11-28-66 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH COMMISSION MEETING 11/28/66 AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2 . Invocation 3 . Approval of Minutes - of November 14, 1966 November 23 , 1966 4 . Recognition of Visitors 5 . Ordinance - 2nd and final reading - changing names of certain streets . 6 . Water and sewer line - Selva Marina 7. Reports : (a) City Manager (b) Awards Committee - Addressor & Printer (c) Awards Committee - Insurance 1967 8. Fire and Police Chief - Reports & Dockets 9. City Manager 10 . Commissioners 11. Adjourn MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1966 AT 8:00 P. M. 1 Present: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner John W. Weldon Donald L. Goodling Louis C. Holloway, Jr. Walter J. Parks, Jr. , Commissioners and Frank Thompson, City Attorney Murray H. Bennett, City Manager Adele S. Grage, City Clerk The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Howell. The Invocation was given by Commissioner Weldon. Mr . Holloway moved that the minutes of November 14, 1966 be approved. Mr. Goodling requested the motion be amended so as to delete from last sentence in paragraph 3, page 3, the words "is familiar with this Company personally, and", as he only knows of the Company. Mr. Holloway accepted this amendment to his motion, whereupon Mr. Goodling seconded and the motion carried. Mr. Weldon moved approval of the minutes as written of the special meeting of November 23, 1966, seconded by Mr. Goodling and carried. Mr. Howell recognized visitors and called for any business from the floor not on the Agenda. Mr. William Fogg, member of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee, reported that the Committee, consisting of Messrs. Charles Bosch, George Pharr and himself, had met and feel that the program as now being worked is going very well, but they would recommend, in order to make it a year-round program, that a basketball court be included in 1967 budget. It could be marked so that other games such as shuffleboard, volley ball, hopscotch, etc. could be played on it. It would be located in the Jack Russell Park and would be approximately 80 ' x 50 ' at a cost of approximately 82200.00. They do not recommend lighting. The matter was further discussed and will be considered further. Mr. Howell presented Ordinance No. 65-66-4 - being an Ordinance changing the names of certain streets in the Lewis Subdivision and Saltair Subdivision, and read same in full. The Mayor then declared the meeting in session for Public Hearing on said Ordinance, notice of Public Hearing having been posted in line with Charter requirements. As no one appeared either for or A10' Minutes 11/28/66 Page #2 against the Ordinance the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. It was brought out in the discussion that the change is solely for purpose of eliminating duplication of street names within the City. There are only four or five families involved and it will help correct present and future confusion in deliveries and locating addresses. Mrs. Grage advised al/ interested parties will be notified. Mr. Parks moved passage on second and final reading, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried. Mr. Bennett advised that an application has been made for water and sewer services on property just north of Park Terrace East. Mr. George Bull is contracting for the lines to be put in as per our specifications and overall plans. Mr. Parks advised this connection is end of line on that sewer as sewer line is very close to top of ground at this point. This will be simply water and sewer connections and Mr . Howell stated no Commission action required. Mr. Bennett read his report, copy of which is attached to these minutes and made a part hereof. A report from the Awards Committee on Addressor-Printer Machine was read by Mr. Weldon. The Committee recommended that all bids be rejected as we were finally able to get parts needed and present machine is now working well, and it is not necessary at this time to make this expenditure. Mr. Parks moved that the report be received and recommendation accepted, seconded by Mr. Goodling and carried. Copy of Committee report is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Mr. Weldon made oral report for the Insurance Committee. He stated the bid from Fred Ahern Agency, Inc. was incomplete and should be rejected. The bid of the McNeill Insurance Agency, the only other bid, in the amount of $8, 174.00, has been checked out and items are in line, and that the Committee recommends awarding the insurance for 1967 to the McNeill Insurance Agency who are our present carriers. Mr. Parks moved that recommendation be approved and bid awarded to the McNeill Insurance Agency, seconded by Mr. Goodling. The matter was discussed and regrets expressed that there were not more bids. Mr. Wbldon advised coverages are adequate, but that the McNeill Agency recommended that we go over automobile fleet coverage with them as believe can save us some money, and he would like for the City Manager to be authorized to follow up with McNeill Agency. Mr. Howell then put the question and the motion carried. Mr. Bennett will check on automobile fleet coverage as recommended. Minutes 11/28/66 Page #3 Fire Department report for October 1966 was presented by Chief Vogel and also Municipal Court dockets for November 21st and 28th, 1966. Chief Vogel advised the visit of Santa Claus to the Atlantic Beach Fire Station last Saturday, November 26th, was most successful. Santa rode the fire engine from the radio station WKTX to the fire station where he interviewed several hundred youngsters. Mr. Holloway inquired as to how the property valuation committee is proceeding. It was advised they are now checking values on 1966 County Tax Roll which has just become available. Mr. Bennett advised he has written Commissioner Bob Harris rela- tive to trips our Police and Fire Departments make into the County, but has had no reply. Mr. Weldon stated the Seminar being supported by Congressman Bennett on Urban Affairs will be held on Friday, December 9th, at the George Washington Hotel and they will have experts from various departments of government. He would move that the City Manager and City Clerk he authorized to attend the Seminar at expense of the City, seconded by Mr. Parks and carried. Mr . Weldon inquired of Chief Vogel regarding two dockets for same man - apparently serious charges, but both dismissed. Chief Vogel advised it was a family affair and wife, after signing complaint, refused to press charges. There being no further business, Mayor Howell declared the meeting adjourned. 41liam S. Howell Attest: Mayor-Commissioner aotaz Adele S. Grage, City C i rk 71CITY OF . " ? AI e co di 0 BT ■ November 28, 1966 REPORT OF AWARDS COMMITTEE ADDRESSOR OR iiRINTER MACHINE SPECIFICATIONS 66-10 At the regular meeting of the City Commission on November 14th, 1966, Mayor Howell appointed Commissioner Weldon, City Manager Bennett and City Clerk Adele Grage as an Awards Committee to study and make recommendations on the bids received as of that date on an Addressor or Printer Machine Specifications 66-10. After careful study the Committee feels that it would be unwise at this time to purchase further equipment of this type for the Clerk ' s Office, and therefore recommends that all bids be rejected and all bidders be thanked for their interest in submitting bids. The following were the bids received on time: Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. $1, 887 .45 less $30.00 trade-in Addressing Machine Service $1, 750. 00 Dowling Douglas Suplicating Co. $1, 990. 00 less $100. 00 trade-in The following bid was received too late : Pitney-Bowes, Inc. $752. 50 less$71. 00 trade-in Plus additional for cabinet, plates, etc. es ectfully Submitted th/ ZY',76.4,,-,-..______ ohn W. Weldon,commissioner k /.42 4 // Ii41fi Murray Hq Bennett, City Manager 1 a i _ _i2e 73 Adele S. Grage, City C irk CITY OF . _ At&zW4 B4 &iida ■ November 28, 1966 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT After receiving Reynolds, Smith and Hills ' letter dated November 17, 1966, and an advanced copy of drawings showing the design of the Jacksonville Expressway Authority 's plans for building Atlantic Boulevard from the Intracoastal Bridge to Third Street in Atlantic Beach, I was in contact with the Mayor of Neptune Beach, Mr. Futch, in regard to installing the two 8 " water lines across Atlantic Boulevard at Seminole Road and Mayport Road. Also in reference to the sidewalk to the Aquatic Pool and the street lighting on both sides of Atlantic Boulevard to be installed during construction of this portion of the Express- way. He is going to take this up at the Council meeting this evening, so we should have further word soon in regard to working with them on these projects. While our Public Works Superintendent, Richard Hilliard, was away on the Southern Building Code workshop from the 14th to 17th, our labor crew was working at the Jack Russell Park mowing, cleaning out all drainage ditches, and leveling the outfield of the Ball Park. This required approximately 80 yards of topsoil. The well point equipment was set up on the 19th so that work could begin on stopping the leakage in the manhole at Royal Palms and Cavalla. There was too much water when they started to work on this project on the 21st, so additional well points had to be installed. This work is not complete as yet and will probably take two or three more days before this repair work is completed. Some time has been spent on Stanley Road repairing the head walls and setting posts at the Corner of Jackson and Stanley Roads, also spreading limerock and shell. We had the sweeper out working on some of the streets during the last week. We have been cutting grass on the road shoulders, and since this heavy wind it has been necessary to have the flat bottom trucks out picking up trash and palm fronds. We replaced a leaking hydrant at 6th Street and East Coast Drive. ,r044/0?d 47- 1161-614 P- 116 1-6 7 Murray H. Bennett City Manager