01-11-65 v /Fr CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA January 11, 1965 1 . Call to order .000EQ 2. Invocation Rev. W. G. Sherman 3 . Minutes Meeting December 28, 1964 4. Recognition of Visitors 5. Reports : (a) Awards Committee - Repairing, cleaning and painting water tank 6 . Authorize Hilliard expenses to Short Course - Gainesville, February 21st thru 24th. 1965 . 7. Approval Call For Bids : (a) Petroleum products for 1965 (b) Pick=Up Truck 8 . Correspondence (a) Advisory Planning Board 9. Tax Assessor - 1965 10. Ordinance: (a) Sewer Service Charges - 1st reading 11. Police and Fire Chief 12 . City Manager la. Commissioners 14. Adjourn MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, JANUARY 11TH, 1965 AT 8 P.M. Present: Walter J. Parks, Jr. Don Goodling John W. Weldon, Commissioners and Frank Thompson, City Attorney Arthur J. Craig, City Manager Adele S . Grage, City Clerk Absent: George R. Olsen, Mayor-Commissioner Chas. R. Moore, Mayor-Commissioner Pro-tem The meeting was called to order by Commissioner Walter J. Parks, Jr . in the absence of Mayor Olsen and Mayor-Pro-tem Moore. The Invocation was given by Rev, W.G. Sherman, pastor of Christ Methodist Church. Mr. Parks advised that he was serving as Acting Mayor due to the absence of the Mayor and Mayor-pro-tem from the City and State. Mr. Parks recognized visitors present and called for any business from the floor not on the agenda. There was none. The minutes of the meeting of December 28th, 1964 were declared approved as written, as there were no corrections or additions. The Awards Committee on the repairing, cleaning and re-painting the water tank requested a continuance of time on their report as they are studying the bids and bidders and have not secured sufficient information at this time to make a report. Mr. Good- ling moved that the committee be granted a continuance as request- ed, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Mr. Craig requested approval for Dick Hilliard to attend the Short Course at Gainesville for Building Officials. He believes it will be very beneficial to the City for Mr. Hilliard to attend this course from February 21-24, 1965 and recommends that he be sent with expenses paid. The registration fee is $15. 00 and he will present an expense statement covering this fee, hotel, meals and transportation to and from Gainesville , and Mr. Craig re- commended that it be charged to account 212, City Manager 's ex- penses, in the 1965 Budget. Mr . Weldon moved that we accept the City Manager 's recommendation , seconded by Mr. Goodling. There was discussion during which it was agreed to establish an . 08 per mile car allowance . Mr. Weldon and Mr. Goodling accepted Minutes 1-11-65, Page #2 this addition to the motion, following which Mr. Parks put the question and the motion was carried. Mr. Craig asked approval for "Call for Bids " on Petroleum Pro- ducts for the year 1965. He advised that the form with specifi- cations is the same as last year 's except that we have added an item of kerosene. Mr. Goodling moved the approval of the speci- fications and issuance of Call for Bids on petroleum products, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. January 25th, 1965 was set as date to receive bids. Mr. Craig asked approval of issuing a Call for Bids on a sedan- type pick up truck and he advised that the specifications are on similar form as used for the police cars. The types of trucks we now have and the one needed were discussed following which Mr. Goodling moVed the approval of the specifications and issu- ance of Call for Bids for a sedan-type pick up truck to be received on January 25th, 1965, seconded by Mr . Weldon and car- ried. A letter dated January 11, 1965 was read in full from the Advis- ory Planning Board as regards recommendations made by them dur- ing the year 1964 on the following: ordinance requiring tempered glass, signs, Jr. college, light at Atlantic Blvd. and Penman Road, incinerator at Pic N' Save, and re-zoning for filling sta- tions. Copy of said letter is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. Mr. Weldon advised that he is the laison member of the Planning Board and was not at the meeting in which these recommendations were made, but that the members of the Board are leading citizens with knowledge of and interest in the community, and perhaps we are not paying enough attention to the recommendations made by them. Mr. Weldon moved that these re- commendations be referred to the City Manager who will investi- gate and be prepared to give his views at the next regular meet- ing with recommendations, seconded by Mr . Goodling and after fur- ther discussion the question was put and the motion carried. A letter was presented from Mr. E .F. Koehler stating that his residence has been a single family residence since 1955 with the exception of 9 months in 1959. During 1964 the Public Works office advised that it was a duplex and we were directed to change our records to show it as a duplex. The attorney was asked if a property owner certified his property as a certain usage and changes the usage does that subject him to charge of misdemeanor. Mr. Thompson advised that it would be difficult to do. It has been determined that the property is now being used as single family. Mr. Koehler requested a refund of $23.10 to cover the difference i4 single family and duplex charges which he paid for • Minutes 1-11-65, Page #3 the 3rd and 4th quarters of 1964. After further discussion Mr. Goodling moved that the request be granted and a refund of $23. 10 be made to Mr. Koehler, seconded by Mr. Weldon and car- ried. As to a Tax Assessor for 1965, Mr. Craig had a reply from Mr. W.M. Willingham that he could not take on any additional work now. Mr.Craig advised : he had not heard from Mr. Hamilton, and that he has contacted a retired person who looked the situation over but decided against considering the job. After further discussion it was decided by consensus of opinion to continue the matter until the next meeting for consideration by the en- tire commission. An Ordinance covering sewer service charges was presented in full in writing for consideration on first reading by title only. Mr. Thompson advised that the words "and repealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith " be added to the title. This was done. Mr. Weldon moved that the Ordinance covering sewer service charges be passed on first reading by title only, and that the date of public hearing be set at the pleasure of the Acting Mayor, seconded by Mr. Good- ling and carried. Mr. Parks set 8 P.M. , January 25th, 1965 as date for public hearing on said Ordinance. Police Dockets for the weeks of January 4th and January 11th, 1965 were received for study and to be filed for information. Mr. Craig requested transfer of funds to the Repair and Replace- ment Account 1411 from the Account 1501 to cover purchase of meters to replace approximately 200 old meters that are beyond repair. The matter was discussed at length during which the mat- ter of corrosion caused by the chemicals in the water was dis- cussed as well as the old watch-dog type meters which are be- yond service or repairs. It was agreed that the matter is more far reaching than just buying meters and it was the consensus of opinion that Mr. Craig and Mr. Hilliard review the situation. get a new chemical analysis of our water from the State Board of Health with their opinion on the corrosion and their recom- mendations as to corrective measures. ,They shall make specific recommendations as to meters. In the meantime any meters that it is necessary to buy will be bought from Account 1411 - n. the Water Operations, Maintenance and Repairs Account. Mr. Craig advised that our storage space for vehicles at the garage is not sufficient to protect our equipment, and we badly need shed space to house 4 vehicles that are out in the weather. He estimates it can be built for about $1, 500. 00 and perhaps half could be built this year and half next year and if so directed he will draw up plans. He was advised to prepare plans which will be considered when presented. Minutes 1-11-65, Page #4 Mr. Craig recommended that the City look into the possibility of acquiring two small triangular pieces of property in Section "H" on Main St. - one at W. 1st St. and one at W. 2nd St. These tracts have been used by the normal flow of traffic and Mr. Craig feels that the City should acquire if possible at reasonable figure. There was discussion following which Mr. Weldon moved that the City Manager be authorized to negotiate and determine price and terms without committmeut, and report back to the Commission, sec- onded by Mr . Goodling and carried. Mr. Craig reported that he has had a conference with Councilman Bob Gordon of Neptune Beach who is their chairman of water and sewer. Mr . Gordon advised that they are favorable to the idea of working with us on water inter-connectibtt . Plans and specifica- tions will have to be drawn and approved by the State Board of Health and State Road Department, and perhaps the same contractor. can be used by both cities to do the work. All these details will have to be worked out. There was a lengthy discussion following which Mr. Goodling moved that the City Manager proceed with the plans for interconnection of the two water systems in the next logical steps, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Mr. Craig also reported on Neptune Beach 's plan to light Atlantic Blvd. in the business district with pedestal type lights similar to those on Third St. in Jacksonville Beach, and they hope Atlan- tic Beach will consider similar lighting on our side of the street. There was discussion in which it was determined that we favor lighting along Atlantic Blvd. as far down the boulevard as possi- ble. It was suggested that we get information on the type of sup- port and description of lamp and further specifications. Mr. Weldon moved that the City Manager continue to work with represen- tative of Neptune Beach to end of determining cost to City of At- lantic Beach to provide equal or similar lighting to that proposed by City of Neptune Beach, seconded by Mr . Goodling and carried. Mr . Craig reported that work was being done on the street ends, but is running higher in cost than estimated to O.E. P. It was advised that we have not to date received the 50% advance on disaster funds which has been approved. Our amount will be more than $6, 000. 00- which does not include the McCormick Bill. Mr. Craig also reported on other street work, drainage and construc- tion work in the City. He reported that we are working with the Garden Circles to improve the garbage situation and have prepared 200 copies of the Garbage Ordinances to be given out by the Garden Circles. There was c. cession as to making tournabouts in the median strip on Selva Marina Drive and it was decided to direct the City Manager to make estimates for presentation to the full Commission for consideration. Chief Vogel reported that the lack of traffic violations on the Minutes 1-11-65, Page #5 court dockets was due to condition of our police cars at present. The new cars are promised by the end of this month. Chief Vogel advised that the new building at Fire Station is progress- ing in line with plans and should be dried in by next Commission meeting. Mr . Goodling inquired as to inventory on first of the year as commented on in 1963 audit, and Mr. Craig advised that he would check into the matter . There was a discussion of the City Park and work that needs to be done. It was brought out that the ball park is not locked and is available to children to play on. The repairing of the basketball facility at the City Hall park was left to the City Manager ' s discretion. Mr. Weldon presented a Legislative Act which he had on request drawn up which Act would enable the City to utilize the voter registration of Duval County in lieu of maintaining books up to date in the City if we so desired. He has talked to Mr. Mallard, Supervisor of Registration for Duval County, and he has advised that he will be happy to work with the City. There was a lengthy discussion following which Mr. Weldon moved that the proposed Act be turned over to the City Attorney for corrections and editing as he deems necessary, then filing with the Court Clerk prior to January 15th, seconded by Mr. Goodling who complimented Mr . Weldon on his work in preparing. The filing with the Clerk is necessary prior to the visit by the Legislators on Tuesday, January 19th. The question was put and the unanimous vote was aye, and the motion was declared as carried. Mr. Weldon advised that he is to be on a program of the Beaches Civitan Club on Tuesday the 12th to discuss the pros and cons of consolidation. He will have the "con" side and will be speak- ing as an individual not a City Official. There being no further business Mr. Goodling moved adjournment, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Whereupon Mr. Parks declared the meeting adjourned. ----41 Attest: /''- - A04 44. Walter J . 'arks, Jr i, Ac ing- Mayor-Cc ,. issioner Adele S. Grage, City Irk January 11, 1965 Atlantic Beach, Florida Honorable Mayor and City Commission City of Atlantic Beach Atlantic Beach, Florida Gentlemen: The Advisory Planning Board of the City of Atlantic Beach, has reviewed the suggestions and recommendations of the Board for the year 1964, and recommend the following: 1. Change in the building code be made requiring that tempered glass be required in all buildings, covering new construction and replacements. 2. Signs. A letter sent the Commission on October 26, 1962, recommending that the request by General Outdoor Advertising Company, to erect a sign on Mayport Road, for Thor Chevrolet be denied. A letter dated May 24, 1963, recommend- ing Beach Auto Sales be denied the request to erect a sign at 160 Mayport Road. The following suggestions are recommended: 1. Require sign permits be obtained. 2. Require a Bond. 3. Require signs be placed certain distances apart and meet required rules. 3. Recommend that the Commission carry on with the project of assisting in attracting a Jr. College in or north of our City and also recommend they commit the City thru 1965 to extend water and sewer facilities without cost to any Junior or four year college. 4. In a letter to the Commission dated January 27, 1964, the Board recommended the City purchase and install one Mercury Vapor Lamp, and ask the Neptune Beach Council to authorize the purchase of a similar light for placement on the opposite corner, at the intersection of Penman Road and Atlantic Boulevard. We again make this recommendation as the Board thinks this intersection a traffic hazard. 5. The Board recommends that the Commission reconsider their adverse action on the Pic N' Save incinerator, for the following reasons: 1. Total elimination of trash piles behind store. 2. Less garbage collection costs to the City. 3. No blowing of trash in the adjoining neighbor- hood. 4. Wide spread use by leading business houses of Or Page 2 incinerators. Examples are J. M. Fields, Winn-Dixie, Sears Roebuck and others. 5. There is no City Ordinance prohibiting such. Lack of City Ordinance prohibiting such equipment and strong probability of legal action resulting from the Commissions action in the absence of the afore mentioned ordinance. 6. The Planning Board twice recommended against filling stations and Commission saw fit to approve the rezoning. We are further disturbed at the type of station that will be con- structed at a cost of only $22, 000, as we do not believe it will come up to the standard of the Texaco, across the street. In view of the fact we feel the City of Atlantic Beach, already has an excess of filling stations and when considered in the light of those already in Neptune Beach, we urge them to request that future applications for filling stations be referred to this board. In all probability $22, 000, cost stated in the application is either an unintentional under statement or a miss statement of the value of the project. Respectfully submitted, Mabel Marvin Board Secretary