10-23-61 v CQXneSION METING
(.-ZNOLSR 23, 1961
1. Call to Oder.
2. Minutes of Meeting o October 90 1961.
17, 1961.
• •
Recovnition of Visitors,
40 Communicatlems to Cvmmission.
5 . City AanAgez.
1. Buildins, Permit Approval
95 Levy Roado Additioz.
25 Dudley 5treet0 Gara.s-e,
1350 Mayport Road, 2nclosa loP4ing dotk.
Mayport RoAd and Atlant:0,c Blvd. , Sign.
2. Garbage TrucX.
3. Park, anti Plemoiand.
4. Xecuest bids on street resurfacincl.
6. City Clerk
CerUficatea o ? Convenience ene Racessity.
AT 8 P.M.
Wm. S. Howell
Preben Johansen
J.B. Claiborne, Commissioners
Frank Thompson; City Attorney
J.F . Waggoner; Jr. , City Manager
Adele S. Grage, City Clerk
Absent: Commissioners:
W. Laney Whitehurst ( out of City)
Chas. R. Moore (out of City)
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner,
Mr. Howell.
Minutes of the meeting of October 9th, 1961 were approved as
written upon motion of Mr. Johansen, seconded by 1tr. Claiborne
and carried.
Minutes of the meeting of-October 17th, 1961 were approved as
written upon motion of Mr. Johansen, seconded by Mr. Claiborne
and carried.
Mayor Howell recognized- visitors present and called for any
business from the floor. Mrs. Geo. Pritchard, ' who with Mr.
Pritchard has just returned from a trip abroad, advised that
Mayor'Howell had requested her to bring him a girl back from
Paris, so she was presenting him with a "Parisienne Dol" which
was the best they could do to-wards meeting his request. They.
Mayor accepted the gift and thanked them for thinking of him.
PIr. Pritchard advised the' Commission that he has perfected a.oement
coating in several colors, such as green, blue, yellow, etc . ,
and has been asked by some of -his neighbors to paint their
porches and sidwalks for them. Since the sidewalks belong to
the City he wanted their permission, before painting any of them.
It was discussed and agreed that if he had the permission of the
abutting property owner that it would be agreeable with the City
for him to paint-the sidewalks,and if there is no complaint re-
gistered on them, then he could go ahead with others.
Mr. Waggoner presented plans from R.W. Fowler covering an addi-
tion to his plant on Levy Road. Mr. Waggoner advised that it is
of same type structure and -meets requirements and recommended
that the permit be granted. It was discussed following which
Mr. Johansen moved that permit be granted to Mr. Fowler for
this addition, seconded by Mr. Claiborne and carried.
Plans were presented for a permit to build an auto repair garage
at 25 Dudley St. Mr. Waggoner advised that they were in order and
in line with zoning requirements, and recommended that the per-
mit be granted. Mr. Johansen moved that the plans be approved
Minutes 10-23-61, Page #2
and permit issued, seconded by Mr. Johansen and carried.
Mr. Waggoner presented plans for enclosing the loading dock
at the bulk gas plant at 1365 Mayport Rd. , same to be for pro-
tection against the weather. Mr. Waggoner advised that the plans
comply with our Zoning Ordinance and our building restrictions ,
and also rules and regulations as set up by the state. Following
discussion' Mr. Johansen moved that the plans be approved and per-
mit issued, seconded by Mr. Claiborne and carried.
Mr. Waggoner next presented plans for an Oak Harbor Sub-division
sign which the developers want permit to erest at corner of May-
port Road and Main St. It was advised that the bottom of the
sign will be 8 feet from the ground and it therefore will not
present a traffic hazard. The sign itself will be 6 feet high
by 24 feet long. There was a discussion following which Mr.
Claiborne moved that permit be issued for the erection of sign
in line with plans presented, seconded by Mr. Johansen and carried.
Mr. Waggoner advised that•he had gone to Atlanta to look at the
garbage truck as directed, but that he did not buy the truck.
It was a good job of rebuilding but taking all things into con=
sideration, such as age of truck, some - obsolete mechanism, etc.
he did not feel that it was a good buy. He asked fon permission
to call for bids on a new truck for the next meeting. It was
agreed that he call for bids as requested.
Mr. Waggoner advised that the landfill project is just about to
Lot 37, Saltair belonging to Geo. Cellar. This is one of the lots
Mr. Thompson has for condemnation suit. We cannot go much fur
ther with the landfill until something is settled on same. Mr.
Waggoner talked to Mr. Cellar and he will not consider anything
less than $500.00. The matter was discussed and although it
might cost the City less to pay the $500.00 than to condemn, it
would not be fair to the other lot owners who co+operated with
us and accepted the appraised amount of x$250.00. It was agreed
that Mr. Thompson go ahead with the condemnation procedure, but
in the meantime should get an appraisal from another appraisor
as it will be -necessary to have pore than one appraisal when we
go into court. It was brought out that Lot 145 , Saltair i$ now
part of an estate, as the owner recently died, but that Mr. Tag-
goner should get in touch with those handling the estate . Mr.
Johansen moved that we get Mr. Richard Hamilton to make apprai-
sal of Lots - 37, 47, and 145 , Saltair, seconded by Mayor Howell
and carried.
Mr. Waggoner advised that the Hercules , Inc . are ready for the
playground equipment to be moved from the playground to the new
location, but it will be about a month before they can get to it
to move, but that City has their permission to move it at any-
time. It was brought out that there is no rush, as you won' t
want to put any equipment in the new playground until there-is
some grass covering that black dirt. Mr. Waggoner is to see
about getting grass growing.
Minutes 10-23-61, Page #3
Mr. Waggoner asked for permission to Call for Bids for the re-
surfacing of portions of certain streets as listed by him. It
was discussed and brought out that this was as much re-surfacing
as could be done under this year' s budget. It was agreed that
the work needed to be done, and-Mr. Waggoner was directed to
Call for Bids to be opened on November 13th, 1961.
The City Clerk asked for approval of renewal of certificates of
convenience and necessity as of September 1st, 1961 to the
following for one year:
Beaches Yellow Cab Co.
Beaches Cab Service
Morris Transit Service.
These are the only companies licensed to operate in Atlantic
Beach. It was brought out that there is another cab licensed
in the County that has been seen in Jacksonville Beach, but has
not been seen operating in Atlantic Beach. Mr. Johansen moved
that these certificates of convenience and necessity be renewed
for one year as of September 1st, 1961, seconded by Mr. Claiborne
and carried.
There being no further business the Mayor declared the meeting
/ 4V441.e
til S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner
Adele S . Grage , City Clerk