07-20-66 v ......-.....w,•e.«...ew,.,..' air.;.a:.r - - :u►a.w:.:_....,....... .... ... .,. . ...... ....._ ..,...a.e....x.-r.;..,. ... Minutes of Meeting of Advisory Planning Board City of Atlantic Beach, Florida The July meeting of the Advisory Planning Board was held at City Hall, Wednesday, July 20, 1966, at 7:30 P.M. Those present were: Mrs. Mabel Marvin, Mr. B. H. Stynchcomb, Mr. A. W. Potter and Mr. Murray Bennett, City Manager. Proposed 20-Unit apartment project by Mr. Reuben Bennett, to be located at Belvedere and Cyprus Streets . It is recommended by the Planning Board that the City Commission defer action on this project until: A. Submittal by Mr. Reuben Bennett of area map indicating property owners within 300 feet and their consent or dissent. B. Information concerning availability of water and sewer service and necessary easements for same can be determined, and Mr. Reuben Bennett agrees to cost of extension to his property. C. Assurance by Mr. Reuben Bennett that he would construct necessary paving and drainage improvements along Belvedere and Cyprus to City specification and at his expense. D. The City Commission is requested to refer to Planning Board recommendations of Summer of 1965 that no land be "zoned" to Residence 14C" until the community reaction to the Atlantic Beach Hotel Apartments can be determined. Respectfully sub ' ted, Zd; A W. Potter XEROIX RERE O� XERO XERO COPY ,COPY COPY COPY■ 7/25/66 REVENUE 1. -Attached are revenue comparisons for General Fund Account No. 100, Water Revenue Account No. 1100, and Sewer Fund Account No. 2000. 2. Both 1965 and 1964 Audits reveal Account No. 102 "Ad Valorem Taxes - Prior Years " - actual collections are approximately 46% below budget estimate. 3. 1965 Audit reveals Account No. 106 ."Electric Franchise" was received in total. Voucher dated January 20, 1966 in the amount of $5, 581.29 was received which brings total receipts through November 30, 1965 to $10, 567.83 (compared to Estimated $10,400.00) . We have also received voucher dated July 1966 in the amount of $5, 253.85 for franchise collection through May 31, 1966. 4. Both 1965 and 1964 Audits reveal garbage collections - Account No. 107 - actual revenues were below budget estimate. 5. We received no financial assistance from Duval County during 1965, as in past years, for portion of Police, Life Guard and Fire Depart- ment patrolling. Out of City limit Fire Department calls still approximate 20% of total calls. 6. Reference Account No. 1600 "Utility Revenue Bond Fund", we note interest earned on the $10, 000.00 Savings Account at $402.57. This interest has been transferred to the checking account under this fund. 7. Reference Account No. 1106 "Utility Tax" - 1965 Audit reveals an increase of only $2. 91 over 1964 revenue. A further breakdown of this account is as follows: Electric Utility Tax: 1965 - $25,427.21 (based on gross billing $366,767.26; 14, 109,813 KWHR) 1964 - $24,357.89 (based on gross billing $338,272.06; 12,594,616 KWHR) Balance of Revenue for this Account No. 1106 is derived from tax on Bottled Gas. This indicates total consumption of gas by residents in the City declined during 1965. COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS - REVENUE 1. We recommend the City Commission exercise careful consideration in preparing 1967 Budget estimate for Account No. 102 "Ad Valorem Taxes - Prior Years ", using past 2 years performance as a guide. 2. We recommend the City Commission review Report of Annual Sanitation Department Operating Costs dated April 14, 1966 and consider prior years actual revenue for Account No. 107 "Garbage Collections " in estimating 1967 Budget. XERO i xERO %ERO 1(ERO COPY ECOPYI COPY --' .- �OP ■ Page #2 COMMENTS AND 'RECOMMENDATIONS - REVENUE (Continued) 3. We recommend the City Commission investigate the absence of any contribution by Duval County for Police, Life Guard and Fire Department coverage. 4. In accordance with 1965 Audit Comments, page 22, we recommend City Commission review Sewer Fund and invest as much of these monies as is feasible and within good financial practice, in Certificates of Time Deposit (present interest advertised at 5% per annum) , in the appropriate Banks where this account is maintained. It has also been determined that our Utility Revenue Bond Fund is covered in total by U. S. Government Bonds and it is therefore recommended that maximum of existing savings account not be limited to $10, 000.00. In addition to increasing the amount invested, consideration should also be given to placing these funds in Time Certificates with an interest rate of 5% per annum. 5. With reference to Sewer Fund Account No. 2003 "Transfer from Sewer Service Charge" and General Fund Account No. 116 "Sewer Service Charge", we recommend the City Commission establish a cash transfer in the 1967 Budget. This has not been done for the past 3 years and should be instituted to assure sufficient funds in Account No. 2000 to meet future Sewer Bond obligations. APPROPRIATIONS Attached is statement of General Fund Appropriations comparison through June 30, 1966. We note that Account No. 303-A "Police Supplies " is running well above Budget Estimate and recommend City Manager watch closely for balance of 1966, and hold expenditures within budget limits. With reference to Accounts Nos. 402 and 403, gasoline, oil and grease, expenditures may exceed original budget estimate due to unanticipated increase in transportation requirements. We recommend City Manager review this with Public Works Superintendent to assure these accounts are satisfactory for balance of 1966 requirements. With reference to Account No. 404 "Parts and Tires ", we recommend this title be changed to read "Parts, Tires, Equipment Repair, and Toll Charge " as there is no definite account presently established for properly posting these authorized expenditures. NMXERX EROI COPO COPY I COPY' (COPY 'COPY _- _._..__, D^ rQ r---- ••+� _. :, 777 !11 Page #3 APPROPRIATIONS (Continued) With reference to Account No. 503 "Garbage Containers " we recommend City Manager review other sources for these containers. It appears we should find a less expensive supplier of containers to keep this account balanced. Present operation of equipment and personnel is at or near maximum capacity and efficiency. We would point out that Account No. 708 "Street Surfacing" has been expended for 1966 unless City Commission desires to take further action. Reference Account No. 800 "Chlorine and Chemicals ". Due to recent Digester problems, expenditures to date were above original budget estimate. We recommend City Manager review our requirements for balance of 1966 with Public Works Superintendent and advise City Commission of appropriate transfers required, if any. In conjunction with Sewer Fund Account No. 800, we note Resolution No. 66-12 adopted July 11, 1966 provided for transfers increasing certain Sewer Fund accounts that had been depleted due to these unanticipated Sewage Plant problems. XER, iXERO IXCOPY 7CERO � OPY■ xtRO COPY 1111 �COPY� 1 Page ff4 COMMENTS - APPROPRIATIONS STREET SWEEPER - The accumulation of sand, dirt and trash on paved streets within the City is becoming a problem, to the extent that a more efficient means of handling and disposal should be investigated. We recommend the City Manager and Public Works Superintendent investigate the cost of existing methods of removal as compared to costs of available sweeper attachments for the recently purchased tractor and report to the City Commission. SOCIAL SECURITY - CITY CLERK/TREASURER - The present salary of the City Clerk/Treasurer is budgeted at $6000.00 a year. Due to recent changes in the Federal Social Security Law, the maximum contribution requires a minimum annual salary of $6600.00. The City of Atlantic Beach does not provide a retirement program for City Employees. The present City Clerk/Treasurer has twenty-five years employment with the City, and is eligible for social security benefits at this time. Since eligibility for maximum benefits is contingent on maximum contribution, we recommend the City Commission consider appropriate measures regarding City Clerk/Treasurer salary to assure her eli- gibility for maximum benefits upon her retirement. 1967 BUDGET PREPARATION In addition to comments outline above pertaining to preparation of 1967 Budget, we recommend the following: (a) Close supervision by Commission (b) Consultation with City Treasurer, City Auditors, and Tax Assessor. (c) A firm policy be established regarding our Fire Department's responsibility to answer calls outside the City limits of Atlantic Beach. It is noted that approximately $41,170.00 is budgeted for our Fire Department. A review of 1963-65 reveals outside City limits calls are still approximately 20% of total calls answered. (d) That consideration be given to an across the board cost of living salary increase for all employees under the personnel ordinance, using government indices or other equitable method as a determining factor. (e) Consideration be given to provide protected storage for Public Works equipment and vehicles. XERO �XERO� IXERO XERO COPY COPY COPY COPY T--,‘ {{{� —____ _ ___—_ ,-. .__. , __ - r---- ".w. % Page #5 SUMMARY In summary, the Financial condition of the City at this time is good. Our expenditures for the first six months of this year were above average due to capitol expenditures (new garbage truck, tractor, police car, and street resurfacing) . However, our cash position is good and no problems in meeting outstanding or future accounts due are anticipated. Resp . tfu ly rtubmitted, , . L. Goodling („7 fii, g ,&virzei M. H. Bennett 0,,,e,e,g, I e_.. Adele S. Grage COPY -- COPY - --- - �A�'%ERY COPY %EPY RI XEs-, XERO� ' OX 1IO NI GENERAL FUND REVENUE Budget Collected thru' ACCOUNT 100 6/30/66 101 Ad Valorem Taxes - 1966 $58,505.00 - -0- 102 Ad Valorem Taxes - Prior Years 30,000.00 -18, 191.98 103 Licenses 15,000.00 - 5,623.50 104 Fines and Forfeitures 20,000.00 -10,025.00 105 Permits 3,000.00 - 805.10 106 Electrical Franchise 10, 500.00 - 5, 581.29 107 Garbage Collection 36,000.00 -17,395.45 108 1961 Paving Assessments 400.00 -0- 110 Penalties and Interest 600.00 - 350.14 111 Miscellaneous Collections 2,500.00 - 725.72 112 Telephone Franchise 1.,000.00 -0- 113 Radio Service - Neptune Beach 3,000.00 - 1,500.00 114 Lot Clearing 1,000.00 - 90.50 115 S.M. Sewer Service Charge 200.00 - 137.25 116 Sewer Service Charge 36,000.00 -18,812.10 117 Royal Palms Certificate #3 2, 500.00 - 1,392.50 118 Royal Palms Certificate #4 5,000.00 - 2,007.50 120 Contractor Deposits 100.00 -0- 121 Transfer from W.O.M.. & R. Acct. 24, 700.00 -12,400.00 122 Transfer from Water Revenue Acct. 55, 700.00 -20,000.00 Total Revenue 305-705.00 -115,038.03 WATER REVENUE Collected ACCOUNT 1100 thru' Budget 6/30/66 1101 - Minimum Water $35, 000.00 - 17,346.30 1102 - Excess Water 9,500.00 - 3, 104.85 1103 - Cut-In Charges 2, 500.00 - 1,315.50 1104 - Service Charges 650.00 - 297.00 1105 - Cigarette Tax 40, 500.00 - 24, 250.76 1106 - Utility Tax 34, 550.00 - 18,431.90 122, 700.00 64,746.31 SEWER DEPARTMENT SEWER FUND ACCOUNT 2000 Collected thru' REVENUE Budget 6/30/66 2001 - Beginning Balance $21,600.00 21,600.00 2002 - Special Sewer Assessments 5, 000.00 1,801.23 2003 - Transfer from S.S. Charges - -0- 2004 - Interest & Miscellaneous 1,300.00 474.03 27, 900.00 23,875.26 XERO .XEROXERO Xh_RO -i��'7yAC,OPY _.-.....__.___._._.... -.._._.__.__._ - COPY __.. - .. .....'-.. ^-++•�COPY� COPY[