09-13-65 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA 4411 SEPTEMBER 13, 1965 1. Call to Order. 2. Invocation 3. Approval of Minutes of regular meeting August 23, 1965. 4. Rocognition of Visitors. 5. Recognition of Mr. Jim Fortenberry and Mr. Marion Baker, City of Jacksonville Emergency Planning. 6. Correspondence: (a) On Junior College Resolution #65-24. (b) Report of Recreational Director - Bill Harth. a � Qmi A torney Thompson on Aquatic Pool. k ` /J 7 . ord n eio _ "' 2 . (a) For 2nd Reading - Ordinance re-zoning Lots 3, 5, 7 , Block 9, to Rec. C (Keith) . (b) For 2nd Reading - Ordinance re-zoning Part of Hotel Reservation from Business A-i to Res. C. (c) For 2nd Reading - Ordinance modifying living space in Res. B, C. & D Zones. (d) For 2nd Reading - Ordinance adopting Fire Prevention Code, 1965 Edition. (e) For 1st reading - Ordinance re-zoning Lots 5 & 6, Block 1, Atlantic Beach Parkway, from Res. A to Res. C. 8 . Petition and report on naming Park Area. 9. Report from Committee on Garbage - Pic N' Save. 10. Community Presbyterian Church: (a) Ordinance 1st reading - vacating portion of David St. (formerly Park Ave. ) . (b) Road Easement - in lieu of portion of pavid St. vacated. (c) Drainage & Sewer Easement. (d) Resolution Authorizing Mayor Olsen to sign indenture cancelling and terminating indenture dated 2/6/59, and approval of said indenture. 11. Easement - Interstate to City for Sewer & Water Line East side of Royal Palms Drive. 12. Resolution accepting Sewer and Water Lines on Royal Palms Drive to serve Humble Oil Co. it 6 13. Certificates of Convenience and Necessity: Beaches Cab Service Poor Boy 's Cab Co. Beach Yellow Cab Co. 14. Approval sign permit - Nursery - 390 Mayport Road. 15. City Clerk - Millage for 1965. 16. Fire and Police Chief. • 17 . City Manager. 18. Commissioners. Q 19. Adjourn. • MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13TH, 1965 AT 8 P.M. Present: George R. Olsen Chas R. Moore Donald Goodling John W. Weldon, Commissioners and Arthur J. Craig, City Manager Adele S. Grage, City Clerk Absent: Walter J. Parks, Jr. , Commissioner (out of City) Frank Thompson, City Attorney (out of City) The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Olsen. The Invocation was given by Commissioner Weldon. There being no corrections or additions to the minutes of August 23, 1965 Mayor Olsen declared them approved as written. Mr. Olsen next recognized visitors present and called for any business from the floor not on the agenda. There was none. Mr. James H. Fortenberry and Mr. Marion Baker of the City of Jacksonville Emergency Planning presented the procedures they have developed for hurricanes or other emergencios.Mr. Fortenberry displayed and explained a chart showing the organizational set- up for such emergencies and pointed out Atlantic Beach ' s position on same, Mr. Baker is the community representative for the At- lantic Beach Area and Mr. W.C. Hicks will work with him. Mr. Hic'-s i. the City of Jacksonville ' s representative who takes care of our Atlantic Beach electric troubles all the time, and Mr. Olsen state7' that he had personally advised the City Commission of Jacksonville how appreciative we are of Mr. Hick ' s performance. Letters were presented from the Boards of Public Instruction in Jacksonville and Tallahas^ee acknowledging receipt of our Resolu- tion #65-24 on location of proposed Junior College and thanking the Commission for the interest shown. A report was received from Mr. Bill Harth our Recreation Director for 1965 outlining the program covered this year and with recom- mendations based on his experience this summer as to our future program. The report was received for filing and information and expressions of appreciation were given by the Commission of Mr. Harth ' s report and work. The City Manager was directed to write a letter of appreciation to Mr. Harth expressing our thanks. Mr. Craig advised he felt we were fortunate to have this young man. Minutes 9-13-65, Page #2 A letter was presented and read from Mr. Frank Thompson, City Attorney regarding the Aquatic Pool tax exemption request. The matter had again been referred to him for study and opinion. It was brought out that Mr. Thompson is not present due to being out of the City on vacation, and any discussion or comment should wait until he is p-esent. Mr. Thompson advised that he has nothing to add to his previous letters to the Commission on this subject. Copy of his letter is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. Mr. Weldon requested a copy of the letter for Mr. John Laura:_ert. A letter was presented from the Ocean State Bank requesting us to release $50,000. of the $71, 500. Treasury Bonds which they have ,on safefeeping deposit with the Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co. to secure our funds on deposit with the Ocean State Bank. The $21, 500. will be ample to secure the deposits at the present time and the Bank has: advised that they will increase the amount of the security if the deposits increase. Mrs. Grage, City Treas- urer recommended that this be done. Whereupon Mr. Moore moved that the request for release of the $50, 000. in U.S. Treasury Bonds be approved, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. A request was presented from Fletcher High School Athletic Direc- tor, Jack Taylor, for the City to take their usual 1/2 page ad in the 1965 Football Program. Mr. Weldon moved that as in the past we take the $50.00 ad in the program, seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. Mr. Goodling pointed out that this has been done for a number of years in the past and one of the few ads we take, and is to be paid out of our advertising fund as set up in the budget. Ordinance covering the rezoning of Lots 3, 5 and 7, Block 9 was presented for second and final reading. Mr. Olsen read the ordi- nance in full following which he declared the meeting in session for Public Hearing on said Ordinance. Copy of certified proof of publication of notice of public hearing is attached to thrse minutes and made a part thereof. Mr. Richard Snyder asked for clarification on Residence "C" and if anything specifically pro- posed for this area. Mrs. Keith advised that she has a developer who is interested in her lots as well as Lot 1, Block 9 belonging to Mr. E.J. Henry but developer cannot make plans if re-zoning is not accomplished. Mr. Henry advised that he would like to have his lot rezoned as cannot build on or sell as it is, with- out other porperty due to its width. There was a lengthy discus- sion during which it was suggested that Mrs. Keith withdraw her request and that an ordinance be considered on first reading to include her 3 lots and Mr. Henry' s one to-gether for rezoning. The sale of Mrs. Keith ' s lots if rezoned is contingent on getting Mr. Henry' s lot and it rezoned. Mr. Henry requested rezoning. Minutes 9-13-65, Page #3 Following further discussion Mr. Olsen declared the Public Hear- ing closed. Mr. Moore moved the adoption of said ordinance on second and final reading, seconded by Mr. Weldon. Mr. Goodling stated that he would be in favor of re-zoning all 4 of these lots so that we could have some control perhaps over what is built there, would like to see zoning started on complete package, rather than 3 at one time and 1 at another. The Mayor put the question and the call vote was Aye: Moore, Weldon Nay: Goodling Olsen Absent : Parks Whereupon Mr. Olsen declared the motion not carried and the ordi- nance not approved on second and final reading. An Ordinance to re-zone Lots 1, 3, 5, 7, Block 9, Atlantic Beach was next presented for consideration by title only on first read- ing, as Mr. Henry had requested that his Lot 1, Block 9 be includ- ed in this rezoning to Residence "CTM . It was advised that the Public Hearing will be October 11, 1965. Mr. Weldon moved that the rules be waived an Ordinance amending Zoning Ordinance 90-59-3 by re-zoning Lots 1, 3, 5, 7 Block 9, Atlantic Beach from Residence "B" to Residence"tbe presented on first reading by title onlyf seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. Whereupon Mr. Olsen read the Title to said Ordinance following which Mr. Weldon moved the adop- tion of said Ordinance on first reading by title only with the Pub- lic Hearing set for October 11th at 8 P.M. , seconded by Mr. Good- ling and carried. Ordinance #90-65-26 covering the re-zoning of a part of the Hotel Reservation from Business A-1 to Residence "C" was presented and read in full, following which Mr. Olsen declared the meeting in session for Public Hearing on said Ordinance. As no one appeared either for or against the ordinance which moves the boundary line of Residence "C" 120 feet eastward on the Hotel Reservation Tract, Mr. Olsen declared the Public Hearing closed. Whereupon Mr. Weldon moved that Ordinance #90-65-26 be adopted on second and final read- ing, seconded by Mr. Goodling. Mr. Weldon advised that he under- stood this is interior rezoning within the presently zoned hotel property . It was stated that this is correct. Following discus- sion Mr. Olsen put the question and the motion was carried. Ordinance #90-65-27 was presented and read in full. Mr. Olsen then declared the meeting in session for Public Hearing on said Ordinance which increases the required square foot living area of units in Residences"B" and "I7" and part of "C". Mr. Cfaig advised this has effect of upgrading all areas involved. Follow- ing discussion Mr. Olsen declared the Public Hearing closed, as Minutes 9-13-65 - Page #4 no one appeared either for or against said Ordinance. Mr. Moore moved the adoption of Ordinance #90-65-27 on second and final read- ing, seconded by Mr. Weldon. It was advised that this was recom- mended by the Advisory Planning Board. Following discussion the Mayor put the question and the motion was carried. Copies of Certified Proof of Publication of Public Hearings on Ordinances #90-65-26 and 90-65-27 are attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. Ordinance #57-65-6 Adopting the Fire Prevention Code - 1965 edition, was presented and read in full, following which Mr. Olsen declared the meeting in session for Public Hearing on said Ordinance. As no one appeared either for or against the Ordinance Mr. Olsen de- clared the Public Hearing closed. Mr. Weldon moved the adoption of Ordinance #57-65-6 on second and final reading, seconded by Mr. Goodling. It was brought out that this code is completely up-dated and recommended by the Fire Underwriters. Following discussion Mr. Olsen put the question and the motion was carried. Mr. Olsen next recognized Col. Edward S. Hemphill who appeared on behalf of the Community Presbyterian Church. Col. Hemphill gave the background of the previous closing of a portion of David Street beginning at Sherry Dr. , also reviewed the easement for utility and drainage and other steps taken at that time. The church is buying four additional lots and needs to make some changes in order to unify their holdings. He now has ready for presenting to the Commission an ordinance closing an additional part of David St. but believes before it is finally adopted that the School Board should be contacted for their consent to the closing since they border the street on the north side. He also has necessary easements for new street and sewer lines, but all documents should be checked by the City Attorney before final acceptance. Col. Hemphill advised that he had not had the opportunity to check these with the School Board or our attorney, who is presently out of the city. After discussion Mr. Goodling moved that the rules be waived and the ordinance vacating a portion of David St. be considered on first reading by title only, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Mr. Olsen read the title following which Mr. Moore moved adoption on first reading by title only, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Public Hearing on said Ordinance was set for September 27th, 1965 at 8 P. M. Mr. Weldon moved that we accept the newer, drainage and street easements from the Community Presbyterian Church subject in all respects to the approval of the City Attorney and for further consideration when Ordinance vacating portion of David St. is finally adopted, seconded by Mr. Goodling and carried. Col. Hemphill advised he would not want the documents finala.y approved until the City 'attorney had studied and approved. Minutes 9-13-65, Page #5 An Ordinance Amending Zoning Ordinance #90-59-3 by rezoning Lots 5 & 6, Block 1, Atlantic Beach Parkway from Residence "A" to Resi- dence "C" was presented in full in writing for consideration on first reading by title only. Mr. Moore moved the adoption of said ordinance on first reading by title only, seconded by Mr. Weldon, This is Mrs. Bertha Hairston' s property which is being presented for recomsideration at the request of the owner and if ordinance is adopted it will have to be re-advertised and Public Hearing be set up for October 11th meeting. It was brought out that it would be considered more favorable if the entire block or area were being rezoned to Residence "C". Also the Advisory Planning Board has recommended that the City freeze the present Residence "C" zoning with the exception of Lots 1, 3, 5, 7 and 8, Block 9. Mr. Goodling feels we are faced with question of where to draw the line, and that he must stand opposed to rezoning of any portion of that property. Following discussion Mr. Olsen put the question and the vote was: Aye: Moore, Weldon Nay: Goodling, Olsen Absent: Parks Whereupon Mr. Olsen declared the motion not carried and said ordi- nance not adopted on first reading. Mrs. Thelma Keith presented a petition signed by more than 50 At- lantic Beach citizens requesting the Commission to name the play- ground Park on the Plaza in memory of our former Police Chief Jack Russell. There were many expressions of appreciation and com- mendation for the good work and high esteem which was felt for "Jack" by both young and old. Mr. Weldon moved that the request of the petitioners be approved, seconded by Mr. Moore and follow- ing more expressions of appreciation the question was put and the motion carried. Mr. Olsen appointed Commissioners Moore and Wel- don and City Manager Craig as a Committee to work up all the de- tails for a dedication such as dedication program, invitations, plaque, date, publicity, etc. A report was presented from the committee studying the garbage and trash situation at the Pic 'N Save store. Copy of this report is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. It was recom- mended that in view of the great volume of garbage and trash and the time required to make this pick-up that the charge be $75.00 for garbage and $75.00 for trash per quarter. Reference was made to Section 4(c) of Ordinance #55-60-5 which authorizes the Commis- sion to enter into an agreement with the owner, etc. in case an exceptional condition exists. Following discussion Mr. Weldon moved that we accept the report with thanks and request the City Manager to discuss the proposal with the property owner and that Minutes 9-13-65, Page #6 the matter be submitted to the City Attorney for any necessary action and that it be reported back at the next meeting, seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. An Easment for utility lines was presented from the Interstate Contracting Co. to the City. This easment is located on the NE side of RDyal Palms Dr. between Atlantic Blvd. and Cavalla Rd. and is approximately 850 feet long and of varying widths. It was discuss- ed as to form with Mr. Thompson and is the same form as the ease- ment dated July 21st, 1965 and approved by us. Mr. Craig checked the description and found same to be correct. Mr. Goodling moved that Resolution #65-25 be adopted accepting the easment as pre- sented, seconded by Mr. Moore. Mr. Craig stated that the Humble Oil Co. is tied into the water and sewer acceptably, and that Mr. Blow is contacting Texeco now to get connected in. After further discussion Mr. Olsen put the question and the motion carried. Mrs, Grage advised she will refer to Mr. Thompson to check and have recorded. Copy of Resolution #65-25 is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. Mr. Craig advised that the water and sewer lines constructed on the above easment to serve the Humble Oil Co. have been satisfac- torily completed and he recommends that they be accepted by the City. It was advised that they have been inspected by Mr. Craig and Mr. Hilliard and they concur that they are ready to be taken over by the City and maintained. Mr. Weldon moved that Resolution #65-26 be adopted whereby the City of Atlantic Beach accepts the sewer and water lines as laid on Royal Palms Drive to the Humble Oil Co. , seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. Copy of Resolution 065-26 is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. Certificates of Convenience and Necessity for Beach Yellow Cab Co. Beaches Cab Service Poor Boy' s Cab Co. were presented for approval for one year ending September 1, 1966. Mrs. Grage advised that they have bought their current licenses and furnished certificates of insurance as required. Mr. Craig advised that he recommended approval, whereupon Mr. Moore moved that on the recommendation of the City Manager the Certificates be approved, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Mr. Craig requested a7roval of sign permit for the Day Nursery bign ;.o be eredtce, on their property at 390 Mayport Rd. He advised that the sign is of proper dimensions and is on the property of the business being advertised and he recommends approval. Mr. Goodling moved approval of the permit, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Mr. Craig stated the sign meets requirements. Minutes 9-13-!65, _Page #7 Mrs. Grage_advised that the millage for the 1965 Tax Roll is 6,73. The total roll is $18, 150, 285. Exemptions $5, 503,120► making a Taxable Roll of $12, 647, 165, It was brought out that the new theatre building is on this roll, but Pic 'N Save and Humble Oil Co. buildings are not as they were not complete as of January lstt 1965. The tax bills are in the process of being prepared and will be mailed by October 1st. Chief Vogel presented the Monthly Reports from the Police and Fire Departments for the month of August, 1965, which reports were re- ceived for filing and information. He also presented copies of Municipal Court dockets for August 30th, September 7th and 13th, 1965 which were received for information and filing. Chief Vogel advised that the speed on Mayport Road has improved under the new limits, and that we are establishing a School loading zone on that road. Letters were read from the Atlantic Beach Hotel expressing appreciation of the services rendered by our Police and Fire bepart- ments, and from the City of Jacksonville Beach Recreation Depart- ment expressing appreciation of the assistance given by our Police Department in connection with the 5 mile Marathon Beach Run . City Manager Craig reported on the progress of the lot cleaning pro- gram, also Clearing of drainage ditches, and the cleaning of the water resevoir. He advised that we had started removing the steps at the street ends. There was a lengthy discussion of this pro- ject and it was Mr. Hilliard ' s recommendation that we only remove every other set of steps, and if there is a storm warning we will have time to remove those remaining, in this way we will have some means of access. After further discussion Mr. Moore moved that we pull every other set of steps, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Mr. E.J. Henry requested that we re-consider the charges for Lot Cleaning against his Lot 1, Block 9 A.B. as he feels our charge is too high. He stated that the former City Manager had only charged about; $3.00 to $5.00. to clean this lot. Mr. Olsen stated we will discuss the charge of $20.68 with the City Manager and advise. Mr. Craig stated that this charge is roughly about 2/3 of the ac- tual cost of clearing this lot. Mr. Craig was advised to schedule the lot cleaning as best he can along with the other work that has to be accomplished. Mrs. Grage advised that Mr. Norman Minchew, our Tax Assessor is scheduled to go to the hospital for surgery Monday, Sept.20th. She was asked to send him a card for the Commission. Mrs. Grage was axLLed to verify whether there is any sewer assess- ment outstanding against Lots 725, 726, 732, and 733, Saltair, and report back to go on record. Minutes 9-13-65, Page #6 There being no further business Mr. Olsen declared the meeting adjourned. ,,... --) ./ e/IZ Ge rg1 . Olsen, Mayor- Commissioner Attest: aCeer2k. Sr Adele S, Grage, City Clerk, • / 2-- LAW LAW orrlcK$ DANIEL,THOMPSON 8 MITCHELL RICHARD P.DANIEL /RANK THOMPSON GOO ATLANTIC NATIONAL SANE O{IMOIN0 'MOINE C.MITCHELL JACKSONVILLE,FLORIDA 31201 JOMN J. HIOOINS August 26, 1965 Mrs. Adele Grage City Clerk Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Mrs. Graget I have your communication regarding the Aquatic Pool, enclosing copy of letter of Justin C. Montgomery, and a note to the Mayor from Mr. Weldon. You state that the Commission requested i again review this matter. Icon add nothing to the two letters I have heretofore written on this subject to the Commission. Mr. Montgomery' s letter does not appear to me to reach the problem. As heretofore stated, to be exempt from ad valorem taxes, the property must be used by a non-profit corporation for one or more of the purposes for which exemption is granted by the Constitution and Statutes of the State of Florida. These have been fully referred to in my prior communications. The fact that the owner is a non- profit corporation or that its revenues are exempt from Federal income tax, does not answer the question. Sincerely your . /// /, /,// /1 F T/Imc , / �' I , '� /,_ .c—, ' ZheXlatibAimes-ianiou Auftsotivillapurtutl EVERY MORNING EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY FLORIDA PUBLISHING COMPANY Publishers JACKSONVILLE, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA 2 COUNTY OF DUVAL NOTIci o ARIN(} Notice Is hereby given that on Septem- ber 13, 1965 at 8:00 P.M. in the City Hall of the City of Atlantic Beach, Flor- ida the City Commission of said City Before the undersigned authority personally appeared will hold a Public Hearing on an Ordi- nance AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 90-59-3 BY DESIGNATING LOTS 3, 5 AND 7, BLACK 9, ATLANTIC BEACH, GQQ41Qe __- , who on oath says that he is AS RESIDENCE C DISTRICT. All persons interested are notified to be present at said time and place and they shall be heard. EBna.ger}_ Retail Advertising of The Florida Times-Union, and Copies of said Ordinance are on file in the office of the City Clerk. Dated at Atlantic Beach, Florida this 10th day of August, 1965. Jacksonville Journal, daily newspapers published at Jacksonville in Duval County, GEORGE R.OLSEN Mayor-Commissioner (Seal) Attest: Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a - Adele S. Grege City Clerk LegalNotice in the matter of Notice of public hearing on ordinance amending zoning ordinance No. 90-59-3_ by designating lots 3,5 and 7 as residence C district. the Court, was published in The Florida Times—Union in the issues of August 16 1965 Affiant further says that the said The Florida Times-Union and Jacksonville Journal are each newspapers published at Jacksonville, in said Duval County, Florida, and that the said newspapers have each heretofore been continuously published in said Duval County, Florida, The Florida Times-Union each day, and Jacksonville Journal each day except Sundays, and each has been entered as second class mail matter at the postoffice in Jacksonville, in said Duval County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that lie has neither paid nor promised any per- son, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in said newspaper. Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of August • ,D. 19_65 � . - • y = Not. • Public, State of Florida at Large. My Commission Expires Feb. 1,-_-_1.967 • • ZheAcirthAimeo-ILion 3arksouville ouruul EVERY MORNING EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY FLORIDA PUBLISHING COMPANY Publishers JACKSONVILLE, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that on Septem- ber 13, 1965 at 8:00 P.M. in the City Hall of the City of Atlantic Beach,Florida the City Commission of said City will STATE OF FLORIDA 1 hold a Public Hearing on an Ordinance AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. COUNTY OF DUVAL • 90-59-3 MODIFYING BOUI�X1lZES BE- A-i BY RESIDENCE C AT C , RN- ESS MOSTBY DESIGNATING RN- MOST 120 FEET OF B DIS- TRICT A-1 AS RESIDEN t (PART Before the undersigned authority personally appeared ------ OF HOTEL RESERVATION). All persons interested are*Med to be present at said time and place and Tk n B _�*^ they shall be heard. e___ Q4d�oe , who on oath says that he 1S Copies of said Ordinance are on file in the office of the City Clerk. Dated at Atlantic Beach, Florida this Manager Retail Advertising10th day of August, O65. �_ of The Florida Times-Union, and � GEORGE R.OLSEN Mayor-Commissioner (Seal) Jacksonville Journal, daily newspapers published at Jacksonville in Duval County, Aa le S. Grage City Clerk Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Leal Notice in the matter of Notice of public hearing on ordinance amending_ zoning_ ordinance No. 90-59-3_• the _ Court, was published in The Florida Times-Union , in the issues of August_ 16, 1965 '?' '' 4 J ..., ,,,,, Affiant further says that the said The Florida Times-Union and Jacksonville Journal are each newspapers published at Jacksonville, in said Duval County, Florida, and that the said newspapers have each heretofore been continuously published in said Duval County, Florida, The Florida Times-Union each day, and Jacksonville Journal each day except Sundays, and each has been entered as second class mail matter at the postoffice in Jacksonville, in said Duval County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any per- son, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in said newspaper. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 162tli day of / . •'u$t ID. 19 65_ / ___„____-!-- Y/ • Notay Public, , State of Florida at Large. My Commission Expires E.e.b_._-_.1_1......-19.7 • hWlf1oribntimes-Union achsouuillaournnl EVERY MORNING EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY FLORIDA PUBLISHING COMPANY Publishers JACKSONVILLE, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DUVAL Before the undersigned authority personally appeared W. B, Goodie. NOTICE OFe PUBLICBEARING Notice is hereby given that on Septem- ber , who on oath says that he is ll 13,the�Ci y at o iAAtlaaP.M. Beachin ,Flor ida the City Commission of said City will Manager, Retail Advertising hold a Public Hearing on an Ordinance 9-5 of The Florida Times-Union, and BY REQUIRINGMENDING N850 G SQUARE CE FEFT1' ENC1rOSED LIVING AREA FOR EACI r 1$ RESIDENCE B, C AND D Jacksonville Journal, daily newspapers published at Jacksonville in Duval County, s.ersbne interested ase notified tont at said time and place and thebe heard. Florida; that the attached co of advertisement, being a ffs or cath O ity Cla are en file Py Dffice of the Cit9 Clert. ed at Atlantic Beach. Floridartt y of August,1965. Legal Notice GEORGE R.OLSF'i Mayor-Commissioner in the matter of Notice of Public Hearing. in the Court, was published in The Florida Tines Upton in the issues of August 16 E 1965 Affiant further says that the said The Florida Times-Union and Jacksonville Journal are each newspapers published at Jacksonville, in said D-uval County, Florida, and that the said newspapers have each heretofore been continuously published in said Duval County, Florida, The Florida Times-Union each day, and Jacksonville Journal each day except Sundays, and each has been entered as second class mail matter at the postoffice in Jacksonville, in said Duval County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any per- son, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in said newspaper. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 16th day of G_ ugust .D. 1965 1�• y Public, State of Florida at Large. Feb. 1, 196 My Commission Expires ,.?' -4 iC N1 SAVE GAARN PAvi 9--13-6O Presently charged on basis of ;ordinance 55-60-5, as amended, as follows: 1 Unit - Commercial +OA" Drug Stare 6.00 Dry Goods 6.00 Hardware 6.00 Furniture 6.00 1 Unit - Commercial "Ce Grocery 19.50 Re s taur ant 19.50 2 Containers 11aQ Total 075.00 tape would point out that this business operates 12 hours daily, 7 days a geek. Present garbage pick-up requirem ata average 5 men for 1 hour each day. In addition to the 2 containers (City furnished) , this service also has 6 or more 20 gal. garbage cans plus an enclosed trash rocas within the building approximately 100 sq. ft. floor area. Ordinance ; o. 55-60-5, as amended, Section 4- (c) authorizes the City Commission to enter into agreement with car, lessee, renter or tenant in the event there exists exceptionai conditions of occupancy. We submit that such exceptional conditions exist at this service in that the time and equipment required to accommodate proper trash collec- tion is excessive when compared to other commercial services within the city. We point out the following: 1. present service fee is $25.33 per month. 2. Average daily requirements to pick up trash portion is 45 minutes (conservatively determined) . 3. This busis's& represents a major taxpayer to the City of Atlantic Beach. 4. An exceptional condition exists in that there are 2 distinct collection requirements for this service; ie garbage and trash. We recommend that in addition to the present $75.00 per quarter service charge, a separate charge of $75.00 per quarter be imposed to cover the trash service. 9-13-65 PIC N' SAVE GAMMAGE SSRVICs - Page 02 It is further recommended that the operators of this business be required to follow a procedure(s) for storage of trash in the trash room: such procedure(s) to be established by the City Manager and at his discretion, and subject to periodic review by both the City Manager and/or the business operator. In summary, it should be noted the determination of proper charges for collection service at this commercial establishment is based on the fact that 2 types of collection are involved and a fair charge for each type is recommended. A. J. Crilg Gtr D. L. oodling R. H. Hii l liard RESOLUTION 65-25 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, that The instrument presented by the Interstate Contracting Company granting perpetual easement for utility purposes and right-of-way over A part of the Castro-T-Ferrer Grant, section 38, Township 2 south, Range 29 last, in the City of Atlantic Beech, Florida and being more pertioalar- ly described as follow: Commencing at the intersection of the east line of said Section 3$ with the Ply 1/W line of Atlantic Boulevard as new established; thence south 89° 13' 58" Nest and along A/W line of Atlantic Boulevard 815.1 feet to a point being the intersection of the easterly *1W line of Royal Palms Drive and said *ly 1/W line of Atlantic Blvd. thence N 00 41' 22" West, and along said easterly 1,/W line of loyal Palms Drive 125.0 feet to the point of beginning. run 1 890 13' 58" last, 10.0 feet; thence 1 0 41' 22" 11, 120.0 feet; thence 1 48° 7' 22" Nest, 400.00 feet, thence 1 22° 43 ' 22" W, 192.15 feet to a point on a curve having a radius of 455.0 feet, a delta angle of 50° 15', and being concave to the southwest; thence southeasterly, along the said easterly A/W line of said Royal Palms Drive, and along the are of said curve, an arc distance of 399.05 feet to the point of tangency; thence i 51° 31' 02' 1, 87.05 feet along said easterly 1/11 line, to a point on a serve having a radius of 173.55 feet, a delta angle of 54° 49' 40", and being concave to the northeast, Thenar along the arc of said curve, and along said easterly A/W line, an arc distance of 172.14 feet, to the point of tengenOrt thence $ 0° 41' 32" t, 35.0 feet, along said easterly P/V line to the point of beginning. be and the same is hereby accepted, and that The City Attorney is hereby authorized and directed to file the same of record. * * * * Passed by the City Commission on September 13, 1965. Attest: / " , (SEAL) Adele S. Grage, City Cler RESOLUTION NO. 65-26 WHEREAS, the Interstate Contracting Company, developers of Royal Palms Subdivision, have completed all of the sewer line and water line on Royal Palms Drive between Cavalla Road and Atlantic Boulevard as described in plans and specifications approved by Florida State Board of Health under Serial #7928, and, WHEREAS, the facilities have been installed according to the approved plans and specifications and have been in- spected by the City Forces, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, That, The City of Atlantic Beach accepts these sewer and water lines on Royal Palms Drive between Cavalla Road and Atlantic Boulevard, as set forth above, for maintenance and operation. * * * * * Passed by the City Commission on September 13th, 1965. Attest: City Clerk (SEAL)