07-12-65 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA JULY 12, 1965 1. Call to order 2. Invocation 3 . Approval of Minutes : Regular meeting June 28, 1965. 4. Recognition of visitors 5 . Resolution - covering procedure for rezoning applications. 6. Utilities Study - Beaches area 7. Report from Advisory Planning Board (a) Keeth rezoning (b) Hairston rezoning 8 . Correspondence : (a) Proclamation "Youth Opportunity Month" (b) Florida Waterways Membership 9. Ordinances : (a) Rezoning Lots 1-7 ABP and part of Hotel Reservation from Res. "A" to Res . "C" . (b) Amending Zoning Ordinance as to structure heights in Res. C. (c) Amending Personnel Ordinance (d) Adopting 1965 Southern Standard Building Code 10. Semi-annual report of Finance Committee (1) Resolution covering 1965 Budget corrections . 11. Authorization for expenditure Account 1501. 12 . Contractor ' s Liability Ordinance. 13 . Fire and Police Chief. 14. City Manager 15 . Commissioners 16. Adjournment MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, JULY 12TH, 1965 AT 8 P.M. Present: Chas. R. Moore Donald L. Goodling Walter J. Parks, Jr. John W. Weldon, Commissioners and Frank Thompson, City Attorney Arthur J. Craig, City Manager Adele S. Grage, City Clerk Absent: George R. Olsen, Mayor-Commissioner (out of City) The meeting was called to order by the Mayor Pro--tem, Mr. Moore. The Invocation was given by Commissioner Weldon. Mr. Moore called for any additions or corrections in the minutes of June 28th, 1965. Mr. Parks advised that the last paragraph on Page #2 does not convey the actual circumstances that happen- ed. They should be corrected to show that the report of the Advisory Planning Board be referred back to the Board for con- firmation of what the report says and that we request the Board to give us their recommendations as to the limits of the pro- posed rezoning from Residence A to Residence C on the west side of Ocean Blvd. between Plaza and 10th St. , and that themin- utes should be corrected to direct that the Ordinance be pre'+ pared to cover rezoning of Mrs. Hairston' s Lots 5 & 6, Blbck 1, Atlantic Beach Parkway only and the rest be held in abeyance. Mr! Craig advised that the name Wood-Hopkins was misspelled. Mr. Parks moved that the minutes be approved subject to the cor- rections as outlined, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Mr. Moore recognized visitors present and called for any busi- ness from the floor not on the agenda. Mr. Clint Walker appeared to discuss with the Commission his violations as regards the parking and storage of cars at his Kon Tiki Establishment. Chief Vogel reported he had advised Mr. Walker that he was in violation of the Zoning Ordinance and Mr. Walker offered to discuss the matter then but that he advised him to appear before the Commission. It was brought out that he had advised the Commission at the time he was allowed to open the business that he would not have parked cars there. He ad- vised they aren't parking, but are left by boys who have lockers- does not charge for the parking- and have gone out on destroyers I ' Minutes 7-12-65, Page #2 for a period of time. Mr. Thompson stated that leaving cars parked there, wether parking, storing, or whatever is contrary to ordinance. Thdre was a lengthy discussion of this violation and also his operating a restaurant without license or approval of the State Hotel & Restaurant Commission. We do not issue a license until this approval is received. Mr. Walker advised he would like to confer with his attorney on these matters. It was brought out in the discussion that Mr. Walker's Snack Bar license was to cover packaged items only with no handling or cooking of food. Mr. Moore stated not intention of Commission to restrain private enterprise but are not entirely satisfied with operation going on in this location. After further discussion the matter was left to Chief Vogel to enforce the ordinances, if necessary give a court summons. Mr. Moore called for any further business from the floor. There was none. Resolution #65-21 covering procedures for rezoning applications was presented for consideration. A part of the 2nd paragraph was changed to read "in a conspicuous place or places on the premises a sign or signs, minimum size 2 ' x 3 ' , bearing notice advising" etc. Mr. Goodling then read Resolution #65-21 as changed in full and moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Weldon and following discussion the question was put and the motion carried. Copy of Resolution #65-21 is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. Mr. Weldon reported on the meeting of the committee considering a Utilities Study for the Beaches Area which he and Mr. Moore attended. The study is estimated to cost approximately $12, 000.00 of which Atlantic Beach 's share would be 1/4th. There is some question as to Jacksonville Beach participating due to their bond program and also they are in conference with City of Jack- sonville relative to bettering their contract with them. There is no scheduled meeting of the Committee, but expect there will be one within the next week or ten days. There are two points on which he would like expression from the Commission, one as to whether we wish to continue the study with Neptune Beach should Jacksonville Beach drop out, and whether Atlantic Beach will be willing to participate financially with the 3 cities on the study. Mr. Weldon advised he will get in touch with each Com- missioner and get his viewpoint before the next meeting of the committee. There has been no report from the Advisory Planning Board on Mrs. Thelma Keeth 's application for rezoning as they have not had a meeting since the last Commission meeting. Minutes 7-12-65, Page #3 A copy of amendment to the minutes of the Advisory Planning Board ' s meeting of June 23rd, 1965 was received. It recommends that Mrs. Bertha Hairston ' s Lots 5 & 6, Block 1 A.B.P. be re- zoned to Residence "C", and that the other lots on Ocean Blvd. between Plaza and 10th St. ',e rezoned to Residence "C" . Specifi- cally Lots 1 thru 7, Block 1 A.B.P. (includes Mrs. Hairston' s) and that part of the Hotel Reservation owned by the Episcopal Diocese. Ordinance covering rezoning of Mrs. Hairston' s property will be considered later in meeting. There was a question of whether in order for Commission to change zoning on property that has not been requested. The City Attorney stated that as long as you are broadening the use, not limiting it that they have the power to change. This change would be on recommenda- tion of Planning Board, and there would be usual notices and public hearing. A letter from Mayor Wilson of Jacksonville Beach to-gether with a Proclamation of month of July as "Youth Opport--ity Month" were read. Theey were received for filing and information. A letter was read from the Florida Waterways Association rela- tive to their work and membership. Mr. Weldon moved the letter be received for filing and information, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. An Ordinance amending Zoning Ordinance #90-59-3 by rezoning Mrs. Bertha Hairston ' s property, known as Lots 5 & 6, Block 1 A.B.P. was presented in writing in full for consideration on first reading, Mr. Goodling moved that the Ordinance be passed on first reading by title only and that August 9th, 1965 at 8 PM be set as date for Public Hearing, seconded by Mr. Parks and following discussion the question was put and the motion carried. An Ordinance amending Zoning Ordinance #90-59-3 paragraph 6 of Section VII Residence "C" as to 30 feet maximum building heighth and floor heighths was presented in writing in full for consideration on first reading. Mr. Goodling moved the passage of the Ordinance by title only on first reading with August 9th, 1965 at 8 P.M. for Public Hearing, seconded by Mr. Weldon and following discussion the question was put and the motion carried. An Ordinance amending the Personnel Ordinance #50-61-1 as re- gards salary schedules, holidays and some personnel requirements was presented in full in writing for consideration on first read- ing. Mr. Goodling moved the adoption of said ordinance by title only on first reading with Public Hearing to be July 26th, 1965 at 8 P.M. , seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Minutes 7-12-65, Page #4 An Ordinance adopting 1965 Edition of the Southern Standard Building Code with Amendments and amending Ordinance #25-59-1 was presented in full in writing for consideration on first read- ing. Mr. Parks moved the adoption of said Ordinance by title only on first reading with July 26th, 1965 at 8 P.M. for Public Hearing, seconded by Mr. Goodling and following discussion the question was put and the motion carried. Mr. Goodling presented a report from the Finance Committee as to our financial standing at end of 6 months of 1965 with re- commendations as to changes needed to balance the 1965 budget, which has been found to be out of balance. Mr. Goodling moved that the report be accepted and made a part of the minutes, sec- onded by Mr. Weldon and carried. There was a discussion of the various phases covered by the report, as well as the 6 months report of receipts and expenditures. The recommendations will be handled through the proper channels on policy on outside city fires, county participation on beach patrol, Pic N' Save and other items. Mr. Goodling, Mr. Craig and Mr. Hilliard were ap- pointed as a committee to make recommendations as to the Pic N' Save garbage fee. Mr. Weldon moved that an ordinance be drawn up for consideration at next meeting covering the recommended changes in the 1965 budget, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. It is believed that the anticipated revenue for the 1965 budget will be reached. Mrs. Grage advised that we received a check for cigarette tax in amount of $4,013.39 for month of May, and that Pic N'Save have been billed for licenses in amount of $340.00. The suggestion as to surplus funds from 1965 budget being placed in Account #2054 Sewer Reserve Fund was concurred in by Mr. Parks and other Commissioners. Copy of the Financial report as sub- mitted by the committee is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. Mr. Craig advised that approval had been given for expenditure of $800.00 for the 6" main on Main St. , but that in order to com- plete the scheduled installations we will need meters, 3/4" and 2" pipe and fittings costing approximately $860.00 from Account #1501. Mr. Parks moved approval of this expenditure, seconded by Mr. Goodling and carried. Mrs. Grage advised that the Ordinance covering $100.00 liability deposit by Contractors or owners had not been repealed and was still in effect, but not used. In the discussion it was brought out that this Ordinance might conflict with part of the Standard Building Code as now being adopted, and it was agreed that the City Manager to-gether with the City Attorney study this matter and make recommendations. Minutes 7-12-65, Page #5 Chief Vogel presented copy of Municipal Court Docket for July 12, 1965 which was received for information and filing. Mr. Craig reported that he has contacted the Stone Specialty Co. relative to our continuing the contract covering the sanitary toilets at the Ball Park after the Little League season. They will continue service for $44.00 per month and Mr. Craig advised that in line with the Commissions wishes he had ordered the ser- vice continued for 2 months. A representative of the Electro-Rust proofing company has made inspection of equipment and advises that we are in perfect order and was very complimentary of our water tank paint job. Mr. Craig also reported that the red light has been repaired on top of the water tank. Also that some damage has been done at the plant and lift station by lightning and the City of Jacksonville are studying the situation for additional lightning protection. Mr. Craig reported on a meeting to-day with Mr. John Blow, Mr. Moore and representatives of the Humble Oil Co. relative to water and sewer lines. It was brought out in the discussion that Mr. Blow is in better position than we are to deal with Texaco as to participation in costs and connecting to the services. Also Mr. Craig is studying the drawing submitted covering the lines and easement. We will prepare our easment to cover. Mr. Weldon inquired as to regulation covering cars on beach, as has had number of complaints about cars in the mornings. The ordinance provides from 8 A.M. to 7 P.M. and in the discussion it was suggested that we at least barricade Atlantic Blvd. in line with the ordinance in the mornings. ( 7 AM was stated in error, as ordinance reads 8 AM) . Mr. Moore read a letter from Mr. Olsen to Commissioner Bob Harris relative to including in the plans of the Jacksonville Express- way extension along Mayport Road a pedestrian overpass in the vicinity of Donner Rd. Mr. Harris referred the request to County Engineer Crosby who endorsed Mr. Olsen' s request to the Expressway Authority. There was discussion of the "stop" signs at 7th St. and Ocean Blvd. and suggestions as to improving the situation. There being np further business Mr. Moore declared the meeting adjourned. ci ')11( Attest: C!/� ( SSL Chas. R. Moore, Mayor-Commissioner Pro-tem Adele S. Grage, City C =rk (1) City Commission City of Atlantic Beach The Finance Committee has reviewed the 1965 Budget, current City accounts as of June 30, 1965, and the Audit Report dated December 31, 1964. We submit the following semi annual report. REVENUE: Attached is Revenue comparison per 1964 Budget Account No. 100. By comparison with previous years records, our receipts are run- ning about average. As revealed by the 1964 Audit, Account No.102, prior years tax collections, were below budget for 1964, and the 1965 budget was adjusted accordingly. By the same taken, Account No.104, Fines and Forfeitures, was below budget and the 1965 budget was adjusted accordingly. Due to expenses incurred as a result of Hurricane Dora in 1964, the City will realize approximately $45, 333.00 total reimbursement from the OEP of which $19, 658.00 has been received to date. We note the 1964 Audit reports Acc.No.123, Unbudgeted Reserve, having $22, 700.00 budgeted. We find this to be in error. APPROPRIATIONS : Monthly Control Report through June 30, 1965 is attached. Due to purchase of new police cars, new Public Works Truck, final payment on garbage truck and final payment on business machine, our expenditures for 1965 this far are above average, although within budget. With reference to the 1965 Budget Summary, the total appropriation shown as $268,641.00 is incorrect. COMMENTS & RECOMMENDATIONS : I . Due to above average expenditures to date, although within budget, our cash balance is below normal. It is recommended that the City Commission take whatever action possible to obtain by June 30, 1965, the balance of approximately $25, 675 .00 due as OEP reimbursement for Hurricane Dora expenses. Otherwise, the Water Fund will be in arrears for the first six months operation of this year. (2) II. The Commission is aware of changes in the 1965 Budget, as to format, as a result of consultation with the Auditors. These changes were most appropriate and it is now much easier to review the Revenue and Expenditures of the City. This also resulted in discovery of an error as pointed out in "Appropriations" above. This means that Budgeted expenditures from the General Fund will exceed Anticipated Revenue by $24, 700.00. The recent action by the Commission to curtail expenses pending receipt of OEP Reimbutsement and 1965 Ad Valorem Taxes is most timely and appropiate. We recommend City Commission adopt a resolution to effect following changes to 1965 Budget to correct this budget error: Reduce -0,6e0. A%t9oZ. c=c) 7cc, ago Acct. #210 $500.00 Acct. #710 9O.O I' c I A-00 ' v o Acct. #904 566s4O c)6'• cc Acct. #1050 5000.00 a=,-j-P-.e'E�ce'er-0- 6, 7". This results in revised General Fund Appropriations of $284,441. Reduce - Acct. #1501 $15, 000.00 Increase - Acct. #1242 $15, 000 .00 Acct. #122 $15, 000 .00 Acct. #106 800.00 This results in revised General Fund Revenue of $284,441.00. In reviewing past Budgets and Audits, it appears this error has occurred for several years. It is apparent in the 1964 Budget and in the 1963 Budget. The methods of setting up Fund Transfers in these past Budgets, makes it difficult to readily determine actual anticipated Revenue and Appropiations. It is noted that this discrepancy was not pointed out in any audit to date. The following action is recommended in the preparation of future budgets. (1) Close supervision by the Commission as a whole. (2) Consultation with the City Treasurer, the City Auditors, and the Tax Assessor. (3) Simplification of the Budget as to format, especially the Summary Page, so that total Revenue and total Appropiation (By Fund) are readily obtainable. (3) (4) It is recommended that the receipt of the County appropriation for Beach maintenance and Police Patrolling of County roads be confirmed for 1965 . Refer Account No. 111, Misc. Collections. (5) It is recommended that a firm policy be established regarding our Fire Department's responsibility to answering calls outside the City limits of Atlantic Beach. It is noted that approximately $40,340.00 is budgeted for our Fire Department. A review of 1963-1964 reveals a total of 230 calls, of which 46 were outside our City limits (or 20%) . (6) Due to increasing demand on our Sanitation Department, it is apparent that some change in operation will soon be required. Present equipment and personnel are reported at maximum capacity. An Additional garbage truck and operating personnel may be required, prior to the end of 1965 . It is recommended that the City Commission take this under advisement, since there is no provision for such additions in the 1965 Budget Sanitation Accounts. (7) We recommend that any surplus realized from 1965 General Fund or Water Revenue be placed in 1966 Budget Account 2054 and titled Sewer Reserve Fund in lieu of Fund Balance. (8) We would bring to the Commissions attention the fact the Pic N' Sav Store garbage fee is $75 .00 /quarter. A check on actual garbage service cost for this account is approximately $500.00/quarter. It is recommended that a more equitable charge be established. In Summary, the Financial condition of the City at this time is good, however, expenditures for the balance of the year should be carefully reviewed and curtailed where possible to off-set the budget error as pointed 4 out above. spy ully Submitted (I ' `I'? /1 Donald . G.• •ling A J. CRAIG /,A �. 4 ' Adele S. Grage RESOLUTION NO. 65-21 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, that Any person desiring a change in the zoning of his property situate in the City of Atlantic Beach shall make a written application therefor to the City Commission, and shall submit with such application a map or chart showing the location of the property sought to be rezoned, showing by lot and name of owner all other parcels within a 300-foot radius of all property lines of the parcel or parcels sought to be rezoned. The written approval or dis- approval of the owners of all properties within said 300-foot radius must also be submitted with the applica- tion. In all cases in which the City Commission, pursuant to such application, adopts on first reading an ordinance to change the zoning, the City Clerk shall cause to be published and posted, at the expense of the applicant, notice of a public hearing on such ordinances for such time as may be directed by the City Commission, but not less than that required by Section 130 of the City ' s Charter; and the City Manager shall promptly cause to be posted, at the expense of the applicant, in a conspicuous place or places on the premises a sign or signs, minimum size 2 ' x 3 ' , bearing notice advising the public of the change in the zoning applied for, and the time and place of the public hearing. * * * * * Passed by the City Commission on July 12th, 1965. Attest: acte_ae - ► (SEAL) Adele S. Grage, City Cler