April 9th, 1962
1. Call to Order
2. Minutes of Meetings of March 26th and April 2nd, 1962
3. Recognition of Visitors.
4. Unfinished Business
1. Beaches Aquatic Pool, Inc. Application for building Permit
Recommendation that Acting City Manager be authorized to
issue permit when:
(a) City has received complete construction plans and spec-
ifications bearing State Board of Health stamp of ap-
(b) City has received definite commitment as to sewer service
line and water service right-Of-way, or easment across
Hercules-Royal Palms property which will enable connec-
tions to be made with existing or immediately prospective
sewer and water mains .etL�f- c-e-c,Qa�J /7 t.e-e�
(c) Consulting En ineer, Val er J. rks, Jr. -has been fur-
nished nd has approved:
(1) . he sch ule of st uctural calculate ns cove ing
s eel re cbnforcing in floor and wall of poo :
(2) A report f test b ing (at least one at po 1
si a shawl g earth ondition and exiting water
to le elev tion:
(3) The summary of calcu ation sh wing tha pool ' ll
be s able ag inst gro nd water uplift w en empty.
2. Radar Equipment for Police Dept. : Accept or reject proposal
of J. Randolph Brown & Co. If accepted enact Resolution
transferring funds from Acct. 1050 to Acct. 1003-A.
3 . Water Plant Construction : Authorization to advertise Call
for Bids to be opened April 23rd.
4. Report by Commissioner Claiborne and Architect,' Mr. Holloway
on remodeling of Fire-Police Station.
5. Approval Mr. Park's Invoice for $732.60, Engineer Fee.
6. Insurance ( if anything new on this)
7. Designation of Planning Board Members.
5. Acting City Manager
1. abprove proposed location new street lights (37)
2. Authorize Acting City Manager accept most favorable bid for
erection of back-stop and side line fence at Little League
Ball Diamond. Expect cost not over $500.00.
3. Authorize improvement Donner Rd, Francis St. to Sewer Plant,
by spreading Lime rock 3 " deep by 15 ' wide. Purchase of
Limerock not to exceed $600.00._
4. Oral bids being solicited by Mr. Gately for new hand oper-
ated (walking) self propelled power lawn mower, authorize
acceptance of most favorable bid.
5. Rattlesnakes reported infesting area on W.3rd St. and on
Selva Marina Dr. near Live Oak Lane. Plan to contact prof.
fessional snake hunters - if they are unable eradicate this
menace, we should burn infested areas.
411 6. Sign Permit - Pasquale's Restaurant.
7. Construction Permit, A&A Store (Mr. Casey)
8. James Robinson desires authorization for General Auto
Repair and Auto Storage on Lot 3, Block 51 Section H:
Business B Zone where such business is not prohibited.
6. Correspondence
1. John Printon
2. Atlantic-Neptune PTA letter
3 . Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co.
7. Commissioners.
. r
AT 8 P.M.
Henry G. Isaacs
Preben Johansen
J.B. Claiborne
C.B. Lawrence, Jr.
Chas . R. Moore, Commissioners
Frank Thompson, City Attorney
Arthur J. Craig, Acting City Manager
Adele S. Grage, City Clerk
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner,
Mr. Isaacs.
Minutes of the meeting of March 26th, 1962 were approved as
written upon motion of Mr. Johansen, seconded by Mr. Moore and
Minutes of the meeting of April 2nd, 1962 were approved as
written upon motion of Mr. Johansen, seconded by Mr. Moore and
The application of the Beaches Aquatic Pool, Inc. for a building
permit for their swimming pool was discussed at length. The
acting City Manager, Mr. Craig, rEocommended that he be author-
ized to issue the permit subject/certain conditions which he
listed on the agenda as (a) , (b) , and (c) . It was the consen-
sus of opinion that the (c) items be eliminated. Following a
discussion as to ruthorizing Acting City Manager to issue a
building permit to the Beaches Aquatic Pool, Inc. covering the
construction of their pool, Mr. Lawrence moved, seconded by 1r.
Claiborne, that the Acting City Manager be authorized to issue
building permit subject to the conditions as specified in Items
(a) and (b) as listed on the agenda, with the words "and pro-
vide an access street" added to (b) . Items on the agenda to
read as follows :
(a) City has received complete construction plans and speci-
fications beRring State Board of Health stamp of approval.
(b) City has received definite commitment as to sewer service
line and water service right-of-way, or easment across
Hercules-Royal Palms property which will enable connec-
tions to be made to existing or immediately prospective
sewer and water mains, and provide an access street.
The Mayor put the question thereon and the vote was unanimous in
favor of said motion, whereupon the Mayor declared the motion
Minutes 4-9-62, Page #2
The proposal of J. Randolph Brown & Co. to furnish the radar
equipment at cost of $924 .00 for the Police Department was next
considered. It had been brought out by Mr. Moore that we do not
want to have speed traps, but for the equipment to be used in
cutting down on the speeding in the City. Following discussion
Mr. Moore moved that the proposal of the J. Randolph Brown & Co.
be accepted and the equipment bought, seconded by Mr. Claiborne
and carried.
The Clerk read Resolution #62-8 transferring funds to cover the
purchase of the radar equipment from Emergency Expense Fund
#1050 to Account Police Equi;rnent #1003-A in the 1962 Budget.
Mr. Claiborne moved that said Resolution #62-8 be passed, second-
ed by Mr. Moore and carried. Copy of Resolution # 62-8 is at-
tached to these minutes and made a part thereof.
Mr. Parks has prepared a Call for Bids on the proposed Water Sys-
tem improvements and W. 8th St. Sewer extension, bids to be re-
ceived on April 23rd. The matter was discussed and it was agreed
that the matter has not proceeded to the stage where we should
call for bids, and there are several decisions to be made yet as
to easements, etc. Mr. Claiborne moved that authorization to
proceed with Call for Bids be put off until next meeting, seconded
by Mr. Lawrence and carried.
Mr. Claiborne reported that the committee had met with Mr. Hollo-
way and he is to prepare a solution to the Fire Dept. improve-
ments that can be done in 3 phases. Mr. Holloway, who was pre-
sent advised that this method will cost much more and is not
economically feasible. A stall alone would cost between two and
three thousand dollars and Mr. Isaacs advised that there are
other things that are more important to be done right now, as
the engine can be kept where it is at present. The idea of a
City Hall complex with all departments in building was again
presented. There was much discussion following which Mr. Johansen
suggested that they have a meeting with the Fire Department and
City Manager and talk this problem out and make some decision
for recommendation. It was agreed that this be done.
It was decided approval of Mr. Walter J. Parks, Jr. 's bill for
$732.60 be put off until can get to-gether with Mr. Parks .
Mr. Lawrence reported on the insurance that he should have all
reports in from Insurance companies within the next 3 weeks .
He advised that he has not taken out a term life policy on Mrs.
Grage, as he believes we can have a group plan going as quickly
as he would be able to get the term life policy.
Minutes 4-9-62, Page #3
Mr. Isaacs announced the appointment of the following as members
of the Planning Board:
D.H. Stynchcomb - for 4 years
Mrs . Marion Marvin " 3 years
Carroll West " 2 years
Alan Potter " 1 year
J.B. Claiborne, Commissioner, and
the City Manager
Mr. Johansen moved that the appointments as listed by the Mayor
for the Planning Board be approved, seconded by Mr. Lawrence and
Mr. Moore moved that the proposed locations of the 37 new street
lights be approved, seconded by Mr. Johansen and carried.
The matter of back-stop and side fence for the Little League Ball
diamond was discussed, and Mr. Johansen moved that the acting
City Manager be authorized to take the most favorable bid he re-
ceives on the back-stop and fence, seconded by Mr. Lawrence and
Mr. Craig requested authorization to go ahead with improving
Donner Rd. from Frances St. to the Sewer Plant and he recommends
that limerock be used, spreading it 3 " deep and 15 ' wide. He ad-
vised it could be used in future as base should the street be
paved. The matter was discussed following which Mr. Moore moved
that the Acting City Manager be directed to go ahead with prepa-
ration of this access road to sewer plant, seconded by Mr. Isaacs
and the vote was Lawrence, Moore, Isaacs "aye", Claiborne and
Johansen "nay", whereupon the mayor declared the motion carried.
Approval was requested for Mr. Gately to get bids for a new hand
operated (walking) self propelled power lawn mower and authorize
purchase at most favorable bid. The matter was discussed follow-
ing which Mr. Johansen moved that approval be given Mr. Gately
to buy one lawn mower, cost to be under $500.00, seconded by Mr.
Moore and carried.
Mr. Craig advised that it has been reported that there are rattle-
snakes in the W. 3rd St. area and also on Selva Marina Dr. near
Live Oak Lane. He advised that he understood there was a prof-
essional rattlesnake hunter in this area, and he would suggest
that we let him try eradicating first, and if not successful
then consider burning off the area. The Fire Chief advised that
he does not wish to take the responsibility of burning off unless
a higher authority directs him to as you cannot be sure of control-
ing a fire in these areas. It was decided to let Mr. Craig see
if the professional snake hunter would try first.
Minutes 4-9-62, Page #4
Mr. Craig presented an application for permit for an electric
sign at Pasquale 's Restaurant on Atlantic Blvd. and recommended
that it be approved. He advised that all permits for signs on
State or County Roads, which he handles, bears the notation that
no part of the sign shall etend onto the road right-of-way.
The matter was discussed following which Mr. Johansen moved
that permit for sign at Pasqualie 's Restaurant be granted, sec-
onded by Mr. Lawrence and carried.
Mrs . Moore advised that the State Road Department is going into
a program of getting signs off of State Road right-of-ways . She
would like to see the City of Atlantic Beach co-operate with
the State in this program. There is no action necessary- just
wanted the Commission to know of this program and give co-opera-
tion if requested.
Mr. Craig presented an application from the A&A Food Market for
permit to put an addition on the back of their present store, in
order to make a check-out door convenient to the parking lot.
Mr. Craig recommended approval. Following discussion Mr. Clai-
borne moved that the permit for the addition be approved, second=
ed by Mr. Lawrence and carried.
Mr. Craig advised that James Robinson has requested a license
for Auto Repairs and Auto storage on Lot 3, Block 51, Section H
which is in Business "B" and such business is not prohibited in
this Zone. However, Mr. Robinson advised that he also wants to
sell 2nd hand parts which he will get from old cars which he will
dismantle, and the question of this becoming a junk yard, which
is prohibited in this zone, was discussed. Mr. Moore suggested
and it was the consensus of opinion that this be held in abeyance
until can look into further. However it was brought out that if
he only wants the auto repair and wrecker license, it can be
issued for this location, but he cannot have a junk yard.
Under correspondence a letter was read from Mr. John Printon
advising that he would be here on or before May 1st. Also a
letter was read from the Atlantic-Neptune PTA thanking the City
for the Policewoman who is stationed at the school each school
day, and also for clearing the road thru from Seminole Rd. to the
school yard which enables the children from new sub-divisions
to walk to school in safety.
Mr. Craig also presented a letter from Southern Bell Tel. , & Tel.
Co. asking permission to place a telephone gibcfAc01 lin hIipiTianand
Mayport Rd.* This is a routine request which he has signed but he
wanted the Commission to know about its
* and going to junction of Mayport Rd. and county road. ,
. . •..
Minutes of 4-9-62, Page #5
Report for the month of March, 1962 was presented from the
Chief of the Fire Department. The report was read and received
for filing.
Mr. Moore asked if anything had been done about the fire siren,
and it was advised that nothing has been done to date. They
are still trying to find out what will be the best solution.
Mr. Moore also asked about the Jacksonville Gas Co's franchise
and when it would expire. It was determined that it was approved
by referendum on November 25, 1958 and would expire in 5 years
if nothing done on it, which would be in 1963 .
There being no further business, the Mayor declared the meeting
Henry G. isz[a , Mayor-Commissioner
0,0/ F,
Adele S. Grage, City Cle ' �
Nine Hundred and Twenty-Three( 923.00) Dollars
from the Emergency Expense fund Acct. No. 1050
be and the same is hereby transferred to Account
No. 1003-A Equipment - Police .. radar equipment,
in the 1962 Budget.
Passed by the City Commission on April 9th, 1962.
Adele S. Grage, City Cle •