OCTOBER 25, 1965
1. Call to order
2. Invocation
3. Approval of Minutes of meetings of October 11, 1965,
October 19, 1965 and October 21, 1965.
4. Recognition of Vi'.i tors
5. Report of dedication Park Area * "Russell Park".
6. Building Permit Application
(a) Mr. Donnell - Royal Palms Building
7. Advisory Planning Board Minutes 9/22/65 and 10/20/65.
8. Correspondence -
(a) A.W.W.A. Safety Award
(b) Florida Treasurer' s Office Re: Fireman of
the Year.
9. East Duval County Mosquito Control contract -
10. Fire and Police Chief
(a) Monthly report & Municipal Court Docket.
11. City Manager
12. Commissioners
13. Adjourn
MONDAY, OCTOBER 25th, 1965, AT 8:00 P. M.
George R. Olsen
Donald L. Goodling
John W. Weldon, Commissioners
Frank Thompson, City Attorney
Arthur J. Craig, City Manager
Adele S. Grage, City Clerk
Absent: Charles R. Moore
Walter J. Parks, Jr. , Commissioners
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr.
The Invocation was given by The Reverend James Stewart, Pastor
of the new Pentecostal Holiness Church, Atlantic Beach.
Mr. Olsen called for additions or corrections to the minutes
of the October 11, 1965, October 19, 1965, and October 21,
1965 meetings. There being none, Mr. Olsen declared the
minutes of these meetings approved as written.
Mayor Olsen then recognized visitors present and called for
any business from the floor not on the Agenda.
The Reverend James Stewart and Mr. William S. Compton, deacon,
of the Pentecostal Holiness Church, were present and the
Reverend Stewart spoke on behalf of his Church thanking the
City officials and the people of Atlantic Beach for the use
of the City Hall for their meetings the last three years and
for being so kind and co-operative. They are now in their new
Church building at the Corner of Levy Road and Main Street
and invited all to their dedication Sunday afternoon, October
31st at 2: 30 P. M.
Mr. Weldon reported on the Jack Russell Memorial Park advising
that Mr. Craig has done most of the work. He has contacted
the Pedrick Sales Company relative to a metal tablet 12 " x18 "
to be placed on a concrete and brick base. The suggested
inscription would be "James L. "Jack" Russell, Memorial Park -
dedicated in memory of many years of devoted services as
Police Officer in this City, 1932-1961". The tablet will
cost approximately $75. 00, and City employees will build the
base which will be located about 50 feet east of the northeast
corner of fence at Ball Park on The Plaza and about 10 to 12
Minutes 10-25-65 - Page #2
feet off road right-of-way. Judge Craig will contact Mrs.
Russell for suggestions as to wording on tablet and details of
dedication - perhaps in November. Mr. Weldon moved that the
City Manager be authorized to order the 12" x 18" tablet at a
cost of approximately $75.00 and to arrange for construction
of base and slab on which it will be installed, seconded by
Mr. Goodling. Mr. Goodling suggested the word "citizen" be
added. We have the maximum words, so it was suggested that
in this City" could be deleted and words "and citizen
substituted. Mayor Olsen put the question and the motion
Request for building permit to build a store north of the
Humble "Esso" Station on Royal Palms Drive in the Shopping
Center was presented from Mr. Bill Donnell. The plans have
been signed by L. G. Ray, Jr. , Registered Engineer. The
Advisory Planning Board recommended granting the permit with
requirement that arrangement for satisfactory garbage place
be provided, and a minimum 3 foot fire passage at rear of build-
ing. Mr. and Mrs. James Rush and Mrs. Hardy Heimly spoke
against the building and in favor of returning to Business AA
zoning. There was discussion of drainage, other buildings and
plans for the area. It was advised that Mr. Blow is willing
to dedicate a 50 foot right-of-way to the City for a street
which would extend Sturdivant Street to Sailfish Drive, East,
and is ready to work with City on exact location. The
Shopping Center plans were studied and discussed. Mr. Weldon
stated this is a part of shopping center, over toward the
service station and will be complimentary to the shopping
center which is already established. Following further
discussion and reading of excerpts from minutes of Advisory
Planning Board covering recommendation relative to this per-
mit, Mr. Goodling moved the permit be granted provided that
plans in all respects are satisfactory to City Manager, seconded
by Mr. Weldon and the vote was
Aye: Weldon
Nay: Goodling, Olsen
Absent:Moore, Parks
Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion not carried. Mr.
Olsen suggested to Mr. Donnell in answer to his inquiry that if
he still wants permit he would suggest he present it to the
new Commission as they should be the ones to say.
The Planning Board minutes recommended the access road right-
of-way extending Sturdivant Street through to Sailfish Drive,
East. All present agreed with this recommendation.
Minutes 10-25-65 - Page #3
The Billboard (sign) Ordinance was presented. Mr. Weldon
advised he has read the ordinance and in looking it over
there seem to be features that possibly conflict with provi-
sions of Chapter XXIII of the Southern Standard Building
Code, 1965 edition, and recommended and moved that the
proposed ordinance be referred to the Planning Board for
revision to conform with or upgrade the building code so
there will be no conflict between building code and proposed
ordinance, seconded by Mr. Goodling. Mr. Olsen stated it
was a good thing to get any conflict in code and ordinance
straightened out before presenting. Mr. Weldon stated the
Planning Board has done a really fine job and deserves
appreciation and thanks of Commission. This is consensus
of opinion. Mr. Goodling thinks will result in less wordy
ordinance which will result in easier enforcement by City
Manager. Mr. Olsen put the question and motion was carried.
Mr. Olsen requested the Clerk to write a letter to the Plan-
ning Board over his signature thanking them for their work and
co-operation during past two years. Minutes of the Advisory
Planning Board meetings of September 22nd and October 20th
were received for filing.
A letter was presented advising that our Water Department has
received the A.W.W.A. safety award of merit for no lost time
accidents in past year. Mr. "Dick" Hilliard, Superintendent
of Public Works and Mr. Glenn Edwards, Foreman, will attend
the award luncheon on November 2nd to receive the award.
A letter was presented from Florida Treasurer 's office advis-
ing that Chief Vogel 's nominee, Dave Plaster, had been
selected as Fireman of the Year. The letter was received for
The East Duval County Mosquito Control Landfill Contract for
1965-66 was next considered. The contract is for annual
fee of $2219.00 which is an increase of $43.75 due to
increase in number of garbage pick-ups. Mr. Weldon moved
the approval of the contract with the Mayor authorized to
sign on behalf of the City subject to the approval of the
City Attorney and City Manager, seconded by Mr. Goodling
It was stated that we are about out of landfill areas in
Atlantic Beach proper. Following discussion Mr. Olsen put
the question and the motion carried.
Minutes 10-25-65 - Page #4
Mrs. Helmly 's complaint regarding the landfill and their
failure to cover properly making an intolerable situation
was discussed at length. It was unanimously agreed that the
situation has been bad. It was brought out that we cannot
tell the Mosquito Control Board where they can put landfill,
but we can insist that they abide by terms of contract.
It was suggested that people appear before the Mosquito
Control Board at their meetings. There was also a discussion
of the drainage in this area.
Reports were received from the Fire and Police Departments for
month of September, 1965. Also Chief Vogel presented copies
of Municipal Court dockets for October 18th and 25th. All
were received for information and filing.
Chief Vogel distributed pamphlets issued by State Beverage
Department for teenager 's knowledge and education.
Mr. Craig advised that on a small area on the Northeast side
of the water tank the paint does not seem to be adhering.
LEWCO Corporation is sending someone down to inspect. This
area is on outside of tank and the rest, inside and out,
seems to be fine. Mr. Craig believes if they can improve the
condition it will be gratuitous - if they cannot, it will be
necessary to make some provisions. The contract does not have
a year 's guarantee clause but the job was inspected and
certified O. K. They worked under adverse conditions and
believe this area failed to dry sufficiently before paint was
Mr. Craig reported that the Lot cleaning as covered by
Resolution #65-18 is complete with exception of an area being
cleaned by owner. The work sheets total $2500.00, however,
we recognized the fact that some debris was caused by
Hurricane Dora so we only charged actual labor cost plus
small amount for equipment used. Also at request of owners
a great number of lots were cleared and billed that were not
included in Resolution.
Mr. Craig also reported on condition of fire hydrants which
we have been replacing and repairing. In replacing one on
Sherry Drive, it will be necessary, due to valve set-up,
to cut off water from Seminole Road to Ocean Front Wednesday
morning, October 27th, from 1 to 2 A. M. while work is being
Minutes 10-25-65 - Page #5
Mr. Craig also reported on work that is being done to improve
drainage in various areas of the City, and that there are a
few Street-end steps not yet removed.
Mr. Goodling noted it is next to last meeting of this Commission
and it has been a privilege to work with Mr. Olsen. Mr. Weldon
agreed and stated "will miss".
Mr. Weldon also mentioned that the Selva Marina Club has again
been chosen for the Greater Jacksonville Open and thinks this
is a compliment to this area and hopes the citizens and City
officials will co-operate as before. We received tremendous
amount of favorable publicity and think everyone did a good job.
It was announced the Atlantic Beach Elementary School will
hold their Halloween Carnival on Saturday, October 30th.
Mrs. Grage announced the November 2nd Commission meeting is
called for 8 P. M. in line with Charter and if the County
election officials have not finished, can adjourn or recess
until the room can be readied for the meeting.
Mr. Olsen would like, if possible, for the Commission to give
consideration to advertising to resurface streets in Donner
Area. If possible, find funds, or put in next years budget.
Mr. Craig advised he is including in 1966 budget.
There being no further business Mayor Olsen declared the
meeting adjourned.
AdOli /.
A-J/k A
-orge • . Olsen, Mayor-
Attest: Commissioner
Adele S. Grage, City Cler i