04-02-62 v SPECIAL COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLA. APRIL 2ND, 1962 1 . Call to Order 2 . Resolutions (a) Appointment City Manager (b;) Expenses for Intersiews with out-of-town applicants 3 . Fire Station Remodeling 4 . Transfer Liquor License - Louis ' Bar 5 . Water Improvements 6 . Purchase Lot 37, Saltair 4 ' fins MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, APRIL 2ND, 1962 AT 7:30 P.M. Present: Henry G. Isaacs Preben Johansen J.B. Claiborne C.B. Lawrence, Jr. Chas . R. Moore, Commissioners and Arthur J. Craig, Acting City Manager Frank Thompson, City Attorney Adele S. Grage, City Clerk The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Isaacs, The Mayor presented Resolution #62-6 said Resolution appointing John R. Printon of the Village of St. Anthony, Minn as City Manager effective May 1st, 1962 and read same in full . Mr . Claiborne moved that said Resolution #62-6 be adopted, seconded by Mr. Lawrence and having been duly considered the Mayor put the question and the unanimous vote was cast in favor of same . Whereupon the Mayor declared said Resolution # 62-6 passed and a copy of same is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof Resolution #62-7 was presented and read in full , Said. Resolution directed the City Clerk( Treasurer) to pay the expenses incurred in connection with the interviews with Ronald Iske, Vernon Boxell and John R. Printon . Mr . Johansen moved that said Reso- lution be adopted, seconded by Mr . Moore and having been duly considered Mayor Isaacs put the question and the vote was unani- mous in favor of said Resolution. Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion passed and the Resolution adopted Copy of Resolu- tion # 62-7 is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. Mr. Craig presented an application to transfer the liquor license at Louie 's Bar to Miss Vivian Stuart, former wife of louie Stuart present holder of the license. Mr Craig advised that all references checked out OK and that State Beverage Department and the Health Department (County) have cleared the license OK for transfer. Following discussion Mr . Lawrence moved that transfer of this liquor license to Miss Vivian Stuart as re- quested bV approved, seconded by Mr Moore and carried . Mr. Craig advised that Mr , Cellar has given the City a Warranty Deed to Lot 37, Saltair for park purposes at the appraised price It was the consensus of opinion that this was a good deal and the Commission approved . The deed was given to Mr . Thompson to have recorded. . Minutes 4-2-62, Page #2 A letter was read from the Selva Marina Country Club commending our Police Department for their diligent efforts and the good work done in connection with the break-in and theft at the Country Club on March 27th, 1962 . The culprits were apprehended and a good part of the stolen property recovered . Acknowledge- ment was also given by the Commission to other officers who as- sisted our Police Department in this work Mr. Isaacs advised that he would like to express thanks to Mr. Claiborne for the good job done by him, in connection with securing a City Manager The Commission was unanimous in their expression of thanks to Mr . Claiborne . A letter was read from Mr . Harcourt Bull answering our letter to him dated March 27th, 1962 relative to the use of the ease- ments to the Sewer Plant Site . That part of the letter referring to the City truck 's using the easement as a roadway to get to the Sewer Plant was discussed and Mr Craig advised that he will direct City Employees not to drive on that easement in the fu- ture.. However it was brought out that that is the only accessi- ble way to the plant, as that section of Donner Road east of Frances Ave is impassable in dry weather . The matter was re- ferred to Mr , Craig to determine what can be done to-wards mak- ing Donner Road passable. Mr. Claiborne advised that as regards the balance of the letter he would suggest that the Commissioners and the City Attorney get to-gether and see what can come up with and get the matter settled before the new City Manager arrives The meeting on this matter was set for Tuesday Evening, April 3rd, 1962 at 7:30 P.M . Mr. Louis Holloway presented suggested plans for the re-modeling and additions to the jail and fire station . He estimated that his plans as presented would cost approximately $10, 000 .00 The matter was discussed andthe question of what parts could be done "piece-meal" Mr , Claiborne suggested that the Chairman of the Beautification Committee and the Chairman of the Finance Committee be appointed as a committee to study and bring back recommendations - the committee to confer with the Fire and Police Departments. Mr Isaacs appointed Mr . Claiborne and Mr Lawrence as suggested, to act as committee on this matter The matter of purchasing the new speed checking machine was discussed and it was suggested that it come up for consideration at the regular meeting on Monday night, April 9th . There being no further business the ay-.r declared the meeting adjourned Attest : i Henry -_aacs, Mayor-Commissioner Adele S. Grage, City clerk_ RESOLUTIOI ;"- 62-6 jTPEREAS, The City Commission has received and studied applications for City Manager, and Whereas due consideration and interviews have been made as to applicants, N011 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF TH2 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLO:IDA, That John R. Printon, Administrator for the Village of St. Anthony, Minnesota be appointed City Manager of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida to serve at the pleasure of the Commission at a salary of '$8,000.009 per year, said appointment effective as of May 1st, 1962. * * * * * * * * * * Passed by the City Commission on April 2nd, 1962. CeCe- -ee , y erc / (SEAL) RESOLUTION # 62-7 WHEREAS IT WAS DEEPIDD iTDC S'sARY TO INTERVL .I THREE OUT- OF-TOWN APELIC TITS F071 THE CITY MANAGER' S POSITION, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COlilIISSIOIT OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, That The City Clerk and Treasurer be directed to pay the ex- penses incurred in connection with the interviews with Ronald Iske, Vernon Boxell, and John R. Printon. The bills for these expenses shall be approved by J. B. Claiborne and referred to the City Clerk for payment. Said payments are to be charged to Emergency Expense Fund Account 0_050 in the 1962 Budget. Passed by the City Commission on April 2, 1962. ace, p &aim( - City Ulerk- (SEAL)