of street
intersection radii along Mayport Road; and the ditching and
long overdue installation of culverts in Carnation s. and
West Plaza.
2 . Outfield fence at Little League Ball Park has been moved from
position within the Plaza right-of-way to Ball Park property
line. Concession Stand at Ball Park and similar structure at
Donner Playground have been repaired, roofs now shed water,
and they will be repainted soon. Foundation slabN has been
poured for the monolith structure which will bear the bronze
tablet for the Jack Russell Memorial, and, incidentally The
Pedrick Sales Company has furnished a new blueprint of the
proposed memorial tablet, carrying the additional words
specified at a previous meeting of the Commission; blue print
3 . Specifications for Petroleum Products, gasoline, lubricating
oils, etc. , are under preparation with bids to be returned
by 8 :oo P. M. December 13th.
4. Regarding proposed purchase of an additional garbage truck -
replacement of the old Hyd-Pak - we find that several Packer
Bodies will handle the Heil containers now in use. Also that
Ford, Chevrolet and International chassis are most used. in Florida
for garbage pick-up service. Specifications coverin4 this
prospective purchase will be prepared with great care, guided by
past experiences, and will be submitted to the Commission for
approval prior to solicitation of bids.
5 . The turn-in of our most used 1965 Police Car (known as ;#5) on
purchase of new 1966 car is now suggested as a better procedure
than turn-in of the Studebaker "Lark" (City Manager ' s car) on
new Police car.
CITY OF . . .
Atif4fli • lie
Page 2 . Item 5 continued)
Later, bids might be solicited for new City Manager ' s car„
requiring bidders to quote price with allowance for Studebaker
turn-in, and without such allowance. This suggestion is
based on certainty that the old "Study" has little turn-in
value and could be utilized to great advantage in Public
Works Department, with rebuilt body, to replace one of the
decrepit old vehicles now in use.
6. It is our purpose to explore further the suitability of various
Farm Tractors prior to setting up specifications for tractor
replacement for the Ford -Dexta (English made) tractor which
has reached the "Point of No Return" as to repairs and main-
G, '. -e-4-7
A. J. Craig
City Manager