06-14-65 v 1
JUNE 14, 1965
1. Call to order
2. Invocation
3. Approval of Minutes : Regular meeting May 24, 1965.
4. Recognition of visitors
5. Public Hearing - Ordinance 2nd and final reading Amending
Zoning Ordinance re: Living area requirements in Residence
C zone.
6. Jay Carter Apartments - Jackson Road.
7. Application for building permits :
(a) Fabric Shop - Wall sign.
(H A & A Food Store - 2 wall signs.
(c) Take Out Shop - Pole projection sign.
(d) Bratcher - fuel tanks.
6. Tax Assessor - letter, Preliminary Roll and bill.
9. Correspondence:
(a) Permit - Market Research - Consumer Survey.
(b) Jr. Womens Club Civic Project - $13 .75.
(c) Certificate of Appreciation - Fletcher Athletic
10. Fire and Police Chief Report.
11. City Manager Report.
12. Commissioners.
13 . Adjournment.
AT 8 P.M.
Chas. R. Moore
Walter J. Parks, Jr.
John W. Weldon, Commissioners
Frank Thompson, City Attorney
Arthur J. Craig, City Manager
Adele S. Grage, City Clerk
George R. Olsen, Mayor-Commissioner (out of City)
Donald L. Goodling, Commissioner (out of City)
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Pro Tem, Mr.Moore.
The Invocation was given by Commissioner Weldon.
Mr. Moore declared the minutes of May 24th, 1965 approved as
written, as there were no additions or corrections called for.
Mr. Moore next recognized visitors present and called for any
business from the floor not on the agenda.
Mr. James Goodloe appeared in regard to a request he received
from the City to change his house number to 1735 Selva Marina
Drive instead of 1801 Selva Marina Drive which was assigned
in error and does not conform to the numbers given the lots in
this unit at time it was platted. Although there are two houses
beyond him numbered in the 1700 ' s he would still like to keep
his 1801. There was considerable discussion during which it
was brought out that the City will change their records to 1735,
and it was agreed that it would be more satisfactory for the
numbering to conform. Mr. Goodloe also asked regarding the
street lights for that area, and advised that the plmuber work-
ing at the new house next to him (or someone) had dug up some
of his corner shrubbery and his lot marker. He was advised that
the City of Jacksonville is supposed to install the additional
street lights beginning any day, and that the plmuber must have
dug the shrubbery and marker, but Mr. Craig advised that he
would see to having the marker replaced, as he knows its cor-
rect location.
Mrs. Grage advised that at the time of building his house, Mr.
Goodloe had been charged $65.00 too much for his water cut-in,
and requested approval to re-imburse this amount to Mr. Goodloe.
Minutes 6-14-65, Page #2
Mr. Weldon moved approval of re-imbursement to Mr. Goodloe of
the $65.00 overcharge, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried.
Mr. Moore next read Ordinance #90-65-23 in full, said ordinance
amends Zoning Ordinance #90-59-3 as regards living unit areas
in Residence C Zone. Mr. Moore then declared the meeting in
session for Public Hearing on said Ordinance. As no one ap-
peared either for or against said Ordinance Mr. Moore declared
the Public Hearing closed following which Mr. Parks moved that
Ordinance #90-6523 be adopted on second and final reading, sec-
onded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Copy of certified proof-of-
publication of this public hearing is attached to these minutes
and made a part thereof.
Mr. Weldon inquired as to progress on setting up procedures on
rezoning applications, and it was determined that Mr. Thompson
will have something ready for consideration at the next meeting.
A request was received from Jay Carter that we waiver the 750
sq. foot requirement for some low rental apartments he proposes
to build in Donner Sub-division on Jackson Road. The property
is in Business "B" which requires the 750 sq. ft. area apart-
ment while the adjoining property is in Residence "D" which
only requires 500 sq. ft. for single living unit. Mr. Weldon
moved that the matter be referred to the Advisory Planning '
Board, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried.
An application was presented for a wall sign at the Fabric Shop,
226 Atlantic Blvd. Mr. Craig advised that it met requirements
and he recommended approval of permit, whereupon Mr. Parks
moved approval, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried.
An application for permit for 2 wall signs for the A & A Store
was presented and Mr. Craig advised that he looked with favor
on this application but suggested that it to-gether with an
application for a post sign at the Take-Out Shop be referred
to the Planning Board. It was determined that if these signs
meet the requirements of our ordinances they do not need to be
referred to the Planning Board. Mr. Craig advised that the
A&A Store signs do meet requirements, whereupon Mr. Parks moved
that the application be approved and permit granted, seconded
by Mr. Weldon and carried.
As to the post sign for the Take-Out Shop there was some ques-
tion as to its location and whether on City property or not.
The matter was discussed following which Mr. Weldon moved that
the City Manager make further investigation as to location,
and that the permit be approved subject to verification of
Minutes 6-14-65, Page #3
proper location on private property and if otherwise in accord-
ance with City Ordinances, but if location not satisfactory on
pole sign, then approve replacing previous sign which was blown
down by Hurricane "Dora", seconded by Mr. Parks and carried.
An application was presented from I.B. Bratcher of 60 W. 10th
St. to install underground fuel tanks. His property is Lots
1-6, Block 66, Sec. "H" and is in the Residence A-C zone, but
he had his business there for years before this area was zoned.
There was discussion and Mr. Parks advised that if we acted
favorably we would be in position of flaunting zoning require-
ments. Mr. W '.don moved that request be denied, seconded by
Mr. Parks and carried. Mr. Parks suggested solution would be
rezoning of property. Chief Vogel advised that above ground
storage is a fire hazard.
A letter was presented from Mr. Minchew, Tax Assessor, to-gether
with the Preliminary Tax Roll for 1965 and a statement covering
services rendered. The total preliminary roll was $18,072, 895.
of which $5,442, 170. shows exempt. Exemptions are for schools,
churches, homesteads, and widow and disabled exemptions. Fol-
lowing discussion Mr. Weldon moved that the letter and accompa-
nying documents be accepted and received and that the statement
be paid in accordance with the wishes of the Tax Assessor,
seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. Mrs. Grage advised that
notices that the roll will be open for inspection during the
month of July will be posted at City Hall, Postoffice and A&A
Store, and published in the Beaches Leader.
A request was presented from the Market Research- Consumer
Survey for a permit to solicit information on various pro-
ducts used. This soliciting of information will be done by
a team of ladies and Jaskconville Beach has issued them a per-
mit without license. The City Clerk would like clarification
as to whether this would come under the soliciting ordinance
and if a license is required. There was a discussion and Mr.
Thompson advised that the ladies are engaged in a business ac-
tivity within the City and should require an occupational li-
cense. Mr. Parks moved that the matter be referred to the City
Treasurer for issu'nce of occupational license under our pre-
sent ordinance, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried.
Mr. Craig presented a reciest from the Beaches Jr. Woman's
Club that we participate in their Community Service Week Bazaar
by contributing $13.75 to-wards one of the bonds to be given
as prizes. Mr. Weldon moved that we officially decline as our
charter does not permit, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried.
The Commissioners personally made up this amount and the City
Minutes 6-•14-65, Page #4
Manager also participated.
A "Certificate of Appreciation" was received by the Commission
from the Fletcher High School Athletic Department expressing
their gratitude for our services. Mr. Parks suggested that
the City Clerk write them a letter of acknolwedgement and ex-
press appreciation for the recognition.
A letter was read from Mrs. Dorothy Newfang to Chief Vogel
expressing thanks and appreciation for the part he played in
her son' s recovery.
Chief Vogel presented the Police Dockets for June 1st and 7th
which were received for study and filing. Mr. Weldon re-
quested that the minutes show commendation for Officer Craig
for alert and faithful service he has been performing in law
enforcement activities for the City of Atlantic Beach. Mr.
Parks added his endorsement, and Mr. Moore thinks in order-
that Officer Craig is fairly new but certainly apparently do-
ing a good job. Chief Vogel concurred and advised he is very
conscientious. Chief Vogel also advised that the Court Dockets
do not reflect all the activities of the Police Department.
There was a lengthy discussion of stop signs and traffic, and
Mr. Moore and Chief Vogel will get to-gether on traffic sign
City Manager Craig presented his report, advising that the
spinkler system in the City Hall Park, the re-surfacing of
streets by Houdaille-Duval-Wright Co. , and the steps to the
beach have all been completed. Copy of the City Manager's
report is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof.
Mr. Weldon inquired as to the office facilities of Billy Harth,
our Recreation Director, and where he made his headquarters.
He is in vicinity of concession stand and ball park area from
8:30 to 5 on week days. Mr. Weldon would like for him to be
invited to meet with the commission at next meeting and give a
brief report on activities.
There was a lengthy discussion of items on the City Manager's
report during which it was brought out that the first steps
taken up will be after Labor Day and the balance not until a
storm threatens.
Mr. Weldon advised that he has copy of a letter from the John
Gallagher and Associates relative to a study on the utilities
situation at the Beaches, copies of which will be sent to the
Commissioners , and he requested that this item be put on the
agenda for next meeting.
Minutes 6-14-65, Page #5
There was a discussion on the contemplated plans for the a-
partments to be built on the Hotel Reservation. Mr. Craig has
been in conference with their Architect, William Morgan, also
with their Engineers, Messrs. Frye and Waitz. Definite plans
will be presented at later date.
Mr. Weldon gave Mrs. Grage a letter from the City Attorney
relating to the Beaches Aquatic Pool, Inc. as regards tax ex-
emption and requested that she send copies of same to each
There was a lengthy discussion of conditions along Atlantic
Blvd. and particularly at the Kon Tiki at corner of Mayport
Rd. and Atlantic Blvd.. Parked cars, etc. was discussed and
the City Manager is going to make a check on the situation.
Mr. Weldon requested that the Finance Committeds report- as
well as establishing a firm policy on fire activities outside
the City Limits,be scheduled for the next meeting.
Mr. Weldon moved adjournment, seconded by Mr. Parks, whereupon
Mr. Moore declared the meeting adjourned.
(1614_, .
Chas. R. Moore, Mayor-Commissione
Pro Tem
Adele S. Grage, City Cie/
J •
1 . I am certain that all of. the Commissioners are aware that Houdaille-
Duval-Wright Corporation accomplished the resurfacing of certain
streets in May. This work was completed May 14th. Certain
imperfections noticed during progress of work were immediately
corrected. The entire project was inspected on May 15th and
appeared satisfactory, however, we re-inspected several days later
and then advised Mr. McRae, and Mrs. Grage, that the work was
complete and satisfactory.
2. Progress on steps at street-ends was slower than we hoped but
finally, today, they are all completed. However, we may have some
maintenance work in this area during summer; and I plan to take up
every second set about the 1st week in September, and all others
upon approach of -a major Hurricane.
3 . At the time of award of contract for Street Resurfacing, I hoped to
retain approximately 52, 000.00 in account #709 to apply on addi-
tional resurfacing next fall. However, the long dry spell led to
the development of numerous deep sand pits in several much travelled
unpaved streets; and, to meet this situation we purchased lime rock
and oyster shell in quantities adequate to relieve the worst of
these areas. Accordingly, we have only about $400.00 remaining
in this appropriation.
4. Installation of new Street lights. Five 400 W mercury lamps and
thirty-odd 175 Watt mercury lamps have been fully approved and
authorized by the City Commission, and by the Jacksonville Electric
Department. Therefore, I hope work will commence at an early date.
5. Our relationship with the Little League, in its use of the Ball Park
for night games has been entirely satisfactory. The Little League
has maintained temporary toilet facilities. The Church Road playground
is in reasonably good condition - recently mowed, brush cut, Baseball
area improved, etc. And, we understand that five teams of youngsters
will be playing baseball. Mr . Billy Harth has been on the job as
Recreation Director since June 1st; he seems well suited to that
6. Our life guards have been on the job since June 7th and have
cooperated quite well in the matter of reporting in at Yard each
morning to obtain their pick-up, and leaving it there each evening
for maintenance check. Their responsibilities, while on duty,
are under guidance of the Chief of Police.
Page #2
7 . We arranged, during early spring, with the Mosquito Control
Authorities for improvement of certain drainage areas. However,
to-date this work has not yet been started and we are anxious,
as better drainage will be imperative when fall rains set in.
8 . Last Week Mr. William Morgan, Architect for new owners of the Hotel
Reservation, came in for preliminary discussion of his contemplated
plans for Apartments and of our Zoning and Construction requitements.
Briefly, he outlined prospective construction of apartments
totalling 78 units which will vary from one and two bedrooms on
ground floor, with 635 sq. ft. in single bedroom units and 1250
sq. ft. in two bedroom units to two and three bedroom units on second
and third floor with unit space up to 1470 sq. ft. I pointed out
our long standing requirement that in residential areas no building
may be over 30 feet in height or have more than two stories. Mr.
Morgan stated that his provision of two parking spaces for each
unit seems adequate, and he outlined ample set back space along
10th Street and in vicinity of the Ward and Adams properties.
Today, Mr. Morgan stated he will have a rough sketch, outlining
their preliminary planning, ready at an early date when he and Mr.
Winston hope to meet with the Commission for discussion of the
plane.. Further, Mr. Frye and Mr. )d;t , who have been employed
to do the engineering incident to prospective development in Hotel
Reservation, discussed with me Water Supply and Sewerage
possibilities. In view of expected use of Motel well water for
exterior use, the demand will not be excessive. Mr. Mt/Et- outlined
ultimate set-up - 78 apartments, a 100 unit Motel and present Hotel;
total demand 25,600 gallons per day.
A. J. Craig
City Manager
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(Published weekly in Jacksonville Beech, Florida, Duval county)
Before the unuersignsd authority personally ap oared Robert L.
Scott, who on oath says that he is the publisher of the BEACHES
LEADER, a weekly newspaper published at Jacksonville Beach, in
Duval County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being
in themer of z- 2 r.� J . .�-� �-,,
in the County Judge's Court, ouval County, Florida, was-
in said newspaper in the issues of 7Alt? / y 6 S
Aunt further says that the said Be.ACHEs LEADE It is a newspaper
published at Jacksonville Reach, in said Duval County, Florida, and
that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published
in said Duval County, Florida, each week and has bees entered as
second class matter at the post office in Jacksonville Beach, in said
Duval County, Florida, for a period of one year preceding the first
publication of the attached copy of advertisement: and affiant further
says that she has *wither paid nor promised any person, firm, or
corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund forth. purpose
of assuring this advertisement forcation in said newspaper.
t.- 10 --
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Sworn to and subsorlbed before me _/day of ai, S.D. 19.LJ
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.- ,, JATZY.2/.TW3P
My commission expires p- -
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