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1966 AT 8:00 P. M.
William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner
John W. Weldon
Donald L. Goodling
W. J. Parks, Jr. , Commissioners
Frank Thompson, City Attorney
Murray H. Bennett, City Manager
Adele S. Grage, City Clerk
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr.
The Invocation was given by Commissioner Parks.
Upon motion of Mr. Holloway, seconded by Mr. Goodling, the
minutes of the meeting of December 12, 1966 were approved as
Mayor Howell recognized visitors and called for any business
from the floor not on the Agenda.
A letter was read from the State Beverage Department advising
that Audit of books of one of cigarette distributors for
cigarette tax discloses that the City of Atlantic Beach has
been paid 8223.08 too much, and this overpayment will be
deducted from the next cigarette tax payment. Mrs. Grage
advised we have collected more than was estimated in the
1966 budget, but our receipts for last three months have been
much less than the first months of the year. She has talked
to the Auditor for the State Beverage Department and he
advised they are now auditing at request of City of Jacksonville
Beach and any errors should turn up on that.
Mr. Goodling reported for the Committee on Petroleum bids.
The bids were tabulated and studied and the Committee feels,
after consulting the Public Works Department that it would
be to our advantage due to advantage in operation and
especially lower maintenance cost in use of unleaded gasoline
to accept the bid of the American Oil Company. Records indicate
our experience with the low bidder was not satisfactory in the
past. They feel it is to best interest of City to award bid
for gasoline and oils to American Oil Company and diesel and
kerosene to McCall Corporation. There was discussion in which
it was brought out and discussed that the gasoline bids are
tank wagon price at time of purchase less bid deduction. Due
to our experience records, the Committee recommends the best
Minutes 12/26/66 Page #3
Mr. Henry Isaacs inquired as to progress of Committee in
preparing Ordinance regulating such activities as were
reported at "Screwy Louie 's ". Mr. Thompson advised Committee
will prepare at early date.
Request was made to Call for Bids on a garbage truck chassis.
The funds to cover are in 1967 Budget and the specifications
are almost identical to chassis bought this year. Approval
was given to call for bids to be received at meeting of
January 23rd.
Approval was requested to refund estreated bonds in amount
of $225.00 to bondsman on Police Tickets #1317 , 2122 and 2124
as the bondsman has 30 days to produce the parties and he has
found them in custody and will produce them in next few days.
The bond money was deposited in error. Mr. Goodling moved
refund be made of estreated bonds and check to be held by
the Chief until parties are delivered to him, seconded by
Mr. Parks and carried.
Police Department dockets for December 12th and 19th, 1966 .
were presented and received for filing.
Mr. Bennett presented a plan for two cross-overs in the
Parkway down Selva Marina Drive between Seminole Road and
Country Club Lane. It was discussed and estimated they would
cost from $200.00 to $400.00 each. After discussion Mr.
Goodling moved City Manager be authorized to put one cross-
over on Selva Marina Drive between Seminole Road and Country
Club Lane located approximately near the Center, seconded by
Mr. Parks and carried.
Mr. Goodling suggested that as many of the Commission as can
attend the Expressway Authority meeting on December 28, 1966
at 2: 00 P. M. so can speak up on roadway lighting.
There was a discussion of the situation at "Screwy Louie's "
on Atlantic Boulevard and the Chief advised things are better
and the case comes up the 27th when a trial date will be set.
He stated the owner of the License has been very cooperative
with the Police Department.
There being no further business Mayor Howell declared the meet-
ing adjourned.
Attest: () / ' 009
Yd-/(1-6- ,-(
William . Howell, Mayo cCommissioner
LLC '-�-� Q
Adele S. Grage, City C 1rk
AT 8:00 P.M.
William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner
Donald Goodling
Louis Holloway
Walter J. Parks
John W. Weldon, Commissioners
Frank Thompson, City Attorney
Murray Bennett, City Manager
Adele S. Grage, City Clerk
Meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Howell
Invocation was asked by Commissioner Parks.
w±driXx Holloway
Mr. Hx±±wwxy moved approval of the minutes of the meeting of
December 14, 1966 , seconded by Mr. Goodling and carried.
Mayor Howell called for any business from the floor not on
the agenda. There was none .
Letter from btate Beverage Department - Cigarette Tax -
completed special audit - reference overpayment of 223.05 to
City of Atlantic Beach. Mr. Parks - did they pay us too much. /
Mrs . Graze - yes. Mr. Parks - are our cigarette tax receipts V
up over 1965. Mrs. Grage - they are up over ' 65 but are down
over last three months of 1966 something like :>1000. over first
months of the year. Talked to them ttout - now auditing for city
of Jacksonville Beach - something might turn up in that.
Mr. Goodling - still going to be within estimate for 1966?
Mrs . Grage - yes.
Committee on Petroleum bids - Mr. Goodling - public works depart-
ment feels some advantage in operation, expecially in maintenance
in unleaded gasoline - records indicate experience with low r`
bidder has not been satisfactory in the past. We feel like to
have look tabulation over - feel in best interests of city to
award gasoline to American oil company - Kerosene and diesel
fuel clearcut to McCall - question in minds as to whether or
not to best interests t make award all to Amoco but is case of
sealed bidding.
Mr. Howell - not much question in diesel and kerosene
Kr. Goodling - recommend to low bidder.
Mr. Howell - getting into .10 of cent
Mr. Goodling - yes, .01 between low bidder and Amoco - bids are
taken on tankwagon price in effect at time ordering - bid calls
for deduction on price. 1
Mr. Goodling - recommendation award to Amoco and deisel and kerosene
to McCall.
Mayor Howell so moved, seconded by Mr. Holloway and carried.
City Manager Report - representative of Reynolds, Smith and
Hill in charge of design rebuilding Atlantic Blvd. between
bridge and 3rd only thing in mmMim orignal design is
layout of street lights. 8" water line handled - le ,ter
recommended right abou t extending sidewalk from Royal Palms
Drive to Aquatic Pool - All streets east of Mayport Road
have been cleaned and edged. Used dirt behind fire station
to fill in Park Terrace park - driveway police
have done station paved -
patching - graded Main Street - delivered Christmas
Mr. Goodling - are Sanitation employeesetti
2 as holiday also? yes . g Monday, Jan.
Public Hearing Ordinance 50-4r-6 Amending Personnel Ordinance
Read in full by Mayor on second and final reading - Mayor then
opened public hearing.
Changed wording to readgm Sanitation instead of garbage.
Mr. Weldon moved passage of ordinance on second and final reading
seconded by Mr. Parks.
Mr. Goodling - asked Mr. Bennett if banitation shouldn' t be
exempt on the overtime work - understand work until garbage
picked up.
Mrs . Grage - in the event of an emergency
other then sanitation and g have pulled in for
Mr. Hilliard - when have emerrgency we have paid overtime when pull
back in.
Mr. Howell - pulling back in under labor - general?
Mr. Parks - put normal duties.
Mr. Weldon accepted amendment, Mr. Parks seconded and motion carried.
Ordinance 30-66-12 Budget for 1967 - read in full by Mayor -
opened public hearing as mama no one appeared either for against
the public hearing was closed.
Mr. Parks moved passage, seconded by Mr. Weldon.
Mr. Weldon - thought was rather careful in comments about ordi-
nance at last meeting - newspaper following day had story in
whic17 mistakenly carried amount 410,000. maw:oat maximum to be
expended under budget - in adition statment was made that
had stated that the across the board increases were 2% above
national average - refer writer of article to minutes of last
meeting in which stated national average was <
employees was well within national averages. 3.8i increase given
Mr. Goodling - feel two points that should be brought out, and made
record - one is the fact the anticipated assessed valuation does
in part consist of personal property tax for 1967 if that becomes
reality - mmmixttx222xxmwmmx2xhdxmhxammtmmmkaxxtxxx account 2000
sewer fund in particular the sewer reserve fund - asked unbudgeted
reserve - is that figure going to be in excess of what antici-
pated revenue for 1966 - does this include any unbudgeted
realized in 1966.
Mrs . Grage - 165 4 .- stimated could show 15 ,000.
Mr. Howell - whatever surplus is will show somewhere
Mr. Goodling - no unbudgeted reserve in 1966 budget
Mrs. Grage - show as surplus
Mr. Howell - account 123 is showing transfer out into this
Mr. Goodling - in ' 65 did not anticipate any surplus but we had
budgeted by amendments during year increased certain funds and we
put that money into those sources of income - we don' t have the
50,000. any longer - that was source of income for 1966
Mrs . Grage - taxes collected in ' 65 to use in ' 66/
There was considerable discussion Mayor Howell put the question
and the motion was carried.
Mr. Isaacs - like to have report from cultural committee of
Mr. Parks , Mr. 'Weldon and Mr. Thompson - ordinance taking care
of culture of Atlantic beach -
Mr. Thompson - has been Christmas season - will go on
Approve call for bids on Gar4age truck chassis - Mr. Weldon - do
we have funds budgeted - are specifications any different
Mr. Hilliard - almost identical to ones on chassis got last year
Mr. Parks - can specifications and invitation to bid be mailed ou
by xxxax x first, call for second meeting in January - 23rd.
Approve refund entreated bond to bondsman - Chief Vogel - es-
treated bond because parties were not in court. $225 . Crews
deposited into account was regular forfeiture r should have
been held out of machine for 30 days - they have people in custo y
and will produce in next day or two -
i Mr. Parks - can' t count money as ourt-they have 30 days grace.
Mr. Thompson - got to produce within 30 days
Mr. Weldon - assume this was done
Chief - in custody of bondsman - can cross state lines without
extradite papers.
Mr. Parks - going to draw draft payable to bondsman which chief
will hold pending delivery of culprit
Mr. Goodling so moved, Mr. Parks,seconded and carried.
Chief Vogel presented fire and Police reports .
Mr. Bennett - like to install on Selva Marine Drive between Seminole
and country Club two cross overus-people are driving over median
Mr. Parks - coming up Selva Marina drive saw person get in, back
across median' and come south.
Mr. Goodling would it be less expensive to plant shrubs. /
Mr. Bennett - think that distance should require cross overs.
Mr. Goodling - how much. Mr. Benntt - 200 to 4,.0. each.
Mr. Goodling - move city manager be authorized to put one cross
over on Selva Marina Drive between Seminole and Country Club
located approximately near center, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried.
Mr. Goodling - suggest that as many of commission as can attend
expressway authority meeting December 28 opportunity to speak
piece for raodway lighting - Wednesday at 2PM
Mr. Park -how are things at Screwy Louie ' s - Chief - everything
seems to be in order - they are somewhat clothed - crowd has
dropped off - seems like everything is normal.
Mr. Weldon - these people are still under indictment by county but no
date. Chief - come up on 27th think - either set rrail or
trial set within next two months . Owner of license very cooperative as
far as police department - it is operators. ADJOURNED