1. Caul to Order.
2. Invocation.
3. Approval of Minutes, April 25, 1966.
4. Recognition of Visitors.
5. Insurance payment -- Avery & Wilson.
6. Committee Reports:
(a) Bids for Street resurfacing.
(b) Mr. Thompson on Motel - Donner's S/D.
(c) Atlantic Blvd. Improvements.
7 . Application for Permit:
(a) Sign - 31 Royal Palms Drive.
8. Ordinance - First Reading.
(a) Amending Garbage Ordinance Re:Fees on Garbage
9. Resolution:
(A) Death of Axtell Payne - Resolution 66-5.
10. Jacksonville Humane Society Report for March 1966.
11. Fire and Police Chief - Reports.
12. City Manager.
13. Commissioners.
14. Adjourn.
AT 8:00 P. M.
William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner
John W. Weldon (Late)
Donald L. Goodling
L. C. Holloway, Jr.
W. J. Parks, Jr. , Commissioners
Frank Thompson, City Attorney
A. J. Craig, City Manager
Adele S. Grage, City Clerk
The meeting was called to order by Mayor-Commissioner Howell.
The Invocation was given by Commissioner Goodling.
Upon motion of Mr. Parks, seconded by Mr. Goodling and carried,
the Minutes of the meeting of April 25, 1966 were approved as
Mayor Howell recognized visitors present and called for any
business from the floor not on the Agenda. There was none.
The Avery & Wilson bill for short term premium on the cancelled
insurance policies was next considered for payment, having been
referred to City Attorney Thompson for opinion. Mr. Thompson
advised it is a valid obligation and in line with the terms of
the insurance policies. Mr. Holloway moved that the Avery &
Wilson bill in the amount of $3, 159. 16 be paid, seconded by Mr.
Parks. There was discussion in which Mr. Goodling stated he
felt there were extenuating circumstances due to the insurance
committee not advising the Commission prior to due date, and it
was not entirely the Commission's responsibility. Mr. Thompson
advised that the Commission did not see that it was reported on
and it was their responsibility. It was brought out that the
matter was discussed at Budget time and the insurance carrier
had renewed, and at our request, while we took bids, had kept
us covered. Mr. Thompson was asked if he would want to defend
the City on this in Court and he advised he would not as he can
see nothing we can do but pay it. Following full discussion
the Mayor put the question, and the vote was:
Aye: Holloway, Parks, Howell
Nay: Goodling
Absent: Weldon
Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried and the short
rate premium bill approved for payment.
Minutes 5-9-66 Page #2
Mr. Thompson reported as to the proposed Motel in Donner sub-
division - that it just does not meet requirements, not even
those of Hotel Commission, and stated on questioning that in
his opinion we should not allow the permit. Mr. Howell .
suggested that on advice of Attorney no action be taken.
As to Atlantic Boulevard improvements by the Expressway
Authority, Mr. Craig advised he had not to date contacted the
engineer, but that previous commitments we had from them were
firm. Mr. Goodling advised he would be glad to set up a
meeting with the Expressway Authority.
Mr. Weldon arrived and apologized for being late.
The permit for a sign at 31 Royal Palms Drive was considered.
The applicant presented a new plot plan relocating the sign
to southwest corner of applicants property and it will be
entirely on advertiser ' s property. Mr. Parks advised they
have not pinned down the exact location, only the general area.
Mr. Craig requested permission to issue permit subject to their
putting it 1 ' north and 6 ' west of Southwest corner of the build-
ing. He also advised sign complies with Ordinance and meets
excellent construction standards. Mr. Parks moved permit be
approved subject to location of sign conforming to dimensions
proposed by City Manager, seconded by Mr. Weldon. Mr. Goodling
stated he thinks should proceed with caution as we could be
asking for future trouble - if difficult to check or follow -
perhaps we should change Ordinance. Mr. Weldon stated he knows
of no conflict with Ordinance. Mr. Craig agreed, whereupon Mr.
Howell put the question and the motion carried.
The Committee reported on the street resurfacing bids. Copy
of report is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof.
The Committee recommended acceptance of Items I, II, III and
IV and that item V be cancelled, and the bid in the amount of
$10,875.09 on items I, II, III and IV be awarded to Houdaille-
Duval-Wright Company as lowest bidder,. Eliminating item V
will bring the bid within our amount budgeted for 1966. Mr.
Goodling moved acceptance and adoption of Committee 's report
and bid awarded accordingly subject to review of contract by
City Attorney, seconded by Mr. Holloway. Following discussion
Mr. Howell put the question and the motion carried.
An Ordinance amending quarterly charge on garbage containers as
set up in Ordinance #55-64-9 was presented in full in writing.
Mr. Howell read the title in full following which Mr. Parks
moved that the Ordinance be passed on first reading by title
only, seconded by Mr . Weldon and carried. May 23rd, 1966 at
8:00 P. M. was set as date for Public Hearing.
Minutes 5-9-66 Page #3
Resolution #66-5 on the recent death of E. Axtell Payne, a
faithful member of our Atlantic Beach Fire Department, was
read by Mayor Howell. Mr. Parks commented on Resolution stating
that personally he would like to see this Resolution go further
in recognizing the devotion to duty and the loyalty thatthis
long-time City employee demonstrated by memorializing his efforts
to the extent of including in this Resolution the item that a
suitable plaque be made and installed at the Fire Station
identifying it as the "Axtell Payne Memorial Fire Station". He
stated this suggestion, subject to official action, would not
transcend the fact that it would still be the City of Atlantic
Beach Fire Station but would be a Memorial to this former
employee. Mr. Howell expressed accord. Whereupon Mr. Parks
moved the adoption of Resolution #66-5 with modification to
include the obtaining and placing a suitable plaque identifying
the structure as the "Axtell Payne Memorial Fire Station",
seconded by Mayor Howell and unanimously carried. Mayor Howell
asked the City Manager to order the plaque.
The report for month of March 1966 was received from the
Jacksonville Humane Society for information and filing.
Chief Vogel presented copies of Municipal dockets for May 2nd,
4th, and 9th, and Police Department report for April 1966.
These were received for information and filing. Chief Vogel
displayed the new shoulder patch which was designed by Sgt.
"Fritz " Meyne 's son. There were many favorable comments.
Mr. Craig advised we have ordered some very worthwhile new law
enforcement books.
Mr. Craig advised "Call for Bids" have been mailed, also
advertised, covering new tractor. To avoid trouble, like we
have had with present tractor, we specified that equipment
including parts be manufactured in U. S. A. We are trading in
old tractor.
Mr. Craig advised he had employed John Albright as Recreation
Director and is about settled on lady assistant director and
would appreciate the Commissioners looking over the applications
and advising with him. He also has two applications for a
supervisor at Donner Playground, if he can find money in the
budget - thinks could pay $5.00 per day for limited hours and
could take from extra-labor account.
Mr. Goodling inquired as to Playground Director presenting
program of activities and Mr. Craig advised that he has been
asked to do that. He will also be invited to a Commission
Minutes 5-9-66 Page #4
Mr . Parks moved that the City Manager be instructed to proceed
as outlined regarding a lady director for the Donner Playground,
seconded by Mr. Holloway and carried.
The matter of Life Guards was discussed and Mr. Goodling re-
quested another week to work on this.
Mr. Goodling commended the City Treasurer on the excellent
report submitted on finances. Mr. Parks stated happy to
endorse, and Mr. Howell stated would make it unanimous.
Mr. Holloway inquired as to whether the Tax Assessor is paid
annually, semiannually, monthly or how? This was discussed
and it was brought out that he finishes the preliminary roll
by July 1st and the final roll after the Board of Assessment
Review has finished its deliberation. He also gives year
round surveillance of Tax Roll. The matter of reporting to the
Commission was also discussed. The request for reports was
part of a motion made last year. It was agreed that monthly
reports should be made to the Commission. Mr. Craig advised
that Mr. Minchew in January and February took all copies of
permits with plans issued during 1965 and has returned them
all. After further discussion during which various times of pay
were suggested Mr. Weldon recommended the matter be referred to
a Committee to report back at next meeting. Mr. Howell
appointed Commissioners Holloway and Weldon to get in touch
with Tax Assessor for report at next meeting.
Mr. Holloway had no definite report on Jack Russell Memorial Park
dedication - but thinks will be first or second Sunday afternoon
in June. He will report later.
Mr . Weldon inquired as to matter of police surveillance at
Park, and Chief Vogel advised they are making such surveillance.
Mr . Weldon suggested the Chief report on same with any
recommendations at next meeting. Mr. Howell advised there
have been some things going on at Park on nights of play and at
other times too, and we are attempting to correct by close
patrolling of the area.
Mr. Howell recognized two guests from Neptune Beach City
Council, Mr. Bob Gordon and Mr. A. C. Hoelzer, who spoke on
the traffic hazard at Atlantic Boulevard entrance to Pic N ' Save
shopping area, suggesting that some accidents could be avoided
if Atlantic Boulevard entrance were closed and only use those
on Royal Palms Drive and Sailfish Drive, East. Chief Vogel
suggested Atlantic Boulevard only be used for exit. The matter
was discussed at length, it being consensus of opinion that it
is a bad situation - also the one west of Penman Road going
into the Neptune Beach shopping center. Following further
Minutes 5-9-66 Page #5
discussion, Mr. Parks moved that we express appreciation to
our fellow citizens from Neptune Beach on the South for bringing
the matter to our attention and that details for finding a
solution be left to the City Manager and Chief of Police to
confer with proper State Road Department officials and keep
Neptune Beach advised, seconded by Mr. Weldon and carried.
On ambulances, Mr. Howell and Mr. Craig are to attend a meeting
in office of Jacksonville 's Mayor Louis Ritter.
Mr. Howell requested the Commissioners to remain for an
executive session following this meeting.
There being no further business Mr. Howell declared the meeting
if Ad. 4,61 die 4111'
illiam S. Howell
cAAdele S. Grage, City C vrk
Neafettio Beach.noiiiideto
The Committee appointed by the Mayor, on April 25, 1966, to review
the bids received on that date for resurfacing certain streets in
accordance with Specification No. 66-6, has reviewed and tabulated
the bids. The Committee finds that the bid of Houdaille-Duval-Wright
Company shows the lowest price per square yard for each of the five
items described in the specifications, with correspondingly low
amount for each item - see tabulation attached.
In view of the expected full use of remaining funds set up in the
Budget for related accounts "Street Maintenance ", it is deemed
inexpedient to transfer from that source sufficient funds to bring
Street Resurfacing Account (No. 708) up from $11,800.00 as budgeted
to $13, 583.69 for purpose of meeting the Houdaille-Duval-Wright
Company total bid in that amount.
Further, in view of currently predicted expenses not provided for
when 1966 Budget was established it is deemed inexpedient to transfer
funds from Emergency Account No. 1051 to Street Resurfacing Account
at this time.
The Committee considered the various factors relating to proposed
resurfacing of streets: (a) Actual existing condition of street
areas, as itemized, (b) Traffic flow over the several areas, and
identity of the travellers thereupon, and (c) Financial limitations.
Regarding (a) Street condition, the Committee deems Items I, II and
III urgently in need of improvement. Regarding (b) Traffic Flow,
all items except Item V are used primarily by residents of the City.
Regarding (c) Financial limitations, Elimination of Item V from
contract would leave approximately $1, 000.00 unexpended in Street
Resurfacing Account which under current financial uncertainty, would
be quite advantageous. In this connection, pavement surface of
Ocean Blvd. north of 10th Street (Item V) is generally quite good,
and the objectionable sewer-lateral depressions may be radically
improved within Street Maintenance program.
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Committee Report
Page #2
May 9, 1966
Accordingly the Committee recommends cancellation, or rejection
of Item V of the Specifications and acceptance of Houdaille-Duval-
Wright Company bid for the other items, as follows:
Item I Francis Avenue and Intersecting Streets for $5, 229.00
Item II East Coast Drive and 7th Street for 3, 351.24
Item III Sailfish Drive East for 1, 521.00
Item IV Three Small Areas for 773.85
In Total Amount of $10,875.09
This being within Budgeted Amount and available funds.
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CITY OF . . .
WHEREAS, the untimely passing of E. Axtell Payne, member of
the Fire Department of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida,
has taken from our midst a good friend and,
WHEREAS, Axtellss years of service has made the City a safer
and happier place to live, and,
WHEREAS, the City Officials, City Personnel and the Citizens
of Atlantic Beach feel that we have lost one who always had
the interest of the City and its people at heart, one who was
distinguished by his loyalty and devotion to duty,
City expresses its sincere regret at the passing of our friend
and extends deepest sympathy to his loved ones in their hour
of sorrow; and, that in recognition of his many years of cheerful
service a suitable Memorial Plaque shall be installed at the
Atlantic Beach Fire Station.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be given
to his Mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Payne.
Passed by the City Commission on May 9, 1966.
0.d---e---e-e- j
Adele S. Grage, City Clea*