04-12-65 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA APRIL 12, 1965 1. Call to order 2. Invocation 3. Minutes meeting March 22, 1965 4. Recognition Visitors 5. Authorization to issue Invitation to Bid - Street resurfacing C. Authorization for expenditure of $600.00 from Account #1501 and employment of Reinertson Construction Company to install 6" water line on Main Street. 7. Report on Hotel Reservation Road. 8. Building Permits: (a) Pleasant Gay, construction of "Drive In". (b) Bennett's Drive in Market - Illuminated ground sign. (c) Don's Locker Club- Illuminated ground sign. (d) Pasquale's Restaurant " 9. Bills approved for payment: (a) Square Deal Machinery - final payment on garbage truck - $4, 277.00 (b) LEWCO Corp. - Water tank work - $5,081.00 10. Correspondence: (a) Atlantic Coast Little Major League - Request use of baseball field. (h) Atlantic - Jax Beach Men's Softball League - Request use of Baseball Field. (c) Memo: Jax Beach Rec. Dept. possible use of Tennis Courts. (d) Designation of Life Guards - Capt. Joel Varn (e) Mrs. Keith - rezoning Lots 3, 5, 7, Blk. 9 (f) Mrs. Byers - rezoning Club Manor Lot 11. Police and Fire Chief 12. City Manager: 13 . Commissioners 14. Adjourn 4 t MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, APRIL 12TH, 1965, AT 8 P. M. Present: George R. Olsen Charles R. Moore Donald Goodling, Commissioners and Frank Thompson, City Attorney Arthur J. Craig, City Manager Adele S . Grage, City Clerk Absent: Walter J. Parks, Jr. John W. Weldon, Commissioners The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Olsen. The Invocation was given by Commissioner Moore. There being no additions or corrections to the minutes of March 22, 1965, Mr. Olsen declared the minutes approved as written. Mr. Olsen recognized visitors present and called for any business from the floor not on the Agenda. Mrs. Ralph W. Kinman of 361 Main Street asked about getting water service on her section of Main Street for herself and the others around her, and also requested surfacing of the street. She stated the City has been keeping the dirt road in very good shape. There was discussion during which Mrs. Kinran advised there is a place near her that has no well or sanitary facilities. Following discussion Mr. Olsen advised the City Manager will make survey as to practicality of water extension to that area and report to Commission and will also check out the sanitary situation. Mrs. Harry A. Bradley of 43 Forrestal Circle asked about dog problem and also complained about the grass growing in her street. The City Manager will check. Mr. M. P. Bruning asked if proposed resurfacing included filling holes in front of his property on Ocean Blvd. , and Mr. Craig advised not in resurfacing, but scheduled for patching. Mr . Craig presented a map showing areas for resurfacing and requested authorization to call for bids. The matter was discussed following which Mr. Goodling moved that the City Manager be authorized to call for bids on the resurfacing as f Minutes 4-12-65 - Page #2 proposed, bids to be received by 8:00 P. M. April 26, 1965, seconded by Mr. Moore. It was advised that Commissioner Parks has reviewed the specifications and found them to be in order. Following discussion the Mayor put the question and the motion was carried. Mr. Craig requested authorization to contract with Art Reinertson Company to install the 6 " water line on N. Main Street. The cost to put in this will be $600.00 to be paid from Account #1501 and covers labor only, pipe and fire hydrant to be furnished by City. Mr. Craig advised the approxi- mate cost of $1.00 per foot for installation is reasonable and it would cost the City as much to do the work, and he didn't know when the City could get to it because of the work load. There was more discussion and it was the consensus to wait for full Commission to be present for decision. Mrs. Grage advised she has read 6 years of Minutes checking on Hotel Reservation Road but does not have complete report at this time. She will continue to check. Mr. Craig advised he has received information needed on the plans for Drive-In Restaurant for which permit was requested by P. H. Gay. There was discussion of location of building, parking area, etc. Mr. Craig recommended approval of permit subject to approval of State Hotel and Restaurant Commission. The plans were prepared by a registered architect. Mr . Goodling moved approval of plans as recommended, seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. A request was presented from Bennett' s Drive-In Market for an illuminated sign. Mr. Craig advised application is in order and recommended approval. Mr. Moore moved permit be granted as recommended, seconded by Mr. Goodling and carried. Don's Locker made application for an illuminated ground sign. Mr . Craig advised that this type sign is permissible. There was discussion following which Mr. Moore moved that permit be granted subject to word "Club" be deleted as license is for Barber Shop with lockers being allowed but no "Locker Club" as such, seconded by Mr. Goodling. Mr. Craig advised additions being made to the place is 100% improvement over original building. Mr. Olsen put the question and the motion carried. Minutes 4-12-65 - Page #3 Application was presented for an illuminated ground sign for Pasquale ' s Restaurant. Mr. Craig advised the sign would intrude on State Roa. De.artment right-of-way and he has discussed with Mr . PP-1.. Y ' of Highway Department and they do not approve signs on right-of-way. He therefore recommended permit not be granted. Mr . Goodling moved the permit be denied, seconded by Mr. Moore. Following discussion, Mr. Olsen put the question and the motion carried. There was discussion as to whether we have jurisdiction over structures in State right-of-ways. Mr. Thompson advised even if in State right-of-way a structure cannot be erected in the City limits without permit - no matter whose land it is. Approval was requested for final payment to Square Deal Machinery Company on Garbage truck in the amount of $4, 277 .00 which is due April 15th. Mr. Moore moved we make payment as funds become available, seconded by Mr. Goodling. There was discussion during which it was advised the Company has done repair work quickly, and recently replaced a set of heads on pony engine which would have cost the City $500.00. Mr . Olsen put the question and the motion was carried. There was a lengthy discussion of garbage pick-up and fast pace the men go - and the handling of cans. Mr. Moore advised he has advocated slowing them down. We are using a second truck 2 to 4 hours daily to help the situation. It was agreed we have good service, but Mr. Craig and Mr. Hilliard will keep check on the situation. Approval was requested for payment of bill from LEWCO Corpora- tion in the amount of $5, 081.00 for repairing, cleaning and painting the elevated water tank. Mr. Goodling moved the payment be made from the Water System Renewal and Replacement Fund and charged to Account #1412, seconded by Mr . Moore and carried. Mr. Moore moved invoice in the amount of $5, 081.00, covering contract plus change orders 1 and 2, be paid if in order, seconded by Mr. Goodling. Mr. Craig advised Pittsburgh Testing Laboratories have made final inspection which work is O. K. on interior and exterior paint. There was more discussion following which Mr. Olsen put the question and motion carried, Minutes 4-12-65 - Page #4 A letter was read from the Atlantic Coast Little Major League regarding use of City's ball field and outlining terms, copy of which is attached to these minutes and made a part hereof. Mr. Craig 's report on Committee recommendations regarding Little League use of field - copy of which is also attached to these minutes - was also read. The matter was discussed at length in which it was advised the League would like to construct a press box on top of concession stand. The League is to furnish all bases, also temporary sanitary facilities until City can erect permanent facilities. If the League moves in additional bleachers they will have to furnish certificate of insurance. Mrs. Grage is to check on City's insurance cover- age on City's bleachers. Mr. Olsen wanted it to be specific that City recreation man will not accept any deliveries of anything. After further discussion, Mr. Goodling moved the City Manager be authorized to work out use of the field as outlined in correspondence and Mr. Craig 's recommendations subject to suggested stipulations -and that copies of reference correspon- dence be made part of minutes, also copy of minutes and correspondence be forwarded to Little League for their records, seconded by Mr. Moore, and carried. Mr. Craig stated he understands erection of press box will be permissible. Mrs. Elizabeth Byers requested re-zoning of her Lot 16 and part of Lot 17 in Club Manor to Residence C. In the discussion it was determined that with the deed restrictions it would be useless to re-zone as 100% of Club Manor residents would have to agree to release the restrictions. The Jacksonville Beach Men' s Softball League requested use of ball field on Monday and Saturday nights. The matter was discussed and Mr. Goodling moved it k.;e referred to the City Manager to work out similar arrangements as with the Little League, seconded by Mr. Moore. A satisfactory arrangement to be worked out for Men's League to pay for lights. Mr. Olsen advised we specify no alcoholic beverages on playground or in vicinity and that they can arrange with Little League to operate concession stand. After further discussion, Mr. Olsen put the question and the motion carried. A request was received from _Jacksonville Beach Recreation Department for use of our tennis courts on May 7th, 8th and 9th for Matches, and that courts be available from 9:00 A. M. to :: 00 P. M. Mr. Moore moved the courts be reserved for Matches as requested and that signs be posted advising they are reserved for those days, seconded by Mr. Goodling and carried. Minutes 4-12-65 - Page #5 A letter was received from Mr. Joel Varn, Captain of Red Cross Life Guards, designating life guards for Atlantic Beach this season. Mr. Craig and Chief Vogel will work out starting dates, salaries, etc. The letter was received for filing and informa- tion. A letter was received from Mrs. Frank Keith requesting re- zoning of her Lots 3, 5 and 7 , Block 9, to Residence C, and advised neighbors have no objections. Mr. Goodling moved it be referred to Advisory Planning Board with request they investigate deed restrictions and include in their report, seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. Chief Vogel presented report and recommendations regarding proposed curfew ordinance. It is felt that the juvenile problem can be dealt with by using existing State statutes and indoctrination will be given our officers by representatives of the Juvenile Court in handling juveniles. Mr . Goodling moved that the report be accepted and recommendations adopted, seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. There was a lengthy discussion of the recent juvenile activities on Beach north of City and break-in at Chateau. We will need to be on the alert and follow up with a meeting with the County on problems as regards the Beach north of City. Chief Vogel explained handling of juveniles with Court. Mr. Goodling suggested sending copy of Chief Vogel 's report and also copy of minutes to Judge Winegart of Juvenile Court. Mr. Craig presented his report, copy of which is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. Mr. Craig recommended our building sanitary facilities at the playground and the matter was discussed, and it was the consensus that matter be held over for full Commission attendance. Mrs. Grage asked approval of refund of $90.00 to Mr. George Cummings, collected in error for sewer service charge for 12 quarters, as Mr. Cummings was not connected to our system until this week. Mr. Goodling moved approval of refund, seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. Mrs. Grage reported we have received O.E.P. approval of our supplemental report in the amount of $2, 503 .00. Mrs. Grage, the office staff, Mr. Craig and Mr. Hilliard were commended for diligence on O.E.P. matters. Minutes 4-12-65 - Page #6 Mr. Olsen advised Commissioner Weldon asked attitude regarding survey suggested by Jacksonville and Neptune Beaches regarding feasibility of electric distribution plant. Will carry over for complete report from Commissioners Weldon and Parks. Mr. Moore moved adjournment, whereupon Mr. Olsen declared the meeting adjourned. Attest: 0-Gee,ez 40,' Adele S. Grage, City C s-rk /George` Olsen, Mayor-Commissioner 4 ATLANTIC COAST LITTLE MAJOR LEAGUE Post Office Box 588 Jacksonville Beach, Florida April 7, 1965 City Commissioners City of Atlantic Beach c/o City Hall 716 Ocean Boulevard Atlantic Beach, Florida Attention: Mr. Craig, City Manager Gentlemen: We are very grateful for the opportunity to present this letter to you. It contains what we believe to be an ideal projection of our services and of our needs in conducting the affairs of the Atlantic Coast Little Major League this year. As you are aware, we will have eight teams comprised of 15 boys each, ages 8 through 12. After a count of the team rosters, we have ascertained that more than 65% of the boys reside in Atlantic Beach. Each team is supervised by two adults; a manager and a coach. Every boy is required to have an insurance policy which cost him $2. The policy which is a group plan, is similar to the school policy. We think this is more than adequate. Following is the outline of our services and our needs : Playing Field We request use of the Atlantic Beach baseball field April 12 through July 16. We need it Tuesday through Friday night of each week and the lights from 6 p.m. (or as twilight dictates) through 10:30 p. m. each night. Our General Manager, Robert Miller, will be responsible for turning the lights on and off. He will name a fully qualified substitute in the event of his absence at any time. It is understood the City will maintain the field, i.e. mowing the grass, dragging the infield before each 6 p.m. game, apply lines to the playing area and perform other maintenance as necessary. Atlantic Beach City Commissioners April 7, 1965 Page Two Additionally, to be eligible for district and state tourna- ments, we need a regulation-size field. This could be accomp- lished by placing a snow fence, if not a permanent fence, to form the proper dimensions in the outfield. Practice sessions on the field at hours other than specified above will be up to the discretion of you gentlemen. But we can use it almost every afternoon and on weekends. Uniforms and Equipment: The Atlantic Coast Little Major League will furnish new uniforms, base-balls, catching equipment, and bats at the League's expense. We also will install additional bleacher seats which remain the property of the League. Concession Stand: We request exclusive use of the front half of the concession stand and all revenue therefrom. The League will be responsible for dispensing and storage of all goods used. The League assumes responsibility for payment of all goods purchased by the League or its representative and all bills are to be submitted to the League. In other words, we want complete control of the concession stand. Toilet Facilities : We are in dire need of better toilet facilities. General : We wonder if it is possible to lay a good grade of topsoil from dugout to dugout, outside the fence, to help keep down the dust in the dry season. Gentlemen, we are looking toward the season with a. great deal of enthusiasm. We want and need your support; be with us on opening night and every night thereafter. Respectfully submitted, Eddie L. Ervin, Jr League Secretary 536 South Street ELE/bjl Neptune Beach, Florida CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA STIPULATIONS REGARDING USE OF CITY BALL PARK 1. Request by the Atlantic Coast Little League, for use of the City owned baseball field from April 12 to mid July 1965, has been approved subject to the requirement that all games shall be super- vised by a Coach and a Manager of each and every team playing, including practice periods prior to such games; it being understood that the League's general Manager, Mr. Robert Miller, will be present at all games unless unavoidably absent in which case he shall provide a. competent and responsible representative. 2. Regarding Electric Lighting system for night games, the general Manager, Mr. Miller, will obtain key for the switch mechan- ism from the City Fire Station each evening in time to turn lights on prior to start of play, or as twilight may require; and, after play he will turn off lights and return key, personally to Fire Station. If he is unable to be present, Mr. Miller will so advise the Fire Station and furnish identification as to the person who will turn lights on and off, and he will assume full responsibili- ty for the proper qualification of his substitute to handle the switch mechanism without error. 3 . The City, as a matter of course, undertakes to maintain the playing field - clay area within infield and grass area of out field; will provide home plate and pitcher's rubber, and will en- deavor to maintain lights for night games at a suitable intensity of illumination. Further, the City will provide ample containers for disposal of the garbage and trash which may be incident to sales in the Concession Stand and otherwise in an assemblage of numerous people. In this connection however, the City will hold the League responsible for any damage to fence in vicinity of dug- outs and will require all trash and garbage to be deposited by pla- yers and spectators in the containers provided for that purpose. "Litterbug"disposal of trash on ball field or immediate vicinity thereof may be regarded by the City as cause for discontinuance of use of field by the League. 4 . It is intended that only such persons as may be duly authoriz- ed by the League shall have access to the Concession Stand. The storeroom at back of Concession Stand is reserved for storage of City owned Recreation Equipment and shall be accessable only to the Recreation Director or to others whom he may specifically designate to have such access. Page 2 5. Practice time for Little League Teams shall commence at 5 P.M. , Tuesday through Friday each each week; The earlier hours of such afternoons being reserved for suitably supervised groups not specifically included in Little League Teams. Prior to school vacation time, when the Recreation Director will become available for "scheduling and arranging", questions regard- play-off of rained out games and additional practice time should be referred to City Manager Craig or to Public Works Director Hilliard. CITY OF , i j914441011410 • l)eaz-TtMda CITY MANAGER'S REPORT April 12, 1965 1. Hurricane Dora damage repairs, within categories specified in our . application for Federal Assistance, have been completed. Final listings of materials, equipment and man-hours were turned over to Mrs. Grage about March 20th. Her problem, then, was to co-relate the final listings with original estimates and prior specific statements of quantities, costs, etc. We both hope that our labor in this area have been terminated and that the Govern- ment Auditots will find very few, if any, exceptions. 2. Due to unfavorable tide conditions in late March and early April, we are not as far advanced as we hoped to be in the project of stairways from Seawall to beach at street ends. However, we have such access complete and in use at 4th and 11th Streets, with progress well advanced on 13th Stteet. 3. The City Ball Park on Plaza has been placed in reasonably good playing condition: Outfield seeded, fertilized and kept mowed; clay area of infield completely renewed; Concession Stand and Dugouts roof- ing renewed; fences repaired etc. Reconditioning of Electric Bight- ing system, undertaken by Mr. Brantley of Jacksonville Beach Electric Utilities Department was completed Saturday April 10th with except- tion of a few lamp fixtures which will be installed upon receipt. 4. The Playground, Recreation Area and baseball field in Donner Subdivision also has been worked over and is in very good condition. 5. Despite adverse weather during most of March, the repair, cleaning and painting of our elevated water tank was accomplished in a truly commendable manner by LEWCO Corporation. Work was completed April 6th, and we have on hand Reports from Pittsburg Testing Laboratory certifying that both interior and exterior painting is in accord with the specifications. Cordial relationship existed throughout progress of this work between LEWCO Superintendent, Mr. King, and myself; and it was gratifying to see his careful attention to the purpose of having a good job well done. PII• CITY OF . . . Page 2. -AL—, 4141#141(0 Beack-Feoiddet• i 6. During March we accomplished considerable improvement in drain- age in west side of Donner Subdivision; but the plan for ditching eastward from Main Street alon$fLewis was found to be dependent, for efficiency, upon, clearing/Puckett Creek Mosquito Control ditch leading north from Church Road. I have discussed this situa- tion with Mr. Whittlesey who plans to move equipment into this area in near future. 7. I have studied carefully the possibility of providing toilet facilities in recreation area adjacent to City baseball park.. The cost of extension of 8" sanitary sewer westward 265 feet more or less, from manhole at Seminole Road and Palm Avenue, plus an additional three hundred feet of 6" service to toilet areawwas found to be expeastive. Therefore the possibility of installing a temporary Septic Tank, to serve Men's and Ladies Toilets, at a point approximately 175 feet south of Concession Stand at Ball- park was studied. Such facility having been found feasable, and cost of construction of the two buildings complete with fixtures and septic tank being estimated at $1000.00, I suggest authori- zation for such undertaking - cost of materials to be defrayed from Account No. 904 (Recreation Construction) . A. J. Crai City Manager i r ORDANIZED UNDER AND RT AUTHORITY OF ma FIRST AID AND LIFE SAVIN41 SERVICE, AMERICAN NATIONAL RED CROD{,WAileilp1,,O • American Red Cross Volunteer LifeSaving Saving Corps CHARTERED APRIL 14. 1514 lOARD OF DIRECTORS DAVID NAUeNTON, Copps OFFICERS PReIoENY FRANK W. HAD Vi tI DENT Vies PRt •4 PAUL E. REIN 1► JOEL VARN, JR., CAPTAIN NORRIS. Vlct ►Res1DENT 1: KEITH RIECHMANN, LIEUTENANTR 101 p!. ROBERT L. ROMERSON, SERRY WILSON, SECRETARY-TRtAtUREIN YM DR. FREDERICK OETJEN, MEDICAL OFFICER °T 4A ROLF[ WALL, MAra OFFICER E. GARY ADAMS FRANK L. N, MATS CHARLES E. PENNETT MURRAY MILLERILLER,, MATS WAYNE E. RIPE[Y FRANK P. LEE, Ailey. IN4p1 7fy5T J. T. MCCORMICK opERATINS IN CONNECTION WITH SOS Y[LDELL, QUARTNRMADT QUARDR. ADOLPH CONE DUVAL COUNTY CHAPTER, JAMES A. WATTS, OND, RMA A. R. C. E. C. 'CLIFF* MORTONWILLIAM F. CRANFRDQYARitRYAfTtR W. U. WILSON DAVID L.G. MARS RNBSi BAA LEM WALTER F. JT HORACE 6. MARSH, RI. NEsI R F. JOHNSON lOX • GEORGE J. GARCIA, 111, Rt�N►T11A5 DON GOODLiMO P. 0. BOX 4042 JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 3=501 U. S. A. April 8, 1965 Mr. Don Goodling c/o Westinghouse Electric Company Prudential Building Jacksonville, Florida Dear Don: The Staff of the Life Saving Corps has selected the Beach Patrol for Atlantic Beach, Florida. The men selected are as follows: Captain Horace Marsh Surfman Bill Tucker Surfman Wayne Moocia Surfman Tony Ford Horace Marsh has been Captain of the Atlantic Beach Beach Patrol for the past two seasons and from all reports, his services have been highly satisfactory and we feel they will continue to be this year. I will be very happy to meet with you and Mr. Craig to discuss the operations for the coming season whenever it is convenient. Very truly yours, (77 . 1 Varn, Jr. Captain JV:ee CITY OF JACKSOI'1!VIEEE BEACt1 JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FLORIDA OFFICE OF CITY Recreation Department April 5, 1965 Mayor George R. Olsen City Commission City Hall Atlantic Beach, Florida Gentlemen: The Atlantic-Jax Beach Men's Softball League requests the use of the Atlantic Beach Baseball Diamond on Monday & Saturday nights from 7 to 10:30 for their League play. The League will compose of 6 teams with approximately half of the players from Neptune-Atlantic Beaches and the other half from Jax Beach and Mayport. The league which is self-supported is organized and supervised by the Jacksonville Beach Recreation Department with umpires supplied by the Jacksonville Umpires Association. To operate this league with a double-header each night will be $32.52 which includes: 2 Umpires - $20.00 4 Balls 7.52 1 Scorer 5.00 $32.52 We will need as we did last year, the diamond worked, bases, and lights without a charge. Tire Little league can operate the concession stand on these nights if they would like to make the profit from the attendance that view these games. We hope this request meets with your approval. It will make a great number of the Beaches men happy and keep them playing and physically fit. Please let me know as soon as possible you decision so we can put this league into operation. cerelyyours, . Wilton Smith, Supt. • i.-' Recreation Department • • • .67 1965 e' - AtJTIC BSG fps THE CITY pr AT,�,LAT: April 12, 1965 City Commission City of Atlantic Beach Atlantic Beach, Florida. Gentlemen: With reference to recent consideration of a curfew ordinance for our City, we have had several discussions with the Duval County Juvenile Court authorities including Judge Lamar Winegeart on this subject. As a result of their cooperation and knowledge we would define the basic problem areas as follows : 1. Juvenile delinquency consisting of: (a) Breaking and entering (b) Vandalism (c) Rowdyism (disturbing the peace) (d) Careless and reckless driving 2. Juvenile dependency due to lack of proper parental (or guardian) supervision. In reviewing these with Duval County Juvenile Court authorities, it is apparent that existing Florida Statutes, properly adminis- tered by our Public Safety Department, provide solutions to the above. The Juvenile Court has assured me of their interest and cooperation in this matter and I therefore make the follow- ing recommendations : 1. Indoctrination program for our Police patrolmen. The Juvenile Court will assist in setting up this program and provide instruction. 2. Support the intention of the court to standardize necessary report form. This would expedite communi- cations, assure proper legal compliance and simplify required procedures. 3 . Solicit our citizens cooperation in promptly reporting incidents. Respectfully Submitted R. C. Vogel Chief of Police