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6961 'IC 'USW
AD ORIX27314 I711XMO 7I1►u
• •eagle
Discussion of the above two applications led the Board to the
conclusion that the City Commission should establish • set policy
as to the minimum of information and action required of as applicant
for re-soning before such application will be accepted or considered.
Accordingly the Board unanimously recommends that the City
Commission adopt the following policy with reference to applications
for re-zoning=
"All applications for re-Boning must be accompanied by a asap or
chart showing the location of the property to be re-zoned, and
showing by lots and name of owner all other parcels within a
300 feet radius of all property lines of the parcel or parcels
which would be re-zored. '. list of the owners of all properties
within the 300 feet radius, setting forth the owners approval
or dis-approval, must also be submitted with the application.
Further the applicant should be required to publish for three
consecutive weeks prior to a public hearing, in a local paper
of regular publication, the facts regarding the application
for re-zoning. Also a sign si!ould he placed in a conspicuous
spot on the property, st.':ink; that an application for re-zon1t�
has been made and the classification to which the property would
be re-zoned,
Because of the possitla construction of sizeable apartment houses
on the atlantic Beach dotel property and on the Keith lots on Eighth
Street, the board discussed the Zoning Ordinance with respect to
Apartment Houses and concluded that the City Commission should have
much stronger control over size and type of apartment houses which will
be permitted in certain areas.
The Board felt that this control can be accorplished by amending
Ordinance No. 90.59-3 in the following manner:
Strike out co pletely 7 (c) of Section VII - Residence "C"
District and amend it (e0 to read as follows :
"In structures with pore than two living units, each living unit
with one bedroom shall have as a minimum 750 scuare feet enclosed
living area; each living unit with two bedrooms shall have as a
minizi un i150 square fei'.t enclosed living area; and each living
unit '.rite three hedrocl,s shall have as a minimum 1 000 square
feet enclose(; living area. The r:aximun rmu .Ler of living units
per acre of land shall not exceed 20 units. The minimum number
of motor vehicle (auto) parking spaces required shall be not less
than 1.7^ per apartment living units; no "curb side" or "on
street" parking spaces will be considered in arriving at the
above r,urber of parking spr=ces:
The reference to apartments subject to ap royal of State Hotel
Coui::uiasion not being covered was purposely omitted as we were advised
the State Hotel Coxa ission does not concern fioussif itself with square
footage minimums per type of unit or .axicus, units per land area. This
we consider most important in order to control the type of construction
to be permitted in the City of Atlantic Tleach. It apaears that the above
requirements will in no way conflict with those of the State Hotel
Corariscion therefore , the City Uom:-:ission should not abdicate its
responsibilities to an outsicie governmental agency, which will occur
49 ♦fie♦ .,0e..•.i4ner 4 . 1.P* 4n the nr+Ajr.nnnn
.Page 3.
The Board unanimously recommends that the
City Commission such amendment or amendmente as the City Attorneydem proper to accomplish the purpose.
The Chairman stated that I ira. Mabel Marvin had resigned as
Secretary of the Board, retaining her membership on the Board. Ms
expressed the feeling that the office of Cha
should be established on a rotating basis and and Secretaryhsres
as Chairman so that this could now be
submitted his
resignations were accepted with put into effect. Both of the
1"h'. Alan Potter was elected (;hniir''gretsan �end by unanimous vote
Secretary, effective the close of business of hislmeeting. elected
Certified Co /eat t
Copy to . ►.�If • _
City Coca isaion •II• S •! chcomb
C ai
hhe:7loriaatimes-xitt oa arl�sonuiUc olw�µµl
Before the undersigned authority personally appeared INVITATION TO BIO
The City Commission of the City a
B. Atlantic' Beach will receive moiled bids
W, B e Go od l o e , who on oath says that he is for resurfacing certain streets as shown
Y in the attached specifications. Bide shall
be delivered to the City Manager. in a
..� sealed envelope marked on the outside
Kan a ge r,._ Retail Ad vee rt i s i n c2 of The Florida Times-Union and "Bid for Resurfacing Streets", before
------ "—' , 8:00 P.M. E.S.T.. April 26, 196.2. Bids
will be opened by the City CommIsston
at the City Hall. City of Atlantic Beach
at 8:09 F.M. E.S.T. that date.Journal, dailynewspapers published at Jacksonville in Duval County, No "Bid Bond" required.
The City of Atlantic Reach reserves the
right to reject any and all bids, or s117
Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a _ °April 12,any 1965bid.
A. .1. CR.A101
City Manager
Legal Notice ATTEST:
City Clerk
in the matter of invitation toBid 1965Street = esurTacing_
Phase 1.
___ the ._ Court,
was published in ____. The Florida Times- Union _
in the issues of .._Aps.i1__16_,___19_fi5
Affiant further says that the said The Florida Times-Union and Jacksonville Journal are
each newspapers published at Jacksonville, in said Duval County, Florida, and that the said
newspapers have each heretofore been continuously published in said Duval County, Florida,
The Florida Times-Union each day, and Jacksonville Journal each day except Sundays, and
each has been entered as second class mail matter at the postoffice in Jacksonville, in said Duval
County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached
copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any per-
son, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing
this advertisement for publication in said newspaper.
Sworn to and subscribed before me
this 16th clay of
- -? r D. 19__65
Notary Public,
State of Florida at Large.
My Commission Expires