03-22-65 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MARCH 22, 1965 1 . Call to Order 2 . Invocation 3 . Minutes meeting March 8, 1965 4. Recognition Visitors 5 . Awards Committee Report: (a) Sedan type Pick-up truck 6. Expenditure Approvals: (a) B. Bo McCormick & Sons (Balance of Emergency bills $14, 823. 09 - $8, 440.40 to be paid from Hurricane "Dora" fund and balance from Emergency Fund Account #1050. Suggest transfer $6, 382.69 to Account #1050 from Water System Renewal and Replacement Fund) . 7 . Resolutions: (a) Resolution 65-10- Police Matron (b) Resolution 65-11- Comprehensive Transportation Planning - Federal Assistance. 8. Ordinances: (a) Misdemeanors - Report by Mr. Thompson. (b) Ordinance - Rezoning part of Hotel Reservation - Residence A to Business A and Residence "C", First Reading - title only - 9. Approval Building Permit: (a) P. H. Gay for construction of Drive-In at Atlantic Blvd. and Sylvan Drive. 10. Authorization and Approval: (a) Change Order #2 - LEWCO Corp. in the amount of $75. 00 issued by City Manager as urgent. (b) Advertisement in Program of Beaches Junior Women' s Club in amount $18.75. 11. Report Jacksonville Humane Society for February, 1965. 12. Correspondence: (a) Little League Baseball - Request for use of Atlantic Beach ball field. 13.Police and Fire Chief 14. City Manager 15 . Commissioners 16. Adjourn MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, MARCH 22ND, 1965 AT 8 P.M. Present: George R. Olsen Donald Goodling Walter J. Parks, Jr. John W. Weldon, Commissioners and Frank Thompson, City Attorney Arthur J. Craig, City Manager Adele S. Grage, City Clerk Absent: Chas. R. Moore, Commissioner (out of town) The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Olsen. The Invocation was given by Commissioner Goodling. There being no corrections or additions to the minutes of March 8th, 1965 they were declared approved as written. Mr. Olsen recognized visitors present and called for any business from the floor not In the agenda. There was none. However, due to Mr. Geo. Pennycook and Mr. Stan Smith of the Atlantic Coast Little League being present, that item on the agenda was next considered. Request had been received from this league to use our baseball field on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights from April 6th through July 16th. Mr. Penny- cook and Mr. Smith discussed the matter with the Commission at length advising that boys involved are between ages of 8 and 11 or 12 years, and that about 60% of them are Atlantic Beach boys. There was discussion as to facilities, concessions, lighting, daytime play, etc. , and it was agreed that responsibilities should be definitely agreed upon and all conditions relating to the use be firmed up in writing. Mr. Goodling moved that the mat.'-.cr be referred to a committee consisting of City Manager Craig and some- one of the Mayor's choosing, to work up plans and details as to handling concessions, lights, etc. with the League and report back at next meeting, seconded by Mr. Parks. Mr. Weldon advised that he thought a league such as this would fit into the program and purpose for which the field was constructed, but would sug- gest to the committee that this is an Atlantic Beach facility and was provided primarily for Atlantic Beach residents and this should be taken into consideration in deciding how it will be used. Following further discussion the Mayor put the question and the motion was carried. Mr. Olsen appointed Commissioner Moore to serve with Mr. Craig to work out details with the league and re- port back to the Commission. Bob Miller, who did such an accepta- Minutes 3-22-65, Page #2 ble job as Recreation Director for Atlantic Beach last summer, is to be the General Manager and supervisor for this league. The report was received from the Awards Committee on the sedan- type pickup truck. Copy of the report is attached to these min- utes and made a part thereof. The committee recommended that the bid of the Southside Motor Co. for a Ford Ranchero pickup truck for $1, 781.40 be accepted as the lowest and best bid. Mr. Good- ling moved that the recommendation of the Awards Committee be ac- cepted and proper contract be entered into, after being checked by the City Attorney, with terms of payment specified, seconded by Mr. Parks and the vote was: Aye: Goodling, Parks, Olsen Nay: Weldon Whereupon Mr. Olsen declared the motion carried and the award made to the Southside Motor Co. as specified. It was advised that in order to receive the balance due on Hurri- cane damage expenditures from O.E.P. we will have to pay all out- standing bills, therefore we would like approval to pay the bal- ance due the B.B. McCormick & Sons in the amount of $14, 823.09. There is a balance of $8, 440.40 in the 1964 Hurricane Emergency Fund , and there is available for transfer $6, 382.69 from the Water System Renewal & Replacement Fund to Account 1050 in the General Fund. Mr. Weldon moved the adoption of Resolution 65-13 to pay the balance of the B.B. McCormick & Son ' s bill in amount of $14, 823.09 , and to carry out the necessary transfer to Ac- count #1050 from the Water System Renewal & Replacement Fund, seconded by Mr. Parks. Mr. Goodling stressed that it was under- stood that this money will be refunded by O.E.P. but it is neces- sary to take this action in order to become eligible for final payment from O.E.P. , such funds to be put in proper accounts when received. Mayor Olsen put the question and the motion was carried. Copy of Resolution #65-13 is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. Resolution #65-10 was presented establishing a classification of "Police Matron" under Account #301 in the 1965 Budget and trans- ferring $200.00 from Account #1050 to Account #301 to cover this service when needed. It is necessary that we have the services of a Police Matron when we have women prisoners at the jail to be searched. Mr. Weldon moved the adoption of the resolution as presented, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. Copy of said Reso- lution #65-10 is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. Resolution #65-11 relating to comprehensive planning in urbanized area as regards highways and transportation systems and request- ing recognition of the Jacksonville-Duval Area Planning Board as Minutes 3-22-65, Page #3 the official agency to prepare studies and programs under the Fed- eral Aid Highway Act, was presented. Mr. Goodling moved the adop- tion of said Resolution #65-11, seconded by Mr. Parks. Mr. Weldon advised that a similar resolution was being presented to the other beaches for consideration and adoption. Following discussion Mr. Olsen put the question and the motion was carried. Copy of Reso- lution #65-11 is attached to these minutes and made a partthereof. Resolution #65-12 was presented-said resolution directs the City Treasurer to defer transfering funds from the General Fund to the Sewer and Water Funds until the emergency money spent is received from the O.E.P. , or our other collections permit. This refers to the regular transfer of funds normally accomplished each month, as outlined in the Water Ordinance. Mr. Craig and Mrs. Grage advised that they felt the procedure was appropriate. Mr. Thompson ad- vised that the transfer does not have to be right now. The Water Ordinance provides that any funds in the Water Revenue Account after provision for the requiremants as specified therein may be used by the City for any other purpose permitted by law. Mr. Parks moved the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Mr. Weldon and following the discussion the question was put and the motion carried. Copy of Resolution #65-12 is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. There was a lengthy discussion of the proposed ordinance control- ling groups of teenagers loitering and roving the streets without supervision. Mr. Thompson advised that he felt we should use the word "curfew" if that is what we want. Mr. Goodling stated he was not opposed to using the word "curfew" if that is what we are trying to accomplish. Mr. Olsen felt we want to make it possible for the police department to be given the authority to take juve- niles to the police station rather than to the juvenile court on first offences, and contact their parents. There was further discussion following which the matter was referred to Mr. Thompson to study and prepare appropriate ordinance. An Ordinance providing for the re-zoning of part of the Hotel Re- servation now occvpied by the Atlantic Beach Hotel and its second- ary buildings from Residence "A" to Residence "C" and Business "A" was presented in full in writing. There was lengthy discussion following which Mr. Weldon moved that the- rules be waived and the Ordinance as presented be adopted by title only on first reading and that Thursday, April 8th, 1965 at 8 P.M. be set as date for Public Hearing on said Ordinance, seconded by Mr. Parks and car- ried. Mr. Weldon then moved that the deed dated July 27, 1946 conveying the right-of-way between 7th St. and 10th St. to the Town of At- lantic Beach by Juliette H. Adams, et al, be recorded in the Pub- lic Records of Duval County to-morrow if possible, seconded by Minutes 3-22-65, Page #4 Mr. Goodling and carried. Mr. Weldon then moved that the deed be brought to the attention of the company making the survey of the Hotel Reservation property in order that their survey may be corrected to reflect the provisions of the deed, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. Mr. Goodling moved that the applicant for re-zoning the Hotel Reser- vation property be directed to place 3 signs on the property-one sign on each portion affected, with one sign facing 10th Street one sign facing Ocean Blvd. , and one sign at Club Drive side, and that the signs be at least 24" by 24" and printed in legible letters advising of the re-zoning and date of Public Hearing, and that the signs be erected by March 29th, 1965. The motion was seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. It was the consensus of opinion that such signs be our policy requirement on re-zoning. Mr. Craig presented a request for building permit from P.H. Gay to build a drive-in restaurant. He advised that the plans appear harmonious with the building code and that they have applied to State Board of Health Sanitation Department for approval. Mr. Goodling moved approval of permit subject to their meeting zoning requirements and State Hotel & Restaurant requirements, seconded by Mr. Weldon. There was further study of the plans and questions raised as to parking area, location of buildings on property, etc. following which Mr. Craig withdrew his recommendation for approval of permit at this time. Mr. Goodling and Mr. Weldon withdrew their motion and second. The City Manager will obtain further information as to relationship of proposed building to existing buildings, and building lines as well es parking area before the Commission takes action on the permit. The location is Lots 7�8 and 799, Saltair. Mr. Craig requested approval of our Change Order #2 to LEWCO Corp. on the water tank work. It was found that the level indicator was inoperative and would cost $75.00 to restore to proper working order. Mr. Parks moved approval of Change Order #2 at charge as outlined by City Manager, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. A request was presented from the Junior Woman ' s Club for an $18. 75 ad in their 1964-65 Follies program the proceeds of which go for the support of the Well Baby and Dental Clinics at the Beaches Health Center. Mr. Weldon moved that we take the ad and charge against our advertising account, seconded by Mr. Goodling and the vote was: Aye: Goodling, Weldon Nay: Parks, Olsen Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion not carried, but it was consensus of opinion that the Commissioners would personally take Care of the ad. Minutes 3-22-65, Page #5 The report from the Jacksonville Humane Society for the month of February, 1965 was received and filed for information. Copies of the Municipal Court Dockets for March 15th and March 22nd, 1965 were received for filing and information. Mr. Goodling suggested our expressing commendation to the officials of the Greater Jacksonville - ' Open Golf Tournament and Mr. Wel- don included Chief Vogel and his department who were assisted in performing a remarkably good job by the Sheriff' s department and the Beaches Auxiliary Police. Mr. Olsen favorably commented on the unique handling of the garbage and Mr. Craig advised that credit for that should be given to Mr. Hilliard and his crew. Mr. Parks and Mr. Goodling will get to-gether and outline a letter, copies of which will be sent tc all responsible parties. A request was presented from the Men ' s Softball League for use of the ball field this summer. This request was referred to Mr.Craig and Mr. Moore to handle with the same general suggestions as for the Little League. Mr. Craig advised he has had only one application to date for Rec- reation Director, and he seems to be a qualified and well recommend- ed young man. It was discussed and Mr. Goodling moved that the City Manager be authorized to use his discretion in hiring of a director, seconded by Mr. Parks. Mr. Goodling suggested that we follow the same procedure as last year, and that the director sub- mit a program outline of work for the summer, and then a summary of work done at end of season. Following discussion the Mayor put the question and the motion was carried. Mr. Craig expressed appreciation of the work accomplished by the LEWCO Corp. on the water tank under very adverse weather conditions. The interior painting has been completed and passed test, and we plan to fill tank to-morrow afternoon. Mr. Hilliard advised that he had personally inspected interior painting in tank and it was very good job. Mr. Weldon advised there will be a meeting of the joint committee of the Beaches at the Jacksonville Beach City Hall to-morrow (Tues- day) night at 8 P.M. to discuss a joint utility district for elec- tricity. He also thanked the City Manager for the repairs to Sherry Drive. Mr. Goodling reported that he has contacted the Life Saving Corps and we will have one captain and three surfinen on duty from June 7th through September 6th for 6 days a week. There was a discus- sion as to closing off the beach on week-ends during month of April Minutes 3-22-65, Page #6 for the protection of bathers. The matter was discussed at length and it was suggested that the Police Chief and City Man- ager watch the beach carefully and exercise good jedgement in keeping vehicular traffic off the beach when in best interest of public welfare and protection. There was discussion as to meth- ods of roping off beach and Mr. Thompson advised that if wire is used be sure it is clearly flagged and marked. Chief Vogel still feels wire might be dangerous. Mr. Olsen asked that any salary changes due to personnel changes be checked and that the personnel salary schedule and other por- tions of the personnel ordinance be studied so that action can be taken, Mr. Weldon stated that we dight include at the same time suggestions made by the auditor. Mr. Goodling advised that Captain Henry Boyer who lives on 7th Street in Atlantic Beach has just returned from Viet R431 and he believes we would like to express our appreciation to our cit- izens who are so serving. It was consensus of opinion that we do greatly appreciate these services. Mr. Weldon ' s suggestion that a copy of the minutes be sent to Captain Boyer was unani- mously approved. Captain Boyer was raised in Neptune Beach and we are happy to have him as an Atlantic Beach resident now. There being no further business, Mr. Olsen declared the meet- ing adjourned. I A007 17 :: /G, A . t .-- George R f.lsen, Mayor- Commissioner Attest: 0 1: Adele S. Grage, City Clerk CITY OF . , . Nicol& Bea4 -T&i' ida March 22, 1965 REPORT OF AWARDS COMMITTEE The Awards Committee appointed by the Mayor on March 8, 1965, to con- sider bids submitted by several dealers for furnishing one sedan type pick-up truck, under Specification No. 1965-5, has carefully considered the bids and the characteristics of the vehicles described therein. Bids received were tabulated for comparison as follows: Southside Motor Co. (Ford) : Falcon Ranchero $1, 781.40 Lynch-Davidson Motors (Ford) : Falcon Ranchero 1, 825. 00 Riverside Chevrolet Co. : Chevrolet El Camino 1, 954.45 John Deihl Chevrolet Co. : Chevrolet El Camino 1, 982. 98 Southside Dodge, Inc. : Dodge Crew Cab 2, 036.00 No other bids were received. By telephone inquiry it was ascertained that the apparent low bid of Southside Motor Company is in fact based on furnishing a Falcon Ranchero with 120 horsepower rating, as specified; which has 900 lb. cargo capacity rating in 55 sq. ft. floor space (evidently cab and hood space 411 included) . Further, this firm proposes to deliver within 31 days after receipt of order, and affords guarantee of 24 months on every feature of the vehicle. By similar inquiry it was ascertained that the bid of Riverside Chevrolet Company, based on furnishing a 120 horsepower El Camino which has 1200 lb. cargo capacity rating in 30. 5 sq. ft. floor space. This firm proposes to deliver within 45 days after receipt of order and only guarantees major items of vehicle for 24 months. After due and careful consideration of the characteristics of the vehicles in question - the advantages of one being offset in many respects by those of the other, it is deemed to be most advantageous to the City of Atlantic Beach that the bid of Southside Motor Company, in amount of $1, 781.40, to furnish Falcon Ranchero Pick-up Truck, be accepted; and it is so recommended. R sp ctf ubmitted, tq( kr ede604 on L. Goodling 641 4(1., , 4, P21 2/4-11-- -Z-- R. /R. H. Hilliard Committee CITY OF _ NeCtiodie, Bea -T a RESOLUTION #65-10 WHEREAS, the 1965 Budget does not provide funds for services of a Police Matron, when needed, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, That, 1. A classification of "Police Matron" be added to ccount #301, and that, 2. Two hundred Dollars ($200.00) be and the same is hereby transferred from Account #1050 to Account #301 in 1965 Budget to cover these services when needed. * * * * * * Passed by the City Commission ''; / ,1 / 961S Attest: 0.,e,&_ ,S .;-1/4-er Adele S. Grage City Clerk (SEAL) 1 RESOLUTION NO. 65 1/ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, RELATING TO COMPREHENSIVE TRANSPORTATION PLANNING IN URBANIZED AREA IN SAID COUNTY AS REQUIRED ANI) PREREQUISITE TO FEDERAL ASSISTANCE; DESIGNATING LOCAL AGENCY TO MAKE STUDIES AND PROGRAM PLANNING COOPERATIVELY WITH STATE AGENCY WHEREAS, under the provisions of the Federal Aid Highway Act, Section 134, Title 23, U.S .C.A. , it is declared to be in the national interest to encourage and promote the development of transportation systems and, to this end, it is necessary to provide long-range programs and planning cooperatively between state and local communities; and, WHEREAS, this Commission is desirous of cooperating in every way possible with state and local agencies in planning and formulating a program in order that this community may participate in the objectives afforded by the Federal Aid Highway Act referred to above. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, in regular session on this the)./miday of March, A. D. , 1965, as follows: Section 1. That the matters and things set forth in the preamble of this resolution are affirmed. Section 2. Jacksonville-Duval Area Planning Board, an official statutory body, is recognized as the official agency to prepare studies and programs under said Federal Aid Highway Act referred to above for the Jacksonville "urbanized area", as defined by the United States Bureau of Census for the year 1960, other than those prepared by and made by the State Road Department of Florida. And, said agency, Jacksonville-Duval Area Planning Board, is hereby respectfully requested bo make the required studies and programming and to cooperate in every way possible with the state agency in formulating a program required in said Federal Aid Highway Acts as a prerequisite for approval on the part of the Secretary of Commerce, in order for this community to participate in Federal Assistance. Tipp RESOLUTION NO. 65 / / Page #2 Section 3. That the Board of County Commissioners are respectfully requested to cooperate with the Jacksonville-Duval Area Planning Board and to furnish said Board with such maps, plans and studies as they may have which will be of assistance to the said Area Planning Board in making its studies and programs, as requested in this resolution. *** I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach, Duval County, Florida, on the ,of March, A. D. , 1965, at a regular meeting held in Atlantic Beach, Duval County, Florida. ad,e-ez_ „, Adele S. Grage, City Cl • k (SEAL) RESOLUTION 65-12 WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach has been faced with numerous emergencies in the past few months, due to Hurricane Dora, and WHEREAS, these emergencies have required the expenditure of monies, which have not been refunded by OEP, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT the City Treasurer be directed to defer the regular monthly transfer of funds from the General Fund to the Sewer and Water Funds until monies have been reimbursed by OEP and/or collections of General Fund monies have been made sufficient to cover such expenditures. Passed by the City Commission on March 22, 1965 . Attest: atice&geAdele S . Grage, City C1' k (SEAL) 7 .' CITY OF . . . Matt& Be -TEoidda RESOLUTION #65-13 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, that The balance due on bill of B. B. McCormick & Sons, Inc. for repair work done as a result of the damage from Hurricane Dora in the amount of $14, 823 .09, be and the same is hereby approved for payment and the City Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same as follows: $8, 440.40 from the hurricane Emergency Fund and $6, 382.69 from the General Fund Account #1050 and that, In order to make funds in Account #1050 available for said payment, the sum of $6, 382.69 be transferred into that account from the Water System Renewal and Replacement Fund. * * * * * Passed by the City Commission March 22, 1965. Attest: 1 6CIAlla 2) . ,.' - Af, Adele S. Grage City Clerk (SEAL)