07-24-61 v CION MILTING
JULY 24, 1)61
1. Call to Order.
a Minutes of Meeting of July 10tho 1951.
3. Recognition of Visitors.
4. Communications to Commission.
5. City Manager
1. Stevens Southern Co. fin ]. estimate, $13,391.34.
2. Lift EtaLion ''IT" and Forcemain, acceptance,
Resolution Piii-111'
3. Ahern Street Paving, Ned bids.
4, West 8th Street. 300 ft, watar extension.
5. Par.t, Seminole Road & Plaza.
6. Cathodic protection, Elevated %rater tank
7. Jacksonville thane Socioty.
8. Building Permits.
1, Southern States Oil Co. ,Atlantic Blvd.
2, 7-11 3tore,etco , Wayport Road.
11th Cc East Coast Dr. , Vence,
9. GarbacuB TruCk,
6. City Clerk
10 Audit Report, Water Department,
7. Resolution t(g)/- 3
1. West Second Street SanAtary S.Iver District.
8 rdinance
10 Liquor Regulations,
9. Commissioners.
AT 8 P.M.
Wm. S. Howell
Preben Johansen
J.B. :.Claiborne
Chas. R. Moore
W. Laney Whitehurst, Commissioners
J.F. Waggoner, ' Jr. , City Manager
Frank Thompson; City Attorney
Adele S. Grage, City Clerk
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner,
Mr. Howell.
Minutes of the meeting of - July 10th; 1961 were approved as
written upon motion of Mr. Johansen, seconded by Mr. Claiborne
and carried.
Mr. Howell recognized visitors present and called for any bus-
iness from the floor. There was none.
Mr. Howell announced that the Annual Swim Marathon would be
held by the Red Cross Life Saving Corps on July 29th, 1961.
Mr. Waggoner presented Stevens Southern Co. Estimate #4 (Final)
in the amount of $13,391.34. He advised that the Engineer,
Iir. Walter Parks and our Inspector, A.J. Craig have made a
final inspection of the project and have approved the job and
the estimate. Mr. Waggoner recommended that this estimate
be paid. Mt. Moore moved that this Estimate ' #4 of the Stevens
Southern Co. in amount of $13,391.34 be paid, seconded by Mr.
Johansen and carried.
Mr. Waggoner presented Resolution #61-22 covering the accep-
tance of the Sewage Lift Station 'Fe. and Force Main" construct-
ed by the Interstate Contracting Co. in Royal Palms,and in-
structing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Certificate
of Indebtedness #3 on same. The matter was discussed follow-
ing which Dr. Whitehurst moved that Reso1ution #61-22 be adopt-
ed, seconded by Mr. Claiborne and carried. Copy of Resolution
#61-22 is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof.
Mr. Waggoner advised that he had received a letter from Mr.
Walter Parks in which he has recommended changes in the drain-
age structure on- the Ahern Street project, but the paving to
r emain the same. Mr. Waggoner recommended that Mr. Parks be
authorized to Call for Bids on the Ahern Street project in line
with the drainage changes . Mr. Johansen moved that Mr. Parks
be authorized to call for bids to be received August 14th,
1961 as recommended, seconded by Mr. Claiborne and carried.
Minutes 7-24-61, Page #2
Mr. Waggoner advised that he has received an application for
water service on W. 8th St. that will necessitate running a
300 foot extension. He advised that there is just the one
customer for now, but there are three or four prospective cus-
tomers, and he recommended that the line be laid: Mr. Johan-
sei . moved that this W. 8th St. extension be made, seconded by
Dr. Whitehurst and having been duly considered the Mayor put
the question and the motion was unanimously carried.
Mr. Waggoner advised that we had received a letter from Mr.
Ahern relative to the property involved in the park area at
Seminole Road and Plaza. Dr. Whitehurst moved that Mr. Waggo-
ner move ahead with all speed necessary to get the property
conveyed to the City in line -,with Mr. Ahernts letter, seconded
by Mr. Claiborne and carried.-
Mr. Claiborne moved that Mr. Waggoner proceed with getting an
appraisal of Lot- 145 , Saltair and to contact owner relative
to securing same, seconded by Dr. Whitehurst and carried.
Mr. Waggoner advised that the Cathodic protection has been in-
stalled in the -interior of the water tank and it is in very
good condition.
Mr. Waggoner reported on the June activities of the Jackson-
ville Humane Society in line with our contract.
Revised plans have been received from the Southern States Oil
Co. for their building on Atlantic Blvd. Mr. Waggoner present-
ed these revised plans and recommended that they be approved.
The plans were studied following which Mr. Moore moved that
they be ;,approved for permit, seconded by Dr. Whitehurst and
Mr. Waggoner presented plans from the 7-11 Stores for a build-
ing to be erected just north of the Plaza on the east side of
Mayport Rd. He advised that the plans are in order and the
construction good, but that there are 2 problems involved:
(1) sewer service can be had from the Royal Palms sewer line,
and he thinks we should ask them to deposit money with the City
to build 'the-line to Royal Palms line; (2) it is built close
to the property lines with no access- they have a 10' in rear
dedicated to themselves - but he thinks we should have a 15'
alley easment across back for access to service the stores acid
for utility extensions . It was discussed following which Dr.
Whitehurst moved that the plans be approved subject to the de-
dication to the City a 151 easment for ingress and egress . to be
used for services and utilities and that they pay thecost of
the sewer line, seconded by Mr. Claiborne and carried.
It was advised that IIr. Lee Ross is building two houses at the
corner of 11th St. and East Coast Dr. and would like to -build
a 71 fence between them to assure privacy to each place. Mr.
Waggoner advised that he could not -give permit at this time
due to Ordinance restrictions . Mr. Ross, who was present was
Minutes 7-24-61, Page #3
advised that the matter of fences is being studied, and there
may be some changes in the provisions governing fences.
Mr. Waggoner advised that a -garbage truck is badly needed and
there is one set up in the budget. He has received some in-
formation from a company in Atlanta relative to some trucks
they have for sale at a very reasonable price and he would
like the advice of the Commission on same. It was suggested
that the City Manager be instructed to investigate these
trucks and get more information on same.
The City Clerk presented the Auditor' s report for the 1st 6
months of 1961 on the Water Department. Dr. Whitehurst moved
that the auditor' s report be accepted .and that the invoice
covering same be paid, seconded by Mr. Moore and carried.
Resolution #61-23 covering the West Second Street Sanitary
Sewer District was presented and read' in full. Dr. Whitehurst
moved that said resolution be adopted, seconded by Mr. Moore
and having been duly considered the Mayor put the question
thereon and the motion was unanimously carried. Copy of Reso-
lution 761-23 is attached to these minutes and made a part
thereof. August 28th, 1961 was set as date for Public Hearing
on confirmation of said Resolution.
Mayor Howell read in full Ordinance #10-61-8 said Ordinance
Regulates hours for sale of alcoholic beverages , restricts lo-
cations of vendors , regulates light and noises, etc. and de-
Glared the Commission in session for Public Hearing on same.
Notice of Public Hearing having been posted in line with charter
requirements, and as no one appeared either for or -against,
the Mayor declared said Public Hearing closed. Mr. Claiborne
moved that Ordinance j10-61-8 be adopted on second and final
reading, seconded by Mr. Johansen and carried.
Mr. Claiborne inquired if' overall plan has been made on the
park as to cost and steps, as he felt we should proceed with
haste. J.Ir. Waggoner advised that he will have ready by next
There being nc further business, the Mayor declared the meet-
ing adjourned.
//// '..,/< -27
Attest: Vim. S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner
(Litale, ,S i
Adele S. Grage, City CJI k
WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Atlantic
Beayh, Florida did by Resolution No. 61-5 authorize
the construction of the Sanitary Sewer Improvement
designated "Sewage Lift Station F and Force Main"
by the Interstate Contracting Company; and
WHEREAS, the Interstate Contracting Company has com-
pleted said Sanitary Sewer Improvement which has been
inspected and accepted by Walter J. Parks, Jr. , Con-
sulting Engineer; and
WHEREAS, the Interstate Contracting Company has paid
Walter J. Parks, Jr. , Consulting Engineer for engineer-
ing services on said project;
That the Sanitary Sewer Improvement designated "Sewage
Lift Station F and Force Main" be and the same is here-
by accepted and that the Mayor and City Clerk be in-
structed to execute the Certificate of Indebtedness
authorized in Resolution No. 61-5.
* * * * * *
Passed by the City Commission on July 24, 1961.
o & j
City Clerk
1. This Resolution is adopted pursuant to the provisions of
Chapter 57-1126, Special Acts of the Legislature of Florida
for the year 1957 , and Chapter 184, Florida Statutes, and
other applicable provisions of law.
2. It is hereby deemed necessary and advisable that there
shall be created in the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, a
sanitary sewer district to be designated as West Second Street
Atlantic Beach Sanitary Sewer District, and to consist of
those lots, lands and properties abutting upon the sanitary
sewers constructed or to be constructed in said district, or
because of their locality, capable of being especially bene-
fited by the sanitary sewers in the said district, said
sanitary sewers to be constructed within the City of Atlantic
Beach, Florida, and having the following general boundaries,
Atlantic Blvd. on the South, West Second Street on the North,
Mayport Road on the East and Camelia Street on the West, and
Levy Road West of Mayport Ro'd, said district being divided
into Area H and I for construction purposes only, the lines
in each area being described specifically as follows:
Area "I "
West 2nd St. between Mayport Rd & West Main St. 907 ' 10"VC
West Main St. between West 2nd St.&West lst.St. 400' 10"VC
West 1st St.between Mayport Rd. & Camelia St. 832 ' 8"VC
Main St. between Atlantic Blvd. & West 1st St. ( 65 ' 8"VC
(140 ' 6"VC
Area "J"
Levy Rd. West of Mayport Rd. 850 ' l0"VC
3. It is hereby determined to be necessary, as a public im-
provement, to construct over and upon the above described
lands sanitary sewer improvements, and it is hereby ordered
that the construction of said sanitary sewer improvements
Resolution No. 61-23
Page 2
over and upon the lands and routes above described be under-
taken and accomplished; said sanitary sewer construction to
consist of mains shown above, lateral mains, manholes, and
all appurtenances and paving repairs necessary to install a
complete system of sanitary sewers in the district above
designated the material, nature, character and size of sani-
tary sewers to be as follows: Vitrified clay pipe shall be
used throughout of various sizes from 4 and 6 inch for laterals
thru 10 inch for mains, the nature of the improvement to be a
complete sanitary sewer installation in said district to
connect with the existing sewer lines, lift stations and
sewage disposal plant of the City of Atlantic Beach.
4. That, it is hereby determined by the City Commission of the
City of Atlantic Beach that all lots and lands adjoining and con-
tiguous or bounding and abutting on said sanitary sewer improve-
ment, or although not adjoining and contiguous or bounding and
abutting on said sanitary sewer improvement, are capable, be-
cause of their location, of being served by said sanitary sewer
improvement, are especially benefited by said sanitary sewer
improvement, to the extent and in the proportions to be deter-
mined later and shall be assessed for said benefits in the
manner provided by Sub-Section 7 of Section 184.05 Florida
5. That, the cost for the construction of said sanitary sewer
improvements not assessed to property especially benefited by
said sanitary sewers, shall be apportioned to and paid by the
City of Atlantic Beach from its Sewer Fund.
6. That, Walter J. Parks, Engineer, be and is hereby authorized
and directed to prepare in duplicate plans and specifications
for the improvements ordered:thereby and an estimate of the cost
thereof and also to prepare in duplicate a tentative apportion-
ment of the estimated cost as between the City and each lot or
parcel of lands subject to special assessment under this Reso-
lution, such apportionment to be made in accordance with the
provisions of Sub-Section 7 of Section 184.05, Florida Statutes.
Said Engineer shall file with the Clerk of this City, one copy
of such plans and specifications and one copy of such estimate
and such tentative apportionment, one copy of the same to be
retained by said Engineer in his files, all thereof to remain
open to public inspection.
7 . That, upon the filing with said Clerk of such plans, speci-
fications, estimate and tentative apportionment of cost; said
Resolution No. 61-23
Page 3
City Clerk shall publish once in the Jacksonville Journal, a
newspaper of general circulation, a notice stating that at a
regular meeting of the City Commission and on a certain day
and hour not earlier than ten days from such publication, the
Commission will hear objections of all interested persons to
the confirmation of this resolution. Said notice shall state
in brief and general terms a description of the improvement
ordered hereby to be made with the location thereof and shall
also state that plans, specifications, estimate and tentative
apportionment of costs thereof are on file in the office of
said Clerk.
Adopted at a regular meeting of the City Commission of
the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, held at the City Hall at
Atlantic Beach, Florida, on the 24th day of July 1961.
2 - r
City Clerk
aa1A--" ''tftAAA--4 '6-14
8 '
E ,
�c Com,
August 7, 1961
Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners,
City of Atlantic Beach,
Atlantic Beach, Florida
Gentlemen: Re: Park and Playground-Fire Station
On July 24, 1961 the San Pablo Landscaping Company, by Fred L. Ahern,
President, requested Saltair Holding Company to convey to the City of At-
lantic Beach certain lots in Saltair subdivision for a proposed park and
playground just West of the City Fire Station. Copy of this letter was pre-
sented to the City Commission at its last meeting on July 24, 1961. This
request was based on a sketch prepared by Walter J. Parks, Consulting En-
gineer, showing a tentative layout for a replat of the part of Saltair
subdivision based on the typical lot size of 70 x 100' . This sketch has
been revised by Mr. Park's office to include all of the area Northerly of
Seaspray Avenue and West of Seminole Road. Copy of this revised sketch
is attached.
The establishment of the park and playground with the proposed boun-
dary lines makes necessary a new street alignment and at the same time
permits a better utilization of the land. It also makes possible an in-
crease of average lot area from 5,000 square feet to approximately 7,000
square feet. The proposed street widths in the new layout are based on
maintaining the 50 foot street width as established in the old Saltair
subdivision. In these respects the proposed layout does not meet the
requirements of the City's present subdivision ordinance, however, it
represents a major improvement as compared to layout provided by the
present recorded plat of Saltair, Section 2, per Plat Book 10, page 15.
The conveyance of the lots to the City necessitates at this time
the approval in principle by the City Commissioners of the sketch of
the proposed replat.
According to the foregoing you will find attached Warranty Deed dated
July 27, 1961, executed by the Saltair Holding Company and containing a
reverter clause to the effect that upon the discontinuance of the use of
the land for recreation, park or other public purposes it shall revert
to Saltair Holding Company, its successors and assigns.
Respectfully yours,
I- r —
H= court Bull, Jr.
cc: Mr. Fred L. Ahern
Charles T. Boyd, Jr., Esq.
�ihetfloriaalitues-Union ?�f�e Xarksmtudlr 3Journal CITY OF' ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA
Sealed proposals will be received by
EVERY MORNING EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY the City Commission of the City of Atlan-
tic $each, Florida, until 8:00 p.m.
(Eastern Standard Time) on Monday, the
14th day of August, 1961. for furnishing
FLORIDA PUBLISHING COMPANY all new materials and labor, and con-
structing new paving and drainage
improvements on Ahern Street between
Publishers East Coast Drive and Sherry Drive
consisting in the main of approximately
1600JACKSONVILLE, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA mately square 1500 yards of tpof concreteonapcurb
lineal feet of curb
and gutter, 900 feet of storm sewer, and
several storm sewer structures, all within
the corporate limits of the City of
Atlantic Beach. Florida.
Proposals will be taken on a total
COUNTY OF DUVAL lump sum basis for the completed work,
as set forth in the specifications.
All materials furnished and all work
performed shall be in accordance with
TAT the revised plans, specifications and con-
tract documents pertaining thereto which
Before the undersigned authority personally appeared - may be examined at the office
of Walter J. Parks, Jr., Consulting
Engineer, 325 Main Street. Jacksonville
2, Florida, and one copy thereof, Includ-
_.. , who on oath 'says that he is ing bid forms to be submitted In
triplicate, may be secured from the
Engineer for a payment of 86.50 per set
Manager Retail Advertising of The Florida Times-Union, and which will not be refunded. Revised
plans will be issued without charge to
all bidders who have previously secured
plans and specifications.
A bid bond properly executed by the
The Jacksonville Journal, daily newspapers published at Jacksonville in Duval bidder and by a qualified surety, or a
certified or cashier's check on any na-
tional or state bank, in a sum not less
than five per cent (5%) of the amount
County, Florida; that the attached copyof advertisement, beinga --- bid, made payable to the City of Atlantic.
Y Beach, Florida, must accompany each
bid as a guarantee that the bidder will
not withdraw from the competition after
Legal Notice opening the bids and in the event the
---------------- ---- contract is awarded to the bidder, he
will within five (5) days thereafter. enter
into contract and furnish the required
in the matter of
Call For Bids bond, failing which he shall forfeit de-
- - as liquidated damages.
All bids shall be made subject to the
labor requirements as set forth In In-
structions to Bidders included in the
- ---- ----- contract documents. The City will pay
one-half of the contract price immediate-
ly upon completion of the work as
certified by the Engineer, and the re-
----- -- - - ------- --- I maining one-half one year later.
Each bid shall be addressed to the
City Commission, City of Atlantic Beach,
Florida, marked
in the Court, I Improvements, Ahern Street" Drainagea'hdde-
livered to the office of the City Manager
in the City Hail, either by a representa-
THE FLORIDA TIMES—UNION tive of the bidder who shall retain a
was published m receipt therefor, or by registered mail
with return receipt requested. The City
Commission reserves the right to waive
T informalities in any bid, to reject any
in the issues of July 31 1961 or all bids in whole or in part, with or
without cause, and/or to accept the bid
that in its best judgment will be for the
best interest of the City of Atlantic
City Manage!
City Clerk
Affiant further says that the said The Florida Times-Union and The Jacksonville
Journal are each newspapers published at Jacksonville, in said Duval County, Florida,
and that the said newspapers have each heretofore been continuously published in said
Duval County, Florida, The Florida Times-Union each day, and The Jacksonville Journal
each day except Sundays, and each has been entered as second class mail matter at the
postoffice in Jacksonville, in said Duval County, Florida, for a period of one year next
preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant fur-
ther says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any dis-
count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for
publication in said newspaper.
Sworn to and subscribed before me
this 1 day of
)kritio......4 A.D. 19 61
Notary Public,
State of Florida at Large.
Feb 1 196
My Commission Expires �