03-26-62 v COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH MARCH 26, 1962 1. Call to Order. 2. Minute► of Meeting of March 12,, /962. 3. Appointment of Acting City Manager. 4. Recognition of Visitors. a. Unfinished Business. 1. Water Plant Construction. 2. Insurance. 6. City Manager 1. Sign Permits, Gcy and Newb rzy. 2. Pool Permit,, HencheE Aquatic Club. 3. Heuer ExtcniF3ian, Amer:',can O.G..L Co. 7 . Appointment of Insurance Cow .ttee. 8. Ordinz ncez. 1. Zoning Ordinance, Final Reading. 2. Planning Board Ordinance, Final Reading. 3. Seiva, Marina Country Club Annexation, Pina3.. Reading. 9. Commissioners. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, MARCH 26TH, 1962 AT 8 P.M. Present: Henry G. Isaacs Preben Johansen J.B. Claiborne C.B. Lawrence Chas. R. Moore, Commissioners and J.F. Waggoner, Jr. , City Manager Adele S. Grage, City Clerk Absent: Frank Thompson, City Attorney The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Isaacs. Minutes of the meeting of March 12th, 1962 were approved as written upon motion of Mr. Johansen, seconded by Mr. Claiborne and carried. Mr. Isaacs presented and read Resolution #62-4 said Resolution recognizing Mr. J.F. Waggoner's years of service as City Manager and presenting Mr. Waggoner with a plaque expressing appreciation of the Commission and the people of the City of Atlantic Beach. Mr. Claiborne moved that the Resolution be passed, seconded by Mr. Johansen and carried. Copy of Resolution #62-4 is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. Mr. Moore presented Resolution #62-5 directing that Mr. Waggoner be paid $1, 500.00 net in lieu of vacation and severance pay, and moved that said Resolution be passed, seconded by Mr. Johansen and the call vote was : Claiborne - aye Johansen - aye Lawrence - aye Moore - aye Isaacs - aye Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried and said Resolu- tion #62-5 duly passed. Copy of Resolution #62-5 is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. Upon motion of Mr. Johansen, seconded by Mr. Lawrence, approval was given to the appointment of Arthur J. Craig as acting City Manager effective April 1st, 1962 until a permanent City Manager is appointed, Mr. Isaacs recognized visitors present and called for any business from the floor not on the agenda. Mr. P.H. Gay advised that they Minutes 3-26-62, Page #2 had found a buried gas tank and pump in work that he is doing at his place on Atlantic Blvd. He would like permission to move the pump only to the corner of his lot and run a pipe line from the tank to the pump in case he should want to use the tank at some time. The matter was discussed and it was ascertained that this is in Business "A" area and the equipment is all on his property. Following the discussion Mr. Johansen moved that he be given a permit to move the pump and install the line joining the tank and pump subject to any regulations in the Fire Code, seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. A proposed letter to Mr. Harcourt Bull was read. Said letter was composed by the City Attorney and directed the City Clerk to offer Mr. Bull $250.00 for the right to lay the proposed new water line within the area covered by the two easments which were previously granted to the City. The matter was discussed following which Mr. Claiborne moved that the proposed letter be written to Mr. Bull regarding the use of the easments for running the proposed water line paying Mr . Bull $250.00 for the right to so do, seconded by Mr . Moore and carried. Mr. Waggoner advised that he had talked to Mr, Don Fox of the Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Co. , who advised that our old premium is still in effect until such a time as we should sign necessary papers to change it. Mr . Lawrence advised that there are 6 or more companies working on a plan for the City and he should have something ready to report on at the next regular meeting. In the meantime Mr . Isaacs advised that a Life Term policy should be taken out on Mrs . Grage for $2, 000 .00 until the insurance matter has been decided on. Mr. Moore moved that Mr . Lawrence go ahead and cover Mrs . Grage for $2000.00 term life insurance until the group coverage is decided on, seconded by Mr. Johansen and carried, Mr. Waggoner presented a request from P.H. Gay for a sign in front of the laundry on Atlantic Blvd. and recommended that the permit for same be approved. It was discussed following which Mr . Claiborne moved that the permit be granted as requested, seconded by Mr . Lawrence and carried. Mr. Waggoner presented a request from Newberry TV to erect a roof sign on the building they occupy at 28 Seminole Rd., This is an additional sign to the one previously requested. Mr. Waggoner recommended that the permit be granted, whereupon Mr . Claiborne moved that permit for this sign be approved, seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. The matter of a permit for a swimming pool to be built by the Beaches Aquatic Club was discussed. It was brought out Minutes 3-26-62, Page #3 that water and electricity were available, but that at present there is no sewer available. Also it was questioned as to what the service charges would be. There is no access road to the project, but it was stated that the Royal Palms people would fix a temporary road as this area has not been sub-divided into streets, etc. Mr. Claiborne stated that he is in sympathy with the project but suggested that the matter be referred to the City Manager to study the situation and come up with recommen- dations . It was the consensus of opinion that they are all in favor of the project and will hold a special meeting, if neces- sary if they can get information needed before next regular meeting. Mr. Waggoner advised that Mr. Art Reinertson will put in the proposed sewer line on Sturdivant and Belvedere Sts . to the location of the American Oil Co. Service Station to be built at 715 Atlantic Blvd. for $750.00, that the engineering cost in connection with this job is $50 .00, which would leave $100.00 which would be refundable to the Contractor who deposited $900.00 with us for the job. The matter was discussed following which Mr. Claiborne moved that we accept Mr . Reinertson 's proposal to build the line for $750.00, and that $100.00 be refunded to Mr. Ray Treadwell, Contractor, seconded by Mr. Johansen and carried. Mr. Isaacs recommended that the following be appointed as the Insurance Committee: D.B. Watts, Chairman, Wm. S. Howell, Henry A. Holcomb, Robt. Rosborough, C.B. Lawrence and Norman Minchew. Mr. Claiborne moved that the Committee as recommended be appoint- ed, seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. Ordinance #90-62-14 was presented for second and final reading said Ordinance being read in full. Copy of certified proof of Notice of Public Hearing is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. Mr. Isaacs next declared the meeting in session as Public Hearing on Ordinance #90-62-14.covering the usages per mitted in Business Zones "AA", "A", and "B" . Mr . Gay questioned whether this Ordinance would affect his business and was advised that the Ordinance cannot change present usages, but governs future usages, and would not apply to his present business . Mr. Harcourt Bull suggested that in Section V. that paragraph 2 of Section 15 have the words "drainage, paving, curb and guttering, and utilities plans" added to more specifically spell out the things being covered by the "over-all plan" It was dis- cussed and Mr. Moore moved that the additional wording be added to Section V, seconded by Mr. Lawrence and carried There being no further comments either for or against, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. * The call vote on the above motion Minutes 3-26-62, Page #4 was Johansen, Lawrence, Moore, Claiborne, and Isaacs "Aye" . Following the further discussion by the Commission, Mr. Lawrence moved that Ordinance # 90-62-14 be passed on second and final reading as amended, seconded by Mr . Johansen and the call vote was : Lawrence, Moore, Claiborne, Johansen and Isaacs "Aye", whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried and said Ordi- nance passed on second and final reading. Ordinance #95-62-6 creating an advisory planning board for the City of Atlantic Beach was presented for second and final read- ing and was read in full . Notice of PI:blic Hearing on this Ordi- nance was posted in line with provisions of the charter . Mayor Isaacs declared the meeting in session for Public Hearing on said Ordinance. As no one appeared either for or against said Ordinance, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed, follow- ing which Mr. Claiborne moved that Ordinance #95-62-6 be passed on second and final reading, seconded by Mr , Johansen and having been duly considered the call vote was : Moore, Claiborne, Johan- sen, Lawrence, Isaacs "Aye", Whereupon Mayor Isaacs declared the motion carried and the Ordinance passed on second and final read- ing. Ordinance #12-62-3 changing the territorial limits of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida by annexing that tract of land on which the Country Club (Selva Marina) building is located, said Ordinance having been posted in line with charter requirements . The Ordinance was read in full following which Mayor Isaacs de- clared the meeting in session for Public Hearing on said Ordinance. As no one appeared either for or against said Ordinance, the Mayor declared the Public hearing closed. Mr. Johansen moved that Ordinance #12-62-3 be passed on second and final reading, seconded by Mr. Moore and having been duly considered the Mayor put the question thereon and the call vote was : Claiborne, Johan+ sen, Lawrence, Moore, Isaacs "Aye", whereupon Mr.. Isaacs declared the motion carried and said Ordinance passed on second and final reading. Certified Proof of Publication of Ordinance #12-62-2 attached and made a part hereof. r.a4, Mr. Moore advised that he would like to add his personal word of thanks to Mr. Waggoner, as he has enjoyed working with him and wishes him the best of luck. Other Commissioners joined in their thanks and appreciation. Mr. Waggoner expressed his appreciation to the Commission for the plaque and expressions of recognition of his work, and the vacation and severance pay. There being no further business the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned. Attest: ' & Henry G sacs, Mayor-Commissioner Adele S. Grage, Cit Clerk #11!: CITY OF . _ AUa4k Dech-T-Eüda RESOLUTION NO. 62-4 ' HENRY G. ISAACS MAYOR-COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONERS. WHEREAS, James F. Waggoner, Jr. has served J. B. CLAIBORNE PREBEN JOHANSEN the people of the City of Atlantic Beach C. B. LAWRENCE. JR. CHAS. R. MOORE conscientiously and faithfully as City Manager since 1955, and FRANK THOMPSON CITY ATTORNEY WHEREAS, under his management and direction J. F. WAGGONER. JR. the City has expanded its utilities and CITY MANAGER services to the citizens, and ADELE S. GRACE CITY CLERK WHEREAS, he has at all times endeavored to TREASURER plan and work towards the best interest of the citizens of Atlantic Beach, Florida. W. JACK MCCLUNG CHIEF OF POLICE NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY WM. S. HOWELL COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, CHIEF OF FIRE DEPT. FLORIDA, That, recognition of his faithful and un- tiring services to the community be acknowl- edged and spread on the minutes of this Commission, and That, this plaque expressing the appreciation of the City Commission and the people of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida be presented to him in recognition of his services, and, That, a copy of this Resolution be presented to Mr. Waggoner as evidence of ernest appre- ciation of his faithful and devoted service to our community. Passed by the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida March 26th, 1962. Attest: //, , z2a2 , „ Adele S. Grage, City Clerk (SEAL) RESOLUTION NO. 62-5 WHEREAS, James F. Waggoner, Jr. has served the peo- ple of the City of Atlantic Beach, Duval County, Florida as its City Manager since 1955, faithfully and untiringly, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA That, Mr. Waggoner be paid $1, 500.00 net in lieu of vacation and severance pay, and That the City Clerk be directed to transfer $1,800.00 from the Emergency Expense Account No. 1050 to the Payroll Account to cover the above plus required pay- roll deductions. * * * * * * * Passed by the City Commission on March 26th, 1962. Attest: aCe-ae Adele S. Grage, City C. =rk (SEAL) ache f'lariaaaituts-1.nion 3Jttrkannuille Mournul EVERY MORNING EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY FLORIDA PUBLISHING COMPANY Publishers JACKSONVILLE, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DUVAL J Before the undersigned authority personally appeared W. B. Goodloe , who on oath says that he is Manager, Retail Advertising of The Florida Times-Union, and The Jacksonville Journal, daily newspapers published at Jacksonville in Duval County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a legal___notice _ L, r_ NOTICE _c_-h in the matter of publieaing- OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that on March 26th. 1962 at 8 P.M. in the City Hall WI the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida the City Commission of said City will. hold a Public Hearing on an Ordinance TO AMEND ORDINANCES NO. 90-59-3, NO. 90-60-8 AND NO. 90-61-11 BY RE- VISING USAGES IN ZONING OF BUSI- NESS DISTRICTS "AA", ••A•• AND "B"; AND ALSO INCREASING THE NUMBER OF ZONING DISTRICTS. All in the ___-, -- _ Court persons interested are notified to be present at said time and place and they shall be heard. Copies of said Ordinance are on file was published in Florida Times Union in the office of the City Clerk. Dated et Atlantic Beach, Florida this 27th day of February, 1962. HENRY J. ISAACS (SEAL) in the issues of March 9 1962 Attest: Mayor-Commissioner Adele S. Grose City Clerk Affiant further says that the said The Florida Times-Union and The Jacksonville Journal are each newspapers published at Jacksonville, in said Duval County, Florida, and that the said newspapers have each heretofore been continuously published in said Duval County, Florida, The Florida Times-Union each day, and The Jacksonville Journal each day except Sundays, and each has been entered as second class mail matter at the postoffice in Jacksonville, in said Duval County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant fur- ther says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any dis- count, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in said newspaper. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 9 th day of / �I'C}1 A.D. 1� Ata • i Notary Public, State of Florida at Large. Feb 1, 1963 My Commission Expires -� 4, + i i. STATE OF FLORIDA ss: County of Duval Personally appeared before me, a Notary Public for the State of Florida at Large,.... .Toe/.• Burstein who deposes and says that he is—Publisher. . .. of The Beach News & Advertiser, Inc., a weekly newspaper printed in the English language and of general circulation, published in said County and State; and that the attached order, noti.o, publication and/or advertisement of.. .the• City. of •...Atlantis)eaoh was published in said newspaper for a period of.. . tsar• zeekB .consecutively, Leginning..Fab. .16, .196.2 .and ending.. .Manch.9.r.1962. said publication being made on the following dates: . February. 16, .Fr.bru .ry.23.,. •Mare.ti.2.and .Manch.9. .. And deponent further says that The Beach News & Adver— tiser, Inc., has been continuously published as a weekly newspaper, and has been entered as second class mail mat— ter at the postoffice at the City of Jacksonville Beach, Duval County, Florida, each for a period of more than one year next preceding the date of the first publication of the above described order, notice, publication and/or ad— vertisement. Subscribed and sworn to before me this .fit . ..March ..• D.,7 � • ••• 7 $t Notary Public Pub Notary tPSta4 o i9Fd g eLarge. My C;si rn'ss.on Expires Oct. 27, 64 bZi. Qr. , ,• My Coin t�il't ri`f�sgurety Co. o N.V. r No.