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01-09-61 v
COMAISSION MEETING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH JANUARY 90 1961 \CRO��`.ME) M 1. Call to Order 2. Minutes of Meeting o.;: December 27, 1960 3. Recognition of Visitors 4. Public Hearing on Donner Atlantic Beach Sewer District 6. Communications to Commission 1. Jacksonville Area Chamber of Commerce 6. City Manager 1. Royal Palms Unit 2A Plat Approval 2. Royal Palms Entrance Signs 3. Outside City Sewer Service Charges 4. Atlantic Gardens Apartments 7., Ordinances 1. Personnel Program Final Reading S. Commissioners MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, JANUARY 9Th, 1961 AT 8 PM.. Present: Wm. S. Howell Preben Johansen J.B. Claiborne, Commissioners and J.F. Waggoner, Jr. , City Manager Adele S. Grage, City Clerk Absent: Chas. R. Moore W. Laney Whitehurst, Commissioners Frank Thompson, City Attorney The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Howell. Minutes of the meeting of December 27 , 1960 were approved as written upon motion of Mr. Johansen, seconded by Mr. Claiborne. Mayor Howell recognized visitors present and called for any business from the floor. Mr. Usher T. Winslett, Jr. of the Southern Materials Co. of Florida presented a written request for the re-zoning of Lots 1 thru 12, Block 4 Lewis Sub-division from Residence "D" to Industrial Zone. The matter was discussed and Mr. Johansen moved that an Ordinance be prepared covering this re-zoning for consideration on first reading at the next meeting, and that it be referred to Zoning Committee for study before the meeting, seconded by Mr. Claiborne and carried. It was advised that they propose to locate a permanent ready-mix concrete batching plant on this site. The Commission next went into session for Public Hearing on Resolution #60-28 to hear any objections to confirmation of said Resolution. Proof of Publication of notice for said Pub- lic Hearing is attached to these minutes and made a part there- of. As no one appeared either for or against said Resolution #60-28 the Mayor declared said Public Hearing closed. Whereupon Mr. Johansen moved that said Resolution # 60-28 be confirmed which motion was seconded by Mr. Claiborne. Said Resolution having been read in full and said motion having been duly con- sidered the Mayor put the question thereon and the vote was: Aye: Claiborne, Johansen, Howell Nay: None Absent: Moore, Whitehurst Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion Carried and said Reso- lution duly confirmed. Copy of Resolution # 60-28 is attached Minutes of 1-9-61, Page #2 hereto and made a part thereof. Mr. Claiborne raised the question as to the fact that no one appeared on this Resolu- tion and what our method of advertising is. It was advised that we advertised in the Jacksonville Journal as set up in the Resolution itself, and that the papers had given us publici-+ ty on same. Upon motion of Mr. Johansen, seconded by Mr. Claiborne February 13th was set as the date for receiving bids on the Donner Sewer Project. A letter was presented from the Jacksonville Chamber of Com- merce requesting that the City join them in a Resolution to the Duval Delegation that they present legislation to establish a permanent professionally staffed Area Planning Board. Action was delayed until a copy of the bill was received and studied. Mr. Waggoner presented a plat of Royal Palms Sub-division Unit #2-A and advised that he has examined same and so far as he can tell it is in order, as to lot sizes, etc. , but advised that they failed to bring the unilateral agreement, but that they do have the agreement ready and will bring to us. Mr. Claiborne presented Resolution #61-1 and moved its adoption subject to receipt of the unilateral agreement, seconded by Mr. Johansen and carried. Copy of Resolution #61-1 is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. Mr. Waggoner advised that the Royal Palms people have requested permission to put up entrance signs at their sub-division. It was decided to take no action until they present something de- finite on size, location, etc. on said signs. Mr. Waggoner asked for clarification as to whether outside City sewer service charges based on County ad valorem tax be billed annually or quarterly. It was the consensus of opinion that this billing be made quarterly with the other service charges. The Commission advised that since the Atlantic Gardens Apart- ments are completed and ready for occupancy that they should •be billed for the services. The Commission next went into session for Public Hearing on Ordinance #50-61-1 covering the personnel program for the City which Ordinance was read in full. Notice of said Public Hear- ing on this Ordinance has been posted in line with charter. Mr. Claiborne moved its adoption on 2nd and final reading, seconded by Mr. Johansen and having been duly considered the question 1 Minutes 1-9-61, Page #3 was called and the motion was unanimously carried. Whereupon the Mayor declared said Ordinance #50-61-1 adopted. Mr. Waggoner presented plans from the American Oil Co. for an Amoco station at the southeast corner of Mayport Road and the Plaza. The plans were studied, and upon motion of Mr. Johansen seconded by Mr. Claiborne were approved. There being no further business the Mayor declared the meet- ing adjourned. r r "(+13q/". S.C.{:well ,4ayor- 45L CommiSSioner Attest: CAE - -- Adele S. Grage, City Cler • The question was raised as to why the City Clerk was listed in the personnel program when it is an appointive job by the Commission as set up in the charter with duties defined in the charter, just as is the City Manager and other appointive officers of the City. Mr. Claiborne advised that it was discussed pro and con at the committee meetings and was decided to put it in. xic/ zt9.4.(7 I'9 / bI / RESOLUTION NO. Co / / BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, That The Subidvision Plat of Royal Palms Subdivision, Unit no. 2A, submitted to the City Commission on January 9, 1961 be and the same is hereby approved, and that the Mayor-Commissioner and City Clerk be instructed to sign said Plat. * * * * * * Passed by the City Commission January 9, 1961. Attest: (SEAL) City Clerk / RESOLUTION NO. 60-28 A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING A SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT IN THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, TO BE DESIGNATED DONNER ATLANTIC BEACH SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT, DIVIDING SAID DISTRICT INTO AREAS, AND PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SANITARY SEWER IN SAID DISTRICT. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT 1. Resolution No. 60-18 be and the same is hereby repealed. 2. This Resolution is adopted pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 57-1126, Special Acts of the Legislature of Florida for the year 1957 , and Chapter 184, Florida Statutes, and other applicable provisions of law. 3. It is hereby deemed necessary and advisable that there shall be created in the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, a sanitary sewer district to be designeted as Donner Atlantic Beach Sanitary Sewer District, and to consist of those lots , lands and properties abutting upon the sanitary sewers constructed or to be constructed in said district, or because of their locality, capable of being especially benefited by the sanitary sewers in the said district, said sanitary sewers to be constructed within the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, and having the following general boundaries, Donner Road on the South, Church Road on the North, Keelens Street and Francis Avenue on the East and George Street and Mayport Road on the West, said district being divided into Area G and H for construction purposes only, the lines in each area being described specifically as follows AREA "G" 530 Donner Road between Mayport Road and Francis Ave. 0 1VC 1185 8"VC Easement north Donner Road to Standley Road 605 ' 10"VC Jackson Road f om Mayport Road to Alley 450 ' 8"VC Jackson Road from Alley east to Francis Avenue 458 ' 10"VC Standley Road east from Mayport Road to Alley 380 ' 10"VC Ardella Road east from Mayport Road to Alley 550 ' 8"VC A . , Resolution No. 60-28 Page 2 Easement east from termination of Ardella Road lying entirely in the confines of Block 15 150 ' 8"VC 20 feet Alley east from Francis Avenue to Keelens St. 520 ' 8''VC Keelens Street from Alley south to Donner Road 514 ' 8"VC Jordan Street from Alley south to Donner Road 494 ' 8"VC Francis Avenue from Donner Road north to termination 532 , 8 'VC 1287 10 VC Alley east from Francis Ave. lying between Blk. 2 & 3 174 ' 8"VC Alley lying between Lots 1, 2, and 3 and Lots 4, 9 and 10 entirely within the confines of Block 2 228 ' 8"VC Simmons Street between Mayport Road and Francis Ave. 507 ' 10"VC Easement lying between Lots 1, 2, and 3 entirely within the confines of Block 22 195 ' 8"VC Easterly side of Mayport Road adjacent to Blocks 19 and 20 557 ' 10"VC Easterly side of Mayport Road adjacent to Lots 1 & 2, Block 21 65 ' 6 "VC AREA "H" Edgar Street between Mayport Road and George St. 630 ' 10"VC Lewis St. from Mayport Road to drainage right-a-way 309 ' 8"VC Robert Street from Mayport Road to George Street 602 ' 10"VC Easement between Lots 2, 3, & Lot 5 lying entirely within the confines of Block 2 63 ' 6 "VC Easement between Lots 1, 2, & Lot 5 lying within Block 3 120 ' 6"VC Levy Road from Mayport Road west for a distance of 700 feet 700 ' 10"VC 4. It is hereby determined to be necessary, as a public improve- ment, to construct over and upon the above described lands sanitary sewer improvements, and it is hereby ordered that the construction of said sanitary sewer improvements over and upon the lands and routes above described be undertaken and accomplished; said sanitary sewer construction to consist of mains shown above, lateral mains, manholes, and all appurtenances and paving repairs necessary to install a complete system of sanitary sewers in the district above designated, the material, nature, character and size 11�� ryry C fteldie No. 60-28 Page 3 of sanitary sewers to be as follows° Vitrified clay pipe shall be used throughout of various sizes from 4 and 6 inch for laterals thru 10 inch for mains, the nature of the improvement to be a complete sanitary sewer installation in said district to connect with the existing sewer lines , lift stations and sewage disposal plant of the City of Atlantic Beach. 5 . That, it is hereby determined by the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach that all lots and lands adjoining and con- tiguous or bounding and abutting on said sanitary sewer improvement, or, although not adjoining and contiguous or bounding and abutting on said sanitary sewer improvement, are capable, because of their location, of being served by said sanitary sewer improvement, are especially benefited by said sanitary sewer improvement, to the extent and in the proportions to be determined later and shall be assessed for said benefits in the manner provided by Sub-Section 7 of Section 184. 05 Florida Statutes. 6. That, the cost for the construction of the said sanitary sewer improvements not assessed to property especially benefited by said sanitary sewers, shall be apportioned to and paid by the City of Atlantic Beach from its Sewer Fund. 7 . That, Walter J. Parks, Engineer, be and is hereby authorized and directed to prepare in duplicated plans and specifications for the improvements ordered hereby and an estimate of the cost thereof and also to prepare in duplicate a tentative apportionment of the estimated cost as between the City and each lot or parcel of lands subject to special assessment under this Resolution, such apportion- ment to be made in accordance with the provisions of Sub-Section 7 of Section 184.05, Florida Statutes. Said Engineer shall file with the Clerk of this City, one copy of such plans and specifica- tions and one copy of such estimate and such tentative apportion- ment, one copy of the same to be retained by said Engineer in his files, allthereof to remain open to public inspection. 8. That, upon the filing with said Clerk of such plans, speci- fications, estimate and tentative apportionment of cost; said City Clerk shall publish once in the Jacksonville Journal, a newspaper of general circulation, a notice stating that at a regular meeting of the City Commission and on a certain day and hour not earlier ite44t-av✓ No. 60-28 Page 4 than ten days from such publication, the Commission will hear objections of all interested persons to the confirmation of this resolution. Said notice shall state in brief and general terms a description of the improvement ordered hereby to be made with the location thereof and shall also state that plans, specifications, estimate and tentative apportionment of costs thereof are on file in the office of said Clerk. Adopted at a regular meeting of the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, held at the City Hall at Atlantic Beach, Florida, on the 28th day of November, 1960. Attest: 0,400„ . . 4i4u„City Clerk / (SEAL) If , ( • 9 (Fc/ °u' 4 / / ,• dix-44,.I' 4icetr 9, /9 67 NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF AT- the loridaUtues-Onion ?Elle 3Jacksanuille 3Jaut'tttl TONTIC BEACH TO HEAR FBTHE RES. TO THE CONFIRMATON OF THE RES• OLUTION OF SAID COMMISSION OR- EVERY MORNING EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY DERING THE CONSTRUCTION OF SANI- TARY SEWERS IN SAID CITY. All persons interested will please take notice that a regular meeting of the City FLORIDA PUBLISHING COMPANY Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, to be held at 8 o'clock P.M. January 9th, 1961, at the City Hall in Publishers said City, their objections will be heard to the confirmation of Resolution No.60-28 adopted November 28th, 1960, ordering JACKSONVILLE, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA the construction of sanitary sewers in the following areas in said City: AREA "G" Donner Road between Mayport Road STATE OF FLORIDA and Francis Avenue Easement north of Donner Road to Standley Road COUNTY OF DUVAL Jackson Road from Mayport Road to Alley Jackson Road from Alley east to Francis Avenue Standley Road east from Mayport the undersigned authority personally appeared W.--B GQOL�©�- Road to Alley Ardella Road east from Mayport Road to Alley W110 on oath says that he is Easement east from termination of YArdella Road lying entirely in the confines of Block 15 20 feet Alley east from Francis 13T1c3ger___Ratail__Adur of The Florida Times-Union, and "Ke lens oStreetfrom eStreet Alley south to Donner Road Jordan Street from Alley south to Donner Road The Jacksonville Journal, daily newspapers published at Jacksonville in Duval Francis Avenue from Donner Road north to termination Alley east from Francis Avenue Count Florida; that the attached copyof advertisement, beinga lyingAbetween betweeneks 2 & 3 Y, e Alley lying Lots 1. 2 and 3 and Lots 4. 9, and 10 entirely within the confines of Block 2 T Notice Street between Mayport L - ega7.--Notice Road and Francis Avenue Easement lying between Lots 1. 2, and 3 entirely within the confines of �j �+ 7�,� Block 22 N in the matter of ot ice.___Of__Meet1n�____ Easterly side of Mayport Road ad- jacent to Blocks 19 & 20 Easterly side of Mayport Road ad- jacent to Lots 1 & 2, Block 21 AREA "H•' Edgar Street between Mayport Road and George Street - • Lewis Street from Mayport Road to drainage right-of-way Robert Street from Mayport'Road to George Street Easement between Lots 2, 3, & Lot ._ the -_ _ __ Court, 5 lying entirely within the confines of Block 2 Easement between Lots 1,2,&Lot 5 THE JACKSONVILLE T(�TU�T T lying within Block 3 was published in T1JJ,d _ t1S1L111Y11L__ Levy Road from Mayport Road west for a distance of 700 feet Plans, specifications,1 estimates, and ,,, �.., L tentative apportionment of costs as be- in the issues of December_ 2 1.960 tween the City and each lot or parcel of * land subject to special assessment under said resolution are on file in the office of the City Clerk. Attest: (SEAL) ADELE S. GRACE, CITY CLERK. Affiant further says that the said The Florida Times-Union and The Jacksonville Journal are each newspapers published at Jacksonville, in said Duval County, Florida, and that the said newspapers have each heretofore been continuously published in said Duval County, Florida, The Florida Times-Union each day, and The Jacksonville Journal each day except Sundays, and each has been entered as second class mail matter at the postoffice in Jacksonville, in said Duval County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant fur- ther says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in said newspaper. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 23 day of � .,�f he.r A.D. 19.60_-- V , � ,.� ►, . l otary Public, DEC 27 1960 State of Florida at Large. THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH My Commission Expires __FEb___l�____] 3