NOVEMBER 27th, 1961
1. Call to Order.
2. Minutes of meeting of November 13 , 1961.
3. Recognition of Visitors.
4. Communications to Commission.
1. Jacksonville -- Duval County Safety Council
2. Justin C. Montgomery, Poor Boys Cab, Inc.
3 . Tom Ellis, Rezoning, Mayport Rd. South of the Plaza.
5. Unfinished Business.
1. Request to divide Lot 1, Block 3, Donner
2. Store, 2050 George Street
6. City Manager.
1. Plans for Water Plant Work.
2. 1962 Budget
7 . Ordinances.
1. 1962 Budget, First Reading.
8. Commissioners.
1961 AT 8 P.M.
Henry G. Isaacs, Mayor-Commissioner
Preben Johansen
J. B. Claiborne
Chas. R. Moore
C. B. Lawrence, Jr. , Commissioners
J. f. Waggoner, Jr. , City Manager
Mollie Allen Griffin, Acting Clerk
Absent Frank Thompson, City Attorney
Adele S. Grage, City Clerk
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner,
Mr. Isaacs.
Minutes of the meeting of November 13th, 1961 were approved
as corrected. Motion for approval was made by Mr. Moore,
seconded by Mr . Johansen and carried.
Mr. Isaacs introduced Mrs. Griffin as acting Clerk in the
absence of Mrs. Grage, who is on vacation.
Mayor Isaacs recognized the visitors and asked for any
business from the floor. There was none.
Communication from the Jacksonville-Duval County Safety Coun-
cil was read asking that a representative from the City of
Atlantic Beach be nominated for election to the Ex-Officio
Board. Police Chief W. J. McClung was appointed to this post.
Communication from Mr. Justin Montgomery, representing Mr.
Kohn and Mr. Ingram, operators of Poor Boy 's Cab Inc. , re-
questing a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity to
operate in the City of Atlantic Beach, was read by Mr. Isaacs.
After considerable discussion, Mr. Claiborne moved that a
Certificate of Convenience and Necessity be granted to Poor
Boy 's Cab Inc. when they furnish the City a Certificate of
Liability Insurance in the amounts of $50, 000 and $100,000
personal liability and $5, 000 property damage. This motion
seconded by Mr. Johansen and carried.
Communication read from Mr. Tom Ellis asking that 6.48 acres
on Mayport Road South of the Plaza be rezoned from Res.A to
Bus.B. Mr. Ellis and Mr. Nelson spoke in favor of this land
c- a
being rezoned. After much discussion and after it was
brought to the attention of all present that no definite
plans for the use of this property are completed at pre-
sent, the discussion was closed and the matter tabled for
further study. It was the consensus of opinion that the
Commission, as a zoning committee, discuss this matter with
Mr. Ellis and Mr. Nelson.
Mr. Waggoner was requested to contact the owner of Lot 1,
Block 3 in Donner Subdivision asking if he would be agree-
able to making two (2) lots out of this piece of land in-
stead of three (3) as he had requested.
Motion was made by Mr. Claiborne, seconded by Mr. Moore and
carried that the City issue permit for a grocery store to
be placed in operation at 2050 George Street, Atlantic Beach,
Mr. Waggoner requested permission to have Mr. Walter J. Parks,
Consulting Engineer, prepare the necessary construction plans
for the emergency work at the water plant as set out in Mr.
Parks ' report. Mr. Moore moved that this be done, seconded by
Mr. Lawrence and carried.
Mr. Waggoner presented the 1962 Budget as required by the
Atlantic Beach Charter.
Mr. Isaacs presented Ordinance No.20-61-5, being an Ordinance
adopting the 1962 Budget of the City of Atlantic Beach by
title only. Mr. Johansen moved that this Ordinance be passed
on first reading, seconded by Mr. Claiborne and carried.
Public hearing on this Ordinance is set for December 11, 1961.
Mr. Claiborne moved that the property in Saltair Subdivision
to be used for City Park be appraised by Mr. Richard Hamilton,
seconded by Mr. Johansen and carried.
Mr. Johansen suggested that the City Commission discuss the
Budget with Mr. Lynton Tyson, City Auditor. The Commission
instructed Mr. Waggoner to arrange for this meeting at 7 :30
P. M. on December 4, 1961.
Mr. Johansen gave the following information received by tele-
phone from Mr. Richard Hamilton on his appraisal of three (3)
lots needed as park area by the City:
Lot 37 $600.00
Lot 47 850.00
Lot 145 500.00
After much discussion it was decided to postpone action until
written appraisal was received from Mr. Hamilton.
Mr. Moore suggested that the City Manager prepare graphs or
charts showing comparisons of City operation for the past
several, years. Mr. Isaacs instructed the City Manager to
prepare such charts.
Mr. Lawrence announced that he had appointed Mr. Stockslager,
Mr. West and Mr. Pharr as members of the Financial Committee.
Mr. Claiborne announced that the colored play ground has been
improved by the addition of a basket ball court, football field
and that the playground equipment is on order.
Mr. Isaacs showed poster depicting the anticipated $80, 000. 00
City Hall.
Mr. C. E. Young requested that the City clear the corner at
Sherry Drive and Seminole Road to eliminate the traffic haz-
zard. He also suggested that this corner be beautified with
the help of the Garden Club.
Mr. Louie McDonald, representing Mr. Powell requested that
the City Commission approve the issuing of a building permit
to construct a filling station on Lot 1, Block 38 and Lots
1 and 2, Block 39, Section H, being the Southwest corner of
West 9th Street and Mayport Road. In the lengthly discussion
that followed it was brought out that the proposed station
complies with the zoning requirements and the only difficulty
is sewage disposal. Mr. McDonald stated that the owners of
this property would pay the cost of the sewer line extension
with the possibility of partial reimbursement as other cus-
tomers were connected. Mr. Johansen moved that the building
permit for this service station be granted when the owners
provide the money for the necessary sewer extension. This
motion seconded by Mr. Claiborne and carried.
There being no further business, Mr. Isaacs declared the
meeting adjourned.
4111111 .l
Henry G. ' :cs,
Mayor-Co ' sioner
Mollie Allen Griffin,Aeting Clerk