NOVEMBER 12, 1962
(1) Call to Order.
(2) Minutes of Meeting of October 220 1962.
(3) Recognition of Visitors.
(4) Opening of Bids - Sanitary Sewer work.
(5) Resolution accepting bid m Sanitary Sewer work.
(6) Certificate of Convenience and Necessity -- Jacksonville
Coach Company. Mr. Bacon to appear.
(7) Amendments:
(a) Second reading - Amendment to Building Code
(b) Second reading - Amendment to Sub=-,division
Development Ordinance.
(8) Recommendations - Planning Board.
(a) Request for Sign - General Outdoor Advertis-
ing Company.
(b) Acquisition of Park Proper ty.
(9) Request for Sign Permit ® Stewarts Bar.
(10) Correspondence:
(a) Report Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board
(b) Bill for architectural work w Fire Station.
(c) Letter U.S.O. on 1963 Donation.
(d) Letter City of Neptune Beach,
(e) Notice of Meeting on use of Beaches.
(f) Letter Mosquito Control District.
(g) Notice of Meeting Florida R.R. and Public Utility
(h) Schedule of dues 1963 - Florida League of Municipalities.
(11) Resolution:
(a) Setting discount date on Tai: Roll payments.
(b) Resolution on purchase of sign materials.
(12) Commissioners.
(13) Adjournment.
Henry G. Isaacs
Preben Johansen
C.B. Lawrence
Chas. R. Moore, Commissioners
John R. Printon, City Manager
Adele S. Grage, City Clerk
Absent: J.B. Claiborne, Commissioner
Frank Thompson, City Attorney
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner,
Mr. Isaacs.
Minutes of the meeting of October 22nd, 1962 were approved as
written upon motion of Mr. Moore, seconded by Mr. Johansen and
Mr. Isaacs recognized visitors present and called for any business
from the floor, not on the agenda. There was none at this time.
Sealed bids were next opened covering Sanitary Sewer Extensions-
Mayport Rd. and Atlantic Blvd. "Area L" as follows :
Jacksonville Utilities Const. Co.
Part I - $3 , 336.90
Part II- 7,028.40
Total Part I & II- 10,341.30
George M. Notter
Part I - 3, 998.00
Part II- 6, 190.50
Total Parts I & II- 8,868.90
Art Reinertson Construction Co.
Part I - 3, 080.60
Part II- 6, 240.80
Total Parts I & II- 8, 940.90
Stevens Southern Co. , Inc.
Part I - 4, 628.60
Part II- 7,885.50
Total Parts I & II- 9, 996.25
All bids were accompanied by bid bonds .
Mr. Johansen moved that the bids be turned over to the Finance
Committee for tabulation and to consult with the City Engineer,
Mr. Parks and the City Manager with authority to act, seconded
by Mr. Moore and having been considered it was unanimously carried,
Minutes 11-12-62, Page #2
A letter was presented from the Jacksonville Coach CO. making appli-
cation for a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity to operate
busses in the City of Atlantic Beach. Mr. Bacon, Beach representa-
tive for the bus company was present and advised that
they were only planning to run busses to pick up and deliver chil-
dren for the parochial school at present. Mr. Printon advised
that our streets were not designed for use by big busses and is
concerned about the wear and tear at corners and pick-up stops.
The question was raised as to whether the Bus Co. would be willing
to post a bond for damage to streets. Mr. Bacon said this would
have to be taken up with his boss, but he seriously doubted their
being willing to. The matter was further discussed following which
Mr. Lawrence moved that the certificate be granted subject to the
working out of a suitable route with the City Manager, seconded by
Mr. Johansen and carried.
Mr. Lawrence moved that the Public Hearing on the Ordinance Amending
Ord.#25-59-1 re: - glass requirements, be postponed to the next
meeting, seconded by Mr. Johansen and carried,
The Commission went into session for Public Hearing on an Ordinance
Amending #67-58-1 relative to drainage ditches, and Mr. Isaacs read
the Ordinance in full. Notices of said Public Hearing were posted
in line with charter requirements, Mr. Bull advised that not all
drainage ditches could be paved, that the specifications are im-
possible and that we have no such official as City Engineer. Mr.
Printon advised that he has talked with Mr. Bull and agrees that in
many instances it will be impossible to carry out the Ordinance.
After further discussion Mr. Johansen moved that consideration of
the Ordinance be postponed until a committee can study and make re-
commendations, seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. Mr. Isaacs ap-
pointed Mr. Printon, Mr. Bull and Mr. Claiborne as committee to
make study and recommendation.
A report received from the Planning Board recommended that the per-
mit be denied for billboard to be erected by General Outdoor Adver-
tising for Thor Chevrolet, as they feel it is for the best interests
of the City. Mr. Johansen advised that if the sign meets require-
ments and specifications of building code, that we cannot deny the
permit, and he therefore moved that the permit be granted as request-
ed to the General Outdoor Advertising Co. for a Thor Chevrolet sign,
seconded by Mr. Lawrence. Mr. Moore feels that we should back up
the Planning Board in their recommendation, but it was questioned
why it was referred to the Planning Board since it meets require-
ments of our Ordinances. Mr. Johansen asked to go on record as hav-
ing the highest regard for the Planning Board, but feels we cannot
go against City Ordinances since they do not prohibit. It was sug-
gested that we study the possibility of passing an Ordinance prohib-
iting signs within the City - that is the billboard type. Following
Minutes 11-12-62, Page #3
further discussion the Mayor put the question and the call vote
was :
Aye : Johansen, Lawrence, Isaacs
Nay: None
Pass : Moore
Absent : Claiborne
Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried.
The Planning Board recommended that steps be taken to-wards secur-
ing necessary land to enlarge present park site in order that the
older children as well as the younger ones can have recreational
facilities. Mr. Lawrence moved that the City Attorney be directed
to negotiate with the San Pablo Landscaping Company for purchase
of the property lying east and south of the present park - approx-
imately 57 lots involved) and that $1, 700.00 be set aside in
Account #1050 be be used in negotiating for said lots, seconded
by Mr. Moore and carried,
A request was presented from Stuarts 's Bar for a sign, and Mr.
Printon advised that it met requirements. The matter was dis-
cussed following which Mr. Lawrence moved that the permit be grant-
ed, seconded by Mr. Johansen and carried.
A letter was presented for information purposes from the Armed
Forces Disciplinary Control Board giving their report of their
October, 1962 meeting.
Mr. Louis Holloway's letter relative to his fee for services ren-
dered in connection with plans covering preliminary studies for
facilities at Fire and Police Departments was presented and his
statement for $100.00 covering these services. Mr. Johansen
moved that the bill for $100.00 be paid, seconded by Mr. Moore
and carried.
A letter was presented from the USO requesting that we include the
$500.00 for their program at the Beaches in our 1963 budget.
A letter was presented from City of Neptune Beach, Fla. advising
that our letter relative to radio services had been referred to
their proper committee.
A notice of a hearing to be held at 10 A.M. November 20th, 1962
in Tallahassee relative to obstructions on the Beaches and their
uses . Mr. Isaacs suggested that Mr. Frank Thompson, our attorney
be sent to this hearing to represent the City. It was also sug-
gested that Mr. Harcourt Bull go with Mr. Thompson, too. Mr. Law-
rence moved that Mr. Thompson and Mr. Bull be sent to Tallahassee
for a meeting of the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund
. • •
• •
Minutes 11-12-62 , Page #4
for the hearing on November 20th, 1962, seconded by Mr. Johansen
and carried.
A letter was received from the East Duval County Mosquito Con-
trol District relative to charges in connection with the land-
fill program,advising the total contract price for year December
1st, 1962 to September 30th, 1963 would be $1, 998.50 payable in
monthly installments. They are preparing the contract and will
forward to us for approval and signatures.
Action on a letter from the Florida League of Municipalities
relative to dues for 1963 was postponed until next meeting.
Resolution #62-25 was presented by Mayor Isaacs covering dis-
counts on 1962 taxes showing discounts as 4% in December, 3%
in January, 2% in February, 1% in March and delinquent April 1st,
1963. Mr. Harcourt Bull advised that he did not feel that all
the discounts should be changed, but only December and let others
remain as they are. There was a discussion following which Mr,
Lawrence moved the adoption of Resolution #62-25, seconded by
Mr. Moore and carried.
Resolution #62-26 was presented covering purchasing of street
signs for Area III from the one supplier who can furnish in line
with those erected in Areas I and II, the cost for materials,
applicator and traffic control signs to be $1,427.00. Mr. Law-
rence advised that due to the amount involved that we should take
bids. It was brought out that this is the only supplier who
can furnish this specific sign material, whereupon Mr. Johansen
moved the adoption of the Resolution #62-26 seconded by Mr.Moore
and the vote was :
Aye: Moore, Johansen, Isaacs
Nay: Lawrence
Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried and the Resolu-
tion adopted. Copy of Resolution # 62-26 is attached to these
minutes and made a part thereof.
A letter was presented from the Morris Transit Service filing
application for a waiting room and amusement center at 140 May-
port Rd. There was no action taken at this time.
Report for the month of October, 1962 was received and filed
from the Chnief of the Fire Department.
Report was received and filed for the month of October, 1962
from the Chief of Police.
Minutes 11-12-62, Page #5
Mr. Lawrence asked what the status of the negotiations with
Neptune Beach re: radio service was. It was advised that Mr.
Thompson is preparing a contract.
Mr. McTigue of the Volunteer Fire Department asked the Commission
for $300.00 for the Annual Christmas Party for the Volunteers.
Mr. Johansen moved that the City contribute the $300.00 for this
aanua7. Christmas dinner, seconded by Mr. Lawrence and carried.
There being no further business the Mayor declared the meeting
Henry G. Iea s, Mayor-
Attest: 11 Commissioner
Adele S. Grage, City Cie! .
Immediately following adjournment the Mayor called the meeting
back into session to re-consider Resolution #62-25. The question
of discounts was again discussed and upon motion of Mr. Moore,
seconded by Mr. Lawrence the Clerk was directed to change the dis-
counts as presented in Resolution # 62-25 to read
4% Month of November & December
2% Month of January
1% Month of February
NET Month of March
Delinquent after April 1st.
The motion was carried. Copy of Resolution #62-25 as corrected
is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof.
The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned.,.
Attest: Henry G Isaa'f , Mayor-
/l. /L,� Commissioner
Ce 2
Adele S. Grage, City C erk.
theO'loriaaZimes-iaition rEIIr 3arksanuillr 3Jnurnul
Sealed proposals will be received by
the City Commission of the City of Atlantic
STATE OF FLORIDA Beach, Florida, until 8:00 p.m. (Eastern
COUNTY OF DUVAL StandardfT1 on for Monday. the l2thall day
of November, 1962, for furnishingall new
materials, equipment and labor, and con-
structing new sanitary sewer -extensions
(gravity sewer lines• manholes, house
service connections and cleanouts) in and
Before the undersigned authority personally appeared ____ along Mayport Road and Atlantic Boule-
vard within the City of Atlantic Beach.
Florida, and otherwise within an area
B, �r identified as Area "L". The following
_C[t_•___B_,__ o_od1oe _ ., who on oath says that he is approximate quantities of vitrified clay
and cast iron pipe and manholes are
involved in the entire project: 10"diame-
ana er 1.410 feet.: and 5 manholes.
f g Re t ail Advertising ing of The Florida Times-Union, and Proposals will be taken on the various
Nems of work as set forth in the specifi-
All materials furnished and all work
The Jacksonville Journal, daily newspapers published at Jacksonville in Duval performed shall be in accordance with
the plans, specifications, and contract
documents pertaining thereto which may
be examined at the office of Walter J.
County, Florida- that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Parks. Jr., Consulting Engineer, 325 Main
Street, Jacksonville 2, Florida, and one
(1) copy thereof, including bid forms to
be submitted in ur-
Legal Notice chased from the Criplicate,Eng neer for the e sum
- -- - of 56.00 per set which will not be re-
A bid bond properly executed by the
in the matter of Sanitary Sewer Extensions Bidder and a qualified surety. or a cer-
----- or cashier's check on any national
or state bank, in a sum not less than
two and one-half per cent (21/2%) of the
amount bid. made payable to the City of
-- Atlantic Beach, Florida, must accompany
each bid as a guarantee that the Bidder
will not withdraw from the competition
after opening the bids, and in the event
-- ------------ - ----- - the contract is awarded to the Bidder,
he will. within twenty (20) days there-
after, enter into contract and furnish the
required bond. failing which he shall for-
... •the Court, feit deposit as liquidated damages.
All'bids shall be made subject to the
labor requirements as set forth in In-
Fl o r i d a Times-Union structionS to Bidders included in the
was published in - - contract documents.
Each bid shall be addressed to the
October 30, 1962
City or Commission,kdCity of AtlanticwBeachExten-
Florida, marked "Sanitary Sewer Exten-
in the issues of _ -.-_ sions, Mayport Road and Atlantic Boule-
vard, Area 'L,'" and delivered to the
office of the City Manager in the City
Hall, either by a representative of the
'Bidder who shall retain a receipt there-
- - for, or by registered mail with return
receipt requested. The City Commission
reserves the right to waive informalities
In any bid; to reject any or all bids in'
-- - - - -- _ wholeor in part, with or without cause:
to 'award all or a part of the work
for which bids are received: and.'or to
accept the bid or bids that In its judg-
ment will be for the best interest of the
City of Atlantic Beach.
City Clerk
Affiant further says that the said The Florida Times-Union and The Jacksonville CITY COMMISSION
Journal are each newspaperspublished at Jacksonville, in said Duval Count Florida, ITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,
and that the said newspapers have each heretofore been continuously published in said By: JOHN R. PRINTON
Duval County, Florida, The Florida Times-Union each day, and The Jacksonville Journal City Manager
each day except Sundays, and each has been entered as second class mail matter at the
postoffice in Jacksonville, in said Duval County, Florida, for a period of one year next
preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant fur-
ther says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any dis-
count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for
publication in said newspaper.
Sworn to and subscribed before me
this 30th• day of
trt• . -r �• .D. 196a
r •
Notary Public,
State of Florida at Large.
My Commission Expires Feb.1,16
WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of
Atlantic Beach did by Resolution extend the
closing date for the examination of the Tax
Roll August 15th, 1962, to October 15th, 1962,
WHEREAS, the Board of Assessment and Review has
completed its hearings and will Etimtnarily report
its findings, and
WHEREAS, the discount date for tiayment of taxes
should be adjusted to coincide with the final
approval of the tax roll,
does hereby approve the following discount for the
payment of taxes applicable to the 1962 tax roll:
4% Month of November & December
2% Month of January
1% Month of February
NET Month of March
Delinquent after April 1, 1963.
Passed by the City Commission of the City of Atlantic
Beach, Florida, on November 12, 1962.
. , - )._
Adele S. Grage, City Cler,
WHEREAS, the City of Atlantic Beach has completed the
erection of street signs in Area I and II, and
WHEREAS, the source of material and applicator for the
completion of Area III and other similar traffic control
signs is from one supplier, and
WHEREAS, the advertisement for bids would serve no useful
hereby approve the purchase of reflective street sign
materials, applicator and traffic control signs in the
amount of $1,427.00.
* * * * *
Passed by the City Commission of the City of Atlantic
Beach, Florida, on
,„(Le__12-e , �-G� _
Adele S. Grage, City Cler}