12-12-66 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH COMMISSION MEETING 12/12/66 1. Call to Order 2. Invocation 3. Approval of Minutes - of November 28, 1966 4. Recognition of Visitors 5. Bids- Petroleum Products 6. Correspondence (a) Atlanticr-peptune PTA 7. Resolution 66-1 -Transferring funds 1966 Budget 8. Ordinances- First Reading (a) Amending Personnel Ord. 50-61-1 (b) Adopting 1967 Budget 9. Approval purchases from Account 1501 10. Reports: (a) City Manager (b) Acceptance-Landfill Contract by E. D. M. C. 11. Fire and Police Chief- Reports & Dockets 12. City Manager 13. Commissioners 14. Adjourn w H, MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1966, AT 8:00 P. M. Present: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner John W. Weldon Donald L. Goodling Louis C. Holloway, Jr. W. J. Parks, Jr. , Commissioners and Frank Thompson, City Attorney Murray H. Bennett, City Manager Adele S. Grage, City Clerk The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Howell. The Invocation was given by Commissioner Weldon. The minutes of the meeting of November 28, 1966 were approved as written upon motion of Mr. Weldon, seconded by Mr . Goodling and carried. Mr. Howell recognized visitors present and called for any business from the floor not on the Agenda. There was none. Bids were received covering 1967 Petroleum products requirements. Copy of Certified Proof of Publication of Call for Bids is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. Mr. Goodling moved that due to the numerous items on the bids that the names of the bidders be recorded and the bids be referred to a Committee for tabulation and study, but any bidder present be given the opportunity to see the bids, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Bids were received from: American Oil Company Futch Oil Company Huxham Heating & Air Conditioning & Fuel Co. McCall Service, Inc. Standard Oil Company Texaco, Inc. Mr. Parks moved be referred to Committee for report at next meeting, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. The Mayor appointed Commissioner Goodling, Mr. Bennett and Mr. Hilliard as Committee. A letter was read from the Atlantic-Neptune P.T.A. expressing appreciation for the assistance and protection given by our Police Department at the Halloween Carnival. Minutes 12/12/66 Page #2 Resolution #66-17 was presented and read in full by Mayor Howell. Said resolution provides for transfers in 1966 Budget, and makes possible the final payments on the new garbage truck body and chassis, saving approximately $100. 00 in interest by making this advance payment. Mr. Parks moved adoption, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Copy of Resolution #66-17 is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Mr. Goodling moved that the City Treasurer be authorized to pay the balances due on the garbage truck chassis and body as recommended by her, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. An Ordinance amending Personnel Ordinance #50-61-1 was presented in full in writing for consideration on first reading. Mr. Parks moved said Ordinance be passed on first reading by title only, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Public Hearing was set for December 26, 1966 at 8: 00 P. M. Ordinance #20-66-12 adopting the 1967 Budget was presented in full in writing. Mr. Weldon moved adoption by Title only on first reading, seconded by Mr. Parks. Mr. Weldon stated the Ordinance contains a 4% across the board increase for City employees and would like for records to show that the Department of Labor statistics indicate that average annual increase for employees for first 9 months in 1966 was 3.8% - this is well within average of all employees within United States. Mayor Howell then put the question and the motion carried. The Public Hearing was set for December 26, 1966 at 8: 00 P. M. A request was presented from Mr. Hilliard for approval of purchase of pipe, couplings, etc. for new connections in amount of approxi- mately $325.00 from Account #1501. Mr. Goodling moved approval, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. Mr. Bennett read his report, and advised that Dick Hilliard has gone to Rochester, New York, due to serious illness of his Father. Copy of the City Managers report is attached to these minutes and made a part hereof. Mr. Goodling noted that the park around the City Hall is the "Richard Bull Memorial Park". Mr. Goodling noted that the City has paid the Heilig Contracting Company $467 .50 for well pointing and rental of well points in connection with the repair job in sewer line at corner of Royal Palms Drive and Cavalla Road. We had understood this cost was to be borne by contractor, but the City ended up paying for same. h Minutes 12/12/66 Page #3 Mr. Weldon inquired as to status of building plans of the hot dog outfit at corner of Sailfish Drive, East, and Atlantic Boulevard. They are completing agreements with Interstate and then will get building permit and beer license. Mr. Weldon inquired as to location of sprinkler system. It is at triangular spot at corner of Atlantic Boulevard and Seminole Road. We already have a sprinkler system in Richard Bull Memorial Park. Mr. Parks commented on work done at above-mentioned triangular spot and thinks City Manager and others involved should be complimented for the improvement. There was a discussion of Expressway plans and their straighten- ing out this above intersection into one street. Mr. Goodling advised that the next meeting of the Authority is scheduled for last week in December but no definite time or date set. There was a discussion of the fluctuation in the lights. There is some difficulty with arcing and salt spray on insulators and the damp air causes some of trouble. Understand City of Jacksonville Electric Department is working on problem. Mr. Bennett advised he is going to talk to the Expressway people about by-passing Mayport Road during construction and routing traffic down Main Street to Levy Road - might be able to get paved in that area. It is thought they plan to do one side of Mayport Road at a time and not re-route traffic. Mrs. Grage advised the Landfill contract for 1967 has been approved, without deletion, by the East Duval County Mosquito Control and returned for our files. It is understood that before the 1968 contract is presented that the Attorney for the East Duval County Mosquito Control District will get with our City Attorney and agree on mutually satisfactory substitute for the clause in question. The Police Department report for November, 1966 and the Municipal Court docket for December 5, 1966 were presented for information and filing. Mr. Parks would like for the Commission to request the City Attorney, and if necessary appoint a Committee to work with the Attorney, in an endeavor to draft an Ordinance for the considera- tion of the Commission pertaining to circumstances like we have had on Atlantic Boulevard west of Mayport Road - to be exact at "Screwy Louie 's ". Our Police Department made an effort which was tossed out of Court on a technicality or some other reason. It is his understanding that a Municipality can in such cases ' Minutes 12/12/66 Page #4 adopt Ordinances having more stringent requirements than State laws. This is time we need legal advice as is bad publicity for atlantic Beach. Mr. Thompson agreed entirely and likes idea of appointing Committee - would be happy to work with Committee and report back to Commission. Mr. Parks moved that Committee be appointed to work with the City Attorney to draft Ordinance, seconded by Mr. Holloway and carried. Mr. Howell appointed Mr. Parks and Mr. Weldon to work with Mr. Thompson as a Committee, and to try and have report by next meeting. There being no further business, Mayor Howell declared the meeting adjourned. , 0, lliam owell Attest: Mayor-Commissioner CLCe-e2— _ -Adele S . Grage, City Clerl ' RESOLUTION 66-13 WHEREAS, the City Charter requires that the City Commission approve all transfers from one Account to another, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT the following transfers be approved in the 1966 Budget: ACCOUNT INCREASE DECREASE ADMINISTRATION Account 201 - Fersonnel 2 ,200.00 Account 209 - Advertising 575.00 PUBLIC SAFETY Account 301 - Personnel 2 ,500.00 Account 309 - Radio Service 100.00 TRANSPORTATION Account 404 - Farts & Tires 150,00 SANITATION Account 501 - Fersonnel 1000.00 LABOR Account 601 - Labor 1,600.00 PUBLIC WORKS APPROPRIATIONS Account 707- Street light bulbs 100.00 Account 710- Engr. Service 250.00 Account SEWER DEPARTMENT Account 801 - Repairs & Repl. 500.00 Account 803 - Utilities 800.00 Account 804 - Chemicals 200.00 w Page 2 RESOLUTION 66-17 INCREASE DECREASE CAPITAL APPROPRIATIONS Account 1002- Administration 2,400. 00 Account 1003A- Police 25.00 Account 1003B- Fire 100.00 Account 1005 - Sanitation 7, 150.00 Account 1011 - Street Lights 408. 00 Account 1051 - Emergency Fund 408.00 TOTAL INCREASE & DECREASE 10, 233.00 10, 233.00 ****************** Passed by the City Commission on December 12, 1966. Attest: CLO/2-e-)a— Adele S. Grage, City Cle (SEAL) • • . I he^Floric1u gimes Mniou 3tcksouvillc.ournxl EVERY MORNING EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY FLORIDA PUBLISHING COMPANY Publishers JACKSONVILLE, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA } COUNTY OF DUVAL Before the undersigned authority personally appeared litItisak 3 Valles-- , who on oath says that he is Wail ____ 1 Mina> of The Florida Times-Union, and Jacksonville Journal, daily newspapers published at Jacksonville in Duval County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal- Notico in the matter of -_ I_-for Bi-dg----for Petreleun -Products for the lear--1967--#ora--the- ty-ef--Atlantic Beach,--1 lorida _-- i nu the Court, was published in ___ The Florida TiFles Union • in the issues of December-4-1966 -_1966 CALL FOR BIDS Specification No. 1966.11 PETRO UM PRODUCTS Sealed bids received by the City COmmisS Beach, Florida, - . of Atlantic on Monday, Dec ,:,'96 (E.S.T.) fur- nishing Petroleum r' 966, for fur- Affiant further says that the said The Florida Times-Union and Jacksonville Journal are .the City of .Atlatyti; year 1967 ecifications and , orida. • each newspapers published at Jacksonville, in said Duval County, Florida, and that the said retraining there n,. ' •y ents newspapers have each heretofore been continuously published in said Duval County, Florida, procured at.,re City leik' or The Florida Times-Union each day, and Jacksonville Journal each day except Sundays, and Rall. Atla,," Beach, arida: each has been entered as second class mail matter at the postoffice inJacksonville, in said Duval Each 'r ,md b. adore. the City Co, County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached da. ata '.•cele r copyof advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neitherpaid norpromised anydelivered City erk' Y per- nd Rall. pri,`, d rim ' son, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing The Cit p ryes e tisroe this advertisement for publication in said newspaper. tnformaliti. any b ; to r. . or all bids in'.' 'ole o,• In , or without cause.'and or to a., bid that, in its iud: - best Sworn to and subscribed before me interests of the - Beach. CITY .. ISSION OF THE this day of CLORIOF DA ATLANTIC REACH, VV,_ BY William S. Howell -D7477(1; _D7A.D. 19,x,-__- Attest Mayor-Commissioner ,9 -------- - �-•K - - - -- -- AdeleA.D. rage N ry Pub ic, --------- State of Florida at Large. • My Commission Expires Fibruan 1, 1967