JUNE 28, 1965
1. Call to order
2. Invocation
3 . Approval of Minutes : Regular meeting June 14, 1965.
4 . Recognition of visitors
5. Ordinance amending zoning Ordinance covering procedure
for rezoning applications.
6. Jay Carter Apartments - Jackson Road Planning Board
7. U`ilities Study - Beaches area.
8. Al,plications for building permits
9. Report from Advisory Planning Beard,
10. KeOth rezoning
11. Recreation Director
12. Fire and Police Chief Report.
13 . City Manager Report.
14. Commissioners
15. Adjournment
AT 8 P.M.
Chas. R. Moore
Donald L. Goodling
Walter J. Parks, Jr. , Commissioners
Frank Thompson, City Attorney
Arthur J. Craig, City Manager
Adele S. Grage, City Clerk
George R. Olsen, Mayor-Commissioner , (out of City)
John W- Weldon, Commissioner (out of City)
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor Pro-tem, Mr. Moore.
The Invocation was given by Mrs. Grage, City Clerk.
There being no corrections or additions to the minutes of June
14th, 1965, Mr. Moore declared them approved as written.
Mr. Moore recognized visitors present and called for any busi-
ness from the floor not on the agenda. There was none.
A Resolution was presented covering procedure for rezoning appli-
cations and details discussed. Mr. Goodling would like to see
more definite specifications as to size of sign. Mr. Thompson
advised that he had drafted the resolution on basis of the
Planning Board recommendations except for the times of publica-
tion which is to be at Commission's discretion as long as it
conforms to City Charter. After further discussion Mr. Parks
moved that we defer action on this resolution until the Commis-
sion is more fully represented, seconded by Mr. Goodling and
On the Jay Carter request for permit to build apartments in the
Donner Sub-division the Advisory Planning Board deferred action
until they could get more detailed information on the project.
There was a discussion of the Utilities Study for the Beaches
Area. It was consensus of opinion that we need more informa-
tion as to cost, etc. before making any decisions, and would
like to have Mr. Weldon present, as well as Mr. Moore who is
also on the committee, for further information and discussion.
There are not enough facts to make a decision at this time.
Two requests for signs were presented by the City Manager. One
Minutes 6-28-65, Page #k2
from Lamar Dean Signs for a 12 ' X 25' metal and wood sign to be
erected on Lot 2, Block 4'S Sec. "H" located on Mayport Rdanear W13th
St.. One sign application from Bache Bros Sign Co, for Louis Stewart
to be erected on Lots 1 & 2, Block 52, Sec. "H" located on Mayport
Rd. north of W-14th St. The Advisory Planning Board recommended
that the permits be denied as they do not offer benefit to the com-
munity and they disapprove of placing signs on property at a dis-
tance from business being advertised° Mr. Craig advised that these
signs meet the requirements of our ordinances.. One replaces a sign
blown down by Hurricane Dora and the other is no worse than the
other things in this areae It was brought out in the discussion
that even though we may not approve of signs, if they meet specifi-
cations and zoning, we have no grounds for refusal. Following
further discussion Mr. Goodling moved the two permits for signs be
approved, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried.
There was a lengthy discussion of the businesses conducted at the
Kon--Tiki location at the corner of Mayport Rd, and Atlantic Blvd.
The City Manager has been in contact with the owner of the business
and gone over things he should and should not do, and that he per-
mits cars to be parked there while the owners take a bus to the May-
port base, and it is no more than the cars parksed at Pic & Save
and the theatre. Mr. Thompson advised there is a difference in
customer parking at a store or theatre and car storage or parking
for the day.or longer. It was brought out in the discussion that
if such a business is allowed in this zone, then they should have
a license, and if not, then it should be discontinued. After fur-
ther discussion Mr, Goodling moved that the matter of business be-
ing conducted on the property known as the Kon Tiki be investigated
by the City Manager in conjunction with the Police Chief and deter-
mine if operating a business which is not licensed or if in viola-
tion to make the proper charges and, have brought into court, sec-
onded by Mr. Parks and carried. Mr. Thompson advised there is no
outside storage in this zone.
The Advisory Planning Board recommended in their minutes regarding
Mrs. Bertha G. Hairston' s request to re-zone her Lots 5 & 6, Block 1,
ABP from Residence "A" to Residence C,that all vacant property fac-
ing Ocean Blvd. between 10th St. and Plaza be re-zoned. to Residence
"C", It was pointed out that this recommendation does not include
Mrs. Hairston' s property as it has a house on it. Mr. Craig advised
that he thought it was their intent to include it. The matter was
discussed following which Mr, Goodling moved that an Ordinance be
prepared covering all the property between the Plaza and 10th St.
facing Ocean Blvd. be re-zoned from Residence "A" to Residence "C"
and that the minutes be referred back to the Planning Board to spell
out the exact property, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. Mr.
Thompson will prepare the Ordinance.
Minutes 6-28-65, Page #3
A request was presented from I.B. Bratcher of 60 W. 10th St. ,
Lots 1-6, Block 66, Section "H" to rezone his property from
Residence A-C to Business B as suggested at last meeting. The
Advisory Planning Board recommended that a variance be granted
permitting Mr. Bratcher to continue his business in this location
and that underground fuel tanks be permitted under the variance.
They do not recommend re-zoning, but recommend that variance be
terminated upon secession of this business. There was a lengthy
discussion during which Mr. Thompson advised as to the circum-
stances for variances and limitations upon granting variances
in zoning. It was brought out that a non-conforming business
could be given a permit if it was for the betterment of the sit-
uation and also that underground tanks for gas and oil are per-
mitted in the Residence zones. After further discussion Mr.
Goodling moved that the application for re-zoning be denied,
seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. Mr. Parks then moved that in
light of the opinion given the Commission by the City Attorney
that we favorably recofl ider the original application for a per-
mit for the installation of two 1000 gallon underground fuel tanks
and pumps for gas and fuel for personal use, seconded by Mr. Good-
ling and carried.
Mrs. Thelma Keeth presented additional information to go with
her re-zoning application which tie Planning Board has under con-
sideration, and Mrs. Grage was directed to forward this informa-
tion on to the Planning Board.
Mr. Billy Harth, our Recreational Director for this summer, was
present and discussed with the Commission the activities at the
Park and made suggestions as to some of their needs. The princi-
ple one being continuing the use of the Sanolet toilet facilities
when the Little League ' s contract expires at the end of their
season. It was agreed that we give approval to the continuance
of this service for the balance of this season as suggested.
The Public Safety report for the month of May, 1965 was received
for information and filing. Mr. Goodling requested that the re-
port be amended to show the total "in city" and "out of city"
fire calls. There was also a discussion of the new stop streets.
Police dockets for the weeks of June 14th and 21st, 1965 were
presented for information and filing.
Mr. Craig reported that the radio tower at the Police Station has
been straightened with the assistance of Woods-Hoskins Co. ,whose
help was appreciated. Also advised that the City of Jacksonville
are in process of installing the street lights. Mr. Craig has
been in contact with Mr. John Blow regarding the extension of the
sewer and water lines along Royal Palms Dr. to the new Humble
Station. He is reviewing plans and will get with City in next
few days. There was also discussion as to Texaco Station tying
Minutes 6-28-65, Page #4
onto the sewer line. Mr. Blow has also offered to deed to the
City a 50 foot right-of-way to connect Sturdivant St. to Sail-
fish Dr. East, but he would not attempt to pave same. Mr. Craig
advised that the City could grade and limerock , but would not
pave. The City Manager' s report was discussed and he was com-
mended on the work being accomplished.
A request was presented from the Fletcher Annual for an ad in
this year's edition. The ad with picture is the same we have
taken for years in amount of $35.00. Mr. Goodling moved appro-
val of the ad, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried.
There was a discussion of the new lights being installed and
how much they have improved the City. Also noted is the im-
provement being made to the shoulders on Seminole Rd.
Mr. Goodling advised he would like to delay presenting the Fi-
nance Committee ' s report until the July 12th meeting, at which
time he will have the opportunity to present the 6 months report
also. At the same time he hopes to make a report on the fire
activities. His request for delay was granted.
Mr. Moore asked regarding the procedure for pulling up the barri-
cades at the street ends. Mr. Craig advised we have had diffi-
culty with contractors getting them to put them back properly.
There was a discussion on the matter of requiring contractors
to post a liability deposit or a bond of some kind. Mr. Parks
moved that the City Attorney be requested to prepare a draft of
an ordinance for consideration at next meeting that would require
contractors and others doing business in and on the streets of
the City to post a bond to protect the City's interest, seconded
by Mr. Goodling and carried.
Mr. Craig advised that we have received the 1965 edition of the
Southern Standard Building Code and that he will study and pre-
pare the necessary Ordinance for adopting.
Mr. Moore reported that there are still some very flagrant vio-
lations of the garbage ordinance as to the placing of and condi-
tion of cans. The matter was discussed and Mr. Hilliard will
Mr. Goodling moved adjournment, seconded by Mr. Parks, whereupon
Mr. Moore declared the meeting adjourned.
Attest: jtd- A ,
k, �lj,.., `Q :: .
Oci.2,a, 1 �-- as. R. Moore, Mayor-Comm. -sione:.
Adele S. Grage, City Jerk Pro Tens