AUGUST 9, 1965
1. Call to order.
2. Invocation - The Rev, C. E. Rose, Pastor, Ocean Park Baptist
Church, Jacksonville Beach, Fla.
3. Approval of Minutes of regular meeting, July 26, 1965.
4. Recognition of Visitors.
5. Utilities Study - Beaches Area (Mr. Weldon and Mr. Moore) .
6. Report from Advisory Planning Board:
(a) Clarification of attitude re West limitation
Residence C Zones
7 . Correspondence:
(a) Gulf Publishing Co. - Re Codification of Ordinances.
8. Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co. - Re Franchise Ordinance.
9. Ordinances:
(a) For second reading, Ordinance Amending Zoning Ord.
90-59-3 - Hairston - Lots 5 & 6 - Blk 1 - Atl. Bch Pkway
(b) For second reading, Ordinance Amending Zoning Ord.
90-59-3 - Re heighth of buildings.
(c) For second reading, Ordinance Amending 1965 Budget.
(d) For first reading - Ordinance Amending Zoning Ord.
90-59-3 - Re :Keith - Lots 3, 5, 7 - Blk 9 - Atl. Beach
(e) For first reading - Ordinance Amending Zoning Ord.
90-59-3 - Re'-Sq. Ft. Areas in Res. B and II.
(f) For first read ing - Ordinance Amending Zoning Ord.
90-59-3 - Re -Changing E. line - Res. C - Hotel Reservation.
(g) Ordinance on billboards - for study.
10. Building Permit - .
11. Committee Report on Perry application for Day Nursery.
12. Committee Report on:
(a) Burroughs Machine.
(b) Payment of Balance paving - Houdaille-Duval-Wright.
13. Resolutions:
(a) Transfer funds Acct. 1050 to Account 503. .m'7'# "-- )"-
(b) Death of E. H. Thompson. AJeo
14. Fire & Police Chief
15. City Manager
16. Commissioners
17 . Adjournment.
1 '
AT 8 P.M.
Chas. R. Moore
Walter J. Parks, Jr.
John W, Weldon, Commissioners
Frank Thompson, City Attorney
Arthur J. Craig, City Manager
Adele S. Grage, City Clerk
George R. Olsen, (out of City)
Donald L. Goodling " "
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner Pro-
tem, Mr. Moore.
The Invocation was given by Rev. C.E. Rose, Pastor of the Ocean
Park Baptist Church, Jacksonville Beach, Fla.
There being no corrections or additions to the minutes of July
26th, 1965 Mr. Moore declared them approved as written.
Mr. Moore recognized visitors present and called for any busi-
ness from the floor not on the agenda.
Jimmie Lee Davis, President of the Beaches Civic Group was prem
sent and talked with the Commission about the teen-age problem
among the negro citizens at the beaches. He advised that they
have formed a group of young negro men from Atlantic and Jack-
sonville Beaches who want to try and better the communities and
help curb this disturbing juvenile activity.Thoy would like to
confer with Chief Vogel and the Commissioners for advice on
working out their problems- specifically setting an hour for
the young folks to be off the streets, and a caution light on
Mayport Rd. to protect the school children. Mr. Craig advised
that we have requested an elevated walkway in the vicinity of
Mayport Rd. and Donner Rd. or Jackson St. Mr. Weldon advised
he thinks this is a very commendable move and would like to See
Chief Vogel and this body co-operate - feels this is a big step
in the right direction. This was the consensus opinion of the
other Commissioners. Mr. Davis advised that it was high time
the negro citizens get up and try to help themselves- especial-
ly in their own community. Mr. Moore stated that we appreciate
his coming -' and think they are on right track.
Mr. Moore called for any further business from the floor but
there was none.
Minutes 8-9-65, Page #2
On the Utility Study for the Beaches Area, Mr. Moore stated
there have been no further developments or recent meetings and
there is nothing further to report at this time. Mr. Weldon
There was no report from the Advisory Planning Board on clari-
fication and recommendation as to geographic limits westward
for re-zoning to Residence "C". Since no report has been re-
ceived Mr. Moore advised would pass to the next meeting.
A letter was presented from the Gulf Publishing Co. relative to
codification of ordinances. Mrs. Grage was directed to advise
them that when ready to pursue the matter further, we will ad-
vise them.
An Ordinance was presented in full in writing covering a 30 year
franchise with Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co. , said proposed
ordinance having been sent to the Commissioners in writing well
in advance of this meeting. Said ordinance is for considera-
tion on first reading by title only. Mr. John D. Montgomery,
South Jacksonville District Manager of the Southern Bell Tel.
& Tel. Co. was present on behalf of the company. The follow-
ing changes were suggested:
Section II. after "supervision of City" insert the follow-
ing words "the City reserving the right to approve the loca-
tion of any new underground conduits and pole lines, ". Also
after words "sidewalk or street" to insert the words "util-
ity lines" in both places.
Section VI. Add the words "and such acceptance shall termi-
nate the franchise granted to them by Ordinance #40-64-4
of said City. "
Section IX. Add after word "newspaper" the words "of general
circulation", Re-write the laet paragraph of this section
the same as written in Ordinance 4'ie•0-64-4 to include the
word "freeholders" as a qualification for voting.
Mr. Weldon moved that the Ordinance with changes as listed above
be passed on first reading by title only, seconded by Mr. Parks
following which there was further discussion. The question was
raised as to the 1% franchise payment and the 30 year term of
the franchise. Mr. Montgomery advised that 1% was used in all
their franchises but that if the trend indicated a higher per-
cent then his company would review every franchise. It was sug-
gested that the freeholders might look with more favor on say
a 15 year franchise. Mr. Montgomery advised that the shorter
franchises were burdensome and this is their standard franchise,
although there were exceptions. After further discussion Mr.
Moore read the title in full following which the question was
Minutes 8-9-65, Page #3
put and the motion unanimously carried. Mr. Weldon then moved
that the second and final reading with Public Hearing be sche-
duled for August 23rd, 1965 at 8 P. MC. , seconded by Mr . Parks
and unanimously carried,
Mr. Moore then read the Ordinance amending Zoning Ordinance
#90-59-3 by re-zoning Lots 5 & 6, Block 1, Atlantic Beach Park-
way from Residence "A" to Residence "C" - property belonging to
Mrs. Bertha Hairston. He then declared the meeting in session
for Public Hearing i•n line with notices published and posted_
Mr. Claude McGehee appeared against the re-zoning, as he would
like for the neighborhood to remain a family one, and feels
that apartments would be too close to his property and affect
the value. He stated he would not object to Mrs Hairston mak-
ing her house into a duplex. Mrs. Hairston advised she had
made no definite plans as she was waiting to see if re-zoning
was approved. She advised that she lived alone and would like
to convert her big house into a duplex later, but she felt if
she should want to sell it would be difficult if property re-
mained Residence "A" with the apartments and motel going up on
the property across the street. As no one else appeared
either for or against the Ordinance, Mr. Moore declared the
Public Hearing closed. Mr. Parks and Mr . Weldon advised that
on reviewing the plans for the development on the Hotel
Reservation property they feel that the improvements will
enhance the property on the west side of Ocean Blvd rather
than detract from. Mr. Weldon also added that at a later date
would certainly listen sympathetically, but since she has no
definite plans would like to ask that she not insist upon the
re-zoning at this time. Mr Moore concurred. Mr . Weldon
moved that the Ordinance be adopted on second and final read-
ing, seconded by Mr. Parks, After further discussion Mr
Moore put the question and the call vote was:
Aye: None
Nay: Parks, Weldon, Moore
Absent: Goodling, Olsen
Whereupon Mr_ Moore declared the motion not carried and the
request for re-zoning denied. Copy of certified proof of
publication of this Public Hearing is attached to these
minutes and made part thereof. Mrs. Hairston asked if she
could run her request back through again and was advised that
it was within her rights to do so.
Minutes 8-9-65, Page #4
Ordinance #90-65-24 amending Zoning Ordinance #90-59-3 as regards
height of buildings in Residence C zone was presented and read in
full by Mr. Moore. He then declared the meeting in session for
Public Hearing on said ordinance. Copy of certified proof of pub-
lication is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. .As
no one appeared either for or against the ordinance Mr. Moore
declared the Public Hearing closed. Whereupon Mr. Weldon moved that
Ordinance #90-65-24 be adopted on 2nd and final reading, eeconded
by Mr. Parks and the motion carried unanimously.
Ordinance #20-65-9 amending the 1965 Budget Ordinance #20-64-8
covering necessary changes to bring the budget into balance was
presented and read in full. Mr. Moore then declared the meeting
in session for Public Hearing on said Ordinance. ,As no one appear-
ed either for or against said ordinance Mr. Moore declared the
Public Hearing closed. Mr. Parks then moved that Ordinance
#20-65-9 be adopted on second and final reading, seconded by Mr.
Weldon and unanimously carried.
An Ordinance amending Zoning Ordinance #90-59-3 by rezoning Mrs.
Thelma Ketth ' s Lots 3, 5, 7, Block 9 from Residence "B" to Residence
"C" was presented for adoption on first reading by title only.
This ordinance was presented in line with recommendation of the
Advisory Planning Board. Mr. Weldon moved the adoption of said
Ordinance on first reading by title only with Public Hearing to
be fixed for September 13th, 1965, seconded by Mr. Parks and
unanimously carried.
An Ordinance amending Zoning Ordinance #90-59-3 by changing the
required living area per duplex unit in Residences "B" and "C"
and all units in Residence "D" to 850 square feet was presented
for passage by title only on first reading. Mr. Moore read the
title in full whereupon Mr. Parks moved the adoption of said
Ordinance by title only on first reading, seconded by Mr. Weldon
and unanimously carried. September 13th, 1965 at 8 P.M. was set
as time for Public Hearing on said Ordinance.
An Ordinance amending Zoning Ordinance #90-59-3 by extending the
easterly line of Residence "C" on the Hotel Reservation 120 feet
eastward thus reducing the westernmost part of Business A-1 by
120 feet, was presented for passage by title only on first reading.
Mr. Weldon moved the adoption of said Ordinance by title only on
first reading and to fix Public Hearing for September 13th, 1965,
seconded by Mr. Parks and unanimously carried.
Mr. Thompson advised that he will be glad to draw up an ordinance
covering billboards if the Commission will direct him just what
Minutes 8-9-65, Page #5
they want in the ordinance as to types, locations, sizes, etc.
There was a lengthy discussion of billboards following which
Mr. Weldon moved that the matter be referred to the Advisory
Planning Board with request for recommendations as to type of
ordinance that should be adopted with respect to billboards and
signsof all types within the City Limits and also that the City
Manager be requested to get copies of ordinances dealing with
this problem by other Florida municipalities from the Florida
League of Municipalities, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried.
Mr. Craig advised that the position of the Planning Board is
that no sign be erected in any place other than property of the
business which is being advertised.
Mr. Craig advised that he had received preliminary plans to
cover a proposed motel or apartment building on Lot 84, Section
"H" . He advised it is neither a typical motel design nor are
they in harmony with requirements of apartments and he requested
a committee to study the plans with him. Mr. Moore appointed
Mr. Parks and himself to work with Mr. Craig on this matter.
The Committee which was appointed to make recommendation on the
request of Mr. & Mrs. Chas. S. Perry for approval to operate a
Day Nursery and Kindergarten at 390 Maypert Rd. reported and
recommended that in view of the apparent adequacy of the pre-
mises and the fact that the proposed use would change the pre-
mises from a nonconforming use to a conforming status and the
determination by the City Attorney that such action would not
constitute a violation of any of the limiting provisions of our
Zoning Ordinance, that the request of Mr. & Mrs. Perry should
be granted. A copy of the committees report is attached to
these minutes and made a part thereof. Mr. Weldon moved that
the recommendation of the committee be approved, seconded by
Mr. Parks and unanimously carried.
The Finance Committee reported that a study had been made of
the potentialities of and present uses of the Burroghs Account-
ing machine and it is their recommendation that we retain the
machine and make the final payment now due on same. Mr. Parks
moved that the recommendation of the committee be accepted and
payment made to Burroughs Corp. , seconded by Mr. Weldon and
carried, unanimously.
Mr. Craig also recommended that the Houdaille-Duval-Wright Co. 's
re-urfacing has proven very satisfactory and accordingly the
balance of their contract in the amount of $3,980.00 be paid
when funds are available for that purpose. It was advised that
we have been told we should get the OEP reimbursement by the end
of August. It was suggested that we hold off making final pay-
Minutes 8-9-65, Page #6
ment and see if government monies are received. Mr. Parks moved
that the bill be paid as recommended when sufficient funds be-
come available, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried.
Mr. Moore read Resolution ##65-22 covering the transfer of $500.00
from Account 1050 to Account #503 in 1965 Budget to purchase
garbage container and shoulder holster. It was brought out that
the customer pays for the garbage service and also additional to
cover the container. After further discussion Mr. Parks moved
adoption of Resolution ##65-22, seconded by Mr. Weldon and unani-
mously carried. Copy of Resolution #65-22 is attached to these
minutes and made a part thereof.
Mr. Moore next read Resolution 065-23 in full, said resolution
is on the death of Earle H. Thompson who served as a councilman
for 12 years and was on the first elected Council. Mr. Parks
moved the adoption of said resolution, seconded by Mr. Weldon
and carried. Copy of Resolution #65-23 is attached to these min-
utes and made a part thereof.
Chief Vogel presented copies of municipal court dockets of August
2nd and 9th, 1965. He also advised that he has studied the Fire
Prevention Code and recommends the adoption of an Ordinance cov-
ering same. Mr. Thompson advised that we now have an ordinance
covering fire code but probably needs up-dating. Mr. Weldon
suggested a committee to study. Mr. Moore appointed Mr. Weldon
and himself to get with the Chief and come up with recommenda-
tion. Mr. Weldon will be furnished existing ordinances on this
subject. Chief Vogel requested that the traffic ordinance be
studied and changed to meet the modern traffic patterns we now
have. Mr. Thompson suggested that the schedules perhaps need
updating. There was further discussion following which Mr. Parks
moved that a committee be appointed to consider revisions to ex-
isting schedules in traffic ordinance, seconded by Mr. Weldon and
unanimously carried. The committee will be Mr. Goodling, Mr.
Moore and Chief Vogel.
Mr. Craig reported on use of ball field and that the use of the
field for summer football practice was now starting. He re-
ported that we have been having some trouble with equipment at
the water and sewer plants, some of it has been damaged by light-
ning. There was a lengthy discussion on the lot cleaning and Mr.
Craig advised he had been mowing some areas on which no charges
had been made. in the past and he was not satisfied with this. It
was discussed further and was consensus of opinion that we should
not mow any on private property without charge. There are sever-
al areas that need mowing several times a year and are not cover-
ed by the Lot Cleaning Resolution. Mr. Parks moved that the City
Minutes 8-9-65, Page #7
Manager prepare and submit at the next meeting a list of proper-
ty undeveloped which requires mowing several times a year and
recommended charges for the mowing of said property at intervals,
for consideration and possible adoption by the commission, sec-
onded by Mr. Weldon and unanimously carried.
Mr. Weldon asked if we could have the markers and yellow lines
provided along the west side of Sherry Drive before school
starts. It was advised that we could. Chief Vogel said the
problem was keeping the children on the right side of the line,
but it was agreed that this is a step in the right direction.
Chief Vogel stated wanted to get some safety programs under
way. Mrs. Grage stated that the Pilot Club would like to assist
in the bicycle safety program, as that is one of their projects
There being no further business Mr. Parks moved adjournment,
seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. _ Whereupon Mr. Moore de-
clared the meeting adjourned.
R. '37h
Chas. R. Moore, Mayor-Commissio r
Pro Tem
Adele S. Grage, City Cl k
. •
. .
(Published weekly in Jacksonville Beach. Florida, Duval County)
,.. .. 111,1
Before the ,twidereignen authority personally appeared Robert L.
Soott, who on oath says that he is .tbs punlisksor of the BEACHES
LEADEA• a weekly newsaaper publish . at J'ai.“ville Betteh• 411.
Duval CouSy, Florida; _gat the 4ititelsed eopy of ailesrtisement. heinZ
a aaaa. -
In z, 1.1p .: r a ::_miliwia,_ /AM,, .. -eu ‘r 0 r-""-------
in the empty u. • e a i3Ourt. "- Darn County, Flor da, was pu n'BINA
in Raid newapaper in the issues of 30, /Y 6 s-S
- I
....-...............---... i
Aftlant further says that the said BEACHES LEADER Is a newspaper
publislie6 at Jacksonville Beach, is said Duval County, Florida, and ,
that the %mid newspaper has heretofore been continuously published', \
in said Deval County, Florida, sash week and has been entered a
second class matter at the post office in Jacksonville Beach, in ea! ,
Duval County, Florida, for a period of one 'rear preceding the fir t
pnblleation of the attached .opy of advertisement: and affiant Atrthe
says that ahe has swifter paid nor promised any person, firm,. 0
cosporation any4liscount. rebate, commission or refund for the pserpos
Of etiettring thitadvertsiement for publication In said newforkr
( .----' '
'---------(li \
I- ‘ \- ( e ' ( \ \
PUBiia 4,,it. \
Sworn to and subacribecl before me this. / day of . .. A.D.A.D. 1
If. is
My *eutraiselon aapiroi ma CadllaZToN=pairs 1/,NI U A ii.Y.I1.INIIS
.,. ,
Notice of Public Hearing NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEAR-
Notice is herebygiven that Notice is hereby given that
an August 9, 1965, at 8 p.m. on August 9, 1965, at 8 p.m.
in the City Hall of Atlantic in the City Hall of the City
Beach, Florida, the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida,
Commission of said City will the City Commission of said
hold a Public Hearing on an City will hold a Public Hear-
Ordinance Amending Zoning ing on an Ordinance Amend-
Ordinance #90-59-3 as re- ing Zoning Ordinance #90-
gards heighth of buildings in 59-3 by rezoning lots 5&6,
Residence "C' District and Block 1, Atlantic Beach
minimum distance between Parkway from Residence A
loor and ceiling in said dis- to Residence C.
:rict. All persons interested are
All persons interested are notified to be present at said
notified to be present at said time and place and they shall
time and place and they shall be heard.
be heard. Copies of said Ordinance
Copies of said Ordinance are on file in the office of
are on file in the office of the City Clerk.
the City Clerk. Dated at Atlantic Beach,
Dated at Atlantic Beach, Florida this 13th day of July,
Florida this 13th day of July, 1965.
965. George R. Olsen,Mayor-
George R. Olsen-Mayor- Commissioner
Commissioner Adele S. Grage,City Clerk
Adele S. Grage-City Clerk
The Cosi sttee appointed Jul
=• � mmChaneS. July 26, 1965, to consider the request
Mr. & and Kinder9artPerry for authorization to operate a Day of
follows=Nen at 390 Mayport Road, wishes to report as
The premises desigrOted as 390 Mayport Road exist on Lot 1,
has 1124 a frame residence built in 1948, Block 29,
q. ft. of living area; a which
x 31 ft. Access to these buildings separateotframe garage,g garage,and0 ft.
dirt roadway in W. 4th Street. a well travelled
fence encloses these buildings. A Substantial
supplementary g Lot 3 of Block 29, woven wire
two lots note of the Perrysmentioned in
form an L with has no buildings upon it. The
frontage on W. 51 foot frontage on Ma
yport 4th Street. The residence is connected Rtodthe d ity fL.
water system, but a
date toy useptic tank serves sanitars City
"Raymond 's exist Lockers "inthat area. Nearest business yestablishment as yis sewerage
"Nearest residence at 270 Mayport Road
West of Mayport No. 75y 2W.
4th0 feet away.
distant. The nearest Road is No. W.
Mayport Road, unit of Atlantic Gardens A St. c 400 feet
is roughly 200 ft. distant. Apartments, across
Nursery and Kindergarten activities
uCity of AtlanticndeBeach are recognized
Therefore, , and are regularlygnlice as businessessuc . in
conversion of a nonconforming est licensed as such .
Business "A" Zone g residence s
se serpZone
nooa recognized business use trusters ins a
the request under consideration.
eemed a Thereason-
Committee res
hder Committee
ends, in view of the
the proposed use thereoft; adequacy view f f thepremises
the new p thereof;
that proposeduse would change and in of fact
conforming status; g the premises from a
igtoae that subject to nonconform-
Cityhe Attorney that such action would not constitutemanviolationby the
limiting provisions
o Mr. and Mrs, Perrygof our ZoningOr st of any
should be granted, Ordinance, the request of
The committee further recommends mmends that, prior to
license for the Perrys issuance an
occupational the herein specified, y to operate
a license locationo o a Nursery
and ss ssionrten
aAerate such institution 1'ashiss have in theirt
Florida 1Relfare Board; issued byPossession
State Bo ; also adequate the State of
Board of Health have been complied
that all requirements of the
plied with.
Respectfully submitted,
r� ��r''�'�� ur . Craig
WHEREAS, the City Charter requires that the City Commission
approve all transfers from one office or Department to another.
OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT the following transfers be
Account 1050 - $500.00
Account 503 - Garbage
Containers $500.00 -
All the above in the 1965 Budget.
* * * *
Passed by the City Commission on August 9, 1965.
(6&___e_, /1Aetir___
Adele S . Grage, City Cle
1!!: CITY OF , , ,
WHEREAS, the untimely passing of EARLE H. THOMPSON, has
removed from our midst a good friend and neighbor; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Thompson faithfully served the City of
Atlantic Beach as a member of the Town Council from August 10th,
1926 to August 9, 1938; and
WHEREAS, the City Officials and Citizens of the City of
Atlantic Beach feel that Mr. Thompson contributed much and
unselfishly to the progress and welfare of this area, and that
they have sustained the loss of a fine citizen and valued
of record that the City of Atlantic Beach does hereby express
its sincerest regrets on the passing of its friend and neighbor,
EARLE H THOMPSON, and does hereby extend its deepest sympathy
to his loved ones.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution
be transmitted to Mrs, Thompson.
* * * *
Passed by the City Commission August 9th, 1965_
ace.,_,e_e_ J
r •
Adele S. Grage, City Clerk /