04-23-62 v COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 23, 1962 1. Call to order. 2. Minutes of meeting of April 9th, 1962. 3. Recognition of visitors. 3-A Presentation of Safety Award - Sgt. Jansen. 4. Unfinished business: (a) Approval, bill of Art Reinertson - $750.00. (b) Approval, bill of Walter Parks, Jr. - $732.60. (c) Report by C. B. Lawrence on insurance. 5. Acting City Manager: (a) Bids on baseball diamond fence. (b) Donner Road Improvement. (c) Lot 145, Saltair Subdivision. (d) Humble Oil Sign. (e) Application of Jack Bennett wall. (f) Application of Jesse Newberry sign. 6. New Business. (a) Request of Fire Chief for motors for booster line reels on Engine #1. 7 . Commissioners. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, APRIL 23RD, 1962 AT 8 P.M. Present: Henry G. Isaacs Preben Johansen J.B. Claiborne C.B. Lawrence, Jr. Chas . R. Moore, Commissioners and Frank Thompson, City Attorney A.J. Craig, Acting City Manager Adele S. Grage, City Clerk The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Isaacs. Minutes of the meeting of April 9th, 1962 were approved as amended upon motion of Mr. Johansen, seconded by Mr. Claiborne and carried. The dmendment to the minutes was made by Mr. Isaacs who corrected the last paragraph on Page #4 beginning at the word "plant" to change same to read "Telephone pole line beginning at the Plaza and Mayport Rd. and going to the junction of Mayport Rd and county road. " Mr. Isaacs recognized visitors preser:. and Mr. Welch who lives in Royal Palms sub-division advised that he and a group of property owners from that section were present to call to the attention of the Commission the petition which they have sub- mitted to V.A. , F.H.A. , Hercules, the Commission and WFGA-TV regarding their varied complaints and asking for an investiga- tion of same. They advise that some of the houses have cracks due to foundation, they believe, not being good, the vinyl tile is coming up from floor in some houses, etc. Sever- al ladies spoke regarding their various complaints. Mr. Craig advised that the houses were inspected by him during construc- tion and met our requirements on those points covered by the building code. The matter was discussed at length and Mr. Isaacs advised that he will get in touch with the Interstate (Hercules) Contracting Co. and advise them that we are inter- ested in these complaints and see what he car' work out with them about working out these problems . Sgt. Daryl Jansen of the Florida Highway Patrol presented Mayor Isaacs with a Certificate of Merit for the City due to our having no recorded traffic fatalities during the year 1961. Mayor Isaacs accepted the award on behalf of the City. Art Reinertson Construction Co. bili in amk.duirc of $750.00 as set forth -in - their proposal of March 21, 1962 to cover extension of sewer line down Sturdivant Ave. and Belvedere St. to the Minutes 4-23-62, Page #2 new service station at corner of Atlantic Blvd. and Sailfish Dr. , East, was presented for approval of payment. The money to cover this was paid to the City by the Contractor building the station, in advance. Mr. Craig advised that the job has been inspected and found acceptable and recommends payment of bill. Mr. Lawrence moved that the bill be paid as submitted, seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. Bill received from Mr. Walter J. Parks, Jr. in amount of $732.60 to cover professional services on Engineer 's project #96-61 was presented for approval. Mr. Moore moved that the bill as presented be paid, seconded by Mr. Claiborne and carried. Mr. Lawrence advised that we felt the bill was in order, as Mr. Parks had been directed by the Commission to do a particular job, which was changed and re-done a second time at the Com- mission's direction, and then changed and done a third time. Mr. Lawrence advised that he has two programs in on the insur- ance group plan, but has eight more who are going to submit plans and he wants to wait for a complete report. A letter was presented from Mr. Harcourt Bull advising that the R.C.B.S. Corp. was granting to the City a Water Transmission Main Easement to be used to construct a 12" transmission line from the site of the new Artesian Well to the Water Plant. He has sent the Easment to be signed by Mr. George Bull, the Corporation President and as soon as received, it will be turned over to the City Clerk. The City Clerk was directed to have same recorded when received, Mr. Isaacs expressed thanks to Mr. Bull, and the City Manager was directed to ad- vise the appraisor that we will not need the appraisal. Mr. Craig advised that the bids received on the fence were on incorrect specifications, and that he has received a quotation from the Reeves Fence Co. ,who were low bidders on the first call for bids, on the corrected specifications. The matter was discussed following which Mr. Johansen moved that we turn the matter over to Commissioners Lawrence and Claiborne with full power to act on this question as speedily as possible and also on the entire job to get the baseball field in playing condition, seconded by Mr. Claiborne and carried. Mr. Craig reported that on the Donner Road job there has been a delay, but will get work going right away. Mr. Craig reported that the owner of Lot 145, Saltair will not sell for less than $750.00, and our appraised price offer is $500.00 which they will not accept. It was the consensus of opinion that we start condemnation suit on this lot if they will not sell for the $500.00. Minutes 4-23-62, Page #3 Mr. Craig presented a request from the Humble Oil Co. for a sign, advised that it was in order as to location, specifica- tions, etc. and recommended that the permit be granted. It was discussed following which Mr. Lawrence moved that the per- mit be granted, seconded by Mr. Moore, and carried. Mr. Lawrence reported that work is going forward for correcting of the traffic problem at Plaza and Mayport Rd. Mr. Craig presented a request from Jack Bennett to build an 8 ' wall on the back property line of his garage on Lots 753, 754, and 21 ' of 755, Saltair, and advised that same is in order, and recommends that permit be approved. It was discussed fol- lowing which Mr. Moore moved that the permit be granted, sec- onded by Mr. Lawrence and carried. Mr. Craig presented a request for permit from Mr. Newberry to put up a sign at his old location on Atlantic Blvd. (1077) where he is going to have a second hand furniture store, and recom- mended that it be granted. Following discussion Mr. Moore moved that the permit for the sign be granted, seconded by Mr. Claiborne and carried. A request was made by Fire Chief Howell for kits for booster line reels on Engine #1. Following discussion Mr. Claiborne moved that the purchase of the kits be approved and that Reso- lution #62-9 covering transfer of funds from unallocted emergen- cy expense fund Acct.#1050 to Public Safety Equipment Account #1003-B in the amount of $350.00 be approved, seconded by Mr. Lawrence and carried. Copy of Resolution #62-9 is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. Mr. Lawrence advised that we proceed with plans that our Engineer, Mr. Parks has drawn up as follows : First-ask for bids on 12" well in line with Specifications dated March 22, 1962. , Second- Call for bids on transmission line in line with specifications dated March 22, 1962 - except to be changed to new easment which R.C.B.S. has given us. Third- Call for bids on auxiliary gas pump only in line with specifications dated January 6, 1962 - deleting from these specifications all but the auxiliary gas pump. Mr. Lawrence moved that we call for 3 separate bids as outlined above, bids to be received on May 14th, 1962, seconded by Mr. Johansen and carried. Mr. Moore would like for us to put signs on the beach pilings or at Atlantic Blvd. advising motorists of the holes at Minutes 4-23-62, Page #4 end of pilings. Mr. Craig is going to look into getting some- thing done on this. Mr. Moore moved that we have a study made on cost of fixing up the street ends and improving the condition of same, with per- haps concrete slabs at the wall and plantings, etc. , seconded by Mr. Lawrence, and carried. This was turned over to Mr. Claiborne for study and report on same. Mr. Moore advised that there are several places on the ocean front that are in bad condition and need attention. Mr. Craig will look into. Mr. Johansen brought to the attention of the Commission the bad sanitary condition existing on the property at the north- east corner of Francis Ave. and Donner Rd. advising that it is a deplorable situation. Mr. Craig is to inspect the property and notice is to be given the owner to hook-up to the City's sewer line or vacate the property until same is done. This is to have immediate and urgent attention as it is detrimental to the health and welfare of the City as a whole. Mr. Johansen also stated that he felt something should be done as to trash and garbage pick-ups in the Donner Sub-division, perhaps have a lower rate with fewer pick-ups during the week. It was agreed that this matter have deligent study and action in the immediate future. The Royal Palms visitors brought up the matter of the dangerously crowded school busses in this area. The condition is true for this entire section of the County, and it was agreed that com- plaints should be made to the School Board and the County Com- missioners as the schools come under the County, and the City has no jurisdiction in this problem. There being no further business, the Mayor declared the meet- ing adjourned. C;;K:2 iLL„, Henry G. acs, Mayor- Attest: Commissioner CCCe-62-t- 2 , /il-e tre-____— Adele S. Grage, City Cler RESOLUTION NO. 62-9 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CONI . T•TISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, That, Three hundred fifty 0350.00) Dollars be trans- ferred from the Emergency Expense Fund Acct. No. 1050 to Acct. No. 1003B, Fire Equipment, all in the 1962 Budget. Passed by the City Commission on April 23, 1962. Attest: a.oge Adele S . Grage, City Cl: (SEAL)