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1961 AT 8 P.M.
Wm. S . Howell
Preben Johansen
J.B. Claiborne
Chas. R. Moore
W. Laney Whitehurst, Commissioners
Frank Thompson, City Attorney
J.F. Waggoner, Jr. , City Manager
Adele S. Grage, City Clerk
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner,
Mr . Howell.
Minutes of the meeting of February 13th, 1961 were approved as
written upon motion of Mr. Johansen, seconded by Mr. Claiborne,
and carried.
Bids were next received covering Sewage Pumping Station "F" and
Force Mains serving Royal Palms Sub-division, Unit 2A. Certified
Proof of Publication covering Calling for Bids on this project
is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. The base
bids were as follows:
Caraway Contracting Co. $39, 000.00
Hydro-Utility, Inc. 31, 900.00
Interstate Contracting Co. 23, 852. 31
J.W. Meadows & Co. 35, 500.00
Joe Reinertson of Jacksonville 28, 461.80
Robert E . Lee & Co. , Inc. 34, 448.00
Square G Equipment 34, 849.00
Stevens Southern Co. , Inc. 31, 579.00
Mr. Johansen moved that the bids be received for tabulation and
referred to the Commission acting as a committee and the City
Engineer, Mr. Walter Parks, for tabulation, study and awarding,
seconded by Mr . Moore and carried.
Mr. Howell recognized visitors present and called for any busi-
ness from the floor.
• A representative of the Guardian Life Insurance Co. presented
a lesflet on the "Group Major Medical" plan. There was some
discussion and he was advised to draw up a specific plan to
present for consideration.
Minutes 2-27-61, Page #2
Southern Materials Co. of Florida presented a letter withdrawing
their petition for re-zoning of Lots 1-12,Block 4, Lewis Sub-
division from Residence "D" to Industrial Zone due to objection
by some property owners in the vicinity and the fact that there
is contemplated a formation of an Industrial Park in the City.
The matter will be considered later in the meeting when the Ord-
inance comes up for second and final reading.
Walter Lyons requested the Commission to consider lowering the
requirement on lot coverage from 900 sq. ft. to 600 sq. ft.in his a-
rea So low income bracket people can build homes they can afford.
The matter was referred to the Zoning Committee He also reported
an area around the Main St. and environs where persons unknown
have made a garbage dump which is very unpleasant. The matter
was referred to the City Manager.
A petition was presented from some of the property owners in the
vicinity of Levy Road requesting that the zoning on the specified
area be changed from Residence "D" to Residence "A-C". It was
referred to the Loning Committee.
The Zoning Committee reported on the petition of Mr. & Mrs. Perry
IF to operate a Day Nursery at Lot 18, Block 1, Royal Palms. It
was advised that in order to permit ,this would have to be re-
zoned to Business Zone since they will not be living there, too,
which would be spot zoning and the Committee does not look with
favor on spot zoning. Mr. Johns of Royal Palms advised that they
would not favor this re-zoning to Business Zone, but would not
object to the Day Nursery if in connection with a home and it
remain Residence. The Commission advised Mr. & Mrs. Perry, who
were present, that they would not approve under the present con-
Mr. Waggoner reported that Mr. Holoway has not corrected the
heighth of the wall on his Lot 4, Block 54 as he agreed to at last
meeting. The City Manager was directed to contact Mr. Holloway
again and direct him to bring the wall down to 4 ' by the next
a Legislative Act covering creation of the Jacksonville- Duval
Area Planning Board was presented for the Commission' s approval.
The matter was discussed but no action taken.
Mr. Waggoner recommended that an Ordinance be prepared relating
• to noises, such as air conditioners, etc. which are a nuisance
and detrimental to health, welfare, etc. of citizens. This was
referred to the Zoning Committee.
Minutes 2-27-61, Page #3
A bill was presented in the amount of $33. 33 covering Atlantic
Beach 's portion of the liability insurance premium on the Auxil-
iary police. It was advised that we are still using the services
of this organization, therefore Mr. Johansen moved that approval
be given to the payment of this bill, seconded by Dr. Whitehurst
and carried.
Mr. Waggoner advised that a notice has been received from the
Florida League of Municipalities advising that the Federal Govern-
ment has available funds to assist municipalities in drawing up
plans for utility improvements.
The Dog Ordinance was next considered for 2nd and final reading.
Mr. Johansen, chairman of the committee on this Ordinance, advised
that the present one does not cover exactly what we want and that
a new Ordinance was in process of being prepared, therefore he
moved that the present Ordinance be tabled, seconded by Mr.
Claiborne and carried. Mr. Waggoner is to see about preparing
the new Ordinance.
Next the Ordinance covering the re-zoning of Lots 1-12, Block 4,
Lewis Sub-division was presented and read in full. Mr. Howell
Akk re-opened the Public Hearing on this Ordinance and no one spoke
either for or against, due to the letter presented earlier from
the Southern Materials Co. withdrawing their request for this re-
zoning. The Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed, following
which Mr. Moore moved that the Ordinance not be approved on
second and final reading, seconded by Dr. Whitehurst and carried.
Whereupon the Mayor declared the Ordinance disapproved.
There being no further business the Mayor declared the meeting
/1 ' 4
Wm. S. Hos/el , Mayor-C. 1 ' ssioner
Attest: '
(2C61-e-- scA -
Adele S. Grage, City Cler,